I sense many a wasted hour here. but, of course, isn't procrastination what i'm here for anyway? yes indeed.


I love Bill the Bunny. You may recognize him from my livejournal user icon.

Keith the Dog is pretty cool too. He lets me take pictures of him all the time.

Eating food at fancy restaurants makes me happy, especially vegetarian food. Yum yum.


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2004-12-01 21:10:35   Its true about procrastination - its not coincidence that I "discovered" daviswiki while writing a monster of a paper over the course of three days — and three days later now I'm getting desperate and reading people's entries abotu themselves! O= - KrisFricke

2004-12-02 16:55:20   I think Terra is the cutest girl ever and I love her a lot! - DanMasiel

2004-12-02 17:07:56   I think Terra smells like catfood - RishiTrivedi

2004-12-03 15:41:04   meow - TerraSmithers

2004-12-06 20:19:36   TIME TO MAKE OUT WITH TERRRAAAAAAAA. pik-min! - JenndelaVega

2005-01-06 12:38:41   I miss having Terra as my roomie, and so do the ratties ;) Mew —KristyHeidenberger

2005-07-06 06:06:36   AmtraaaaaakArlenAbraham

2005-11-12 02:40:42   Mmm. Wiki BBQ. —MichaelGiardina

2005-11-23 13:46:26   poot says thanks for the love —MiriamKaufman

2007-01-27 20:52:13   You can have them throw your pita on the grill, and you can also get grilled veggies which is sooo good —StevenDaubert