Brad Kern a.k.a Bradford Kern is a singer/songwriter/producer/international recording artist who is back in Davis from his 6 month European trip. Check out some of his music on his Myspace page.
Brad graduated from UC Davis with a major in Psychology and a minor in Music. He is currently working on recording his debut album "A Song For Every Moment". He enjoys doing Bikram Yoga. Brad was a member of the Lounge Lizards, Gospel Choir, and the University Chorus. Brad is occasionally bearded.
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ChrisKadi used to be roomates with BradKern. Many a shenanigan were had.
2008-08-08 19:15:22 How about adding a link or two to other pages on the wiki so that this page is less of a dead end? —JasonAller
2008-08-08 19:45:46 He is afk in Europe thank you very much —StevenDaubert
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