Regions followed
Aaron, Princess, 'lil Aaron, Alex-Chaun
Their Bike Shop moved to 912 5th street in November, 2012.
Happy, go Lucky... Always willing to help.
Email Aaron with any Bicycle related questions. [email protected].
Aaron came to Davis in 1997 to attend UC Davis on a full scholarship from The Buck Foundation. During college, Aaron worked at a few of the downtown Bike Shops in addition to The Paint Chip, Mobile Connections, Jamba Juice, Cafe Roma, The Logical Learning Center, D-M Information Systems, Inc., and Pak Mail. Aaron is very proud to say that he has never been unemployed for longer than 3 days (one time in 2004) since he was 14yrs old and that many of his jobs overlapped one another.
When he's not at his Bike Shop, he can be found riding bikes with his kids around town.
Aaron and his boys train in Brazilian JiuJitsu, KaJuKenpo and Escrima.
Aaron prizes above all else, proper communication and respect. A little known fact is that Aaron was adopted from Cambodia (even though everyone asumes he's from the Philippines) at the age of 3 by a retired Catholic Priest, and raised Jewish.
Aaron and his family are active members of the Davis community and can be found at most local functions especially if bikes are involved. Aaron usually donates his time whenever a bike race or school bike safety rodeo needs a mechanic. Aaron also works for the North Natomas TMA and is an outside sales rep for various brands in the bicycle industry for Hawaii.
If you happen to get a bike flat somewhere in town and happen to see his silver Honda Ridgeline or white Honda minivan with APEX stickers, he always carries tools, a pump and spare tubes. He'll even give you a lift if needed.
Favorite Foods:
Sushi - Zen Toro hands down. Go 1-2 times a week Indian - Kathmandu Kitchen, Raja's Owners are so genuinely nice, best nann bread ever Thai - Thai Nakorn Nicest people around, Thai Canteen Cheap and good Chinese - Shanghai Town Most authentic I've found in town, Hunan One of the best lunch deals in town, Davis Noodle City Love the chicken chowmien and 5 spice beef noodle soup Sandwich - Zia's Delicatessen Meatball on a soft roll w/ $1 worth of pastrami, Beach Hut Deli North shore minus the ham Brunch - Konditorei, Cafe Bernardo, Crepeville Burger - In-N-Out Cheeseburger, animals style, protein style with fry light french fries, Burgers and Brew Spicy Guacamole Burger Pizza - Village Bakery Veggie Gelato/Yogurt - Icekrimski Cafe Coconut macadamia nut, Swirl I know its Cultivé Frozen Yogurt now, but it will always be Swirls to me. Try the Taro flavor, reminds me of Ubi ice cream. If you know what that is, you get a brownie point.
2008-07-06 21:57:19 What was objectionable about this edit? If I'm reading it right he gave reference to a nearby landmark. —JasonAller
2008-07-06 22:00:12 Sorry, figured it out. I'll invite him to create a page for the new business. You only removed his second comment and I missed his first. —JasonAller
2008-08-20 21:40:16 Jason and I both fixed it at the same time. There was a bold in the very top announcement that wasn't closed. —JabberWokky
2008-10-08 09:06:59 Sagat has yet to acknowledge the existence of her own page, perhaps you could clue her in that she can click her name and voila? Uni does need some color!
Hey, want a challenge you won't be able to fix (no shop in Northern California has been able to help me, including all the usual suspects in Davis bike church,bike exchange, places in sac, etc)? I have a 4 speed sturmey archer from a moulten that is from early 60's and has working full suspension, the piece that goes in the center of the sturmey (axle thingy) snapped... I really want to get this bike working again cause it's just awesome and utterly classic... —StevenDaubert
2008-10-08 19:26:12 Heya, is there a fee to get an appointment on Sunday? My back wheel bearings are shot and need to be replaced. I might even need a red tuning (or at the least a yellow) once you see how bad the wheels are. —SunjeetBaadkar
2008-10-09 10:41:57 What sunny warrants a response but I don't? —StevenDaubert
2008-10-20 10:34:51 What up Aaron, I talked with Sagat yesterday and apparently she is having one of her buddies who is an artist come in from Japan! Like I said sagat wasn't aware of the personal page, but I told her how to peep scene!
