Early Ownership of Allotments in Hahndorf |
Records for the purchase of land in South Australia are located in either the General Registry Office (Old Lands Title Office) on Marion Road at Netley or at the Lands Title Office in Grenfell St. In 1858, the Real Property Act was passed for a system, known as Torrens Title whereby a copy of the certificate of title was given to the land holder and the second copy was retained by the Registrar General of Deeds. This meant the transfer of land ownership (ie conveyance) was made by registration and certification rather than deed. Records prior to 1858 for land transactions are found at the General Registry Office. Records after 1858 are held at the Lands Title Office. |
The following Hahndorf allotment data was extracted from Reg Butler's unpublished computer files as at 2007. For more up-to-date and extensive information, please access the Hahndorf Allotments Data Base computer located at The Kaffeehaus, 51 Main Street, Hahndorf. [ Original Allotments (Northern side Main Street) ] [ Subsequent Allotments (Southern side Main Street) ] |
Original Allotments - Located on Northern Side of Main Street, Hahndorf
Sections 4002, 4003 and 4004
Hermann Kook, Hahndorf's agricultural supervisor, laid out the original plan of Hahndorf in early 1839 on the northern side of the present Main street located on the boundary of Sections 4002, 4003 and 4004 which had been purchased by the Lutheran immigrants from the Mount Barker Special Survey partners. Main street crossed a network of six small creeks which eventually joined at the western end of Hahndorf as a tributary of the Onkaparinga River, allowing the fifty-four founding families to build their homes close to running water and leave uninterrupted countryside in the rest of the valley for farmland.
ALLOTMENT NH 1 (Former farm block 1) - 15 MALE CRESCENT
Original Plan of Hahndorf on Northern Side of Main Street 1839.1839 Probably Gottlob Nitschke wheelwright
1853 Wilhelm Rohrlach farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 August Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1896 A Thiele died. Carl Bom monumental mason Hahndorf, executor. Louise Thiele, nee Thiele, widow of August Thiele, had life interest in the allotment.
1907 Carl Nitschke farmer & mason Hahndorf
1908 LTO title
1922 Gustav Nitschke farmer Hahndorf
1950 Victor Nitschke & Max Nitschke farmers Hahndorf
1969 V Nitschke died
1972 Max Nitschke grazier Hahndorf; Marie Jonson, nee Nitschke, married woman Wattle Park; Peter Nitschke grazier Hahndorf; John Nitschke grazier Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common, in unequal shares
Land at first held by Max Nitschke and his niece and nephews (Marie Jonson, nee Nitschke, Peter Nitschke, John Nitschke),, children of Victor Nitschke. They took over their father's half share.
1975 Each of the persons, except Marie Jonson, nee Nitschke, became a company. ie Max Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd; John Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd; Peter Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd
4120/252 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 2 (Former farm block 2) - 13 MALE CRESCENT
1839 Probably Anna Dorothea Schmidt, nee Kluge
1853 Ludwig Stark wheelwright Hahndorf - GRO title
1859 LTO title
1859 Eduard Kramm labourer Hahndorf
1866 August Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1896 A Thiele died. Carl Bom monumental mason Hahndorf, executor.
1908 Carl Nitschke farmer & mason Hahndorf
1922 Gustav Nitschke farmer Hahndorf
1950 Victor Nitschke & Max Nitschke farmers Hahndorf
1969 V Nitschke died
1972 Max Nitschke grazier Hahndorf; Marie Jonson, nee Nitschke, married woman Wattle Park; Peter Nitschke grazier Hahndorf; John Nitschke grazier Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common, in unequal shares
Land at first held by Max Nitschke and his niece and nephews (Marie Jonson, nee Nitschke, Peter Nitschke, John Nitschke),, children of Victor Nitschke. They took over their father's half share.
1975 Each of the persons, except Marie Jonson, nee Nitschke, became a company. ie Max Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd; John Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd; Peter Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd
3907/170 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 3 (Former farm block 3) - 11 MALE CRESCENT
1853 Friedrich Schneemilch carpenter & yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1868 F Schneemilch died. Hermann Schneemilch, son, executor
1868 Sophie Schneemilch, nee Wellendorf, widow of Friedrich Schneemilch, had life interest in the property.
1871 Sophie Schneemilch died. Hermann Schneemilch farmer Hahndorf, executor - LTO title.
1871 Adolph Schneemilch Senr farmer Hahndorf
1873 Ralph Lucy gentleman Adelaide
1900 Peter Olson carpenter Hahndorf
1900 Oswald Thiele labourer Hahndorf
1909 Carl Nitschke farmer & mason Hahndorf
1922 Gustav Nitschke farmer Hahndorf
1950 Victor Nitschke & Max Nitschke farmers Hahndorf
1969 V Nitschke died
1972 Max Nitschke grazier Hahndorf; Marie Jonson, nee Nitschke, married woman Wattle Park; Peter Nitschke grazier Hahndorf; John Nitschke grazier Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common, in unequal shares
Land at first held by Max Nitschke and his niece and nephews (Marie Jonson, nee Nitschke, Peter Nitschke, John Nitschke),, children of Victor Nitschke. They took over their father's half share.
1975 Each of the persons, except Marie Jonson, nee Nitschke, became a company. ie Max Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd; John Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd; Peter Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd
3950/111 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 4 - Part (Part former farm block 4) - 9 MALE CRESCENT
1839 Probably Gottlob Schirmer
1853 Gottlob Schirmer farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 Carl Borchers Senr blacksmith Hahndorf
1886 LTO title
1887 Johann Gottfried Horn farmer Hahndorf
1896 Wilhelm Ruge farmer Friedrichstadt
1905 Wilhelm Ruge died. JFW Paech executor
1905 Christoph Ruge farmer Hahndorf
1905 Wilhelmine Ruge, nee Kroehn widow Hahndorf - lease for the term of her natural life.
1908 W Ruge died
1909 Ernst Ruge labourer Hahndorf
1938 Waldemar Ruge labourer Hahndorf
1962 W Ruge died. Douglas Stephens woodcutter Hahndorf the executor
1963 Esther Griffin home duties Hahndorf 'for life' & then to Douglas Stephens 'in remainder expectant'
1973 Douglas Stephens woodcutter Hahndorf
1973 Leslie Schreiner carrier Woodforde & Ibolya, his wife
1975 Leo Neumann leading hand Hawthorndene & Ilse, his wife
1985 Brian Schiller industry inspector Hahndorf & Janice, his wife, cook Hahndorf
1985 Part of the Lot taken to extend Male Crescent
4288/906 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 5 (Former farm block 5) - 7 MALE CRESCENT
1839 Probably George 'Kayscher' Pfeiffer
1853 Wilhelm Heinrich carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Gottlob Thiele yeoman Hahndorf
1856 Gustav Rohrlach farmer Hahndorf
1867 Eduard Kramm rented the land from G Rohrlach - perhaps beforehand too.
1868 LTO title
1875 Friedrich Schneider civil servant Stepney
1885 Ernst Rothe farmer Hahndorf
1899 August Rothe gardener Hahndorf
1914 Gustav Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1926 Gustav Hennig died. Bertha Hennig, nee Rothe, widow Hahndorf, the executor
1928 Theodor Hennig farmer Wanbi, Ida Schaefer married woman Freeling, Carl Hennig labourer Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common with unequal share.
1932 T Hennig made over his share to Albert Hennig farmer Hahndorf
1948 I Schaefer & C Hennig made over their shares to A Hennig
1976 Part of the Lot made over to the Mt Barker DC to form Male Crescent
1976 Ross Theodor Duldig & Ronda Margaret Duldig
4081/750 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 6 (Former farm block 6) - 5 MALE CRESCENT
1839 Probably Gottfried Liebelt
1853 Elisabeth Liebelt widow Hahndorf - GRO title
1868 LTO title
1868 Friedrich Schneider civil servant Stepney
1885 Ernst Rothe farmer Hahndorf
1899 August Rothe gardener Hahndorf
1914 Gustav Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1926 Gustav Hennig died. Bertha Hennig, nee Rothe, widow, the executor
1928 Theodor Hennig farmer Wanbi, Ida Schaefer married woman Freeling, Carl Hennig labourer Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common with unequal share.
1932 T Hennig made over his share to Albert Hennig farmer
1948 I Schaefer & C Hennig made over their shares to A Hennig
1976 Part of the Lot made over to the Mt Barker DC to form Male Crescent
1976 Gerhard Uellendahl retired equestrian instructor & Johanna, nee Uellendahl
4081/749 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 7 (North-east part former house block 54) - 1 MALE CRESCENT; 3 MALE CRESCENT
1839 Gottfried Wundke day-labourer, later farmer. He left to farm at Friedrichstadt before any official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1853 Friedrich Schneemilch Senr carpenter & yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 Eduard Kramm yeoman Hahndorf
Kramm mortgaged the property to borrow money from the Hahndorf Land, Building & Investment Society, formed 30 Jan 1857. Trustees - Gottfried Dolling, FW Wittwer, Geo Mayo. Secretary WJ Tiedemann. Kramm had paid back his loan by the time the Society was dissolved in 1860. Both Mayo and Tiedemann had left the colony.
1876 LTO title. Kramm, now engineer of Grunthal.
1877 Hermann Schneemilch carpenter Hahndorf
1880 Ferdinand Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1912 Wilhelm Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1958 W Dueball died. Eric Wittwer accountant Uraidla, executor.
