Hahndorf Community Association Inc.

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 13 October, 2010 in the Institute Supper Room at 9.30a.m


The President welcomed all in attendance and advised that Mayor Ann Ferguson had kindly agreed to attend the meeting to answer questions regarding the progress on the implementation of the Hahndorf Main Street Master Plan, including traders’ signage, lighting, etc.


Rick Harcourt, Wendy Williams, Margaret Brook, Mike Hasler, Jim Fowles, John Buchan, Phil Houston, David Haines, Tony Finnis, Graham Woodford, Russell Grivell.


Eric Aliffe and Ann Haines


Jeff Bettcher, who will be standing in the next local council elections, was not present to introduce himself to members of HCA as he had been under the misinterpretation that the meeting was to be held in the evening of 13.10.10 – he later sent his apologies.

Presentation of Footpath Project by John Buchan:

Due to John Buchan having to leave the meeting early, he showed the Power Point presentation he had prepared on the state of footpaths within Hahndorf in need of upgrading. Ann Ferguson stated that the water meter shown standing up in the footpath in Auricht Road and two bent signposts on the righthand side footpath on Mt Barker Road between Hahndorf Nursing Home and Beerenberg should be immediately fixed as they were a safety factor. John was complimented upon his excellent presentation – he is to make some alterations and meet again with the Project Committee to finalise.
Action: John Buchan to email Ann Ferguson re water meter and bent signposts

Russell Grivell advised of maintenance required outside Noske’s Butcher Shop and the Service Station where flooding takes place in heavy rain and there are loose pavers. Ann said she will get a tracking record on this problem which has been notified to Council on many occasions on past years.
Action: HCA to email Mayor Ann Ferguson for referral to Brian Clancy

Discussion with Mayor Ann Ferguson re Inplementation of the Main Street Master Plan:

Ann Ferguson said Council would work closely with business traders in Hahndorf pushing for improvements to footpath signage etc as per the Main Street Master Plan. Barry Wilkins had originally got this on the move; however, disagreements had prevented this from going forward. Ann F has had meetings with Ministers in order to create economic and tourism development, including discussions with Simon Crean. Plan was ratified but not carried out.
Tony stated that HCA needs some method of compliance which should come from Council. Ann F will take this further and hopes a new Councillor elected in the future elections will take this on board and really concentrate on and support the needs of Hahndorf. Ann F suggested Terry Nicholas be invited to attend an HCA meeting to manage Expiation Notices as he is a very good people person.
Action: Terry Nicholas to invited to attend HCA Meeting re managing Expiation Notices

Rick advised that HBTA and the HCA would not amalgamate due to inherent differences on various positions; however, a meeting perhaps once a quarter is being mooted to take place between all the main associations within Hahndorf, each having representation in order for everyone to work in complementary directions.
Action: Rick

Attendance: Samantha Hardman

Samantha Hardman joined the meeting and introduced herself as a prospective North Ward Councillor. Samantha lives in Littlehampton, has a great interest in the area, is a volunteer at the Nursing Home and stayed to take interest in the remainder of the meeting.
Ann F asked everyone to complete and return the Postal Vote for DCMB Elections as soon as received if possible.

1. Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Phil Houston moved and David Haines seconded that the Minutes of the previous meeting held 8 September be confirmed as correct.

2. Business Arising:

2.1 Beerenberg Foundation: National Trust Signage;

David Haines advised that Ann had the signage well in hand and would further report to next meeting. To be well displayed in the December Village Voice.
Action: Ann Haines/Dec Village Voice

2.2 Pioneer Women’s Memorial:

Phil H provided final copy for the memorial and advised that this memorial will NOT be placed in front of the proposed new toilets in Pioneer Memorial Park. John Buchan has had consultation with David Clooney about the design and the memorial will be situated on left hand side of Park. The sign should be delivered next month.
Rick thanked Phil for an excellent job well done.

2.3 Improved lighting for dark areas along Main Street:

At present the trees in Main Street are being trimmed for dead branches, etc; Erin Gillespie, Administration Officer, Governance and Projects, DCMB advised that the problem of lighting would be looked at again once the trees are in full leaf. (CRM number 14036/2010)
Action: Wendy to keep checking

2.4 Alec Johnston Park descriptive signage and Pioneer Women’s Memorial:

John Buchan has this in hand with Andrew Rammell and David Cooney.
Provision for space for Bands etc needs to be allowed for at the entrance of the Park; therefore descriptive signage may need to be repositioned further to the right of the front of the park.
Action: John Buchan and Letter to Council approx Feb 2011

2.5 Confirmation of name of Main Street/Mt Barker Road:

It was agreed that this matter should be driven by the Traders. John Klusky to be asked to attend November HCA Meeting to discuss.
Action: Invitation to John Klusky

3. Correspondence:

3.1 Correspondence In:

  • Notices from Mt Barker Council: — Top H.A.T. Forum 2011 (COTA) and Every Generation Celebrations for October 2010.

