
Viergrenzenweg 97

6291 BM Vaals


The "Dreiländereck" (three country corner") is the spot where the borders of Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium meet.

Thanks to European unification and the Schengen Treaty, we are able to travel all three countries and cross borders in these European countries without border control.

What to do

There is several nice hiking trails in the woods surrounding the Dreiländereck. You can easily cross the borders several times within a couple of minutes and hike in all three countries during a single day, which is a cool feeling (even though you are not likely to notice any difference, when crossing borders; no borders, walls or fences, just woods).

Right at the Dreiländereck, you can see the actual point where the three countires meet. Also, there is a restaurant, a place where you can get fries, a maze and a tower, for which you have to pay a small fee, but you have a nice view over the forest.

From the Dreiländereck, you can walk directly to Vaals, where you can take a bus back to Aachen.

How to get there

  • walk or bike. Seriously, Aachen is not that big.
  • bus: take line 3B, 25, or 33 and get off at Westfriedhof, Steppenberg, or Philipp-Neri-Weg; from these stations you can just walk to the Dreiländerweg, a little road that leads directly through the forest to the Dreiländereck
  • There is parking at the Dreiländereck, so you can definitively go there by car.