1958 Colin Jaensch butcher Hartley
1964 Part taken for road-building
1967 Trevor Schneemilch log cutter Hahndorf, who apparently sold a portion of the Lot to form 1 Male Crescent 4010/10 Metric title
3481/45 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 8 (Former house blocks 1, 2, 3 & part 54) - 23 VICTORIA ST, 25 VICTORIA ST, 27 VICTORIA ST; 29 VICTORIA ST,
House block 1 31 VICTORIA ST
1839 Maria Hoffmann widow. She left for Light Pass before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1853 Friedrich Schneemilch Senr carpenter & yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
House block 2 29 VICTORIA ST
1839 Gottfried Behrend shoemaker. He left for Lobethal before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1853 Friedrich Schneemilch Senr carpenter & yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
House block 3 27 VICTORIA ST
1839 Wilhelm Nitschke mason, later farmer Hahndorf
1853 Wilhelm Nitschke farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1856 Friedrich Schneemilch Senr farmer Hahndorf
House block 4 23 VICTORIA ST; 25 VICTORIA ST
1839 Gottfried Wundke day-labourer, later farmer. He became a farmer at nearby Friedrichstadt before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1853 Friedrich Schneemilch Senr carpenter & yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title. The amalgamation of the above lands took place during the resurvey of Hahndorf in 1862.
1868 F Schneemilch Senr died. Hermann Schneemilch farmer Hahndorf, executor.
1868 Sophie Schneemilch, nee Wellendorf, widow of Friedrich Schneemilch Senr, had life interest in the property
1871 Sophie Schneemilch died. Son, Hermann Schneemilch farmer Hahndorf, executor.
1871 LTO title.
1871 Friedrich Schneemilch Junr carpenter & farmer Hahndorf, inherited.
1916 F Schneemilch Junr died. Adolph Schneemilch Senr out of work Alberton, executor.
1928 Adolph Schneemilch Junr labourer Hahndorf
1955 A Schneemilch Junr died. Jack Chapman business manager Mt Barker, Richard Schneemilch farmer Macclesfield, Leonard Schneemilch farmer Bridgewater, executors.
1964 George Schneemilch labourer Hahndorf & Dorothy, nee Nadort, his wife
Apparently, the allotment was divided into 8 sub-lots in conJunction with NH 63, & NH 69.
4013/843 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 9 (Former house block 4) - 21 VICTORIA ST
1839 George Pfeiffer gardener Kay. He and his family moved to the Lobethal-Woodside area before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1853 Wilhelm Heinrich carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Gottlob Thiele yeoman Hahndorf
1856 Gustav Rohrlach farmer Hahndorf. Thiele had moved to Salem-on-the-Bremer.
G Rohrlach rented the home to Wilhelm Leopold.
1880 Carl Rodert cabinetmaker Hahndorf - LTO title
1888 C Rodert died. Wilhelm Strempel teacher Hahndorf, executor.
1889 Wilhelmine Rodert, nee Bohlner, widow of C Rodert, inherited
1892 Ernst Ruge labourer Hahndorf
1934 Alice Stephens, nee Ruge, widow of William Stephens labourer Hahndorf
1970 A Stephens died. Douglas Stephens timber cutter Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
340/4 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 10 (Former house block 5) - 19 VICTORIA ST
1839 Gottlob Schirmer widower
1853 Gottlob Schirmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 Carl Borchers Senr blacksmith Hahndorf
1886 LTO title
1887 Gottfried Horn farmer Hahndorf
1896 Wilhelm Ruge farmer Friedrichstadt
1905 W Ruge died. Wilhelm Paech retired Hahndorf, executor.
1905 Christoph Ruge farmer Hahndorf
1905 Wilhelmine Ruge, nee Kroehn, widow of W Ruge farmer Friedrichstadt - lease for the term of her natural life.
1908 W Ruge, nee Kroehn, died
1909 Ernst Ruge labourer Hahndorf
1938 Waldemar Ruge labourer Hahndorf
1962 W Ruge died. Douglas Stephens woodcutter Hahndorf, executor.
1963 Esther Griffin home duties Hahndorf, 'for life' & then to Douglas Stephens 'in remainder expectant'
1973 Douglas Stephens woodcutter Hahndorf
4009/592 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 11 (Former house block 6) - 17 VICTORIA ST
1839 Gottfried Dohnt tenant farmer. He moved away to Nain before official land transfers took place in Hahndorf.
1853 Friedrich Schneemilch Senr carpenter & yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1868 F Schneemilch Senr died. Hermann Schneemilch farmer Hahndorf, executor.
1868 Sophie Schneemilch, nee Wellendorf, widow of Friedrich Schneemilch Senr, had life interest in the property.
1871 S Schneemilch died.
1871 Friedrich Schneemilch Junr farmer Hahndorf
1872 LTO title
1916 F Schneemilch Junr died. Adolph Schneemilch Senr out of work Alberton, executor.
1928 Adolph Schneemilch Junr labourer Hahndorf
1955 A Schneemilch Junr died. Jack Chapman business manager Mt Barker, Richard Schneemilch farmer Macclesfield, Leonard Schneemilch farmer Bridgewater, executors.
1964 George Schneemilch labourer Hahndorf & Dorothy, nee Nadort, his wife
1974 Brian Fox company secretary Hahndorf & Anni, nee Luur, his wife artist & dancer Hahndorf
4013/834 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 12 (Former house block 7) - 15 VICTORIA ST
1839 Gottfried Hoffmann thresher-gardener. He moved to Nain before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1853 Johann Willemer cabinetmaker Hahndorf - GRO title
Directly afterwards, J Willemer sold the property to Ignatz Deimel, who had also paid for it, but left for the Victorian diggings c 24 May 1853, before a transfer could be registered. (There remains a discrepancy re the dates - Deimel left for the Victorian diggings before Willemer sold the land 1 Dec 1853)
The Deimel family rented the house to Mrs Eleonore Nitschke, as a weekly tenant.
1875 Julius Deimel shoemaker Mt Gambier, applied to have the property brought under the RPA & a title issued in his name.
1876 Eleonore Nitschke, nee Paech, widow Hahndorf
1916 E Nitschke, nee Paech, died. Otto Gallasch farmer Echunga Gardens executor
1916 Bertha Gallasch, nee Nitschke, wife of Otto Gallasch farmer Hahndorf
1943 Renatus Gallasch gardener & Valeska Gallasch spinster Hahndorf, children of Otto & Bertha Gallasch
1944 R Gallasch alone
1965 R Gallasch died. Elvera Post, nee Gallasch married woman Hahndorf & Renolf Homburg solicitor Adelaide executors
1965 Vera Post, nee Gallasch Hahndorf & Hilda Liebelt, nee Gallasch Mt Barker tenants-in-common
1965 V Post, nee Gallasch alone
1979 V Post, nee Gallasch, died. Margaret Tentye, nee Post, married woman Murray Bridge, executor
1980 Leanne Tentye single woman Murray Bridge
4166/621 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 13 (Former house block 8) - 13 VICTORIA ST
1839 Dorothea Schulz, nee Paech, widow.
1853 Dorothea Schulz widow Hahndorf - GRO title
1866 D Schulz died Friedrichstadt
1867 Carl Wirth mason Hahndorf
1867 LTO title
1875 Mortgage with Adolph Bartels
1878 A Bartels died
1882 Eleonore Nitschke widow Hahndorf. C Wirth must have defaulted in re-payments to Bartels' executors, Ernst Wilhelm Theodor Postkuchen & Georg Heinrich Christoph Meyer
1916 E Nitschke, nee Paech, died. Otto Gallasch farmer Echunga Gardens, executor.
1916 Bertha Gallasch, nee Nitschke, wife of Otto Gallasch farmer Hahndorf
1943 B Gallasch died. Renatus Gallasch gardener & Valeska Gallasch spinster Hahndorf, children of Otto & Bertha Gallasch, inherited.
1944 R Gallasch alone
1965 R Gallasch died. Elvera Post, nee Gallasch married woman Hahndorf & Renolf Homburg solicitor Adelaide, executors.
1965 Vera Post, nee Gallasch, Hahndorf & Hilda Liebelt, nee Gallasch, Mt Barker, as tenants-in-common
1965 V Post, nee Gallasch alone
1979 V Post, nee Gallasch, died. Margaret Tentye, nee Post, married woman Murray Bridge, executrix.
1982 Trent Paech carpenter Hahndorf & Monica, nee Richards, his wife
390/79 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 14 (Former house block 9) - 11 VICTORIA ST
1839 August Thomas shoemaker, later farmer. He hanged himself on the property in 1846, before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1854 Trustees Christian Jaensch & Erdmann Jaensch - GRO title
1863 LTO title. Trustees Christian Jaensch, butcher, Hahndorf & Erdmann Jaensch, farmer, Nain, brought Thomas's Hahndorf land under the RPA and transferred it to his children, Johanne Louise (wife of Gottlob Pietsch farmer, nr Mt Torrens), Emma Auguste spinster, Christian Friedrich & Ernst August, both labourers, of Neudorf, nr Lobethal.
The Thomas land at Hahndorf rented to Gottfried Liebelt.
