Regions followed
David Martin is a hairstylist who owns Cobalt Salon & Gallery, and coordinates the Davis Hairstylist Association. More information can be found at his other wiki page.
2007-06-24 10:42:31 Welcome to the Wiki, as a business owner you might want to read Welcome to the Wiki/Business Owner. Can you explain why you don't want a link from Hair By David Martin to the Spa at David's? —JasonAller
2007-06-24 12:01:12 no problem. I work at David's Haircutting with another David. Don't want the confusion of David's there, so I don't have a David's Haircutting link at the very top. As to the spa, that's located in my private Sac residence where I see "certain" clients, ie. friends and clients of over a few years, I don't want "new" or unknown clients going to the spa website in Sac as soon as they get to my Davis Wiki page. Make sense, no? If not let me know why and I'll be happy to consider changing my opinion. —Davidlm
2007-07-19 17:29:50 As a client, i think the comments removed are highly irrelevant and innappropriate in regards to what the spa itself has to offer. The user who made them sounds very jealous or disgruntled and fogs the image the spa really has. the wiki should not be the place for comments of that nature. —Samantha
2007-07-19 22:08:25 I can understand your point of view Samantha. However, as a new user you should learn about the wiki first (check out Welcome to the Wiki). This is a resource (as others have pointed out) that is completely open. If you want to "respond" to commets fine, but if you continue to delete comments you will end up in a wiki war (as you have already seen, I'm sure), that you will most likely regret! —Davidlm
2007-08-12 15:26:36 I would appreciate it if you didn't move my comment off the nina's page. I'm not sure the user has seen the page I created for him/her and leaving a comment on the business page was a good way of making sure s/he did. —ArlenAbraham
2007-10-28 21:00:07 Yes, I deleted the last rampage by someone called NiftyWitch on Joe Spector's page. She has every right to write those words, but it's not her page and I have every right to remove those words. She had already written her opinion about her and really offered no new information. So I deleted the last "installment" of the overgrown yard as a reason to not vote for someone for School Board. —SharlaDaly
2007-10-29 16:20:17 David, Comments and postings are deleted all the time. Otherwise it will be taken over by a purely negative element. However, I am uninterested in doing anything to give NiftyWitch any measure of delight over conflict that she causes. So, instead of deleting NiftyWitch's utter trash of a post, I voiced my displeasure. Is this really better? —SharlaDaly
2008-05-13 10:07:55 Sorry, for being harsh. I understand you have to do your job and cut hair, so if the customer was happy, that's whats important. —NickSchmalenberger
2008-10-02 11:03:34 Does this version put it into a better context? —JabberWokky
2009-11-29 20:03:54 A lot of us (myself included) think that a person's behavior on the wiki is reflective of their behavior in real life. I wouldn't do business with someone who behaved badly on the wiki. So, why is it "ax grinding" for someone to point that out? —CovertProfessor
2009-11-30 08:43:35 It didn't strike me as fishy. The person is stating something that everyone can see, not making something up. And I've had that reaction myself when I'm looking for new businesses. But I don't feel that strongly about keeping the comment — it's not like it adds anything to the page one way or the other (since again, it's just stating something that anyone can see). —CovertProfessor
2010-03-07 23:45:44 I think during the debate over the Sacto salon, I suggested we ask you if there was any reason as to why to include it. If there was some specific service or thing they did that wasn't available in Davis, it would make sense to have it listed for people in Davis looking for that service (as they would be the nearest place). I can't imagine anything, but there are always odd specialties that might be sought after by people in Davis that aren't available locally (there's a woman in Sacramento, for instance, that specializes in weaves and hair replacement for at-home hospice patients). —JabberWokky
2010-06-07 21:16:47 Well said on the Strelitzia Flower Co entry. It was a really reasonable way to put forward your concerns while taking into consideration that there's no consensus on how to handle the issue. It was a really tactful and principled edit. —JabberWokky
I agree. Thank you. —CovertProfessor
2010-07-30 20:28:27 Darn, I can't even find the article on archive.org. Thanks for the explanation. —NickSchmalenberger
2010-09-14 06:59:59 Thanks for adding the link to Brazilian blowout... I was wondering what that was. I think my wife wants the opposite, having had utterly straight hair all her life. As far as I can tell, the grass is always greener applies very strongly to hair fashion. (And I get to dye her hair this week for the first time, having moved away from her circle of friends who used to dye each other's hair) —JabberWokky