P.S. give the students there fixie fix and when it slows down and you want a real challenge I will bring my moulten thru. I honestly don't expect you to succeed where every bike shop for 50 miles hasn't, but it's still worth a shot! —StevenDaubert
2008-10-20 21:05:49 Hello Aaron. Thank you very much for your offer! Actually we have been working with a couple artists about showcasing their work in our shop. However, nothing will be confirmed until November. I shall let you know as soon as I find out! —Sagat
2008-12-09 19:18:28 sounds great! —StevenDaubert
2008-12-13 07:38:46 No problem. I've been meaning to mention that there are some issues with that layout on smaller monitors, with the images on the left and right top pinching the text. You might want to move the ones on the left down to the text. It's not a tremendously big deal, but if you have your browser window sized certain ways (or have certain resolution screens), it can look odd and hard to read (the table gets squeezed). I think I fixed it awhile back, and you migrated the photos back up over time, but I never bothered to fix it again, as it's not a terrible problem. When it gets really small, the table pops to below the photos. —JabberWokky
2008-12-24 12:47:06 Did you ever get a chance to visit Konditorei at it's old location? —StevenDaubert
2008-12-24 12:54:19 ¬_¬
So yeah, scratch trying to fix the moulten, my dad would rather throw away history then have it take up a small small spot of his garage... —StevenDaubert
2009-04-23 02:15:34 you should try thai dynamite —StevenDaubert
2009-07-25 17:18:32 Thanks. I already got my current issues resolved but maybe next time. —RealComputers
2009-07-31 10:07:57 Well, the first thing that comes to mind when setting any event up is the audience. First off, what kind of crowds it brings. Understandably that would be the biking community. However, there is that secondary issue of the money-making community. My worry is the legitimacy of this sort of event. There would have to be a way to make sure that parts being traded and sold are not illegally obtained. What is to stop someone from stealing a random bike earlier in the day, breaking it apart, and then selling the non-licensed parts? When a bike is licensed via TAPS or whatnot, it is licensed as a whole. That is just a random thought that comes to mind (evil minds aren't necessarily evil themselves). Reputable vendors would need to be contacted and non-reputable vendors would need to be verified. However, the perfect venue would be Central Park. It is close to most places people bike near/to so that works out pretty well for the people who somehow aren't reached by advertising methods. As far as advertising, that is the easy part. With enough time (but not too much time), the internet, flyers, word of mouth, and calling in favors is how it is done (at least in my world). I could easily help with that part if you need. But frankly, I think it is a great idea if only the people buying and selling were people at manned booths with a background that is traceable. I think the idea that someone can walk up off the street and sell something to someone other person off the street is a bit tricky if there is an altercation. Otherwise, great idea. It would need to be brainstormed more, but yeah. Let me know if you want my help. —SunjeetBaadkar
2009-09-14 14:58:00 Hey Aaron, I have a cheap mountain bike, the pedals have some movement that they shouldn't have (it's kinda up and down, as if they aren't seated with the axle or whatnot) I have another exact copy of the same cheap bike that doesn't have the problem... How do I swap / repair? —StevenDaubert
Upon further reflection I think I'm going to just unbend the other bikes bent derailer hanger and then move the good derailer onto the old bike... How much do you want for use of a chain breaker onsite @ apex ?
2009-09-22 08:51:57 Others might disagree, but I think the reason to keep those brief is because the page is a directory pointing people to the more detailed entries about each shop or resource. The text should be however long it takes to distinguish each for somebody scanning over the list looking for something particular. —JabberWokky
2009-12-12 11:36:28 I went and asked for clarification. Hopefully the answer will make things clearer for everyone. Despite any issues that arise the good news that comes with this change is that the way is cleared to now make some improvements to the software that hosts Davis Wiki and the other Wiki Spot wikis. —JasonAller
2010-02-01 19:03:03 regarding your bizarro votes: reread question #2 — thats not a direct link, its a general link. the text was a link to comics and to roleplaying. Just like every thai place links to thai restaurants and every barber shop links back to stylist places, etc. question #1 is about the direct link. —EdWins
2010-04-14 14:13:05 I will bring you an abalone to the bbq, bring a cooler or a bucket that can hold some water to put it in. —DagonJones
2010-05-29 18:40:12 Hey Aaron, I missed you at the bbq, I had your abalone. I am in Fort Bragg right now and will be bring back a few abalone. If your shop is open on monday I will gladly bring by one or two to give to you. Otherwise, I can bring one by to another location if you like. I will likely have more than I can eat. Just let me know. —DagonJones
2010-06-03 22:17:03 your welcome. I am glad you enjoyed it, I will have to try it that way some time. someone told me it is good to steam it with sake. your kids seemed to enjoy poking at it when I brought it over. —DagonJones
2010-06-28 22:55:29 bike is working great, thanks for the help. It is nice to not have my chain skipping all the time. —DagonJones
2010-07-12 10:12:53 Ugh, sorry to hear about your experience at Bistro. I despise that place. —TomGarberson
2010-07-12 10:22:22 What a great family portrait!! —CovertProfessor
Thanks... it was taken at the UCD Arboretum by Musa Zaid, [email protected]. He's a great local Photographer that used to work for the Aggie and is now at UCSF Med School. Email him if you ever need some pics done. his family still lives in Davis, so he comes back and forth regularly.