  • Email from Barry Wilkins re TDU BBQ: Barry advised that he thought it would be worthwhile for HCA to put on the annual TDU BBQ in 2011

Action: Wendy to keep in touch with Barry

3.2 Correspondence Out:

  • Letter from Eric Aliffe to Steve Watson, DCMB, re Hahndorf Public Toilets: — Eric had written on behalf of the Toilet Sub-Committee confirming items the HCA felt were necessary to be included in the Hahndorf Public Toilets upgrade with copy to Mayor Ann Ferguson and Cr Lindsay Campbell. Copy to Ann Ferguson – Sue Miller will follow this up (reference no. 10/47452. Action: Eric A/Sue Miller

  • Letter to The Hon Jack Snelling, Minister for Road Safety re Heavy Transports’ use of Hahndorf’s Main Street as a through route – copies to Mayor Ann Ferguson, Jamie Briggs, Isobel Redmond and Adelaide Hills Council: expressing HCA’s concern regarding the Main Street of Hahndorf being unsafe for residents, families and tourist visitors and advising that HCA will continue to pursue the completion of the Verdun Interchange. Rick also requested that the speed limit for the Main Street of Hahndorf be reduced from 50 kms per hour to 40 kms per hour.

  • Letter to Mr Barry Wilkins, Tourism Officer, DCMB, re Hahndorf’s footpaths as a tourism issue: — Rick drew Barry’s attention to the fact that the HCA is continuously monitoring and drawing Council’s attention to the state of Hahndorf’s footpaths, especially where visitors have to park quite a way from the Main Street making their way with pushers or walkers along streets on very poor footpaths to enjoy Main Street entertainment; can anything be done about this? Copy sent to Mayor Ann Ferguson.

  • Letter to Mayor Ann Ferguson – re provision of Pedestrian Crossing near Hahndorf’s IGA Store: — Rick set out reasons why the HCA felt it imperative that a pedestrian crossing be installed as a safe crossing for elderly St Paul’s residents, residents of Hahndorf and tourists visiting who are unfamiliar with the local traffic pattern, including heavy transports. HCA is also working with and supporting the St Paul’s Lutheran Homes in trying to achieve this aim. Copies to Jamie Briggs and Isobel Redmond.

4. Reports:

4.1 Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurer, Eric Aliffe, had provided in his absence overseas, the detailed Financial Statement as at 30 June 2010 and thanked our Honorary Auditor, Mr Russell Grivell for auditing the accounts.

4.2 President’s Report – including sub-committees’ activities:

Rick reported that further working group meetings had taken place on 5 - 7 October regarding the HCA projects.
Brief updates are as follows:

1). Removal of the main street of Hahndorf as a through route for heavy transports:
Committee Meeting: Rick met with Ann Ferguson on 5.10.10 who suggested changing terminology relating to the freeway interchange to say it should be “completed” by addition of southbound and northbound ramps at Verdun.
This interchange is within the Adelaide Hills Council area and correspondence should be copied to them. Ann also suggested that when writing to Minister Jack Snelling, HCA should point out that the state government’s own plans for substantial additional residential development in the Mt Barker area of the Adelaide Hills itself highlights the greater need for a safe transport mode to be incorporated into the Verdun interchange.
Action: Rick has written to The Hon Jack Snelling (see Item 3.4)

2). Provision of a pedestrian crossing near the IGA store at the southern end of Main Street:
Working Group Meeting 7.10.10:
John Wittwer joined the meeting and added the support of the St Paul’s Lutheran Homes to this objective.
Action: Rick has written to Mayor Ann Ferguson (see Item 3.6)

3). Maintenance of the public toilets in Hahndorf to a standard consistent with the town’s description as the Jewel in South Australia’s Tourist Crown:
Working Group Meeting:
There was no meeting as Eric overseas; Eric had written a letter to Steve Watson regarding the needs of the HCA for the Public Toilets within Hahndorf.
(See Item 3.3)

4). Completion of Footpaths along full extent of Auricht Road and Church Street and Balhannah Road from Main Street to Molens Road:
Working Group Meeting:
John B made a power point presentation to the meeting as per first item in these minutes. John B’s pictorial presentation is a very clear illustration of the need for better footpaths. The plan now is for HCA to establish DCMB’s budget position on footpaths, now and future, decide on our priorities and put a presentation of those priorities utilising John’s illustrations.
Action: Working Group

5). Improvement in car parking availability in Main Street through the provision of spaces accessible behind Main Street premises and on other land available:
Ann H to discuss with Mary Herriot the system that works so well in Stirling. Rick H will produce an RP Data or similar map of land ownership along Main Street. Action: Ann H/Rick

6). Main Street Master Plan Signage:
See beginning of these Minutes for discussion with Ann Ferguson on this matter – 2nd item.

5. General Business:

5.1 Remembrance Day: 11 November 2010:

Wendy organising same. Mort Scholar has agreed to be MC. Rick and Wendy to meet briefly to discuss with Mort. Pastor Alex Stevenson has agreed to conduct the religious service. Trevor Schneemilch has asked to raise the flag in place of his deceased father earlier this year.

5.2 Hahndorf Community Association AGM:

HCA will hold it’s normal monthly meeting on Wednesday, 10 November; AGM could possibly be held on 24 November or 1 December, to commence 6-6:30pm, according to availability of the St Michael’s Church Hall.
Action: Wendy
Phil commended Rick on his Chairmanship of HCA and asked that he continue in the role. Rick was agreeable to this suggestion.
Format for AGM should include representatives from the National Trust, Academy, Institute, DCMB and the Beerenberg Foundation (Sally Paech) to act as a Panel for questions from the Agenda and the Floor.

Closure and Next Meeting:

Meeting closed at 11:05am

Next Meeting: To be held on Wednesday, 10 November 2010 in the Institute Supper Room, Hahndorf
NOTE: St Michael’s Church Hall is available from 6-10pm on Wednesday, 1 December, 2010 for the AGM