1870 Carl 'Bomster' Boehm butcher Hahndorf
1881 Wilhelmine Boehm, wife of Carl Boehm butcher Hahndorf
1907 Gustav Boehm labourer Echunga
1912 Otto Gallasch farmer Echunga Gardens
1923 O Gallasch died. Bertha Gallasch, nee Nitschke, inherited.
1943 B Gallasch died. Renatus Gallasch gardener & Valeska Gallasch spinster Hahndorf, children of Otto & Bertha Gallasch, inherited.
1944 R Gallasch alone
1965 R Gallasch died. Elvera Post, nee Gallasch married woman Hahndorf & Renolf Homburg solicitor Adelaide executors
1965 Vera Post, nee Gallasch Hahndorf & Hilda Liebelt, nee Gallasch Mt Barker tenants-in-common
1965 V Post, nee Gallasch alone
1979 V Post, nee Gallasch, died. Margaret Tentye, nee Post, married woman Murray Bridge executrix
4166/622 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 15 (Former house block 10) - 9 VICTORIA ST
1839 Gottfried Liebelt tailor. He died very soon after the settlement of Hahndorf.
1853 Elisabeth Liebelt, nee Pohle, widow of Gottfried Liebelt - GRO title
1868 LTO title
1868 Friedrich Schneider, civil servant, Stepney
1885 Ernst Rothe farmer Hahndorf
1921 E Rothe died. Pastor CF Braun Hahndorf, executor.
1922 Carl Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1924 Edgar Hennig labourer Murray Bridge
1929 Edmund Ruge labourer Hahndorf
1944 E Ruge died. Laura Ruge, nee Grieger, his widow, executrix and inheritor for life, and then to Leslie Ruge & Reg Ruge minors absolutely 'in remainder expectant'.
1956 Laura Ruge, nee Grieger, married Albert Hennig railway worker Hahndorf
1959 Reginald Ruge motor mechanic Hahndorf
1963 Johannes Schubert beekeeper Hahndorf & Anna Wilhelmine, his wife
1971 AW Schubert died
1971 J Schubert died. BJ Chapman solicitor Mt Barker & Franz Schubert council employee Hahndorf, executors.
1972 Ronald Sargent land salesman Glen Osmond
1977 James Hayward farmer Balhannah & Violet, his wife
1981 Inara Sturart legal secretary Bridgewater
1988 James Crawford company director Hahndorf & Elizabeth, his wife
3118/81 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 16 (Former house block 11) - 7 VICTORIA ST
1839 Friedrich 'Tischler' Paech joiner
House Block 12
1839 George Hartmann gardener, later joiner
House Block 13
1839 Friedrich Suess, cottager
1853 Friedrich Paech joiner Hahndorf - GRO title
1863 F Paech must have died about this time - his death is not registered.
1863 Luise Paech, nee Jachning, widow of F Paech - LTO title
1879 Ernst Rothe farmer Hahndorf
1899 August Rothe gardener Hahndorf
1914 Gustav Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1926 G Hennig died. Bertha Hennig, nee Rothe, widow, executrix.
1928 Theodor Hennig farmer Wanbi, Ida Schaefer married woman Freeling, Carl Hennig labourer Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common with unequal share.
1932 T Hennig made over his share to Albert Hennig farmer Hahndorf
1948 I Schaefer & C Hennig made over their shares to A Hennig
1981 Intensive Farming Pty Ltd Box 22 Echunga. This company was a business interest of Ray Rothe, a Paech-Rothe descendant.
1989 Daniel Zoanetti teacher Hahndorf & Isabella, his wife, teacher
Part Section 4001 goes with this allotment
3756/134 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 17 (Former house blocks 12 & 13) - 3 VICTORIA ST, 5 VICTORIA ST
House block 12 5 VICTORIA ST
1839 George Hartmann gardener, later joiner
1853 George Hartmann yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1860 G Hartmann died
1860 Luise Hartmann, nee Preschel, widow of G Hartmann, life interest
1889 LTO title - Gottlob Hartmann farmer Monarto made the application for his mother
1890 Johanna Paech, nee Hartmann, wife of George Paech, received the property from her mother as a gift.
1899 Maria Haebich, nee Paech, wife of August Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1932 Berthold Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1952 Trevor Delchau nurseryhand Balhannah & Gloria, his wife
1959 Ross Haebich labourer Hahndorf
Part Section 4001 is attached to this lot - Pastor Kavel used to own the part Section.
3310/9 current title
House block 13 3 VICTORIA ST
1839 Friedrich Suess cottager.
1840s Edward Farrell, son-in-law of F Suess, paid for the land, but disappeared for ever in 1848.
1850 Christian & Friedrich Thiele, trustees for the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hahndorf, became trustees for this property.
1863 LTO title.
1863 Christiana Suess, nee Thiele, widow of Friedrich Suess, obtained title for the property.
1863 Wilhelm Mueller labourer Hahndorf
1870 Caroline Mueller, nee Schmidt, wife of W Mueller labourer Hahndorf
1875 Carl Faehrmann carpenter Hahndorf
1896 C Faehrmann died. Wilhelm Wittwer Senr miller Hahndorf, executor.
1896 Eleonore Faehrmann, nee Liebelt, widow of C Faehrmann
1915 Carl Faehrmann blacksmith Hahndorf
1955 Eli Taverner out of business Hahndorf
1962 E Taverner died. Philip Taverner farmer Strathalbyn executor.
1963 Johanna Taverner, widow of E Taverner
1971 J Taverner died
1972 Nellie Dobbins home duties Hahndorf
1984 Eric Griggs company director Littlehampton & Rosemary, his wife
1984 Ellgars Pty Ltd Burnside
1988 Jonathon Wood auto electrician Bridgewater & Deborah, his wife
1989 Ian Radbone lecturer Crafers & Elizabeth Jane Robbins research fellow
3903/178 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 18 (Former house block 14) - 108 MAIN ST
1839 Christian Schubert day-labourer. He had moved away to Mt Torrens before any official land transfers took place.
1855 Gottlob Paech farmer Hahndorf - possibly later Summerfield - GRO title
1856 Friedrich Herzog carpenter Hahndorf
1870 LTO title
1870 Cordelia Lemmey, wife of Geo Lemmey butcher Unley
1874 Eleonore Rau widow Hahndorf, widow of Carl Rau
1887 E Rau died. Carl Faehrmann carpenter Hahndorf, executor.
1887 Wilhelm Rau baker, Bertha Rau spinster & Pauline Rau spinster, Hahndorf inherited.
1892 W Rau died intestate
1893 B Rau died intestate.
1893 Pauline Welbourn, nee Rau, wife of Robert Welbourn, of Broken Hill, owned the property outright.
1893 Carl Faehrmann carpenter Hahndorf
1896 C Faehrmann died
1896 Eleonore Faehrmann, nee Liebelt, widow of C Faehrmann Hahndorf
1899 Friedrich Faehrmann blacksmith Hahndorf
1906 F Faehrmann died. Public Trustee, executor.
1906 Mary Faehrmann, nee Jones, widow Hahndorf, inherited
1941 M Faehrmann died. Jack Jones accountant Prospect, executor. In partnership with Kilmeier, Hutt St.
1941 Eleonore Rose, nee Faehrmann, wife of Arthur Rose driver Hahndorf, inherited
4045/61 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 19 (Former house block 15) - 104 MAIN ST; 106 MAIN ST
1839 Christian Liebelt shepherd
1853 Christian Liebelt Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Elisabeth Liebelt, nee Kuchel, widow of Christian Liebelt
1879 Eleonore Faehrmann, nee Liebelt, daughter of Elisabeth Liebelt
1882 LTO title
1914 E Faehrmann died intestate
1915 Carl Faehrmann blacksmith Hahndorf
1955 Eli Taverner retired Hahndorf
1962 E Taverner died
1963 Johanna Eileen Taverner widow Hahndorf
1971 JE Taverner died
1972 Barker Development Pty Ltd, Stirling
4043/63 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 20 (Former house block 16) - 102 MAIN ST
1839 Friedrich Thiele shoemaker
1853 Friedrich Thiele farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1864 LTO title
1886 F Thiele died. Friedrich Schneemilch carpenter Hahndorf & Wilhelm Paech farmer Mt Barker, executors
1908 Martha Greve, nee Thiele, wife of Wilhelm Greve bootmaker Hahndorf
1917 Anna Greve spinster Hahndorf
1955 A Greve died
1956 Friedrich Schubert apiarist Hahndorf, nephew to A Greve
1957 William Sanders butcher Queenstown & Norah, his wife
1961 W & N Sanders divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1
1961 Cynthia Durbridge, nee Sanders, married woman Hahndorf
1964 Victor Thiele sharefarmer Hahndorf
1973 Barker Development Pty Ltd Hahndorf
1976 Easement to the Minister of Works
4067/440 Metric title
Sub-lot 2
1961 William Sanders butcher Queenstown & Norah, his wife
1966 Victor Thiele sharefarmer Hahndorf
1973 Barker Development Pty Ltd 84 Main St Hahndorf
1976 Easement to the Minister of Works over portion of the land
4067/440 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 21 (Former house block 17) - 100 MAIN ST
1839 Samuel Thiele cottager
1853 August Thiele farmer Hahndorf, son of Samuel Thiele - GRO title
1885 LTO title
1896 A Thiele died
1908 Oswald Thiele storekeepeer Hahndorf
1963 O Thiele died
1963 Andrew & Keith Thiele labourers Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1967 A Thiele alone
The land remained in the Thiele family until February1991
4053/106 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 22 (Former house block 18) - 96 MAIN ST; 98 MAIN ST
1839 Wilhelm Wittwer Senr miller
1853 Wilhelm Wittwer Junr miller Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 W Wittwer bought a portion of former house block 19 next door from August Pade for #20.