2010-08-07 15:18:24 It was nice running into you today!
I bought the stickers here and bought 500 of the 4.25" x 1.38" ones. The file I sent them is here. It took me about a week to get them! —WilliamLewis
2010-09-02 08:48:40 Hey Aaron, thanks so much for the auction donation! I think my wife may be bidding on the tune-up, since she's headed back to school next week. Her poor bike has been largely neglected over the summer. (Don't tell her I said that, she'll feel guilty) —TomGarberson
2010-09-22 23:14:14 Good man on the bike pump —StevenDaubert
2010-10-13 21:33:57 Good luck with the possible expansion! —WilliamLewis
2010-12-01 10:17:31 Bad luck about the chuck... I hope it was a case of somebody pocketing it while they were working on their bike and forgetting or some similar case of neglect rather than malice. —JabberWokky
Nope... they stole it. The compressor in question is the one that I left a hose outside for people to use anytime. If the chuck is removed, the hose leaks and makes a huge racket with the compressor constantly running and trying to fill the tank. So they new what they were doing as it would be instantaneous loud obnoxious noise. When I came to the shop in the morning, the compressor was still running (and overheating) so I had to unplug it. Its too bad really, as many people came by and used it on a regular basis. —Aaron.Curtin
2011-02-16 20:48:02 I probably wont swing by anytime soon, so why don't you email me at dagonjones at gmail.com I am happy to answer any questions you have. —DagonJones
2011-04-15 13:45:51 Hey Aaron, I noticed the $15 off any tune-up for students—is the $25/45/75/105 set of figures listed on Bicycle Shops still current? If so, what's actually included in the $10 (with discount for students) tune-up? That's an impressive price! —TomGarberson
2011-08-28 20:21:15 Just wanted to say that I hope all is well with the family. Saw the message on the door of your shop during my shift. My prayers are with you. —Wes-P
Things are getting better, but being an only child, everything falls on my shoulders. My parents are both not doing well, so I have to take care of everything for them in addition to trying to take care of everything here. I hope that in the next few weeks I can get everything taken care of and back to a "normal" life. I appreciate your kind words and all the support and understanding I've gotten from customers. Here's to better days ahead. —Aaron.Curtin
2011-10-13 16:24:02 Thanks for the info Aaron. I'll probably check with Freewheeler first since that's where I got my bike, but you're my backup =) —MeggoWaffle
2011-10-22 10:25:18 how was your tenure at DM info? Ever run into Scott there? Also I saw the APEX name on one of those Taco bell one dollar to charity cards! Props for donating to charity, unprops for eating TB ^__~ I still remember when I thought fast food was a treat ugh —StevenDaubert
I worked At DM Info, when it was independently owned. Not a horrible job, but not the best for a college student with an short attention span (in my case). Mainly worked on the Aerojet litigation. Too much time in front of a computer screen. They did have free ice cream sandwiches in the employee lounge though ;) As for TB, yeah... try to not go there more than 2x a month... lesser of 2 evils when compared to Jack in the Box.
