Pam Wilson is a certified holistic health practitioner, certified massage therapist with 1000+ hours training, has a master's degree in counseling psychology, and has trained and practiced in aromatherapy, biofeedback, meditation, hypnotherapy, breathwork and emotional release work. Pam's intuition facilitates energy movement through an "escalen" approach (hypnotic method using slow rhythmic movement, bringing about a sense of well being through deep states of consciousness). The method focuses on mind-body-spirit as a whole.
for more information, see Vitality for Life
2008-07-06 11:55:25 Welcome to the Wiki. The reason the comment you removed was restored to the Vitality for Life page is that as a community the wiki has decided on certain behaviors. It might be worth the time to read Welcome to the Wiki/Business Owner; it will help explain how you can make the wiki a positive experience for you without clashing with established wiki social norms. —JasonAller
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