2010-09-30 00:59:22 uuh, what exactly goes on in the Brazilian blowout ? —StevenDaubert
2010-10-01 01:02:37 heh,that is actually along the lines of what I thought, I just imagined blowout having a blowdryer and some teasing going on. I know someone who is frizzy and curly! How much they run? —StevenDaubert
2010-10-15 22:57:59 David, I think this is still evolving, but what I've seen so far people is that people seem to be keeping price lists, as long as they don't dominate the page, and small notes about specials, again, as long as they don't dominate the page. But large ads are definitely out. —CovertProfessor
2010-11-03 20:46:40 Neat idea with the Cobalt Salon & Gallery bold/italic! —JabberWokky
2010-11-10 07:42:00 Thanks for all the great edits lately, David. —TomGarberson
2010-11-10 08:25:01 I was about to say the same thing. —JabberWokky
2010-11-12 17:09:05 Hey David, were you aware that the link to your Davis Life Magazine article on the David Martin page is defunct? —TomGarberson
2010-11-15 20:54:47 Thanks for making the page on Shanti Counseling! Are they new in town, or an established business that just didn't have a page? Also, good idea on making a Divorce page. Where all do you think it should cross-link? Parenting, Family Life, Legal Services, and also a general counseling page (which doesn't yet exist... currently it's lumped into Medical Services). What else would be useful? —TomGarberson
2010-11-15 21:41:20 No worries! I think that was missing from a bunch of pages in the general field. —TomGarberson
2010-11-16 21:57:25 Thanks for making the page on Pete Nowlen! Usually, "People" pages are the person's full name, whereas "User" pages are, like this one, Users/Username. As a noteworthy person in Davis who just left a comment, Pete probably deserves both. Pete Nowlen is the page about him, whereas pnowlen is his user page. Do you want to leave him a welcome on the user page? —TomGarberson
2010-11-16 22:11:04 Oh cool! Good deal. Just shout if you need any help. —TomGarberson
2010-11-16 22:14:55 One other thing of note: you can rename an existing page from the edit window. There's a button for it just beneath the editing area. Makes it easier to transfer photos and whatnot, compared to copying everything over to a new page. —TomGarberson
2010-11-16 22:19:58 Haha... builds character, right? —TomGarberson
2011-03-23 08:47:37 Artists can't please everybody, and I know from experience how bad it feels to get a bad review of a creative effort intended to please people. It looks like you have lots of people who love your work. —JabberWokky
2011-03-23 23:00:10 mmmm those recent reviews look really suspect David.... —OliviaY
2011-03-23 23:34:50 Hey I completely understand that. Just make sure they don't write them so they all sound the same because it looks so fishy to people who are viewing the wiki. (Like I would think those three were totally fake as a newcomer) —OliviaY
2011-03-25 12:01:12 If you manage to introduce more editors to the wiki then you will have done a very good thing. Sorry it had to be triggered by something negative, but you responded to it in a very positive manner. —JasonAller
2011-03-25 13:28:36 Just as an fyi, if an editor makes a comment or an edit on a page, like I did in the case of Brett... and it is not an informational edit or community contribution (which it wasn't)... Don't revert it. I made a statement while frustrated, removed it after thinking about ... end of story. If you want to cause drama or just piss people off, reverting their edits when they delete them out of respect for the community, go ahead and revert them. If not, leave them alone. Yes I am in a mood today and it irritated the hell out of me to see you had done this. —Wes-P
2011-03-25 17:01:21 No worries David, Like I said, I was in a pissy mood this morning.. rough night as a bouncer... I need to take a Wiki Chill Pill in general for a bit. Too much drama lately, not much fun. —Wes-P
2011-04-08 22:00:27 Sure. I actually thought it was a bit borderline, but the person was expressing an experience and an opinion, so I thought it should stay. —CovertProfessor
2011-04-09 19:12:40 That caught my eye, too. It did occur to me to pop in for a cut to see if it happened to me... —CovertProfessor
2011-04-10 16:04:25 Perhaps I will! Thanks. —CovertProfessor
2011-04-27 08:21:05 That's either really good timing (it seems there's a bit of reassessing what is a defensible comment), or really bad timing (there's raw emotion on both sides). Either way, it was a lousy review from either a usefulness or historical standpoint. Not the worst I've seen, but certainly not great. I'd call it secondhand, but gossip is a good term too. Even if it sticks around, it would be on the basis of open speech coupled with "an intelligent reader will know to take it with a grain of salt". —JabberWokky