Verily, all fast food is gnar-bar... Daubert
I just quoted your reply to Sarah, and she laughed and said, "he is a wonderful person". More people should use the word "verily". -jw
I'm guessing this is the world's first sentence to use both "verily" and "gnar-bar." —cp
2011-11-05 04:28:07 goodbye and good riddance?
now we just have to get the alley un painted from that stupid shade of green —StevenDaubert
2012-03-29 10:22:27 I just bought the groupon for a tune-up at APEX. My poor bike is sadly neglected, looking forward to getting it fixed up a bit. I know I'm going to need a new tube, and I'm guessing new brake cables as well. —TomGarberson
2012-06-24 15:26:48 tell me a little more about your experience with Ally if you please —StevenDaubert
What would you like to know? How after 3 years they still haven't given me the light switch and socket covers (which puts me in violation of fire codes for which I have been cited), or how I got the run around for 2 years about expanding/moving to another larger location next door, or how I was told my current location was 600sq/ft and charged accordingly but after measuring its only 351sq/ft with no explanation on their part. Dealing with them has been/is a nightmare.
2012-07-11 16:02:27 Hey Aaron, I'm inheriting an old-ish road bike my dad doesn't ride anymore. It's been hanging in his garage for a decade or two, so it may need some wheel work. Also, his old biking shoes won't fit me... do you carry various types of shoes? I have no idea what kind of pedals are on the bike (and if I did I wouldn't know what it meant). Am I likely to need to get new pedals, along with shoes? If so, any recommendations on how to go about selecting something suitable for me? —TomGarberson
2013-05-22 17:46:10 Sinish has the manager make orders from classico (the distributor), talk to them or just tell them you want to order one of the I think 5 liter tubs if you really really want it back... —StevenDaubert
2013-06-25 11:14:44 Aaron, I see that this negative comment was left from the same IP address that you yourself used, just minutes before, to make edits on the same page, a competitor's page. I don't think of you as the sort of businessman who would engage in that sort of sockpuppeting against a potential competitor. Can you clarify? —CovertProfessor
I usually use the other handle when I don't want things directly tied to me. But I left nothing negative. Statement of facts. wiki (which I based my visit on) and sign in the window said open at 10. I got There at 10:30. They weren't there so I left after waiting for about 20 minutes because I had to get to the shop and open myself. Called numerous times when I got to my shop and they didn't get in until noon. I realize thy're new, and wanted to see what They had to offer. Nothing out of the ordinary or to differentiate themselves from any of the other shops. I have yet to "test" their bike knowledge, but time will tell. —Aaron.Curtin
Aaron-not sure you're seeing the point. It isn't your job to "test" them...also saying "1st impressions not too great." is definitely a negative statement. Why don't you focus on your bike business. If your product and services are good enough to fulfill the community needs, you shouldn't have to worry about what other businesses are doing. —PeteB
Not open, next to nothing for sale... these Are all Things I had to deal with years ago. Are they reliable, not sure, but considering what limited experience I've had with then, I'd say not so. It is my place to see what other business are doing as all the bike shops in town are not only in friendly competition, but also part of the cycling community as a whole. We rely on each other for parts, tools or advice. If I can't use them as such why should anyone else? 1st impression not too great. I didn't mention that there were 2 other potential customers there that were waiting that left. I never mentioned to them that I owned a shop or to go anywhere else. I let them formulate that opinion on their own. This was my experience and within my right to voice it. I have since removed all association with the other handle and posted under my REAL name, Feel free to talk to me in person anytime. You can find me at my shop during regular POSTED business hours unless I'm at lunch, but I'd be willing to schedule an appointment if you'd like. - Aaron
Thank you for correcting your attempt to hide behind a false name, however, if I come to Davis I'll shop elsewhere. Attempts like yours kill my faith in businesses. —PeteB
Attempt at what? Are you implying something, because it would be better if you just came out and said what you are thinking rather than beat around the bush. If you do decide to come to Davis, fell free to shop elsewhere. Better yet, check Daviswiki, you'll find many useful reviews and customer feedback in regards to me and my business practices. I'm not perfect, nor did I ever claim to be, but as far as bikes are concerned, you won't find anyone better. That said, I do reserve the right to refuse service as well. - Aaron
2013-06-25 13:48:45 Not trying to air your personal business, but that comment reads very differently coming from you vs. a customer. —CovertProfessor
Regardless if you were or not, you did, and that was what I was trying to avoid in the first place. - Aaron