1885 LTO title
1904 W Wittwer Junr died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer millers Hahndorf, sons, inherited
1911 James Downing grazier & Albert Gehrike farmer, Nairne, default of mortgage
1913 Wilhelm Paech 'Lame Bill' agent Hahndorf
1918 Eduard & Herbert Wittwer merchants Hahndorf, sons of August Wittwer
1943 E Wittwer died
1968 H Wittwer died
1970 John Gordon Pty Ltd, Malvern
1971 Old Mill Hahndorf Pty Ltd
4037/903 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 23 (Former house blocks 19 & 20) - 94 MAIN ST
House block 19
1839 Erdmann Jaensch agricultural labourer
House block 20
Gottfried Rillricht colonist
E Jaensch had shifted to Lot SH 9 across the street to open a butcher shop & G Rillricht had moved from Hahndorf to Gruenberg before official land transfers began
1853 August Pade Senr wheelwright Hahndorf - GRO title
1881 August Pade Junr hotelkeeper Hahndorf, son of A Pade Senr wheelwright - LTO title
1886 Wilhelm Wittwer Senr miller Hahndorf leased the property
1904 W Wittwer died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer Junr millers Hahndorf, executors
1911 James Downing grazier & Albert Gehricke farmer Nairne
1913 Bertha Wittwer, nee Gallasch, wife of Heinrich Wittwer Hahndorf
1932 B Wittwer died. Dolly & Verena Wittwer spinsters Hahndorf, executors
1945 V Wittwer married Harry Wood machinist Hahndorf
3727/67 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 24 (Former house block 21) - 90 MAIN ST; 92 MAIN ST
1839 Gottlob Zilm brickmaker, later farmer
1853 Gottlob Zilm yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Heinrich Jahn shoemaker Hahndorf. At Blumberg by 1863.
James Gates rented the land from Jahn in 1880 & perhaps from c1863.
1880 LTO title
1880 Friedrich Wotzke Senr dyer Hahndorf
1894 F Wotzke Senr died. Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf & Wilhelm Ey teacher Hahndorf, executors.
1914 Friedrich Wotzke Junr teacher Narridy
1952 F Wotzke Junr died. Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah, Walter Wotzke salesman Hahndorf, Edgar Wotzke signalman Dulwich, executors
1961 Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah
3727/65 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 25 (Former house block 22) - 84 MAIN ST; 86 MAIN ST; 88 MAIN ST
1839 Christian Jaensch farmer, later butcher
1853 Christian Jaensch butcher - GRO title
1863 LTO title
1868 Hannah Louise Gates, nee Jaensch, wife of James Gates farmer Hahndorf
1881 John Wilson labourer Hahndorf
1925 J Wilson died intestate. Jane Wilson widow Hahndorf, inherited.
1927 Thomas Shueard labourer Hahndorf
1949 T Shueard divided the allotment into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 86 MAIN ST; 88 MAIN ST
1949 Eric Shueard despatch clerk Adelaide
1968 The Education Department took part of the land for the Hahndorf Primary School grounds
3579/192 current title
Sub-lot 2 84 MAIN ST
1949 Gustav Post butcher Hahndorf
1956 G Post died. Bagots Executor & Trustee Co Ltd Adelaide, executor.
1957 Olive Post widow Hahndorf
1967 O Post died. Douglas Chapman auctioneer Mt Barker & William Post butcher Mt Barker, executors.
1968 The Education Department took part of the land for the Hahndorf Primary School grounds.
1970 Cloverbanks Pty Ltd Stirling
1979 Malcolm Gibbs microbiologist Eden Hills & Janet, his wife
1983 Clare Ferguson domestic duties Hahndorf, Catherine Storey gallery proprietor Hahndorf, John Storey gallery proprietor Hahndorf
2016/70 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 26 (Former house block 23) - 80 MAIN ST; 80A MAIN ST; 8OB MAIN ST; 82 MAIN ST
1839 Gottfried Lubasch cottager, later publican
1853 Gottfried Lubasch farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1856 Maria Liebelt, nee Lubasch, widow of Gottfried Liebelt
1869 Wilhelm Paech farmer Hahndorf, second husband of Maria Liebelt, nee Lubasch
1869 LTO title
Thos Ide & Robert Hunt rented the premises known as the 'German Arms'
1869 Thos Ide publican Hahndorf
1886 August Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1913 Alfred Miller saddler & hairdresser Hahndorf
1946 A Miller died
1946 Alma Miller, nee Haebich, widow of A Miller Hahndorf
1968 Clarence & Mavis Miller storekeepers Hahndorf & Edgar Miller invalid pensioner Hahndorf
1972 A Miller died
1972 E Miller transferred his interest to Rodney Miller traveller Hahndorf & Doug Miller plasterer Hahndorf
1974 D Miller died. His share devolved to Malcolm & Barbara Miller.
1976 Kevin Diment retired Salisbury, Mavis, his wife; Peter Beecham storekeeper Hahndorf & Pamela, his wife
1987 John Paech, Kathleen, nee Hutson, his wife & Lorna Paech, nee Grivell, widow of Darcy Paech, storekeepers Hahndorf
1990 Lease of shop, dwelling etc for 5 years
3567/89 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 27 (Former house block 24) - 78 MAIN ST; 78A MAIN ST
1839 Gottfried Neumann cottager. He moved to Blumberg before official land transfers began.
1853 Wilhelm Habich yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1893 W Habich died
1893 Louise Habich, nee Schultz, widow of W Habich
1899 L Habich died. August Habich blacksmith Lobethal, executor.
1899 LTO title
1899 Julius Habich monumental mason Tanunda
1904 Gustav Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1931 Alma Miller, nee Haebich, wife of Alfred Miller storekeeper Hahndorf
1945 Clarence Miller storekeeper Kilburn
1968 C Miller divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 78A MAIN ST
1968 Clarence Miller storekeeper Hahndorf & Mavis, nee Wallace, his wife
3551/51 current title
Sub-lot 2 78 MAIN ST
1968 Max Noske butcher Hahndorf & Janice, nee Butler, his wife
3551/50 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 28 (Former house block 25) - 76 MAIN ST
1839 Christoph Schultz colonist, later yeoman
1853 Christoph Schultz yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1879 C Schultz died. Louise Habich, nee Schultz, daughter of C Schultz
1886 LTO title. W Boehm teacher Hahndorf, arranged this for Mrs Habich.
1886 Wilhelm Habich, yeoman, husband of L Habich, nee Schultz
1893 W Habich died. L Habich inherited.
1899 L Habich died. August Habich blacksmith Lobethal, executor
1899 Carl Habich club waiter Adelaide
1902 Heinrich Sonnemann Senr baker Hahndorf
1917 H Sonnemann died. Otto Sonnemann & Ern Williams, executors
1918 Anna Sonnemann, nee Jahns, widow of H Sonnemann
1919 Anna Sonnemann spinster Hahndorf
1919 Carl Thiele labourer Hahndorf
1951 Otto Haebich retired Hahndorf
1959 O Haebich died. Farmers' Co-op Executor & Trustees Ltd, executor
1963 Education Department of SA
1963 The Education Department divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1
1963 Education Department - no direct access to a street
3681/121 current title
Sub-lot 2 76 MAIN RD
1969 Trevor Jacob garage proprietor Hahndorf & Margaret, nee Luke, his wife
1978 Ern Cambridge general agent, Phyllis Cambridge operator, Mark Cambridge general agent, Anne Cambridge secretary Mt Barker
3569/62 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 29 (Former house block 26) - 72 MAIN ST; 74 MAIN ST; 1 BALHANNAH RD; 3 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Samuel Steicke day labourer. Steicke moved to Lobethal before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1853 Johann Stade mason Hahndorf - GRO title
1853 Henry Collings butcher Hahndorf
1859 August Unversagt bookbinder Hahndorf
1863 LTO title
1863 Heinrich Sonnemann Senr baker Hahndorf
1917 H Sonnemann died. Otto Sonnemann & Ern Williams, executors
1918 Anna Sonnemann, nee Jahns, widow of H Sonnemann
1919 Anna Sonnemann spinster Hahndorf for life; then to the other brothers and sisters, as tenants-in-common.
1920 Christopher Proudman - lease for 3 years
1929 Lena Smith married woman Hahndorf. Her husband, EGP Smith, ran a bakery & grocery store in the former Sonnemann premises.
1946 LC Smith divided the Lot into 2 sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 3 BALHANNAH RD
1946 James Tunnah salesman Hahndorf
1907/44 current title
Sub-lot 2 1 BALHANNAH RD; 72 MAIN ST; 74 MAIN ST
1946 LC Smith married woman Hahndorf
1958 LC Smith died. Sydney Payne retired storekeeper Colonel Light Gardens & Lionel Elliott solicitor Adelaide, executors
1959 Ernest Smith storekeeper Hahndorf
1960 Karl Oelsner bus operator Norwood & Ingeborn, his wife. The Oelsners operated a large grocery store business.
1974 Jackendo Estates Pty Ltd & the Oaks Pastoral Pty Ltd
4091/711 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 30 (Former farm block 13 - set aside for a church) - 18 CHURCH ST; 5 BALHANNAH RD; 7 BALHANNAH RD; 9 BALHANNAH RD; 11 BALHANNAH RD
1857 Trustees Christian & Friedrich Thiele, and FW Wittwer, received the deeds to the land, 'so long as it preaches the Symbolic Creed of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and for the minister to live in the manse as long as he does the same'.
