A large part of Chico's dynamic culture is the fact that we are a regional center for entertainment. People very often come to Chico from out of town to participate. There is plenty here to do to entertain ones self. The prevailing entertainment scene in Chico is its night life, which is centered around the downtown night clubs. If you open your free copy of the Chico News and Review or view their online calendar you will discover that there is a list of all kinds of events to be had.


Live Music Venues

See Music Scene for a list of live music venues.


See Music Scene for a list of local bands.


See Deejays for a list of local deejays and Music Scene for all musical offerings in town.





California State Performances


Movie Theaters

Film Production Companies

Video Stores

Museums and Art

You may also want to look at Art Galleries.


See Local Media for local radio and television stations.

Outdoor Activities

See Outdoor Activities for a list of ideas and places to go.