Butte College has three major parking lots that serves students and staff. There are two smaller lots, one of which is nearest administration and typically serves only staff, those with disabilities, short-term visitors, and as a bus loading area. As a general rule of thumb, the closer you are to the end of a parking lot closest to buildings, the more likely it'll turn into staff and carpool parking only. You must register with the campus if you intend on carpooling in order to take a designated location.

Main Campus

Through most of the semester, space for parking is sufficient but watch out during the first two weeks! The 2008 Spring semester has been especially bad since the new art building is being constructed within and around a parking area. For the first time in recent memory, every parking space was taken on January 23rd, 2008. Cars were seen parked along side Butte Campus Drive, and were even being directed into the Fire Training Center and Public Safety Training Grounds parking area. That makes for quite a walk to the main campus. Fortunately, this kind of frustrating parking experience won't last. Students will eventually settle into a solid class schedule, begin carpooling or taking the bus, or may even fail to return. By the third week of the semester, parking tends to be a fairly mundane experience.

West Parking Lots

The west parking lots are split in two with smaller sections within. These are the lots you will first encounter upon entering the campus from Durham-Pentz. They are delineated by a number and a letter.

1A and 1B are closest to the John B. Cowan Sports Complex and Physical Education. If you can find parking far into the interior of 1C and 1D, you'll be fairly close to the Campus Center and present location of the Fine Arts complex. 3A-3C are north of lots 1A-1E and are not connected. They aren't really close to anything.

Staff Parking

This parking area, closest to the administration offices and Campus Center, is generally for staff, people with disabilities, short-term vistors and special guests only. Short-term visitors must park and pay for up to 30 minutes (1 Quarter) at parking meters near the lot's entrance. Butte's buses load in the area just past the meters.

East Parking Lots

The eastern most parking lot is closest to the Allied Health Public Services building. It is also nearest to Child Development, Welding, and the Learning Resource Center. These are lots 4A-4D.

Overflow Parking

Overflow is activated during the first week or two of the semester at Butte College. It is nearest to the Public Safety Training Grounds with access from lot 1E.

Chico Center

The Chico Center's parking lot was completed in Summer of 2007. In addition to those students that take courses at the Chico Center, it may also be used by those that would like to catch a bus to the main campus.