I'm not getting it. You were the one who revealed the information about yourself and your family. Not sure why it airs your personal business to say that you were the one who wrote it. —cp
I changed it to my real name to apease the DWgods... at the time it was meant to be anonymous. By you reveling that it was me, you outed me and aspects of my personal life that I was not comfortable with at the time. Why is that so hard for you to understand considering you don't even use your own real name when editing the wiki? - Aaron
Aaron-again you're not getting it, man. No matter what you do on the Wiki-anyone can see by the IP's that you were the same person posting from both accounts. You outed yourself. Please stop blaming others for what you set yourself up for. —PeteB
You'll just have to take my word for it — I genuinely don't understand. I can see why you wouldn't use your own name when commenting on a business, although I think it's shady when you do it while critiquing a competitor (and hey, everyone else can see that it was a critique but you). But I truly don't understand the comment on your own page. Using your pseudonym, you wrote, "In response to all the recent questions and concerns about the shop. I have to say that this is still one of the best little bike shops around. They are going through some tough times right now as it is a family business and I overheard one of the volunteers mentioning that Aaron has been dealing with his mother's Alzheimers and has had to close the shop periodically to deal with that. I rolled past tonight, and there he was working late into the night to try and make up for not being open during the day. He said he won't be around again tomorrow since he has to follow up with doctors and find an assisted living facility for his mother. If you need to get something done with your bike, he's still one of the best local resources. He hopes that all his loyal customers understand and that he will try to have the shop up and running regular hours by the middle of the week. Feel free to call him or shoot him an email with any questions." That comment in itself revealed your personal life about you caring for your mother; I didn't do it. My saying it was you who wrote it lets people know that you're willing to pretend to be a customer who says praiseworthy things about your own business. Sorry, that doesn't reflect well on you. I can see that you were going through a bad time, so I am sympathetic — but still, it was not the right thing to do. So, who is in the wrong here — the person who sockpuppeted about his own business, pretending to be a customer who said it was "one of the best little bike shops around," or the person who pointed out the other person's bad behavior? —CovertProfessor
@ CP, I understand your point on that, and during that time I WAS going through a lot, dealing with my 90 year old Father's failing health, and my mother's Alzheimers, while raising my young family and running my business. More than any 30 year old should have to endure. For that I apologize. But this more recent use of my formerly anonymous account was strictly for reference without being targeted as biased. As anyone who really knows me as a person, not just as a business entity, they will tell you that I don't have a malicious bone in my body. @ PeteB, you're blowing it out of proportion. And I may have inadvertently outed myself via IP addresses, but that shred of anonymity was lost when CP posted who I was. Even if its one click away, at least there was another step to hide who I was. I don't have to answer to any of you. I've been in business for 7 years, I'll be here as long as I want. I have wholeheartedly supported the Daviswiki, financially and in spirit, but today its over. I have touted to other local business owners the benefits of the wiki to deaf ears. Now I share their sentiment as it has grown into a circle jerk of "moderators" - Aaron
Aaron, you've been a valued member of the DavisWiki for many years. That's why I was so surprised to see you sockpuppet a competitor today. I think maybe you need to take a step back, maybe ask some people not involved with the wiki what they think, and really reflect on whether it's right to do what you did today on a competitor's business page. I think you'll see that you ought not to have done that. No one is trying to come down hard on you. In fact, notice that no one has written anything on your business page about this. To be clear, I am not making a threat (I have no intention of making such an edit), but pointing out that editors have in fact been fairly gentle with your behavior, behavior that has always been frowned upon. You've been editing the wiki long enough to know that sockpuppeting a business is not acceptable. I'd like to see you continue to edit the wiki in a productive way, as you always have in the past. —CovertProfessor
Aaron-I am truly sorry for the tribulations you experienced with your parents. Mine are both elderly and in failing health so I'm entering a hard time myself but CP really is spot on here. Noone is trying to chase you away at all. We really want you to be a productive contributor. Please consider what's been said here. —PeteB
And vise versa - Aaron
