Hello! We are a group of 66 students from the neighborhood of East Oakland. This page was created to share a series of written analyses of the Oakland mayoral candidates' proposed policies towards improving safety, education and economy in Oakland. Each analysis compares and contrasts the policies of 2-3 candidates towards an issue. At the end of the page, our group of 11th grade students has completed a final evaluation stating which candidate we would choose to see in office this November in order to improve our experience as young people attending school in East Oakland. Please read and comment. Thank you.
- Welcome!! This project sounds very exciting. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. (PS - feel free to delete this message if you want to clear this space). Also, one more tip - Sometimes people leave notes for each other in the "comment" box when editing. If you click "Recent Changes" at the top of the screen, you can see all the activity across the site and sometimes see these comments. - Marina