Aaron Burda: Incoming GSM student for fall 2005
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: (530) 220-5270
Future: Starting Fall '05 at the Graduate School of Management after spending seven years in Europe (Ireland, Czech Republic and Former Yugoslavia), plan on using the degree to focus on business in developing markets and micro-credit.
History: Spent two years in Kosovo and Montenegro running my own small business doing contracting with NGO's. Lived in the Czech Republic for 3 years doing a lot of different things.
- I've been working on http://www.wikitravel.org a lot and recommend you do too.
- I like studying languages (I can speak fluent Czech and Serbocroatian) and am definitely looking for people to practice with.
"Current Projects"
I'm currently working on cataloging all of the investment information by region in Mexico. I'm starting with Ensenada and Baja California after which I'm hoping to expand to the rest of the major states and cities. I've been working on the project for a year now and expect it to take me another year to finish it up.
UC Davis Net Impact Website:
http://www.davisnetimpact.org http://www.capayvalleyfarmshop.com http://www.understandmexico.com
2005-09-15 11:17:35 Hi Aaron. Basically there is no difference between the change I made and the one you put before. This one just looks neater to people who are logged in. To someone who is not logged in, your email will still look like "aburda AT gmail DOT com". —CarlMcCabe
2005-09-15 22:54:00 To get money from CFC, you have to become a registered club, which means that you are an authorized agent of the University of California Davis. There are a bunch of legal restrictions you have to go through (including opening a bank account for the club, although you can do this with CFC) and you need five officers who are legally responsible for the club. It's really a pain in the ass. —ArlenAbraham
2005-10-03 21:32:00 Hey Aaron. I see you updated your site. I saw some of the pictures we scanned in the "Marie" folder. Let me know if you need future scans. Later and please take care. —RonaldTan
2006-04-10 18:04:03 Aaron, you might be interested in joining the Cernio Technology Cooperative. You'd enjoy a measure of ownership that you can't get at lunarpages. —GrahamFreeman
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