Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 10 August 2011 in the Institute Supper Room at 9.30am


President Rick Harcourt welcomed all those present, thanking Jim Fowles for taking the Chair at the July meeting in his absence.


Rick Harcourt, Jim Fowles, Wendy Williams, Margaret Brook, Tony Finnis, John Buchan, Stephanie Burns, Phil Houston, Eric Aliffe, David and Ann Haines, Cr Jeff Bettcher, Cr Trevor Corbell, John Buchan, Frank Williams, John Wittwer


Graham Woolford, Russell Grivell, Louise Trinkle, Sheila Bettcher

1. Minutes of Previous Meeting:

moved Phil Houston seconded Jim Fowles that the minutes of the July Meeting be approved.

2. Business Arising:

2.1 Footpath Project:

Rick advised he had had a successful meeting with Neil Burton (DCMB) - the program looks more comprehensive than anticipated and $350,000 is being spent on footpaths in Hahndorf. Neil Burton has now left Council – Rick to investigate who has taken Neil’s place and restore relationship.
Action: Rick H.

2.2 Improved Lighting in darker areas of Main Street:

There being no further report from DCMB, it was agreed that Jeff would follow this matter up with Brian Clancey.
Action: Jeff B

2.3 Upgrade for the Hahnwiki:

It was agreed that everyone should investigate Hahnwiki. It is a very comprehensive guide for local issues; however, it needs updating.
Action: Rick/Tony

2.4 Pioneer Memorial Gardens Upgrade:

John B advised he had had a very productive time with Anni Luur Fox re plantings etc. John will continue to follow this upgrade up with Council etc.
Action: John B

Meeting Suspended:

At this point the meeting was suspended to welcome John Whelen, Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure and Acting Director of Road Traffic and Andy Excel – Regional Planning Office, Metropolitan Area to talk about heavy traffic issues within Hahndorf:

Rick outlined the issues:

  1. The use of Main Street by heavy trucks/traffic;

  2. Verdun interchange;

  3. Pedestrian crossing near IGA;

  4. Heavy Trucks - speed limit of 40k/hr

  5. Bald Hills Interchange;

No. 3 - Andrew stated that No. 3, the Pedestrian Crossing matter, is being investigated and he will get a response back to HCA.
John Whelan added that they were trying to develop a metropolitan system for pedestrians; they need more investigation into costs put into a program throughout the State.

No. 4 - 40 kms: Andy will refer to Peter Larsson who will look at making Main Street 40kms – will work with Council.
The Prospect trial is being monitored as an example and other councils are reducing their speed limits. Speed is measured for appropriate behaviour throughout the street.

John Whelan said these meetings are beneficial for understanding the process – safety is the prime issue, not heavy trucks Some of the parking spaces in the Main Street should probably be removed for improved vision. Stephanie B said a set of lights at Balhannah intersection would be an excellent improvement. Andy to look at the scenario of traffic at that intersection. Several other necessary investigations were mentioned such as appropriate traffic counts etc. Mike added that Hahndorf is a Tourist Town and needs special consideration. John Buchan said a bypass would preserve the heritage site; John Whelan responded that bypasses are not popular with businesses but will become more prevalent in the next 30 years. Andy said that a River Road bypass would only remove 30% of trucks from the Main Street – not a priority. Rick asked if the Verdun interchange would improve the situation – response was that it is not a priority. Phil suggested there should be signage directing heavy traffic away from Hahndorf where it should not be permitted. Andy mentioned that it was not a priority.

Rick asked what course HCA should now take to advance the cause and get action? Andy suggested HCA should keep raising the profile – keep up the pressure. What can we learn from Angaston who now have a bypass? That Council and the Regional Council got together and saw this through, working closely with the Transport Dept. Politicians were also on board and the Light Regional Council worked closely with Council as well. John Whelan suggested that maybe the plan should be to get all parties on board and access funding. Phil H advised that Prospect has forced alternative routes to be taken in that area – Mt Barker Council does not consider Hahndorf a high priority – they recognise the plan but do not follow the Master Plan that goes back as far as 1980s with several other Master Plans considered since then – how long does it take? Hahndorf has the narrowest Main Street in the Hills! Hahndorf has been declared No. 1 Tourist Town and 16th in Australia – why should we detract from the amenities of this town by not addressing the heavy transport issues.

Rick thanked John Whelan and Andrew Excel for attending the meeting and also thanked Jeff Bettcher for organising their attendance at the meeting. John and Andrew then thanked HCA for the opportunity for discussion and departed the meeting.

Ann H felt that the two visitors had been more positive than previous speakers – perhaps some hope!

The Meeting then resumed with further Business Arising Matters:

2.6 Speed Limit of 40ks/hr through Main Street:

This item was dealt with earlier.
Action: Andrew Excel to refer to Peter Larrsen

2.7 Bus Stop near River Road, upgrade, and new bus shelter and replace rubbish bin for bus stop area on Main Street opposite Ambleside Road (Bus Stop 53):

Jim Fowles has a Complaint Number from District Council of Mt Barker and will report back further.