- I agree that the comment was of little value and so no loss in deleting it. —CovertProfessor
2011-04-30 21:42:14 I saw the note you left on JW's page. I have been puzzling over the two comments left in a row, one (supposedly) from Terri, saying Craft of Fo is closing, the other from Phil, saying he is Terri's husband and it's just moving. So, not only do we have disagreements between former employees on the wiki, we have husband and wife disagreements. *sigh* I've just been doing whatever I can to keep it off the wiki. —CovertProfessor
2011-04-30 21:42:40 I pretty much guessed it was the tip of an iceberg made up of personal issues. Thanks for the offer to try and calm things down. —JabberWokky
2011-05-05 16:20:56 Yup. I've been reluctant to say anything, since I really have no idea what's going on. Everyone's talking in such vague terms. Even though it's so vague, though, it's pretty unpleasant to see. —TomGarberson
2011-05-10 21:04:58 I know, I am expecting it. I'm also hoping everyone else sticks together and refuses to let the conflict spill out on the wiki. —CovertProfessor
2011-05-22 20:09:14 Hey, nice cleaning up and general cross-linking today! —JabberWokky
2011-05-30 16:29:58 David—I restored a comment you deleted from All That Jazz. Please don't delete other people's comments. Thank you. —PeterBoulay
- And I restored David's deletion. Peter, David's been around here longer than you have, and has more perspective on this particular issue. —CovertProfessor
2011-05-30 16:32:02 By the way, was the salon originally "All that Jaz" or "All that Jazz?" I changed it to "All that Jazz," but I wasn't sure that that was right. —CovertProfessor
2011-05-30 17:42:12 For what it's worth, I thought the delete was fine as well. —JabberWokky
2011-05-30 18:50:08 That's ok David...I'm just wondering why if it was such an embarrassing comment, that you hadn't deleted it before now? It was posted in 2007. No answer needed...just a curiosity. Have a good night —PeterBoulay
2011-06-01 12:41:30 Hey David, on Beauty Salons and Barber Shops I tend to agree that having an attributed photo probably isn't the right call. I'm all for having a graphic of some kind, but as a category page it should be neutral. If nothing else, having an attribution there would be just inviting rules lawyering next time a certain computer company owner starts fiddling with the computer repairs page.
If you're willing to have the photo there without attribution, I'd be in favor of it staying. I certainly understand if you're not, though. I just think that it's only fair to keep category pages relatively neutral. —TomGarberson
- What if the photo linked to David's user page (i.e., this page, rather than the David Martin page, which is more of a page for the business)? Other photos on the wiki have attributions. I do understand the slippery slope, worry, though. We'd have to keep an eye on things to see how they went. —CovertProfessor
- That actually seems fair to me. I do understand that it's a potential mess, but it's currently only potential. Campus Art, for example, has a captioned photo. I think that David's offer of the photo uncaptioned demonstrates it's a freely contributed photo. Adding an informational caption (as opposed to promotional) makes sense. Linking it here provides that info, and it's "David the person", which is at least one step removed from "David Martin, the business". (And this just got creepy to read if you're David... sorry about that). -jw
Works for me. —tg
Ok, I just made the change. Thanks for being flexible and understanding about this, David. —cp
2011-06-01 14:30:58 No problem everyone, I undestand either way. No big emotional attachment! :-) —Davidlm
- Either way, thanks for uploading the image. It's a nice iconic representation of the subject, and a pretty picture, too. -jw
2011-06-17 19:55:38 Thanks, maybe some others will weigh in. I think it's the extra glossiness and the Facebook mention that put it a bit over the edge for me. Too bad they didn't just stick with this one, which I thought was just fine. —CovertProfessor
2011-07-02 17:55:12 I know.. figured it would be fun for a second, and make a point while doing it. —Wes-P
2011-07-03 11:41:44 Does 'our house' do food for 'take out' as well? —NikhilDahal
2011-07-03 11:46:55 I was assuming you worked there so I thought I'd ask you. Anyways do you work there? Because I visited on June 19, and it said they are closed, but the wiki says they are open? I don't know but just trying to clarify. —NikhilDahal
2011-07-03 11:54:36 Maybe you could scan a menu from Our House and upload it to the wiki? Don't know if they rotate their menu, but both my partner and I read the menu thoroughly on Friday, and didn't see anything vegetarian in the entree section. We even asked the hostess if we were missing anything veg on the menu and she said no but they can make ratatouille. If you could get your hands on a menu for all prospective customers to see, that would be great. —MeggoWaffle
