Gumeracha District Hotels Publicans

Please Note:

The following information was transcribed  basically 'as is' apart from required reformatting from Reg Butler's unpublished computer working files as at c2014.  However, it may include certain additional information and updating regarding the particular data concerned. 


Reg Butler (1941-2024), Hahndorf Historian, compiled his extensive computer data over many years and although it is certain that when compiling such data Reg took all available means to ensure accuracy, it is emphasized that not all of the data has been verified.  As a result. the Lists created may be incomplete, not state sources used, and might contain errors.  It is therefore left to the reader to determine the validity of all such data.   The original files can be accessed by arranging a visit to the Hahndorf Archives


Where additional information or corrections are considered necessary, please login to the Adelaide Hills LocalWiki and make such alterations/additions (retaining the original information) stating your User Name/eMail along with any supporting sources.

Tony Finnis, Hahndorf SA


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District Hotel - Gumeracha

VORWERK, Adolph (//c1832-3/9/1903)

Died Angaston SA.

1861-1862 District Hotel Gumeracha Hotel founder

WILLIAMS, Mrs Jane (//-//)

1862-1864 District Hotel Gumeracha

PEARCE, Samuel (//-//)

1864-1866 District Hotel Gumeracha

JAHN, Heinrich (9/5/1829-28/11/1885)

Born Germany. Died Adelaide SA.

1863-1866 Napoleon Bonaparte Inn Birdwood

1866-1867 District Hotel Gumeracha

DAY, Edward (//c1839-//)

Born London, Middlesex, England. Died Adelaide SA.

1867-1869 District Hotel Gumeracha

1869-1871 Mt Torrens Hotel Mount Torrens

HEWISH, Henry (//c1823-11/4/1877)

Died Norwood SA.

1863-1864 Bridgewater Hotel Bridgewater

1866-1868 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

1868-1869 Worlds End Inn Magill

1869-1873 District Hotel Gumeracha

COBB, JH (//-//)

1873-1875 District Hotel Gumeracha

1877-1877 Broughton Hotel Pt Broughton

RUNDLE, John the Younger (//c1816-11/5/1881)

Born Cornwall, England. Died Hahndorf SA.

1859-1875 Gray’s Inn Mt Barker

1875-1880 District Hotel Gumeracha

SCHECK, Carl Charles (//-//)

1880-1889 District Hotel Gumeracha

Late of Wills & Co

SCHECK, Mrs Carl nee Louisa C (//-//)

1889-1892 District Hotel Gumeracha

GERHARD, Mrs Elizabeth (//-//)

1892-1902 District Hotel Gumeracha

HUMPHRIES, William J (//-//)

1902-1905 District Hotel Gumeracha

FINCH, Harold (//-//)

1905-1911 District Hotel Gumeracha

FINCH, Mrs Harold nee Lilian ? (//-//)

1911-1913 District Hotel Gumeracha

TIDSWELL, Mrs Thomas nee Annie/Fanny BROWNLOW (//-//)

1913-1919 District Hotel Gumeracha

TIDSWELL, Horace Robert Kintore (9/4/1889-//)

Born North Unley SA.

1911-1912 Globe Hotel Naracoorte

1919-1920 District Hotel Gumeracha

COE, Mrs EP nee Ethel SAMPSON perhaps (18/7/1881-//)

Born Stone Hut SA.

1912-1919 Royal Mail Hotel Kingston S-E

1920-1926 District Hotel Gumeracha

CORCORAN, Patrick Michael Francis (26/2/1869-15/9/1926)

Born Clare SA.  Died Gumeracha SA, at his residence the District Hotel ‘after a short illness’.

1921-1921 Railway Hotel Pt Elliot

1926-1926 District Hotel Gumeracha

CORCORAN, Mrs PM nee Catherine Theresa Mary BARTLETT (//c1876-28/9/1933)

Apparently not Born SA. Died Meningie SA.

