Critical Moment is a bimonthly news magazine about political issues affecting SE Michigan, with pretty heavy emphasis on Ann Arbor and Detroit. It is published by an editorial collective, always accepts submissions (800-1500 words), and is distributed free of charge at a bunch of locations and/or online.

Editorial collective

As of issue #31, Winter 2009-2010.

Review and commentary

Throughout the 1990s, Eric Lormand published a free monthly paper called the Agenda, whose crowded pages mixed leftist (occasionally sectarian) political platforms and demands, movie reviews and long poetic rambles by Arwulf Arwulf, the erudite WEMU-FM jazz DJ. Lormand is credited as an inspsiration to Critical Moment, which also includes a useful Community Calendar, and juxtaposes essays effectively with poems. At this writing, fifteen issues of Critical Moment have been published and distributed free in Washtenaw County. Below are noted some successful characteristics of the last few.

With the new progressive Independent, the Review writes, there will now be “two left leaning papers on campus” — the other one being the Daily. Ouch, that was harsh. That is, to poor Critical Moment, which doesn’t even merit a mention. This must be one of those acts of epistemic violence that the Review is so renowned for practicing.