2013-06-25 15:48:20 First edit with the other account was three years ago... Outside of this which is technically sockpuppety but is of a much lesser degree (compared to examples like these with attacks on competitors)... Pretty long con to attack a new used bike store when there are stronger competitors in town, and it didn't even seem like much of an attack. I feel like there was either a huge amount of malice that required serious long-term planning and slightly negative remarks to eventually ruin someone's business (a plan that was ruined by not using a proxy) or maybe a person genuinely curious about another business who wanted to share his experience with another shop, but figured he would be burned alive if people found out he owned a bike shop. I can definitely understand why someone might want to review anonymously (business owners, professors, celebrities), and it might even be positive to the community if someone with a strong following (like a celebrity) would prefer their words be taken because of their previous contribution to the site rather than their status in the real world. If the anonymous account consistently provides good contributions, I don't think it would be a terrible idea if some people decided to have a separate anonymous account to review things. For example on a forum, if a popular moderator were to say something positive about something, you're most likely going to get a circle-jerk just due to that moderator's status, so if the moderator wanted his or her words taken seriously, posting on a regular account might be beneficial for the community. —hankim
To be clear: I don't object to him having a separate, anonymous account that he uses to comment on restaurants and such. I object to him using it to say good things about his business and bad things about competitors' businesses. The fact that he didn't create the account in order to do that specifically, or that there are worse instances of sockpuppeting — both points I acknowledge — doesn't change the fact that what he did in those two instances was shady. I can understand the urge, but I still think it's shady. —CovertProfessor
Definitely the first sockpuppetry act was shady (the one on his own business page) but I feel like the second one didn't seem malicious. I don't have an issue with a bike store owner reviewing other bike stores anonymously as long as he isn't lying about his experience there and he actually visited the shop. —hankim
I see a reason but again IP's are logged and if he understood that in any way, then he had to know he'd be discovered and questions would arise (again setting himself up). My only thought is he didn't realize his IP's were being logged? -PeteB
I don't think it was "malicious," no. But he wrote things that cast the other place in a bad light. In such a case, it matters that he has a financial stake. —cp
A financial stake in taking out a new bike shop when there are larger and more established businesses in town? —hankim
As Aaron himself said, Davis is "a town that has more than *a dozen competing businesses all vying for the same limited customer base." —cp
That nails it perfectly CP...—PeteB
This isn't that big a deal. I'd just suggest the problem go away: http://daviswiki.org/T%26M_Bike_Shop/Talk —DonShor
What did I say specifically warrants that the comment should go away? - Aaron
Aaron—one simple quote- "but 1st impressions not too great". That seems negative to me. As Daubert stated, "It's not what you say but how you say it ". That could give someone a negative opinion of the bike shop right off the bat. Thank you for updating your original post on the page for their shop.—PeteB
You're a competitor, Aaron. I'm not going to go over and critique another garden center. My critique wouldn't be the point. It's a conflict of interest. —Don
@Don, Are we not all friends and here for the benefit of the wiki? If I were looking at a garden center, I'd want your opinion, because I respect it because I know that you know gardening. Wether it be in a public forum or in private. Who knows a field better than one's own?
@ Pete, So you're telling me if I were to say, "1st impression's not too great" about any other business then it'd be ok? But since I singled out the new business to which I had yet to formulate an opinion as a consumer or competitor and didn't have a great 1st impression I should have kept it to myself?
My opinion of them stands, its my opinion of Daviswiki that has changed. - Aaron
2013-06-25 18:38:53 "Their Bike Shop is moving to 912 Fifth Street Suite 105 within the next few weeks" hasn't the shop been moved? —StevenDaubert
No not really I just noticed that you have outdated information on your page. I would change it but it's your userpage. Therefore I settled for second best which is telling you. ~SD
Hmm... lets see. You didn't tell me, you passive aggressively made it known. I'll quote you on this one. "Its not what you say, its how you say it" - Aaron
Aaron-Daubert was perfectly in his rights and very appropriate in how he posted it. I suggest everyone just leave this alone for the night and —if need be— revisit it tmrw. —PeteB
Stay out of it Pete. This is between me and SD. - Aaron
2013-06-26 09:17:26 Don't forget places like this and these. People need to know what kind of phones they can purchase and all the publishers of products the bookstores might sell. —hankim
