About Her Films is a production company based in Oakland headed by Melinda James. Recently named SF Weekly’s 1st Place Masterminds winner, James has spent the past three years creating a body of work that places women and underrepresented communities in positions of power and recognition. Her works have been screened at Artopia, Frameline, QWOCFF, Olivia, and M.I.T. Outside of filmmaking she also enjoys directing/shooting music videos and previous clients include Quadron, Robin Hannibal, Mara Hruby, Cadillac and more. She has recently received her M.A. in Social Documentation from UC Santa Cruz and her thesis film about black farmers, organizers and residents and their fight for food justice in the Bay Area is being screened around the country. Find more about the film at 16seeds.com and her other projects at aboutherfilms.com.