The Detroit Internet Club is an amorphous collective founded on Independence Day, July 4th 2011. "Internet" is writ large to encompass all software, computers, digital media, mobile, and online things. DIC is inclusive of everyone in Detroit who is making and doing -- for lack of a better term -- "Internetty Things". Whether you're an artist, programmer, datahead, blogger, organizer, or whatever, if you're putting things online in Detroit you're in Detroit Internet Club.

Let's use this space to start filling in who all's doing what -- a network of networks. I guess a good rule of thumb is to try and keep things roughly alphabetical. If you want to talk about the list or follow along through other channels, there's a Facebook page here and a Twitter here. Please feel free to have at it and give a shout when you've made an update!

Detroit Internet Meetups:

Detroit Internet Startups:

Crowdfunding in Detroit

Deserves its own special page

Detroit Internet Organizations (nonprofits, advocacy groups, etc):

Office Space Tailored To Startups/Tech Companies:

Detroit Hacker Spaces:

Detroit Internet & App Developers:

Detroit Internet Investors:

Detroit Internet Services:

Detroit Internet Conferences:

Detroit Internet Schools:

Detroit Internet Blogs, Publications, & Newsletters: