Regions followed
ARWENNHOLD is a native Nevadan who studied and worked for UCD as a history major (Fall 06 - Spring 10) and as one of the UCD Student Resident Firefighters (Winter 08 - Spring 10) He has moved back to Gardnerville, Nevada and is a paramedic/firefighter for a NV fire district who tries to make quarterly pilgrimages to Davis.
2009-08-06 22:26:28 A slightly belated welcome to the wiki. Thanks for posting the note about construction of West Village. Since the news on the official UC Davis website is two years old, I was wondering about an update. I'll try to get out there and take some pictures. —robinlaughlin
2009-08-10 05:13:36 Hey, Arwmenn... I integrated your comment on the Scooter Cop entry. Several people just like you wrote the entry, and you should feel free to edit it directly, adding your information and views on things. That applies across the entire wiki. —gnomeEvan 'JabberWokky' Edwards
2010-03-17 16:23:37 Tommy J's chowder — Manhattan or New England? —JabberWokky
- Leave Tommy J's chowder out of this.....gross —JoshLawson
2010-05-23 00:19:35 I don't think I could have finished two of those when I was swimming and lifting several times a week in high school. Pretty amazing. —hankim
2010-05-23 00:28:27 I have been on a cut for about a few weeks for a Judo tournament and that burger looks so amazing right now... —hankim
2010-05-23 11:28:24 How long was the sitting? —JenniferCook
2010-05-23 15:34:19 ?!?!?!?!
Is that even possible?? I think we need a wiki event at Guad to see you do it again. —JenniferCook
- I agree, and we will tape it this time. —hankim
- Alright, it's official, then. When should we all show up? Maybe the next Wiki BBQ can be at Guad :P —JenniferCook
2010-05-23 19:59:59 good god that was Fall 2006... Im not sure Id ever want to do that again. —ARWENNHOLD
- You will succumb to our peer pressure! —hankim
2010-05-29 09:09:53 Thanks for being willing to try... I'm betting that you don't get a response though. —JasonAller
2010-06-04 12:38:10 With changing the redirect on UC, you may want to check the links to the page and ensure that they don't need to be altered to UC Davis. Most of them already seem to be University System appropriate. —TomGarberson
2010-06-05 22:29:18 It would appear that you are correct, and I'll put it back if you have not already. —MasonMurray
2010-06-15 16:01:16 Pretty good disclaimer on Plainfield Station. Personally, I like it. Then again, it's the kind of place I grew up eating at. Rural (actually island, which is similar) places where you get a paper plate loaded with really good food and a wooden bench to eat at. I have no problem eating from a stall at a fish market, but have been amused by how horrified some people are. Different comfort zones. —JabberWokky
2010-06-27 01:24:44 got em coming $8 free delivery [email protected] —spook00
2010-10-21 09:42:30 Great photo for fire! —JabberWokky
2010-12-04 18:51:52 "During the 29 years of operations, LEHR generated and disposed of radioactive, biologic, and chemical wastes, as well as municipal and lab wastes. Dogs were buried onsite in the early years. Later the dog carcasses were shipped to Hanford for disposal. Approximately 35,000 gallons of sludge effluent (dog feces) contaminated with strontium-90 was disposed of in underground concrete banks. The site was also used by the university as a landfill area for residential and laboratory waste disposal from the late 1940s to 1967." (Source: http://www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/nplsnl/n0904786.pdf)
I'm just working with what the sources say. The EPA refers to the whole area as in, the building/landfill as "the site" therefore they do not differentiate in the manner that you do. If have insider knowledge as to where the beagles were buried in the early 1960s, then by all means, please feel free to add specifics. But please don't delete relevant data such as the fact that they were later shipped to Hanford.
2010-12-04 23:22:34 It's all pretty confusing. Whenever I read anything about CHE, LEHR, and UC Davis Landfill, they all seem to refer to the same 15 acre tract of land. If this is the case, then, in the broad sense, there are simply active and inactive parts of the same area with the radioactive parts being blocked off. The EPA lists this region 9 superfund as being a full 15 acres. The offical superfund name is LEHR/Old Campus Landfill so there should be reference to this on the UC Davis landfill entry even if they are technically separated. —ScottMeehleib
2010-12-04 23:29:40 I guess what I'm trying to say is, how do you know that they are totally unrelated facilities? —ScottMeehleib
2010-12-05 00:05:54 Okay, I think I finally understand what you are saying now. I somehow missed the fact that the newer landfill is located on a totally different area of campus. I guess I got thrown off by the fact that they are both apparently about 15 acres big and both technically campus dumps. Thanks for the heads-up and sorry for the confusion on my part. —ScottMeehleib
2010-12-05 00:47:14 Wow! Cool summer job that I'm sure gave you a unique perspective of the campus. I'm always very interested to hear more about the quirks and oddities about the university. —ScottMeehleib
2010-12-31 15:16:32 Your edit on "Amtrak" policies reminds me of a UCD matter when about 15 years ago I was a pedestrian over the crest of the Richards Blvd. bridge with an attache cell phone looking toward a UCD building. A policeman was concerned that I might be taking a picture. When I told him that I wanted to get to the Amtrak station, he offered to give me a ride, but that I would have to put my cell phone in the trunk. I declined. —BruceHansen
2011-01-07 23:21:32 Thanks for figuring out the correct name for the new Days Inn. It just didn't seem likely to me that UC Davis was in the name. —CovertProfessor
2011-01-10 10:21:24 Thanks for your work on California Northern Railroad Company. —BruceHansen
2011-01-26 21:38:18 You did some editing on University Departments. I was wondering if you thought a page on department names such as I mentioned at University Departments/Talk would be useful or a good idea. —BruceHansen
2011-03-21 12:41:48 we could have easily removed our wiki to get rid of the whole thing. but no, we stand by our reputation and believe its important to do so. if you look underneath her story, she was given an invite to email detail. You are right It might hve been a bit more effective to have written an invite but I was working, 3 drivers gone for break, and she had finals. So you have a point, but I did offer several times for her to forward more info in consideration that it was finals. thanks for your criticism i hope it will help. —DavidPlacencia
2011-03-21 18:24:17 Please see the Wiki Community/Accusations/Talk page. —Wes-P
So when is the "Ban JoshLawson" page gonna happen? HAHA, Pathetic...... —JoshLawson
2011-04-30 13:57:08 Hey, thanks for adding to my page Railfanning :) —Chelsea744
2011-05-31 08:38:52 You're right — I got confused in the course of all the edits. —CovertProfessor
2011-11-19 17:49:58 Do you have evidence that the protesters were told they were going to be pepper-sprayed? Also, did you see this link to a 9th Circuit ruling that use of pepper spray on non-violent protestors is excessive use of force? —PhilipNeustrom
2011-11-19 17:58:33 I worked around and with the UCDPD in prior campus protests (mrak hall, etc...). The standard procedure I observed was the senior officer present (in this case Lt Pike) would stand in front of the offending protesters and explain the consequences for not dispersing before proceeding with arrests. Though I was not present, it seems the video conveniently starts recording just before the spraying took place. I am certain the prior one or two minutes of video would show this. We'll never see it though. —ARWENNHOLD
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