Hahndorf Community Association Inc - AGM 2009

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at St Michael’s Church Hall, Balhannah Road, Hahndorf on Wednesday, 18 November, 2009 at 7:30pm


President Phil Houston welcomed all in attendance, including guests from District Council of Mt Barker - Cr Jason Kuchel and Brian Clancy - and Mike Greenwood, GNT Training, Sydney. The Pastor of St Michael’s Church then welcomed everyone with a prayer.


Phil Houston (Chairman), Brian Clancy (DCMB), Cr Jason Kuchel (DCMB), Mike Greenwood, Margaret Brook, John Brook, Wendy Williams, Eric Aliffe, , Ann Haines, David Haines, Mike Hasler, Eileen Hasler, Tony Finnis, Trevor Curnow, John Woodberry, Bette Woodberry, Rob Lang, Peter Bartsch, Jayne Bartsch, John Wittwer, Chris Janetzki, Ross Schubert, Lyndell Davidge, Thelma Heusler, Carola Sanders, Jim Fowles, Russell Grivell, Stuart Robinson, Callum Pickering, Lita Los Angeles (later), Bob Male, Bern Stevens, Rosemarie


Cr Lindsay Campbell, Rick Harcourt, Margaret Houston, Margaret Jacob, Louise Trinkle, Sophie Zervas, John Buchan, Graham Woolford, Harold Gallasch

Minutes of Previous Annual General Meeting

Held Tuesday, 11 November2008 in the Institute.
Moved David Haines, seconded John Wittwer that the minutes be received. Carried.

Business Arising:

Phil Houston then took questions regarding action taken on items in the last AGM Minutes

  • Main Street Master Plan: - Is the exit from English Street onto Main Street being considered?

  • Signage for Outdoor Dining: - Concern was expressed about the number of sandwich boards on footpaths and the fact that this was not being policed. This item is to be raised under General Business.

  • Car and Bus parking: - To be raised under General Business ??

  • Trees at Kaesler Redevelopment site: To be raised under General Business.

  • Main Street Paving: - Braun Drive to Windsor Avenue the footpaths are in very poor condition – older people finding difficulty walking especially at night. Phil Houston advised that Committee Member, John Buchan, has prepared an in-depth footpath report which is to be presented to Council for consideration and action. Action: Presentation to Council


President’s Report:

Phil Houston presented and read out his report, a copy of which had been provided for those in attendance. Phil advised that he would be retiring from his position as President as of tonight but would be happy to continue as a Committee Member. He looked forward to receiving nominations for all positions vacant at the December meeting of the HCA.

Financial Report:

The Treasurer, Eric Aliffe, presented the Financial Report, a copy of which had been provided for those in attendance (attached).
Eric Aliffe moved and David Haines seconded that the report be received. Carried.

Lyndell Davidge asked how HCA will reduce the Insurance and advised that Local Government Insurance is one of the cheaper policies. John Woodberry from Lions advised that BBQs etc are generally covered under Lions Insurance; however, it is important that elected members ensure their liability is covered. HCA is looking at all avenues.
Peter Bartsch from HBTA suggested all activities of HBTA, HCA and the Academy could be under one umbrella to save insurance costs. If there was one body, would we achieve more?
Action: To be further investigated

Election of 2009/2010 Committee:

Current Meetings held every second Wednesday of the month at 9:30am at Kaffehaus.
Phil Houston advised that most current members are willing to stand again; however all positions are vacant and he encouraged people to become involved.
Moved Ann Haines and seconded Stuart Robinson that all current members be nominated. Ann stated that others are most welcome to join the Hahndorf Community Association.

“Question and Answer” Time:

Panel: Cr Jason Kuchel Councillor DCMB – North Ward, Mr Brian Clancy - General Manager Infrastructure and Projects, Mr Mike Greenwood - GNT Training, Sydney

Mr Clancy, DCMB, provided copies of a sheet showing “Hahndorf Specific Council Initiatives”.

Q. Mr Callum Pickering: What impact will the State Development Plan Review have on Hahndorf?
A. Brian Clancy advised that a 30 year draft plan for greater metropolitan Adelaide which covers Adelaide to Murray Bridge has been submitted to the State Government. Major growth is specifically east and south which will produce increased traffic on the Freeway. There are a range of issues that Council is looking at eg water supply, infrastructure requirements. Paul Holloway has already initiated a process to look after Mt Barker where the State Government will re-zone land. Cr Kuchel added that rezoning land is a very difficult process; however there will definitely be expansion of Mt Barker but the question is “How Much?”. Council has made a submission to halt procedures until there has been more consultation.
There is no proposed development for Hahndorf; if Council has to foot the bill for the Mt Barker development, there will be less funding for Hahndorf, though in some ways Hahndorf will benefit from enhanced facilities in Mt Barker. Meadows and Echunga will develop.

