Hahndorf Community Association Inc.

Minutes of Committee Meeting held Wednesday October 8th 2014 at 9.30am

in the Hahndorf Institute Supper Room

1. Present

R Harcourt, E Alliffe, J Fowles, J Buchan, W Williams, B Mouatt, P Houston, C Pittman-Reed, M Gordon,T Finnis, J Bettcher, S Bettcher,M Brook, J Germano, A Haines.

2. Apologies

G Vort-Ronald, R Grivell, H Gallasch, M Hasler.

Chairman welcomed everyone, particularly the 2 new members Christine and Maureen.  Observed that this year's objectives should be settled upon, all able to contribute,remembering that the HCA purpose for being is "to enhance the amenities and quality of life for the residents of Hahndorf"  Rick and Ann will retire at end of this elected year.

3. Election of Office Bearers

Chairman . R Harcourt - Nominated P Houston 2nd Ann- elected

V Chairman J Fowles . Nominated R Harcourt, 2nd E Aliffe. - elected

Secretary A Haines Nominated B Mouatt ,2nd E Aliffe - elected

Treasurer E Aliffe Nominated J Bettcher, 2nd J Fowles. -elected

4. Minutes of Previous Committee Meeting. September 13th 2014

Correcton -T Finnis omitted as present. Minutes confirmed.

5. Business Arising


6. Correspondence

Citizen of the Year through Australia Day Council. Agreed that individuals may nominate a person or event.

DCMB Positive aging and memory training event October 30 in Library

7. Reports

7.1 Financial Balance at 7.010.2014 $ 4074.92 Of this $ 870.40 set aside for 175 booklet. $ 300 set aside for Nixons Mill project. Donation of $100 to 175th to be transferred. Balance $ 2954.52 PL Liability Insurance falls due January Eric researching prices/value. Financial report accepted.

7.2 Heavy vehicles on Main street . Phil - keep up pressure. Risk analysis still on table as would be premature until wombat crossings assesment done. Remind B Clancey at DCMB. B W Classified as 7 axles and 25m long. Action Phil/Bruce.

7.3 Heritage Preservation. Under new planning requirements, HCA can now intervene at application to heritage stage of a development application. Need to remain alert.Action Jean

Nixon's Mill project stalled at Council level . Meeting with A Gottzheim Oct 10th. Action Eric/Jim/John

7.4 Planning and development. Concern at development of small blocks in Hahndorf. Maxi Resort application submitted for top of Windsor Ave which requires land rezoning.

7.5 Council Matters - Jeff reported - elections coming, 5 nominees for 4 Councillors in North Ward.

- New Mt Barker developments have no house applications.

- deadlock on discussion re sewer between DCMB /SA Water for Paech Rd development

- entry statement meetings with chairpersons of all town groups - briefs set & 2 companies expressed interest

- community consultation will occur when briefs are available.

- funding? community will need to seek grants , so begin thinking now.

7.6 175th Celebrations Ann reported on Back to Hahndorf weekend September 19 -212st in tandem with State Band Championships . Engaging residents contiues to be an issue.  These celebrations are managed and funded by a committee representing all groups, established in August 2013.

7.7 Remembrance Day In order Invitations to VIPS ? and groups out. Wreaths to be made on Nov 10th at 2.00 in the Institute. Music, speaker,MC,program in order or under review.  Action Bruce/Ann

7.8 VIllage Voice 10th anniversary coming up. Adverts and items coming in already for December issue. Collection of money through Eric. Action Wendy/Gail/Ann

8.General Business

Setting Objectives. to preserve the amenities for residential life in Hahndorf.

1. Heavy Vehicle use of Main St as a thoroughfare to other ports. Sub committee Phil, Bruce, Rick, Christine

2. Heritage Preservation - much discussion as to whether Planning and development should be part of task for this subcommittee. Opportunity now exists for HCA to intervene at heritage application level.- buildings, space,trees,creeks etc.  Understanding of Development Plan essential .- Council web site.  Sub committee Jean, Wendy, Eric, Christine,Maureen,Margaret.

3. Parking - work with traders John Ashcroft has idea. Also check original Main St Master Plan.  Sub committee Rick, Phil, Bruce with input from Jeff/Simon.

4. Trail to link Resort to Cedars and to Beerenberg.  A long term , multi stage project needing a Master Plan.

Christine presented an overview of matters to be considered eg corridoor for bikes, pedestrians,waterways,traffic,parking.Drew attention to need for action before development occurs along creek.Partnership with DCMB likely, but regional funding necessary.  Considerable discussion as to approach.  Outcome Christine and Rick to meet to clarify this objective. .

9. Other Business

a. Toilets require inspection

b. A frames creeping onto footpath Action Eric

 Remember what we have achieved over time in small steps with gentle persistence .


Meeting Closed 11.35

Next Meeting November 12 at 9.30am