Courtney Riddle is presently female, eighteen, and an un-student. She has been living in Davis since the tender age of five, and can't bring herself to leave it quite yet. Eventually, she will re-locate to San Francisco for education, but for the school year at hand, she's taking time off in favor of part-time jobs, video games, hibernation, and art. She works at Nina and Tom's downtown store frequently.
She's one of the town's few followers of Lolita fashion, and tries to organize/participate in meet-ups regularly. Do not be alarmed if you see a cluster of frilly girls descending upon the streets of downtown Davis!
Courtney is quite often bored. You're free to say "hello" if you see her around!
2008-10-22 15:39:36 I saw it! Hii. —MichelleWarren
2008-10-24 23:49:14 Um. Sometimes. ;; Haha. Have you been DavisWiki-ing more often? —MichelleWarren
2008-12-19 05:27:43 hey! i just thought this page should be created: To tired to do anything with it yet, but your help is welcome! _ —Chibi
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