Site of the present St Michael's Lutheran Church
January 1931 Meeting to bring the land under the RPA.
Trustees: Hermann Storch farmer Hahndorf, Gottlob Jaensch butcher Hahndorf, Ferdinand Altmann farmer Balhannah, Heinrich Storch farmer Verdun, Heinrich Thiele farmer Hahndorf, Christoph Liebelt farmer Mt Barker.
1931 LTO title
1939 New Trustees: Gottlob Jaensch butcher Hahndorf, Christoph Liebelt farmer Mt Barker, Heinrich Paech carrier Hahndorf, Alfred Altmann farmer Balhannah, Friedrich Liebelt farmer Mt Barker, Edgar Liebelt farmer Hahndorf, Leslie Hill labourer Hahndorf.
1977 St Michael's Lutheran Church Hahndorf Inc
4127/215 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 31 (Former farm block 12) - 16 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably Gottfried Neumann
1853 Wilhelm Habich yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1893 Louise Habich, nee Schulz, widow of W Habich
1899 L Habich died. August Habich blacksmith Lobethal, executor.
1899 LTO title
1899 Julius Habich monumental mason Tanunda
1904 Gustav Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1931 Alma Miller, nee Haebich, wife of Alfred Miller
1945 Clarence Miller storekeeper Kilburn
1956 Education Department of SA, reserving a right-of-way
2496/119 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 32 (Former farm block 11) - 14 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably Gottfried Lubasch, farmer, later publican
1853 Gottfried Lubasch farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1856 Maria Liebelt, nee Lubasch, widow of Gottfried Liebelt farmer Hahndorf
1869 Wilhelm Paech farmer Hahndorf, second husband of Maria Liebelt, nee Lubasch
1869 LTO title
1869 Thos Ide publican Hahndorf
1886 August Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1913 Alfred Miller saddler Hahndorf, who died 1946
1946 Alma Miller, nee Haebich, widow Hahndorf
1954 Education Department of SA
1956 Right-of-way to Alma Miller
3681/121 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 33 (Former farm block 10) - 12 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably Friedrich Thiele
1853 Friedrich Thiele farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Robert Hunt gentleman Hahndorf
1859 LTO title
1878 Council of Education
1879 Hahndorf Public School later erected on this site
3681/121 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 34 (Former farm block 9) - 8 CHURCH ST; 10 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably Gottlob Zilm
1853 Gottlob Zilm farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Heinrich Jahn shoemaker Hahndorf. G Zilm had moved to Greenock Creek.
For some time, Jahn rented the property out to Jas Gates.
1880 Friedrich Wotzke Senr dyer Hahndorf - LTO title
1894 F Wotzke Senr died. Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf & Wilhelm Ey teacher Hahndorf, executors.
1914 Friedrich Wotzke Junr teacher Narridy
1952 F Wotzke Junr died. Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah, Walter Wotzke salesman Hahndorf, Edgar Wotzke signalman Dulwich, executors.
1952 Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah
1981 O Wotzke died. Mark Wotzke dental surgeon executor, and beneficiary.
3742/169 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 35 (Former farm block 8) - 4 CHURCH ST; 6 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably either Friedrich 'Rentschener' Paech or Gottlob Bartel
1853 William Hutchinson gentleman Hahndorf - GRO title
c1854-1855 Mary Ann Hutchinson, widow of William Hutchinson, life interest in trust under her husband's will.
1855 Carl Luenert farmer Hahndorf. Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, executor.
1869 C Luenert died intestate. Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, executor. Friedericke Luenert, nee Siegmann, life interest under agreement.
1899 Robert Luenert farmer Hahndorf - LTO title.
1928 R Luenert died. Charlotte Luenert, nee Haebich, widow of R Luenert, & Alfred Bremer wheelwright Hahndorf, executors.
1937 Herbert Wittwer merchant Hahndorf
1965 Wilhelm Wittwer retired Hahndorf & Allan Wittwer teacher Hahndorf
1969 W Wittwer died
A Wittwer converted this Lot into 3 Sub-blocks:
4137/936 - 938 inc Metric titles
ALLOTMENT NH 36 (Former farm block 7f) - 4 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably Christian Bartel
1853 Christian Bartel Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Carl Herberger farmer Hahndorf
1855 Valentin Hellwig farmer Hahndorf
He borrowed #210 from Geo Ernest Hamilton esq SA & David Talbot Melbourne Vic.
1861 Wilhelm Paech farmer Hahndorf. From V Hellwig creditors
1861 LTO title
1861 Johann Willemer cabinetmaker Hahndorf, who had rented the property from W Paech.
1892 Ida Rodert, nee Willemer, wife of Julius Rodert labourer Hahndorf
1921 I Rodert died. Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, executor
1922 Hermann Rodert labourer Hahndorf & Bertha Rodert spinster Hahndorf
1940 Wilhelm Wittwer labourer Hahndorf
1965 Wilhelm Wittwer labourer Hahndorf & Allan Wittwer teacher Hahndorf
1969 W Wittwer died
4137/937 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 37 (Former farm block 7e) - 4 CHURCH ST
1839 Possibly George Hartmann
1853 George Hartmann yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1860 Luise Hartmann, nee Preschel, retained a life interest after the death of her husband.
1889 LTO title - Gottlob Hartmann farmer Monarto made the application for his mother
1890 Johanna Paech, nee Hartmann, wife of George Paech, received the property from her mother as a gift.
1899 Caroline Haebich, nee Paech, wife of August Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1932 Berthold Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1952 Trevor Delchau nurseryhand Balhannah & Gloria, his wife
1959 Ross Haebich labourer Hahndorf
1965 Wilhem Wittwer retired Hahndorf & Allan Wittwer teacher Hahndorf
1971 B Wittwer died
A Wittwer divided the Lot into 3 Sub-lots:
4137/936-938 inc Metric titles
ALLOTMENT NH 38 (Formerly farm block 7d) - 4 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably Gottlob Zilm
1853 Gottlob Zilm yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Heinrich Jahn shoemaker Hahndorf. At Blumberg by 1863.
James Gates rented the land from Jahn in 1880 & perhaps from c1863.
1880 LTO title
1880 Friedrich Wotzke Senr dyer Hahndorf
1894 F Wotzke Senr died. Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf & Wilhelm Ey teacher Hahndorf, executors.
1914 Friedrich Wotzke Junr teacher Hahndorf
1950 F Wotzke Junr died. Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah, Walter Wotzke salesman Hahndorf, Edgar Wotzke signalman Dulwich, executors
1961 Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah
1970 Allan Wittwer teacher Hahndorf
4060/143 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 39 (Formerly farm allotment 7c) - 2 CHURCH ST; 8 VICTORIA ST
1839 Probably either Erdmann Jaensch or Gottfried Rillricht
1853 August Pade Senr yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1881 August Pade Junr wheelwright Hahndorf - LTO title
1886 Wilhelm Wittwer, the miller Hahndorf, leased the property
1904 W Wittwer died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer millers Hahndorf, executors
1911 James Downing grazier & Albert Gehricke farmer Nairne
1913 Bertha Wittwer, nee Gallasch, married woman Hahndorf
1932 Bertha Wittwer died. Dolly & Verena Wittwer spinsters Hahndorf executors
1945 V Wittwer married Harry Wood machinist Hahndorf
1970 Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah
1981 O Wotzke died. Mark Wotzke dental surgeon, son, executor
1981 Irma Wotzke, nee Kloeden, widow of O Wotzke
1986 Mark Lyall Scupham technician Rostrevor & Kristina, his wife
1988 Olafen Pty Ltd & Monsfour Pty Ltd Wayville, as tenants-in-common
1988 Olafen Pty Ltd & Monsfour Pty Ltd divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 2 CHURCH ST
4318/179 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 8 VICTORIA ST
4318/180 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 40 (Former farm block 7b) - CHURCH ST
1839 Probably Gottlob Zilm
1853 Gottlob Zilm joiner Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Heinrich Jahn shoemaker Hahndorf. At Blumberg by 1863.
1880 James Gates farmer Hahndorf, rented the land from Jahn & perhaps from c1863.
1880 LTO title
1880 Friedrich Wotzke Senr dyer Hahndorf
1894 F Wotzke Senr died. Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf & Wilhelm Ey teacher Hahndorf, executors.
1914 Friedrich Wotzke Junr teacher Narridy
1950 F Wotzke Junr died. Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah, Walter Wotzke salesman Hahndorf, Edgar Wotzke signalman Dulwich, executors.
