Minutes of Committee Meeting Held Wednesday 13th February 2019

at 9:30am at The Hahndorf Institute

1. Present

E Aliffe, A Haines, J Germano, M Hasler, M Kentish, R Grivell, K Franklin, J Kentish, W Williams, D Painter, H Gallasch, D Leach, B Mouatt, J Buchan, A Buchan, M Brook, H Seager, T Finnis, D Seifert, J White,

2. Apologies

N Hardingham, P &S O'Brien, S Gallasch, P Houston

3. Minutes of Previous Meetings 12 December 2018 and January 9th 2019

All in favour, passed.

4. Business Arising

Beerenberg Old Barn Tour - Defer until next meeting - Narelle to arrange.    Action: Narelle

March meeting with State Transport (Judith Formston) - Jean reported Judith Formston has confirmed she will be attending and will bring 2 DPTI representatives, and that Maddie Dobbin has invited the Traders group to HCA March meeting.  This will provide an opportunity to learn about the scope and parameters of the $1m Transport Study, and to share ideas.  Malcolm urged members to be open to all options.

There are also Surveyors working on the Main Street, traffic counters are in place until April, and a Landscape Architect is looking at beautification – this activity is related to Grant funding for parking issues.

Letter to Minister of Heritage - Malcolm & Jean have reviewed Harold's draft letter and the edited letter distributed for comment.  Discussion regarding content.  Views expressed that State Government may be holding off on Conservation Areas as ‘too hard to implement', and the website has no information on Conservation and Heritage as part of the public consultation process.  Malcolm reports that he is to meet with Tony Piccolo, Member for Light, State Shadow Minister for Planning and Local Government, Housing and Urban Development, and Veteran's Affairs.  Deb says that the Heritage Tourism aspects warrant greater emphasis.  Jean and Deb to finalise wording of the letter.  Action: Jean/Deb

Seed Blocks Sale - Jean and Narelle have spoken with Greg Waller about the Seed Blocks, which are now sold.  Greg had advised the selling agent of the complexity of developing this land, but the purchaser has not contacted Council regarding this.  Michael Dickson is dealing with this matter for Council.

Robust discussion regarding what is happening to Heritage conservation?

Harry stated that the new legislation is very complicated and confusing for both Councillors and Planning staff.  All legislation is set by State Government, Council has little say and limited opportunity to participate.  Online applications, and probably minimal opportunity to appeal.

Eric and Tony felt there was a need to agitate, to focus attention on specific areas – Dieter queried what form such action would take.  Malcolm commented on the need to have the Council Planning Officer to the meeting, also to request via Dan Cregan, MP, for a member of Minister Knoll’s office to attend a meeting to discuss changes to the planning laws which impact Heritage.   Action: Jean

Jan suggested a Committee delegation and Dan Cregan MP meet with relevant Ministers.  Harry commented on the expense of taking an issue to the Administrative Appeals Court.  Harold has a Petition in progress and invited members to extend its reach.  Bruce commented that action regarding Heritage matters needs to have a clear focus.  Jean queried establishment of a Heritage Working Group.  Eric, Harold, Dieter and Deb expressed interest. Action: Eric, Harold, Dieter, Deb

Nixon's Mill Sails -  Margaret – as Chair of Mt Barker Branch of the National Trust - reported that the National Trust is following up the progression of Stage 2, incorporating planting and Heritage Signage, and addressing the Aboriginal connection.  A meeting with Scott Barnes, Chris Lawrie, and Andy Rooney will take place at Council Chambers at 11am on 7th March.  Margaret, Eric, Annette Humphries and Lyndall Davidge are attending on behalf of the National Trust.  Discussion regarding the need for sails to be attached to the original milling mechanism, and potential damage to the structure if sails were attached directly to the building.   Action: Eric report back to HCA

5. Correspondence In/Out

emails as listed:

Letter from Dan Cregan, MP – State Heritage Grants Program - $500,000 available for restoration of State Heritage properties.

Community and Environmental Grants. 1st Round – applications close 10th March 2019, only round available this year.

6. Working Groups

6.1 Strempel Avenue Verge Landscaping - Jean reported that she approached Council, who support the Project, and gained local community support.  John Buchan has been ‘invaluable' with advice re the development and planting of the site.  Lions will fund a bench.  There will be disabled access for motorised scooters across the site from Strempel Avenue to Balhannah Road.  John presented a detailed site plan with plant recommendations of native and Mediterranean climate plants, trees and shrubs. John has met with Council's David Cooney.  Bruce suggested the site be named ‘Buchan Park’.

6.2 Yantaringa Reserve Open Space Cycling and Walking Trail

Bruce, Jean, Peter and Sue O'Brien, David, Narelle and John (postmaster) visited the reserve.  Requires clean-up, mapping of trails and linking to town and tourist attractions.

Peter and Sue have made great efforts to improve the reserve.  The proposal has been discussed with Maddie Dobbin – part of the Hahndorf Strategic Plan.  St Michael's School want to have a Nature Playground, in conjunction with other groups.  David stated that any action needs Council approval, and important to engage with Landcare groups.  Potential for such a project to be very expensive, or can be more modestly costed.  Harry stated that such a project needs to be under the auspices of a sponsoring organisation for a grant application – HCA.   Russell stated that the Reserve has varieties of native Orchids – need to involve Bushcare.  Jean stated that there is need for clear communication between HCA, the O'Briens and Council - David Cooney.  Bruce said it was important to maintain control of when information is shared with organisations with a vested interest in the project – will discuss with Peter, Sue and John (Postmaster).  Jean will approach and connect with other interested groups in Hahndorf, before information about the proposed project is publicised in Village Voice.  Therefore information will not be included in the February edition.  Harry suggested to apply for a community grant, rather than an Environment grant, that is specifically focussed – eg for fencing.

7. Reports 2018/19

7.1 Council - Harry reported that Council is about to start its Budget processes.  David recommended that members read the Council Meeting Minutes – Cat Bylaws will be on next meeting's agenda – curfew, confinement, microchipping and registration.

7.2 Events - Jan – nil to report.

7.3 Financial - Opening balance $4864.  Closing balance $4805 – costs for Village Voice.  Eric moved, Bruce seconded the report be accepted.

7.4 Township Plan - This item has been covered in previous items.

7.5 Village Voice - Will be circulated next week Action: Wendy, Ann

8. General Business

Letterhead/Graphic Design volunteer - Jean commented on the amount of space and ink used with current design.  Bruce to take on project to review this issue.   Action: Bruce

9. Other Business

Money from Academy. Tony – payment for local wiki. To discuss further.  Action: Tony, Jean

Eric commented on the Institute, its availability for community usage, and need to promote its purpose as a community facility.  Action: Jean – agenda item for next meeting

Harold commented that traders should be required to restore buildings in the Hahndorf State Heritage area to their former state when premises are vacated.

Congratulations were extended to Ann Buchan, on being awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia – OAM - in the recent Australia Day Honours.


Meeting Closed 11.00 am

Next meeting Wednesday 13 March 2019 9:30am Supper Room, The Institute