2.8 Signage Compliance:

A new Compliance Officer has been engaged by DCMB.
Letters have been sent out to several traders regarding signage applications – they have 30 days in which to comply – Council is to do an audit.
Tony mentioned the flashing lights at the Haus Restaurant.
Action: Jeff B to follow up

2.9 Alex Johnston Park Entrance Sign:

This is now completed.

2.5 No. 84 Main Street – Result of Hearing:

Several people from Hahndorf had attended the Hearing by the DAP, at which two committee members had considered the project “an abomination”. Rick had submitted a late letter to Council and further organised an article to appear in the Courier. The DAP decision to allow the very large refrigerator (2.3mx1.6m) to remain in the front verandah of the Fachwerk cottage was considered a real tragedy and Phil H commended Rick H for his endeavours to fix the problem. Margaret asked how had this matter become a Category 1 item which stops public consultation? Council upheld the application for extended outdoor dining at the Hahndorf Inn, but subsequently had the original umbrellas removed because they were not consistent with the Hahndorf Main Street Master Plan Streetscape heritage principles. Why are they allowing the fridge on the verandah of No. 84? Jeff and Rick are to investigate as to whether there is a way to have this stopped.
Action: Jeff B/Rick H.

2.10 Beautification of Main Street:

Council is to commence removal of the wooden barrels from Main Street and dolomite is to be spread for levelling.
Justin Lang has advised that he would be interested in assisting with the beautification and had sent along some photographs showing beautification of other main streets.

2.11 English Street/Pine Avenue/Hereford Avenue/Main Street intersections (referred from July mtg):

Re Hereford Avenue: Mike reported that the yellow lines on the intersection with Main Street could not be painted on during the very wet weather but will be attended to in September.

2.12 Stormwater at Elmer’s Garage:

This is now fixed – thanks Jeff Bettcher.

3. Correspondence


  • 3.1 Email from Andrew Hunter, Main Street, Hahndorf re Heavy Traffic: - This was presented during the meeting above with the Dept of Transport representatives.

  • 3.2 Email from Beerenberg, Sally Paech – request for further projects: Wendy advised she had mentioned to Sally the opening of Pioneer Memorial Gardens.


  • 3.3 Letter to Andy Glen and Peter McGinn, DCMB, attaching an expression of interest form for a community event to take place 2011-12 – suggested Grand Opening of upgraded Pioneer Memorial Gardens (2012): awaiting response.

  • 3.4 Letter to Jamie Briggs re format for AGM, 16 November 2011: A letter had been forward to Jamie Briggs from Rick advising of a suggested format for the evening to be an opportunity for Hahndorf residents to hear our Federal Member speak on how a Coalition Government can assist Hahndorf and Australia, to be followed with a wine tasting provided by Somerled, Hahndorf Hill Winery and possibly One Planet Winery. Committee to provide Cheese and Biscuits etc.

  • 3.5 No. 84, Mt Barker Road, Hahndorf – Christian Jaensch Fachwerk House: as dealt with above.

  • 3.6 Letter to Anni Luur Fox re her submission to DCMB regarding No. 84, Mt Barker Road, Hahndorf: thanking Anni for her excellent submission and expressing regret that the application had been approved.

  • 3.7 Letter to Grant, Carol and Sally Paech, Beerenberg: Congratulating the company on winning the Telstra SA Business of the Year Award 2011; Beerenberg also won the medium-sized business award.

4. Reports:

4.1 Treasurer’s Report:

Eric Aliffe presented the HCA financial statement as at 10.8.2011 as follows:

  • Bank account stands at: $3,268.93

  • Payments: - CopyWorld: $148.90; Village Voice Advertisements: $40.00

  • Receipts: - Councillor Simon Westwood: $100.00 towards costs of Village Voice

4.2 President’s Report:

All matters had been covered in previous items of the minutes.

5. General Business:

5.1 Cr Jeff Bettcher and his wife, Sheila, now members of the HCA Committee:

Rick welcomed Jeff and Sheila as new members of the HCA Committee.

5.2 English Street/Main Street – application for new offices and 27 new carparks:

Eric had forwarded advice regarding the above application for offices, a toilet and kitchen, together with 27 carparks to be built behind shops already trading on Main Street:
Rick will look at the Development Application to see if footpaths can be incorporated into the development to assist this difficult corner onto Main Street.

6. Any Other Business:

6.1 Pine Avenue/Main Street Intersection:

Phil requested that the July Minutes be altered to include fencing to be considered on BOTH sides of Pine Avenue corner. Crossing should be level with rubbish bin.

6.2 Stirling Market Administration:

Wendy had been advised that Stirling Market Administration has money available for community projects and had forwarded a letter to the Stirling Market President asking if an application for assistance in purchasing a new laptop computer to run off the Hahndorf Village Voice would be appropriate.

6.3 Molens Road, Hahndorf Development:

Jeff B advised that 40-50 pine trees will be felled on corner of Molens Road/Balhannah Road where an application to develop 13 building blocks of 800-1200 sq meters has been lodged with Council. Jim Fowles mentioned that the Molens Road footpath had been upgraded.

Meeting Closure:

The meeting closed at 11.15am

Next Meeting:

The next meeting of the Hahndorf Community Association will be held on Wednesday, 14 September 2011 at 9:30am – venue to be advised on Agenda Notice as the Australian Mineral Assoc has a meeting in the Institute.