1961 Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah
1981 O Wotzke died. Mark Wotzke dental surgeon Hahndorf, executor.
1981 Irma Wotzke, nee Kloeden, widow of O Wotzke
1988 Olafen Pty Ltd & Monsfour Pty Ltd Wayville, as tenants-in-common
1988 Olafen Pty Ltd & Monsfour Pty Ltd divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 2 CHURCH ST
4318/179 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 8 VICTORIA ST
4318/180 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 41 (Former farm block 7a) - 2 CHURCH ST; 8 VICTORIA ST
1839 Probably Friedrich 'Tischler' Paech
1853 Friedrich Paech joiner Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 F Paech died
1863 Luise Paech, nee Jachning, widow of F Paech - LTO title
1879 Ernst Rothe farmer Hahndorf
1899 August Rothe gardener Hahndorf
1914 Gustav Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1926 G Hennig died. Bertha Hennig, nee Rothe, widow Hhandorf, executor.
1928 Theodor Hennig farmer Wanbi, Ida Schaefer married woman Freeling, Carl Hennig labourer Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common with unequal share.
1932 T Hennig made over his share to Albert Hennig farmer
1948 I Schaefer & C Hennig made over their shares to A Hennig
1970 Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah
1981 O Wotzke died. Mark Wotzke dental surgeon Hahndorf, executor
1981 Irma Wotzke, nee Kloeden, widow of O Wotzke.
1988 Olafen Pty Ltd & Monsfour Pty Ltd Wayville, as tenants-in-common
1988 Olafen Pty Ltd & Monsfour Pty Ltd divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 2 CHURCH ST
4318/179 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 8 VICTORIA ST
4318/180 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 42 (Former farm block 7g) - 4 VICTORIA ST; 6 VICTORIA ST
1839 Probably Samuel Thiele
1853 August Thiele, farmer Hahndorf, son of Samuel Thiele - GRO title
1885 LTO title
1896 A Thiele died. Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf, executor.
1908 Oswald Thiele storekeeper Hahndorf
1947 Herbert Wittwer merchant Hahndorf
1968 Allan Wittwer teacher Hahndorf
4060/143 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 43 (Former farm block 7h) - 4 VICTORIA ST; 6 VICTORIA ST
1839 Probably Gottfried Liebelt
1853 Elisabeth Liebelt, nee Pohle, widow of Gottfried Liebelt - GRO title
1868 E Liebelt made a statutory declaration that she had lost the conveyance to her land about to be placed under LTO titles. She mentioned that she had sold this particular portion to Carl Rodert, a Victoria St labourer, for 10/-, some time before. As no LTO title to the land existed in his name, it is presumed that he made no application for this to occur.
1887 C Rodert died. His widow, nee Wilhelmine Bohlner, inherited the land under the terms of his will.
1893 W Rodert died.
1977 E Liebelt given a limited title, through her having the last known legal title. Someone may claim title through her estate, or after paying rates & taxes for 30 years. Allan Wittwer teacher Hahndorf has been paying rates and taxes since ? , but has made no legal claim to the land.
ALLOTMENT NH 44 (Former farm block 7i) - 4 VICTORIA ST; 6 VICTORIA ST
1839 Probably Friedrich 'Tischler' Paech
1853 Friedrich Paech joiner Hahndorf - GRO title
1863 F Paech must have died about this time - his death is not registered.
1863 Luise Paech, nee Jachning, widow of F Paech - LTO title
1879 Ernst Rothe farmer Hahndorf
1899 August Rothe gardener Hahndorf
1914 Gustav Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1926 Gustav Hennig died. Bertha Hennig, nee Rothe, widow, the executor
1928 Theodor Hennig farmer Wanbi, Ida Schaefer married woman Freeling, Carl Hennig labourer Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common with unequal share.
1932 T Hennig made over his share to Albert Hennig farmer Hahndorf
1942 Eduard Wittwer & Herbert Wittwer merchants Hahndorf
1968 Allan Wittwer teacher Hahndorf
1976 Minister of Works took an easement over the land
4060/144 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 45 (Former farm blocks 7j & 7k) - 4 VICTORIA ST; 6 VICTORIA ST; 45 VICTORIA ST - off street
Farm block 7j 4 VICTORIA ST; 6 VICTORIA ST
1839 Probably Christian Jaensch Senr
1850 Christian Jaensch Senr Hahndorf, in concert with his trustee partner, Erdmann Jaensch, Hahndorf - GRO title
1876 C Jaensch Senr died, but no subsequent dealings apparent for this parcel of land.
1966 A lengthy correspondence with members of the Jaensch family to attempt to establish ownership.
Farm block 7k 45 VICTORIA ST - off street
1839 Uncertain
1853 Friedrich Schneemilch Senr carpenter & farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1868 F Schneemilch Senr died. F Schneemilch Junr carpenter & farmer Hahndorf, inherited.
1871 LTO title
1916 F Schneemilch Junr died. Adolph Schneemilch Senr out of business Alberton, executor.
1928 Adolph Schneemilch Junr labourer Hahndorf
1940 Eduard & Herbert Wittwer merchants Hahndorf
1942 E Wittwer died
1968 H Wittwer died
1968 Allan Wittwer teacher Hahndorf
4060/144 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 46 (Former farm block 7k) - 46 VICTORIA ST - off street
1839 Probably Gottlob Schirmer
1853 Gottlob Schirmer farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 Carl Borchers blacksmith Hahndorf
C Borchers rented out the land to August Pade licensed victualler Hahndorf for some time.
1885 LTO title
1885 August Pade licensed victualler Hahndorf
1977 Allan Wittwer schoolteacher Hahndorf, by adverse possession
492/145 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 47 (Former farm blocks 7m & 7n) - 47 VICTORIA ST - off street
Farm block 7m
1839 Probably either Gottfried Behrend, Maria Hoffmann or Gottfried Wundke
1853 Friedrich Schneemilch farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
Farm block 7n
1839 Probably Wilhelm Nitschke
1853 Wilhelm Nitschke farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1856 Friedrich Schneemilch Senr carpenter & yeoman Hahndorf
1868 F Schneemilch Senr died. F Schneemilch Junr carpenter & farmer Hahndorf, inherited.
1871 LTO title
1885 August Pade Junr licensed victualler Hahndorf
1966 Allan Wittwer schoolteacher Hahndorf, by adverse possession
492/145 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 48 (Former farm block 7o) - 4 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably either Erdmann Jaensch or Gottfried Rillricht
1853 August Pade Senr yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1881 August Pade Junrr wheelwright Hahndorf
1881 LTO title
1886 Wilhelm Wittwer Senr miller Hahndorf, leased the property
1904 W Wittwer Senr died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Junr Wittwer millers Hahndorf executors
1911 James Downing grazier & Albert Gehricke farmer Nairne
1913 Wilhelm Paech accountant & agent Hahndorf
1918 Eduard Wittwer & Herbert Wittwer merchants Hahndorf
1942 E Wittwer died.
1968 Allan Wittwer teacher Hahndorf , with right-of-way across Lots NH 22 & NH 23
1976 Minister of Works took an easement over part of the land
4060/144 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 49 (Former farm block 14a) - 1 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably Gottfried Liebelt
1853 Elisabeth Liebelt, widow of G Liebelt - GRO title
This may not be the correct history below
1868 LTO title
1868 Friedrich Schneider civil servant Stepney
1885 Ernst Rothe farmer Hahndorf
1921 E Rothe died. Pastor CF Braun executor.
1922 Carl Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1924 Edgar Hennig labourer Murray Bridge
1929 Edmund Ruge labourer Hahndorf
1944 E Ruge died. Laura Ruge, nee Grieger, his widow, executrix and inheritor for life, and then to Leslie Ruge & Reg Ruge minors 'in remainder expectant'.
1956 Laura Ruge, nee Grieger, married Albert Hennig railway worker Hahndorf
1959 Reginald Ruge motor mechanic Hahndorf
1962 Albert Hennig railway worker Hahndorf
1968 Elva Kloeden trained nurse Daw Park
3078/19 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 50 (Former farm block 14b) - 10 VICTORIA ST
1839 Probably August Thomas shoemaker, later farmer. He hanged himself on the property in 1846, before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1854 Trustees Christian Jaensch & Erdmann Jaensch for the widow & children of A Thomas - GRO title
1863 LTO title. Trustees, Christian Jaensch butcher Hahndorf & Erdmann Jaensch farmer Nain, brought Thomas's Hahndorf land under the RPA and transferred it to his children, Johanne Louise (wife of Gottlob Pietsch farmer, nr Mt Torrens), Emma Auguste spinster, Christian Friedrich & Ernst August, both labourers, of Neudorf, nr Lobethal.
The Thomas land at Hahndorf rented to Gottfried Liebelt.
1870 Carl 'Bomster' Boehm butcher Hahndorf
1881 Wilhelmine Boehm, wife of Carl Boehm butcher Hahndorf
1907 Gustav Boehm labourer Echunga
1912 Otto Gallasch farmer Echunga Gardens
1923 O Gallasch died. Bertha Gallasch, nee Nitschke, inherited.
1943 B Gallasch died. Renatus Gallasch gardener & Valeska Gallasch spinster Hahndorf, children of Otto & Bertha Gallasch, inherited.
