Hahndorf Community Association Inc.

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 8 February 2012 at 9.30am in the Institute Supper Room


Ann Haines, David Haines, Rick Harcourt, Wendy Williams, Sheila Bettcher, Jeff Bettcher, Eric Aliffe, Harold Gallasch, John Buchan, Jim Fowles, Phil Houston, Tony Finnis,
Welcome to new resident Karen Hassel.


Mike Hasler, Russell Grivell, Margaret Brook, John Brook, Trevor Corbell, Rob Lang

Minutes of Previous Meeting (8 February 2012):

Approved as a true and correct record of proceedings.

1. Business Arising:

1.1 Improved Lighting for darker areas of Main Street, Hahndorf

Council, in conjunction with Pecan Electrical, to install new fittings to existing poles at either end of Main Street, Hahndorf.

1.2 Upgrade for the Hahnwiki

Volunteer sought to upgrade and maintain Hahnwiki website.

1.3 Pioneer Memorial Gardens Upgrade

New Rotunda has unsatisfactory entry, requires seating and changes to adjacent landscaping.
Garden shelters to be rebuilt

1.7 Hahndorf Waterways

over the next few days with permapine timbers replaced with hard wood.
Replacement fence to western boundary should be completed in the next months and landscaping for the new playground to be commenced soon.
Action: Jeff Bettcher/John Buchan

1.4 Heavy Traffic Issues and speed limit of 40kms through Main Street of Hahndorf

HCA Chair not obtaining any verbal response from DTUP officer who wrote regarding options to improve Main Street traffic issues. - Follow up required.
Action: Jeff Bettcher/Rick Harcourt

1.5 Parking on Main Street

Council considering three hour parking limit in Main Street (except where special limits required, e.g. in front of the Post Office).

1.6 Pine Avenue/Main Street Intersection

Being reviewed by Council. Considered dangerous if pedestrians made to cross higher up Pine Avenue, rather any directional fencing should be in line with pedestrian footpaths.

1.7 Hahndorf Waterways

Awaiting response from NRM on Hahndorf Creek Management Plan. Council Officers to inspect creek undergrowth where creek meets Onkaparinga River and if action appropriate.
Action: Jeff Bettcher

1.8 Follow up on Accidents Report in Main Street, Hahndorf

Mirrors reported broken in Main Street

2. Correspondence:

In: - No correspondence received.

3. Reports:

3.1 Chairman’s Report:

Chairman seeking to meet with DTUP executive to follow up on letter received as to possible options for improved transport management.

3.2 Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurer presented his report to the meeting showing cash at bank $1,693.91 as at 8 February 2012 and expenses incurred at $1,704.80 for the period.
Report identifying payments since last report were noted. Report was accepted.

4. Any Other Business:

4.1 Clock in Pioneer Gardens

Has stopped. Council to rectify.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting of the Committee will be held at 9.30am on Wednesday, 14 March 2012 in the Hahndorf Institute Supper Room.


The meeting closed at 10.40am.