I am a current UC Student.

I have found the Davis Wiki to be a great resource during my stay in Davis. Though, I have never contributed to it before. I am glad that I have been able to do a couple positive things for the website. I hope to help improve upon something that has definitely been a vital resource to the Davis community.



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2011-08-20 13:36:01   Welcome to the wiki, and thank you for your contributions. I see you have the same IP address as DavisVanguard. Are you the same person? —CovertProfessor

2011-08-20 13:39:34   I am interning right now, but yeah. Sorry for the previous account additions. I misunderstood some of my job duties. I was just trying to show some of the stories that were relevant to some of the wiki's; however, I didn't follow the right format. I apologize for that, I didn't mean to spam. —davisaggie1

2011-08-20 13:42:39   Ok, thanks. Sometimes it takes people a little while to get the hang of things — we've all been through it! I'm glad to see you making other sorts of edits, too. And it's OK to link to the Vanguard articles (I do it myself pretty often) as long as it's done in an informational way and not as a way to promote the Vanguard. —CovertProfessor

2011-08-20 13:45:55   Thanks for the help! Yeah, I am used to the way I deal with my Facebook pages. Which are all about promotion, so I guess I was doing it with my article suggestions out of habit. Despite being an intern, I do not personally represent the Vanguard's platform in any way. I just focus on adding articles that are relevant to what is happening in the community. So, I don't share the opinions or views, for all that are concerned with that issue. I am just a messenger. —davisaggie1

2011-08-20 15:30:20   the preview button right near the save changes button is your friend —StevenDaubert

2011-08-20 15:50:28   Thanks, I just keep going back and tweaking. —davisaggie1