1944 R Gallasch alone
1955 Severa Post, nee Gallasch married woman & Reginald Post labourer Hahndorf
1979 S Post, nee Gallasch, died. Husband RL Post in possession
2368/9 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 51 (Former farm block 14c) - 12 VICTORIA ST; 14 VICTORIA ST; 16 VICTORIA ST
1839 Probably Gottlob Schirmer
1853 Gottlob Schirmer farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 Carl Borchers Senr blacksmith Hahndorf
1886 LTO title
1887 Gottfried Horn farmer Hahndorf
1896 Wilhelm Ruge farmer Friedrichstadt
1905 W Ruge died. W Paech agent Hahndorf, executor.
1905 Christoph Ruge farmer Hahndorf
1905 Wilhelmine Ruge, nee Kroehn, widow of W Ruge, Hahndorf - lease for the term of her natural life.
1908 W Ruge, nee Kroehn, died
1909 Ernst Ruge labourer Hahndorf
1938 Waldemar Ruge labourer Hahndorf
1962 W Ruge died. Douglas Stephens woodcutter Hahndorf, executor.
1963 Esther Griffin, nee Ruge, home duties Hahndorf, 'for life' & then to Douglas Stephens 'in remainder expectant'
1972 Douglas Stephens woodcutter Hahndorf
1973 Clyde Paech master butcher Hahndorf. Did Clyde sell this to S Bellosguardo, who made 3 sub-lots in conJunrction with NH 53?
4004/103 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 52 (Former farm block 14d) - 18 VICTORIA ST
1839 Probably Wilhelm Nitschke
1853 Wilhelm Nitschke farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1856 Friedrich Schneemilch Senr carpenter & yeoman Hahndorf
1868 F Schneemilch Senr died. Hermann Schneemilch, son, executor
1868 Sophie Schneemilch, nee Wellendorf, widow of Friedrich Schneemilch Senr, had life interest in the property.
1871 Sophie Schneemilch died. Son, Hermann Schneemilch farmer Hahndorf, executor.
1871 LTO title.
1871 S Schneemilch's son, Friedrich Schneemilch Junr carpenter & farmer, inherited.
1900 Ernst Ruge labourer Hahndorf
1934 Alice Stephens, nee Ruge, widow of William Stephens labourer Hahndorf
1970 A Stephens died. Douglas Stephens timber cutter Hahndorf, executor.
1974 Robert Stephens salesman Hahndorf
1974 Anthony Bellosguardo builder Stirling
1974 A Bellosguardo divided the Lot, together with Sub-lot NH 53 into 2 Sub-lots for 2 units with strata titles
4015/855-856 Metric titles
1839 Probably Wilhelm Wittwer Senr miller
1853 Wilhelm Wittwer Junr miller Hahndorf - GRO title
1885 Carl Borchers blacksmith Hahndorf - LTO title
1899 August Rothe gardener Hahndorf
1914 Gustav Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1926 G Hennig died. Bertha Hennig, nee Rothe, widow of G Hennig, executor.
1928 Theodor Hennig farmer Wanbi, Ida Schaefer married woman Freeling, Carl Hennig labourer Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common with unequal share.
1932 T Hennig made over his share to Albert Hennig farmer Hahndorf
1948 I Schaefer & C Hennig made over their shares to A Hennig
1970 Part of the land taken to form Kaesler Rd
1971 Clyde Paech master butcher Hahndorf
1973 C Paech divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 3 CHURCH ST
1973 Gordon Bernhardt District Council foreman Hahndorf & Joan, nee Hill, his wife
4004/103 Metric title
1973 Douglas Stephens woodcutter Hahndorf
1973 Sebastian Anthony Bellosguardo builder Stirling
1974 S Bellosguardo converted this Sub-lot & NH 53 into 3 strata titles, in order to build 2 units
4015/855-857 Metric strata titles
ALLOTMENT NH 54 (Former farm block 16) - 5 CHURCH ST; 2 KAESLER RD
1839 Probably Friedrich 'Tischler' Paech
1853 Friedrich Paech joiner Hahndorf - GRO title
1863 F Paech must have died about this time - his death is not registered.
1863 Luise Paech, nee Jachning, widow of F Paech
1863 LTO title
1879 Ernst Rothe farmer Hahndorf
1899 August Rothe gardener Hahndorf
1914 Gustav Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1926 G Hennig died. Bertha Hennig, nee Rothe, widow, the executor
1928 Theodor Hennig farmer Wanbi, Ida Schaefer married woman Freeling, Carl Hennig labourer Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common with unequal share.
1932 T Hennig made over his share to Albert Hennig farmer
1948 I Schaefer & C Hennig made over their shares to A Hennig
1970 Part of the Lot taken for a new road
1971 Clyde Paech master butcher Hahndorf
1972 Manfred Specketer salesman Mile End & Glenice, his wife
1973 M Specketer divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 5 CHURCH ST
1973 John Hignett baker Unley
1975 Robert Burrow professional engineer Glenside & Gail, his wife
Sub-lot 2 2 KAESLER RD
1984 Robin Grivell driller Hahndorf
ALLOTMENT NH 55 (Former farm block 17) - 7 CHURCH ST; 4 KAESLER RD
1839 Probably Christian Schubert
1855 Gottlob Paech farmer Hahndorf - possibly later Summerfield - GRO title
1856 Friedrich Herzog carpenter Hahndorf
1870 LTO title
1870 Cordelia Lemmey, wife of Geo Lemmey butcher Unley
1871 Friedrich Schneider civil servant Stepney
1885 Ernst Rothe farmer Hahndorf
1899 August Rothe gardener Hahndorf
1914 Gustav Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1926 G Hennig died intestate. Bertha Hennig, nee Rothe, executor & inheritor.
1928 Theodor Hennig farmer Wanbi, Ida Schaefer married woman Freeling, Carl Hennig labourer Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common with unequal share.
1932 T Hennig made over his share to Albert Hennig farmer
1948 I Schaefer & C Hennig made over their shares to A Hennig
1971 Clyde Paech master butcher Hahndorf
1975 The Mt Barker DC took land to construct Kaesler Rd
4053/337 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 56 (Former farm block 18) - 9 CHURCH ST; 6 KAESLER RD
1839 Probably August Thomas shoemaker, later farmer. He hanged himself on the property in 1846, before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1854 Trustees Christian Jaensch & Erdmann Jaensch for the widow & children of A Thomas - GRO title
1863 LTO title. Trustees, Christian Jaensch butcher Hahndorf & Erdmann Jaensch farmer Nain, brought Thomas's Hahndorf land under the RPA and transferred it to his children, Johanne Louise (wife of Gottlob Pietsch farmer, nr Mt Torrens), Emma Auguste spinster, Christian Friedrich & Ernst August, both labourers, of Neudorf, nr Lobethal.
The Thomas land at Hahndorf rented to Gottfried Liebelt.
1870 Carl 'Bomster' Boehm butcher Hahndorf
1881 Wilhelmine Boehm, wife of Carl Boehm butcher Hahndorf
1907 Gustav Boehm labourer Echunga
1912 Otto Gallasch farmer Echunga Gardens
1923 O Gallasch died. Bertha Gallasch, nee Nitschke, inherited.
1943 Bertha Gallasch died. Renatus Gallasch gardener & Valeska Gallasch spinster Hahndorf, children of Otto & Bertha Gallasch, inherited.
1944 Renatus Gallasch alone
1965 Renatus Gallasch died. Severa Post, nee Gallasch married woman Hahndorf & Renolf Homburg solicitor Adelaide executors
1965 Vera Post, nee Gallasch Hahndorf & Hilda Liebelt, nee Gallasch Mt Barker, as tenants-in-common
1965 Vera Post, nee Gallasch, alone
1966 Clyde Paech master butcher Hahndorf
1970 & 1972 Portion taken to develop Kaesler Rd
1973 C Paech divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots
Sub-lot 1 6 KAESLER RD
1973 Clyde Paech master butcher Hahndorf, in conJunrction with a portion of Lot 57
3417/47 current title
Sub-lot 2 9 CHURCH ST
1973 Roger Burbidge builder Aldgate
1973 Charlene Perchard processing operator Eden Hills
1973 Sebastian Bellosguardo builder Stirling
1974 Fiona Richardson teacher Hahndorf
1974 Geoffrey Gogler sheepskin buyer Glenelg North & Sandra Way clerk Flinders Park. They married in 1976; G Gogler now a branch manager of Warrambool Vic.
1976 Kym Biebrick credit officer Klemzig & Wendy Bennett computer operator Hahndorf
1978 W Bennett computer operator Hahndorf
1980 The Minister of Education
3912/175 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 57 (Former farm block 19) - 11 CHURCH ST; 6 KAESLER RD; 8 KAESLER RD
1839 Gottfried Hoffmann thresher-gardener. He moved to Nain before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1853 Johann Willemer cabinetmaker Hahndorf - GRO title
Directly afterwards, J Willemer sold the property to Ignatz Deimel, who had also paid for it, but left for the Victorian diggings c 24 May 1853, before a transfer could be registered. (There remains a discrepancy re the dates - Deimel left for the Victorian diggings before Willemer sold the land 1 Dec 1853)
The Deimel family rented the house to Mrs Eleonore Nitschke, as a weekly tenant. Her husband, Wilhelm Nitschke farmer & mason Nain, had died in 1872 and she brought her young children back to Hahndorf to live.
1875 Julius Deimel shoemaker Mt Gambier, applied to have the property brought under the RPA & a title issued in his name.