2013-06-26 09:27:37 Here's a sequence of events that I see. For years, you are considered a valued and productive member of the Davis Wiki. Your business' page is, in fact, a disaster. It's promotional and bolded and over the top. But I think everyone looked the other way because you were one of us. Then you sockpuppeted against a defender. Anyone can make a mistake, but in fact, you've defended your actions when someone as experienced with the wiki as you ought to know that what you did was wrong. Now you're just retaliating by making a mess of the wiki. Basically, your spending all the capital you've built over the years. You no longer come across as a good guy, "happy go lucky," etc. You come across as petty. You might want to rethink your actions. They are not helping you or your business. Some friendly advice. —CovertProfessor
* I've moved pass the sockpuppet debacle, I took my licks like a man and fessed up to it. I updated and took credit for my posts. I am now and still talking about what should be allowed on a business page. If they can do it, so can all other retailers. Do some research on their business, get to work and start editing, fix my sloppy haphazard edits and make the Daviswiki the best it can be. - Aaron
I look at it like this, if its good for the goose, its good for the gander. Just because its assumed or implied does not make it so. I will spend time toning APEX's page down to the specs of the other pages, but I will aso try and make an attempt at other retailer's pages to list what brands they sell new and used since that's what your argument is in regards to my wanting to remove it from T&M. Lets educate the public rather than allow one retailer to benefit from the wiki's indifference and self righteous atitude towards me. As many of you have stated in regards to yourselves, I will continue to "fight the good fight" but as I see fit. I expect you all to do no less. - Aaron
2013-06-26 15:48:37 May be worth stepping back for a bit and letting things cool off. Everyone's already fired up. —jefftolentino
2013-06-26 15:54:51 Not yet-I've had some work issues come up (server moves) and I'm now doing dbl shifts the rest of the week. I promise I'll look into it when I can but work comes first. Will probably be next week at this point.—PeteB
2013-07-02 21:27:44 Aaron-when you asked me to look into Cannondale, I thought to check out some of the authorized dealers you list on the APEX Cycles page. What is concerning is that a few of them-Biria Bicycles, Lynskey Titanium Bikes and Von Dessel (I spoke to 2-Von Dessel emailed me back) have stated you are NOT an authorized dealer for their bikes.
I'm going to be around very sporadically for the next few weeks as my elderly mother is very ill at a local hospital, but I wanted you to have an opportunity at clarifying the issues with these 3 companies. —PeteB
I'm curious to hear your reply to PeteB, given how concerned you were about other shops potentially misrepresenting who they are authorized dealers for. —CovertProfessor
Due to your not responding I have removed Biria & Lynskey & Von Dessel from your authorized dealers list. Both of them said (Biria & Lynskey)—on the phone to me-(Von Dessel informed me by email) that you are not an authorized dealer. If you are going to express concerns about other bike shops it would be appropriate to make sure your own list of authorized dealers is updated. —PeteB
Wow, take a break from the wiki to let things cool down and this is where you guys want to take it. Not sure who you talked to at Biria USA and Lynskey, but according to Michael Biria @ BiriaUSA (201-461-1980) and Don Erwin, Sales Manager or Jack Kopeski, Sales Account Manager @ Lynskey Performance (423.499.5815) I I am still an authorized dealer and considered a "non stocking" dealer respectively. As for Van Dessel, I was the only dealer in the area for a long time and did not think to ever renew my dealership agreement as I always just ordered when I needed one. I'm fine with the removal of Van Dessel, but I urge you to call the names above to confirm my status with Biria and Lynskey. I await your all powerful verdicts. - Aaron (07/16/13)
2013-07-16 17:25:30 Terrific! You followed up and corrected the issue-great! That's what we were suggesting. —PeteB
2013-07-16 17:32:33 I restored Biria and Lynskey. I called the #'s on the website and was given to people who I simply asked the question if you were an authorized dealer and was told no. Straight up question and I was put on hold while they researched it and said you weren't an authorized dealer. *shrug*. Maybe they have a staff issue but I am not responsible if they gave me inaccurate info —PeteB
2013-07-16 19:06:53 PB gave you lots of time (two weeks) to respond before editing the page for your business, and then when he did edit the page, merely deleted the claims that were, as best as he could tell, false. That is far more courtesy than you extended to your competitors. You keep trying to act the injured party here, but I am not buying it. —CovertProfessor
You don't have to "buy it", you have to accept it because DW is a MPOV wiki. I'm sure you were "curious", based off of you back handed/snide remark back on 07/02. And I didn't need to extend that courtesy, because I new for a fact that my competitor had no place claiming something that was false. Its because of the one sided battle with the "popular" editors that I stayed away from the wiki for a while, but we can get back into it if you wish. - Aaron
You can consider it snide if you like. But in fact, it was a second invitation (PB's was the first) for you to respond. But do I have to accept that you are an innocent party here? No, I don't have to. —cp
