Regions followed
Hi there my name is Dan and I am born and raised in Davis. Attending college at Humboldt State University and then returning to Davis. I currently own and operate Dan's Cab a cab/taxi service 530-756-5600
Also a note to local groups needing sponsorship please let me know Dan's Cab would love to give back to Davis in any way possible
2011-08-30 16:51:20 Hahaha that's awesome. Furniture taxiing! If you're good with knots, you could probably get a sweet side business going just hauling people's beds/couches on the luggage rack. —TomGarberson
2011-08-31 12:30:24 Sure. Glad to help build the wiki — I bet you could really help out, too, given that you were born and raised here! I'm guessing there's a lot left out. —CovertProfessor
2011-08-31 22:18:53 Love that photo. Thanks :) —TomGarberson
2014-08-29 11:02:46 No problem... I really like that photo of you and the cab. It kind of perfectly sums the topic up. I'm always curious as to why people on the wiki like photos of the outside of restaurants rather than the inside. With your photo, you see what you're getting, and have the personal touch of who you're working with. Best of luck with the business! —JabberWokky
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