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You can contact Dr. David K. Teertstra at the Trenton News via [email protected]. I get a lot of email and answering can be quite a challenge. Most of this Wiki is a response to questions and queries. When I did my doctorate at University of Manitoba (in materials science), I used to ask my adviser a lot of questions. After a time, I'd just ask 'what would the most obvious answer be?' I'd think of it myself, I'd look up everything that I could, I'd ask others. If I still had a question after all that, I know it was a good one well worth asking. And now I know the value of Frequently Asked Questions on websites.
So as much as possible, I've tried to set everything up as self-serve. We have for example a Tools Club. For tools you need sometimes that cost too much. But five friends can buy it for 1/5th the price. You'd borrow a tool from a friend. You'd lend one. You'd rent one. You'd buy one, use it and sell it. The combination of all that is also reasonable. Buy it with friends, form a loose club, so you can share tips and ideas and it's always there when you need it. Of course you immediately want to think through how all that could work, and how it could go wrong, and then you end up not doing it! Well, how about this? Gather all the best ideas of how we know it works well, lay out the options and choices, and hand all that to you. When you read it, it'll seem obvious. But it's very handy, like FAQs, to know what to do when things go wrong. Because we know they do. So lay out the best route advance.
In the same way, that's how this Wiki is supposed to work. Best ideas to the top. Open for discussion and editing. Worst ideas get weeded out. At a larger scale, that's what we need to do as caring parents. Our kids are currently trapped between low wages and high house prices. What to do? We know what's wrong. We're not using our best ideas to move forward. We're in falsely created permanent lifetime debt for essential human needs. We know what to do. Break it down into food. Can we grown it? Can we sell it? Break it down into tools. Can we make it? Can we build it? And so on. What is banking? Well, we know. Now it's just a computer program. So let's write our own. Listen. You can easily run a house. You can deal with each aspect of that over time. This is not a big deal. You just need a plan to deal with each bit. That's what a Wiki does well, lay out each bit and show how they're connected.
At best my role here is organizing. Initiating to get things started. You take it from there. That's how a Wiki works. But you can also connect with others to buy bulk and start projects. I have a deep understanding of light, bonding in matter, how light interacts with matter, instruments and analytical methods, chemistry, geology and physics. Minerals, metals and molecules, bonded structures, electric energy, solar and lithium batteries. After my PhD and work in industrial optics, starting about 2001, I went deep into building a new type of medical scanner. 4 years in theory beyond the known physics, 4 years developing the math, 4 years of programming, instrument design and testing prototypes, and now I'm well into marketing and business models. I known my stuff.
But my work was interrupted by the World Scientist's Warning to Humanity. What's the sense of continuing certain activities that we know are driving the planet to destruction? Now, barely a decade remains to turn things around. If you plant a fruit tree now, will you have fruit in time? We cannot continue down this path. We cannot continue business as usual. Every one of us knows the problems. We know the problems very well. And now it's this generation of Canadian kids facing the direct consequences. We know what to do, and we must do it. So let's get to it.
Here, I've laid out a dozen money-saving Clubs and three dozen new green businesses. I lay out the new products, how to build them, and made everything open source as the only caring way to go green fast. We have to do this, and soon. We can, we will, we must.
Best regards, David Teertstra, PhD, currently in Trenton