I am Richard Bruce, You can find me on the Internet under the name richleebruce, because my name is Richard Lee Bruce.
I am a parishioner at St. James, where I lead the Intercessory Prayer Ministry. You can write your prayer request on a small sheet of paper and leave it in a box with the slot on top of it in each of the two vestibules at St. James.
I also am active in suggesting and buying religious media for the Yolo public library and encouraging Catholics in Yolo County to use these materials. http://richleebruce.com/james/library-davis.html Here is a list of religious movies you can check out for free. http://richleebruce.com/james/library-movie.html
I work for the Davis public schools as a substitute teacher, yard, and detention room supervisor at Davis High school. I occasionally do other schools.
I have a YouTube channel, richleebruce. Here is a play list of videos on Davis high http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE36CD3DFE41BC54D
I am particularly know for my songs about Davis High. Here is a play list of those. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYLZ6yxwkz8pz6ptiBRtLxuahgoSIfvP6
Steve Daubert asked, am I Senor Bruce?
Senor Bruce? Daubert
Yes Steve Daubert I am Senor Bruce, alias Gargamel, Smurf Killer, Mr Burns, Smithers, the Bread Man, Senor Pumkin or Mr Pumkin.