1921-1921 Railway Hotel Pt Elliot

1921-1932 District Hotel Gumeracha


Kenton Arms Hotel - Gumeracha

VORWERK, Adolph (//c1832-3/9/1903) Died Angaston SA.

1857-1861 Kenton Arms Hotel Gumeracha

SMALLACOMBE, John (//-//)

1855-1857 Kenton Arms Hotel Gumeracha Hotel founder

1864-1866 Kenton Arms Hotel Gumeracha

HAWKER, James (//-//)

1861-1861 Kenton Arms Hotel Gumeracha (//-//)

JOHNSTONE, Robert (//-//)

1861-1861 Kenton Arms Hotel Gumeracha

HILL, Robert (//-//)

1861-1864 Kenton Arms Hotel Gumeracha

HEWISH, Henry (//c1823-11/4/1877)

Died Norwood SA.

1863-1864 Bridgewater Hotel Bridgewater

1866-1868 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

KINGSTON, Charles (//c1816-20/10/1888)

Born Somerset, England. Died Mt Torrens SA.

1847-1852 Blakiston Arms Hotel Blakiston Hotel founder

1854-1859 Callington Arms then Callington Inn Callington Hotel founder

1859-1866 Tavistock Hotel Callington Hotel founder

1868-1884 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

CRANE, William Jenkins (//-//)

1884-1884 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

PALMER, James Thomas (//-//)

1884-1889 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

SMITH, Charles Allen (//-//)

1878-1881 Travellers Rest Hotel Stirling North

1887-1889 Hannahville Hotel Hannahville Pt Augusta

1889-1891 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha with Phoebe Smith his wife

ROBINSON, Samuel (//-//)

1889-1891 Wellington Hotel Waterloo

1891-1892 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

WILLIS, Mrs TE nee Mary Ann ? (//-//)

1884-1886 Royal Oak Hotel Clarendon with Thomas Edward Willis her husband

1892-1893 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

WILLIS, Thomas Edward (//-//)

1884-1886 Royal Oak Hotel Clarendon with Mary Ann Willis his wife

1893-1894 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

STOTT, Thomas (//-//)

1894-1909 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

WHITE, Arthur Elwin (28/4/1871-//)

Born North Adelaide SA.

1909-1911 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

BURTON, James William (20/12/1884-22/9/1912)

Born South Petherton SA. Died near Blumberg SA (of Gumeracha).

1911-1912 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

BURTON, Mrs JW nee Minna Minnie Clara SPEHR (5/7/1884-//)

Born near Mt Pleasant SA.

1912-1915 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

1918-1921 Travellers Rest Hotel Houghton

WATSON, Mrs Nellie (//-//)

1907-1909 Tanners Arms Hotel Bowden

1911-1914 Globe Hotel Bowden

1915-1916 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

NICHOLAS, Mary Ann (//-//)

1916-1916 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeraacha

GILBERT, Mrs Margaret Jean (//-//)

1912-1913 Gawler Belt Hotel Gawler Belt [Willaston] Hotel closer

1913-1916 North Star Hotel Templers

1916-1918 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

WATTS, Robert Otto (//c1880-1/8/1928)

Died Adelaide SA (of Rose Park).

1918-1919 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha with Esther May Watts his wife

BISHOP, Mrs Edith E (//-//)

1919-1919 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

CANDY, Robert (//-//)

1919-1920 Globe Hotel Victoria Township Kapunda Hotel closer

1920-1920 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

GREEN, Vivian Claude (//-//)

1921-1922 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

MORONEY, Michael E (//-//)

1922-1923 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

KEY, Mrs Beatrice Matilda (//-//)

1919-1919 Wheelwrights Arms Hotel Roper St

1923-1923 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

GRIFFEN, William (//-//)

1922-1923 Hanson Arms Hotel Farrell Flat

1923-1924 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

KELLY, Gordon Ambrose (7/12/1896-//)

Born Semaphore SA.

1924-1929 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha

LINKE, Carl Ferdinand (//c1886-19/8/1933)

1929-Died 1933 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha