Hello. I am an alum of the fantastic Women's and Gender Studies department at UCD, and am now getting my Master's at SFSU.

http://whotookthebomp.blogspot.com http://annaham.livejournal.com http://cheeseanddog.wordpress.com


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2005-03-21 22:10:44   Right back at ya! —JimSchwab

2006-05-15 11:44:16   Anna -just came across your page after reading your hippie-drag comment. So cool! You and I have so "favorites" in common it's creepy. From your musical tastes, I recommend checking out Brenda Weiler and Stuart Davis. Both awesome singer/songwriters origianlly from MN like me. —JanelleAlvstadMattson

2007-09-05 21:12:33   anna's awesome!! read her blogs! —JessicaRockwell