Q. Jim Fowles (resident, Molens Road): The development on corner of Molens Road and Balhannah Road where red and yellow markers are on trees and footpaths – can you advise what is happening there?
A. Both Brian Clancy and Jason Kuchel were unaware of anything taking place in that area. There was much discussion from the floor regarding the watershed area of Hahndorf and many concerns about how many blocks are being sub-divided with an increasing affect on the sewage system. Cr Kuchel advised that there has been no change to the rules; however developers have rights of appeal to the State Government which is often in agreement with them. Council does reject many applications due to heritage issues.
It was mentioned that there was apparently little coordination between SA Water and Council regarding Sewage; however Brian Clancy advised that Council does in fact work closely with SA Water.

Q. Lyndell Davidge: How can we avoid these things happening in the future?
A. Brian Clancy: It gets taken out of Council’s hands and the State Government controls it.
Brian Clancy put several of these questions on notice to be dealt with further in his office.

Q. John Woodberry: regarding exit of English Street onto Main Street. There is enormous concern about exiting from English onto Main Street due to vehicles constantly parked to the right and left on Main Street. Redevelopment has increased traffic 3-fold and for a year John has made submissions to Council and the Police Department who advise they will pass this problem onto the Traffic Management Group; however nothing happens – do we have to wait for a fatal accident on the corner before something is done? Exiting from English Street is unsafe but nothing has been done to alleviate the problem of parking and poor visibility.
A. Brian Clancy stated that Council likes to communicate with constituents – it receives 7,500/year home page requests and it is a very well used service. Driver behavior is definitely an issue and Council works closely with police. It was further commented from the floor that the exit from English Street is both a vehicular and pedestrian danger, as is also the exiting from Windsor Avenue onto Main Street where cars have to go out further onto Main Street before vision is clear.

Q. Rick Harcourt (HCA Committee Member) – question read out in Rick’s absence from meeting:
“Given that local councils are the closest form of government to communities, why is it our community association cannot get a response from our own council to written communications about important issues like heavy transport in the Main Street? We can get a response from the Minister and the State Government Department, but not our own council (the example here is our letter dated 1 April to DCMB). What would you recommend as a way to most effectively establish a line of communication with our own council about such matters and other matter of concern to Hahndorf residents whom this association represents?
A. Jason Kuchel will be happy to follow this up. Brian Clancy was surprised to hear of lack of response and will respond within 7 days.

Q. Re: Main Street Master Plan/Heavy Transport:
Council has prepared draft for Transport Plan:
1. Bypass
2. Verdun interchange – is in Adelaide Hills Council so DCMB is talking with AHC.
Phil advised that Council recognizes all problems of Hahndorf but nothing is done. Local people have some good information which should be listened to.
Jayne Bartsch – re Master Plan for Traffic – people have no confidence in Council – Council does not police Main Street re A-frames or signage, so should we have confidence in action on any other plan. If plan has community approval there is a far better chance of it being achieved.
Russell Grivell mentioned that it is now 3 years since the street trees were vandalized – when will they be replaced?
A. Cr Kuchel advised that the trees should be planted next season – he will respond to this request within 7 days. Replacement of trees outside Kaesler site was again requested. Lyndell Davidge mentioned that the Main Street trees were planted in 1885 and are very significant.

Q. Mike Hasler mentioned that the pedestrian crossing in Nairne had been relocated so why not on Main Street/Balhannah Road
A. Cr Kuchel advised that there had been a flat refusal so many times at Nairne, in the end Federal/State/Council had borne 1/3 share each. Similar process will occur here. Brian Clancy mentioned that the Nairne process took 10 years.
Action: Brian Clancy to respond

Q. Carola Sanders asked at what stage is Council going to do something to improve our footpaths so that the children can walk to school safely? Could requests be prioritized? Footpaths in Church Street and Auricht Road were also particularly mentioned in need of attention.
A. Cr Kuchel – this may increase priority on criteria list.

Q. Eric Aliffe asked what steps will Council take to ensure that the public toilets are upgraded?
A. Brian Clancy said Council acknowledges that this is most important to Hahndorf; Council needs to change and increase the cleaning program time with the contractors to ensure the toilets are cleaned over peak demand time – sometimes almost by the hour.
Action: Further discussion between Brian Clancy and the Toilet Sub-Committee

Q. Lyndell Davidge raised the question of the Catastrophic Bushfire Category and plans for evacuation at such a time to advise the community as to “What do you do” at such a time. Anh Haines mentioned that it was on the front page of the Village Voice. Carole Saunders advised she could bring this to the attention of the appropriate person and perhaps together with the CFS there could be a public evening in order that the community are made more aware as to where to go to be safe.

Q. John Wittwer mentioned that the petition from the Hahndorf Community regarding the installation of a Pedestrian Crossing adjacent the IGA Supermarket had gone to the Minister and there was to be a survey carried out in February 2010.
John also mentioned St Nicholas Night on 4 December when everyone would be welcome.

Meeting Closure:

Phil thanked the Panel and all those in attendance for participating in the meeting.

Meeting Closed at: 9:30pm

Next Meeting of the Hahndorf Community Association:

Tuesday, 9 December 2009 at 9:30am at the Kaffehaus, Hahndorf.