Hi. I'm Shannon DeArmond. I've been living in Woodland since 2005 and in the greater Davis area since 1997. I'm editor in chief for The Yolo Crow, a quarterly literary magazine showcasing the poetry and short stories of writers here in Yolo County. You can find The Yolo Crow at the Avid Reader or Newsbeat in Davis, and at Jerry Cloutier's Used Books in Woodland. Would you like to submit your own work to The Crow? Click Here. We'd love to here from you!

When I'm not frantically trying to get our next edition out, I like prowling through the wonderful local bookstores. I also keep a personal blog.


2009-07-20 19:14:30   Thank you for all your hard work in bringing a bit more art to the world! —Evan 'JabberWokky' Edwards