And sure, we can get back into how you sockpuppeted and used that sockpuppet to criticize a competitor, then acted like a spoiled child. But hey, none of that reflects well on you, so I would drop it. Even better, admit that you behaved badly. Look, all that was needed here was for you to set the record straight on which companies you are in fact authorized for. But you've come back with an attitude, so now you're making yourself and everyone miserable. Doesn't have to be that way, but that's the bed you've made. —cp
Sure, and we can go on about how you as a "popular" editor can make all the snide comments you wish with no recourse. The kettle calling the pot black as it were. - AC
2013-07-16 19:43:19 I didn't make that remark about "popular" editors — PB did. I don't know why you keep mixing me up in that. —CovertProfessor
I never said you did. I'm generalizing that you popular editors like to tag team and at times are just as unproductive as anyone else. I admit that much of what I have said recently has no benefit to the wiki, its the fact that I can't stand the condescending attitude from you guys (another generalization). Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you can truly say you've never said or done anything in frustration/anger that you later regret. I apologize, if I didn't make it clear that I did before (and will probably have to apologize for the rest of my time on DW) for my actions and hope to make it a better place for all. But I will not stand by and let the opinions of a select few try directly or indirectly make me out to be the villain. I was merely pointing out that whomever PB talked to was misinformed, but I did see it as a direct retaliation for my previous actions. If it truly was just to be fair, why not do it for ALL the shops, not just mine. He can "shrug* all he wants, but thats how it looks and again, I know first hand how appearances play a factor on DW. But of course you had to chime in as well. Was it productive and in the benefit of DW, some might say yes, and some might say no, but it did come off as snarky. Again, something that I was crucified for being. But in regards to EZ smog, I was totally justified in my opinion that PB made a mistake in mentioning the popularity of an editor to justify her stand on the matter. So no matter how childish I may sound at times there is relevance to that post. But you nor PB were able to see that. You popular editors (again a generalization), saw that it was me and started to jump down my throat. It would appear I was not the only child on the playground that day. - Aaron
There are a bunch of issues mixed together here, so let me separate them out and respond one at a time.
I am not a "popular" editor; I am a frequent editor who has pissed off every single one of the other frequent editors on more than one occasion. We don't all walk in lockstep, agreeing on everything.
I agree, not all of my edits are productive and I have done things in frustration and anger that I have regretted later, here on the wiki and elsewhere.
Thank you for the apology. Prior to this, you defended your actions and then said you wanted to move on. I would find it hard to work with someone who felt that such actions were legitimate. Now that you have apologized, I can move on and not bring up the subject again.
It was fine for you to point out that whoever PB talked to was misinformed. That's why we waited two weeks for your response — to hear your side of things.
I see PB's checking up on your business as an issue of consistency. If someone is going to make a big stink about other businesses, as you did, then they should expect that they will be examined in the same fashion. They are in effect saying that these are the standards that they wish to be held by and by which they hold others. I am sorry if you see that as retaliatory, but I don't.
I agree with you that being popular has nothing to do with comments that stay on EZ-Smog, but I never said otherwise. My comment on the talk page was directed at the topic of the page, not at you. I don't know why you insist on thinking that it had something to do with you. I only responded to you when it seemed that you were criticizing my claim that the comment should stay on the page.
2013-07-16 20:35:20 Thank you for cleaning up the A1 Smog page, Aaron. I hope you don't mind that I'm staying out of this whole thing. After having had to file a lawsuit after bullshit that grew out of wiki drama, I don't have much stomach for it. I'll just note that I think everyone involved seems to be editing angry again, and it doesn't seem very constructive. Calling your vendors did seem a bit retaliatory, and I'm not a fan of that. But I think today's discussion is only making things worse. —TomGarberson
To answer TG's thought-I called the vendors originally out of his concern that a competitor was inappropriately listing names of companies they were not authorized dealers for. If you are going to be concerned about the listings for other providers, I thought it reasonable to check for him too. Only after my research did I discover competitor's page no longer has the listings but the work had already been done. In no way was it retaliatory—it was being fair. —PeteB
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