2011-07-03 18:41:33 There is nothing wrong for you backing up a restaurant you have friendship with. I encourage that. —NikhilDahal
2011-07-04 11:57:51 Thx for the support on The Craft of Fo' Paws. —PeterBoulay
2011-07-06 17:06:35 Spelling error..I know.. —NikhilDahal
2011-07-08 20:19:53 I just wish I knew the color scheme of the place so I could match it. Include(PhotoRequest,DagNabIt!) —JabberWokky
2011-07-21 19:57:30 Thanks so much for grabbing the info. Only had access to a phone for most of the day and trying to actually edit pages is a lot of work on a phone. —hankim
2011-08-10 11:35:02 What sort of e-mail harassment? —TomGarberson
- This. 1. Get cops involved. 2. ??????? 3. PROFIT!!!! —hankim
2011-08-10 19:28:38 Best not to reply. —CovertProfessor
2011-09-14 20:40:10 Thanks for sharing you thoughts on the ethnicity groups... Personally I think the GLBT groups are the exception rather the rule as there is no specificity to gender or race. I am also proud of you being a gay male and not ashamed of it. It is a positive sign of growth in this country. I am not gay, myself, but have come to accept them as both people and friends since moving to California in 1996. Took me a bit longer to try to understand and accept the transgendered community, but I'm working on it. —Wes-P
2011-10-05 19:41:04 I miss the blue phase picture! You should put it back up somewhere. :-) —CovertProfessor
2011-10-06 07:37:43 Well, I don't feel about it *that* strongly. I just like the picture. :) —CovertProfessor
2011-10-18 20:29:31 Yeah, I figured that you didn't want to (and I respect you for not doing it), but really, there was nothing useful added there. —CovertProfessor
2011-10-30 22:59:17 I don't either. I Am Always Baffled by Those Who Think Things Sound More Impressive If They Are Capitalized. —CovertProfessor
2011-11-01 20:48:32 It was. Feel free to blush. —JabberWokky
2011-11-01 20:50:05 Pretty sure it was. When I first saw it I thought Davis Life Magazine, and given the context I was like, O.o. Then I realized he meant you, and I was like "ahhhhhhh, now it all makes sense." —TomGarberson
2011-11-01 20:58:24 Definitely was. —CovertProfessor
2011-11-13 23:12:46 My take also as to why there is an open discussion on an obvious thing. Also to give a moment to come back and say something critical like, "but I never worked there". That particular example likely doesn't apply in this particular case, but there have been others where a good edit is mixed into a bad edit, only discovered with a bit of communication. —JabberWokky
2011-12-01 10:26:49 Glad to help! —JabberWokky
2011-12-01 10:27:06 (And make a backup!) —JabberWokky
2011-12-04 00:34:56 Not to edit, but I can delete events... and you can too, as of now. Just remember that if you delete an event, you can't undelete it. You can, however, copy the information, correct it, and then repost the event. —JabberWokky
2011-12-11 23:46:53 Are you sure? This Philip is using a different last name elsewhere on the internet and is connected to Michelle's Comfort House Cleaning. I can certainly believe it, but I didn't see anything obvious. —JabberWokky
2011-12-11 23:47:17 (Well, other than the business, which PA has done in the past). —JabberWokky
2011-12-12 10:42:47 Well, I'm not positive, but I was told Phil's Hauling is his business. I'll see what more I can find out... —Davidlm
2011-12-26 17:24:57 Yeah, I can see that. And if he takes on other stylists, it would make sense. It just might be weird for awhile when the person and the business are one and the same — I imagine that we'll be constantly updating both pages. Or maybe it's clearer which content belongs on which page than I think? —CovertProfessor
2011-12-26 20:35:33 Great, thanks! —CovertProfessor
2012-01-16 12:50:33 Any idea who is (in quite a slap of disrespect for the recently deceased fellow, unless it's one heck of a coincidence) using ChristopherHitchens' name? —JabberWokky
2012-02-03 16:36:46 Hi David, Thank you for your suggestion to read the information on businesses on the wiki. I have a question though. The business that I was attempting to delete information on, is by their definition temporarily closed. I own the business that the owner rented space from. People have been by thinking that he is still in business, I assume they see the address and not the notice about non-operation. I don't like to see people wasting their time and going out of their way. What happens when business's do end, do they stay on the wiki forever? To me, it seems like a confusing situation and eventually having a bunch of obsolete information on the page. Also, how did anyone know that the business had been "edited"? I'm assuming it is because you and the "Covert Professor" know him? Do edits come up on one single page that everyone on the wiki knows about? I haven't seen information on that, and sorry if I'm being long winded, I'm new to the wiki and can be electronically challenged! I really do appreciate you filling me in on appropriate "wiki" behavior, you were very helpful! I really don't need to be angering people, when that is not my intention. If there's another area on the wiki to explain, please just let me know that, don't need to waste your time as well! —carrieweinrich
