Associated Students (AS) at Butte is an extremely active organization and they are often the brains behind events held at the college. While they provide important services such as creation and distribution of student ID cards, they're often responsible for enhancements to the campus. Furthermore, they help clubs take care of business through their Inter-Club Council (ICC) which distributes funding.


2009-04-30 09:11:22   We just had AS elections and I hardly knew about them. It seemed like students were herded to vote without even knowing who the heck they were voting for. Why isn't there any effort made on introducing candidates to the entire student body? Debates? Information kiosks on candidates? Do students really know what they're voting for besides a candidate statement? —RyanMikulovsky

2009-11-18 20:42:19   As a member of the AS Executive Board (serving as the Legislative Analyst), I can confidently say that you will see improved structural stability in this Board when this year's terms are over. We have an amazing group of people and we are extremely concerned about the implications of the flawed democracy we have going at Butte. This is one of the many trouble areas we will be attempting to overhaul in the coming months. We encourage any student with ideas, suggestions, criticisms, etc.... to come and see us in our offices at Swing Space A (to be located next semester where DSPS currently is in the quad until construction on the Campus Center is completed some time next year). I'll also see what can be done about getting active campus participation on this site. Have a great semester! -Eric Chisler