- Lives in Davis
- Grew up in Colorado
- Primary grade Teacher
- Yoga teacher - currently without a studio
- Member of the Crossings Alternative Worship group. (My husband is the drummer.)
- My dream car is a Prius. I think I will steal my friend Janelle's!
- I am opposed to the Dollar Tree moving into my neighborhood. I refuse to shop there and I hope my neighbors will do the same! Vote with your dollars!
- I love shopping at the Naked Thread downtown and of course The Co-Op.
2005-11-07 Kali is an AWESOME Yoga instructor! And an awesome person too. —JanelleAlvstadMattson
2007-09-26 23:44:43 Do you presently teach the yoga anywhere locally? (I like to call it "the yoga".) —RonB
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