2012-02-03 22:26:40 Yeah, I know what you mean. —CovertProfessor
2012-02-29 18:40:23 I know. :( And I have resisted bashing my head for this long. But I really hate to see her sabotage herself in this way. It could be such a good restaurant. —CovertProfessor
2012-03-23 18:29:09 Good thing we're of the same mind either way. :) —jsbmeb
2012-05-27 09:15:49 Congratulations! —JabberWokky
2012-06-06 15:59:52 Somehow in the mess I missed your comment. Thanks. I appreciated that. —JabberWokky
2012-06-12 18:58:51 Oh yes, thanks. That was a weird typing mistake! —CovertProfessor
2012-06-28 11:47:47 Good revert. And you're right. Saying something negative is quite different than being abusive or insulting. —JabberWokky
2013-01-03 16:51:59 Thx for fixing the runaway italics—I tried to but couldn't figure out where the start was kicking in. —PeteB
2013-01-28 21:30:59 I'm very sorry about the loss of your dog. —CovertProfessor
2013-02-15 17:38:35 Huh, I didn't see that one when it came up, I guess. That user has added zero value to the wiki and done a lot of borderline (at best) stuff. Good deletion. —TomGarberson
- I toyed with deleting it when it was posted (as you can see from my edit comment on the page). Glad to see it gone. —cp
2013-02-20 10:28:12 I can sympathize. They're never with us long enough, no matter what happens. All we can do is enjoy and remember the days we do have. —CovertProfessor
2013-03-25 21:39:45 I love the Oxford comma! It adds so much clarity and can change the meaning of a sentence. Also, I had just logged in to comment about the ip on nutrishop when I saw that you noticed too. Great minds! —LoriOrf
2013-03-26 07:58:35 I'd be careful with that wording re: profile pages, as there have been cases where people hear that and do really strange things with their profile page (either aggressive wiping of outreach, blatant promo with a "nyahh, you told me you couldn't edit this, so this is mine!", or even "I'm starting my own wiki under Users/Me so nobody else can edit"). I'm not sure what the best wording is, but certainly any outreach is better than no outreach — so don't take this as a complaint, just an observation. It's always hard to educate somebody about the wiki when they have preconceptions and (typically) self-oriented goals, be it a business or any other organization. Thanks for being the one who did it this time (and many times in the past). —JabberWokky
2013-05-02 13:45:25 I think I was confused a bit there by what you meant when you said "BSA". I interpreted it to mean all members, local groups, those leaders promoting inclusiveness and pushing to change the current rules, etc. I now think when you said "BSA" you meant the official national organization's stance (and horribly a common stance within at least a percentage of the BSA)? —JabberWokky
2013-05-02 17:51:39 I can be dense. I can put my foot in my mouth. And I believe I did so earlier today. Reading back what I had written earlier comparing California's Prop 8 to the BSA's rules, I realize that I should never have used you specifically in what I intended as a situational comparison. I don't know that it felt personal to you, but it could too easily and very reasonably be taken as personal, and I should not have put your name in there. I thank you for having too much class to point out my error and apologize for having done that. —JabberWokky
2013-05-02 19:34:38 FYI I agree with you. BSA clearly discriminates—and it's not "If they talk about homosexuality...." it's "If they even suspect you are gay....". It upsets me considerably as I was a scout as a kid. —PeteB
2013-05-03 09:43:32 David, I have read all of your comments on the scouting talk page and on other user's pages. I just want you to realize that my intent is not to whitewash anything. I do want the BSA policy to change. I am just trying to offer a glimpse of what the local units (at least the ones that I am involved with) feel about the policy. This is a very hot and personal issue for a lot of people. It is very difficult in this town to have an honest dialogue with people on this issue, and I appreciate that you bring your experiences to the table. I was a little disappointed when you first removed your comment saying that you are not sure that you want to engage in this. I think the discussion is good for the community. I'm always up for a cup of coffee if you would like to either know more about the local units, or if you would just like to tell me about your experiences and thoughts on scouting, or if you just want to have coffee. —DavidGrundler
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