1876 Eleonore Nitschke, nee Paech, widow Hahndorf
1916 E Nitschke, nee Paech, died. Otto Gallasch farmer Echunga Gardens, executor
1916 Bertha Gallasch, nee Nitschke, wife of Otto Gallasch farmer Hahndorf
1943 Renatus Gallasch gardener & Valeska Gallasch spinster Hahndorf, children of Otto & Bertha Gallasch
1944 Renatus Gallasch alone
1965 Renatus Gallasch died. Severa Post, nee Gallasch married woman Hahndorf & Renolf Homburg solicitor Adelaide executors
1965 Vera Post, nee Gallasch Hahndorf & Hilda Liebelt, nee Gallasch Mt Barker tenants-in-common
1965 Vera Post, nee Gallasch alone
1966 Clyde Paech master butcher Hahndorf
1970 Portion of the land acquired to form Kaesler Rd
1973 C Paech divided the Lot into 3 Sub-lots
Sub-lot 1 8 KAESLER RD
1976 Trevor Mueller mechanic Hahndorf
4066/767 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 6 KAESLER RD
1973 C Paech retained this section - joined with Pt NH 56 with access to Kaesler Rd
4066/768 Metric title
Sub-lot 3 11 CHURCH ST
1973 Roger Burbidge builder Aldgate
1974 Fiona Richardson teacher Hahndorf
1974 Mervyn Corston driver Piccadilly & Diane, his wife
3912/174 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 58 (Former farm block 20) - 13 CHURCH ST; 8 KAESLER RD
1839 Probably George Hartmann
1853 George Hartmann yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1860 Luise Hartmann, nee Preschel, retained a life interest after the death of her husband.
1889 LTO title - Gottlob Hartmann farmer Monarto made the application for his mother
1890 Johanna Paech, nee Hartmann, wife of George Paech, received the property from her mother as a gift.
1899 Caroline Haebich, nee Paech, wife of August Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1930 Bertha Marie Ahrens Hahndorf
1932 Theodor Wittwer labourer Hahndorf
1937 Alfred Mueller labourer Hahndorf
1968 Alfred Mueller labourer Hahndorf & Olga, nee Kaesler, his wife Hahndorf
1970 Land taken to make Kaesler Rd.
1972 A & O Mueller divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 8 KAESLER RD
1972 Trevor Mueller motor mechanic Hahndorf
4066/767 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 13 CHURCH ST
1972 A Mueller labourer Hahndorf & Olga, nee Kaesler, his wife
1977 O Mueller, nee Kaesler, died
1981 A Mueller labourer Hahndorf & T Mueller motor mechanic, now of Darwin NT
1982 A Mueller died
1983 Nigel Boswell clerk Hahndorf & Gabriele, his wife
3890/38 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 59 (Former farm block 21) - 15 CHURCH ST; 10 KAESLER RD
1839 Probably Christian Liebelt
1853 Christian Liebelt farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Elisabeth Liebelt, nee Kuchel, widow of Christian Liebelt
1879 Eleonore Faehrmann, nee Liebelt, grand-daughter of Elisabeth Liebelt & wife of Carl Faehrmann carpenter Hahndorf
1883 LTO title
1899 Otto Faehrmann labourer Littlehampton
1903 Alfred Brauer Minister of the Gospel Hahndorf
1922 Friedrich Wotzke gentleman Hahndorf
1952 F Wotzke died. Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah, Walter Wotzke salesman Hahndorf, Edgar Wotzke signalman Dulwich, executors.
1952 Walter Wotzke salesman Hahndorf inherited.
1970 Part of the land taken to form Kaesler Rd
4218/847 & 949 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 60 (Former farm block 22) - 17 CHURCH ST; 10 KAESLER RD
1839 Uncertain - possibly Friedrich Suess
1853 Christian Ruge farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1867 LTO title
1867 Wilhelm Mueller labourer Hahndorf. He had leased the land since at least 1863. Ruge was now a farmer at Friedrichstadt.
1870 Wilhelmine Mueller, nee Schmidt, wife of W Mueller
1892 Wilhelm Mueller shoemaker Hahndorf
1915 Alfred Brauer Minister of the Gospel Hahndorf
1922 Friedrich Wotzke Junr gentleman Hahndorf
1952 F Wotzke died. Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah; Walter Wotzke salesman Hahndorf; Edgar Wotzke signalman Dulwich, executors.
1952 Walter Wotzke salesman Hahndorf
1970 Part of the Lot taken to form Kaesler Road
4218//849 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 61 (Former farm block 23 - for Lutheran Church use) - 13 BALHANNAH RD; 15 BALHANNAH RD; 17 BALHANNAH RD; 19 CHURCH ST; 21 CHURCH ST; 14 KAESLER RD
1839 Probably Lutheran teacher residence & glebe.
1857 Trustees, Christian & Friedrich Thiele, and Wilhelm Wittwer, for the Lutheran Church.
1863 LTO title
1863 Adolph Strempel Lutheran pastor Hahndorf.
1876 Pastor Strempel divided the Lot into 2 sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 19 CHURCH ST
1876 Arnold Kramm carpenter Hahndorf
1886 Henriette Moll, nee Creydt, wife of Johann Moll gentleman Hahndorf
1887 H Moll died intestate. J Moll inherited.
1895 Bertha Obst, nee Moll, wife of Friedrich Obst farmer Neales Flat
1921 Martha Menzel, nee Obst, wife of Gustav Menzel labourer Hahndorf
1926 Bertha Obst, nee Moll, widow of Friedrich Obst farmer Neales Flat
1928 B Obst died. Martha Menzel, nee Obst, executor & inheritor.
1951 Victor Menzel railway employee Hahndorf & Sylvia, nee Keller, his wife
241/192 current title
Sub-lot 2 21 CHURCH ST
1876 Adolph Strempel Minister of the Gospel Hahndorf
1908 Pastor Strempel died. Eduard Strempel life insurance agent Hahndorf & Alfred Brauer Lutheran minister Hahndorf, executors.
1908 Maria Strempel spinster midwife, daughter of Pastor A Strempel
1922 M Strempel married Gotthard Zadow teacher Millendella
1934 M Zadow, nee Strempel, divided this section into a further sub-lot - see Sub-lot 3 below.
1952 Maria Zadow, nee Strempel, widow of G Zadow, died. Walter 'Jack' Zadow draper Hahndorf, executor.
1953 Bertha Schmidtke spinster retired midwife Hahndorf
1972 B Schmidtke further subdivided the Lot - see Sub-lot 4 below.
1975 B Schmidtke died. Colin Jaensch butcher Hahndorf, executor.
1976 Laurel Cherrett, nee Harvey, home duties Angaston, former widow of Eduard 'Nibs' Liebelt labourer (desc) Hahndorf
3906/148 current title
1934 Martin Kaesler machinist Hahndorf
1964 John Mitchels chemist Hahndorf & Mavis, nee Ricketts, his wife
1970 John Entwistle chemist Pinnaroo & Gwendoline, nee Powell, his wife
1970 Part of this land taken to form Kaesler Rd
4249/387 Metric title
1972 Hahndorf Town Band Ind
3906/147 current title
1839 Probably Gottfried Liebelt.
1853 Elisabeth Liebelt, nee Pohle, widow of Gottfried Liebelt - GRO title
1868 LTO title
1868 Friedrich Schneider civil servant Stepney
1885 Ernst Rothe farmer Hahndorf
1921 E Rothe died. Carl Braun Lutheran pastor Hahndorf, executor.
1922 Carl Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1924 Edgar Hennig labourer Murray Bridge
1929 Edmund Ruge labourer Hahndorf
1944 E Ruge died. Laura Ruge, nee Grieger, his widow, executrix and inheritor for life, and then to Leslie Ruge & Reg Ruge minors 'in remainder expectant'.
1956 Laura Ruge, nee Grieger, married Albert Hennig railway worker Hahndorf. She surrendered her life interest.
1959 Reginald Ruge motor mechanic Hahndorf
1963 David Summers electrician Hahndorf
1965 Brian Braendler fibrous plasterer Hahndorf & Beryl, nee Thiele, his wife
1970 Portion taken to form Kaesler Rd
1972 B & B Braendler divided Lot-62 into 5 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 1 KAESLER RD
1972 Brenton Smith carpenter Macclesfield
1973 Roy Grills grazier Karoonda & Phillis, his wife
1978 George Smith farmer Hahndorf & Daphne, nee Ashenden, his wife
1988 G Smith died
3830/129 current title
Sub-lot 2 3 KAESLER RD
1972 John Nitschke well boring contractor Hahndorf & Lynette, nee Tessyman, his wife
1984 Bruce King Constructions Pty Ltd 'Littlehampton Lodge' Littlehampton
1985 Bruce King builder Littlehampton & Yvonne, his wife
1988 Maureen Allen home duties Hahndorf
3830/130 current title
Sub-lot 3 5 KAESLER RD
1972 Robert Waters sales repreSenrtative Bridgewater & Jennifer, nee Roberts, his wife
3830/127 current title
Sub-lot 4 7 KAESLER RD
1972 Martin Downing teacher Mt Barker & Kaye, his wife
1981 Building Sites Pty Ltd Zenith Ave Burnside
1982 Lindy Dewhirst Hawke St Linden Park
3830/131 current title
Sub-lot 5 9 KAESLER RD
1972 Anthony Pike technician Littlehampton & Gail, nee Brittain, his wife
1986 Anthony Pike technician Hahndorf
1987 Anthony Pike technician Hahndorf & Leonie, nee Newson, his wife
3830/128 current title
Sub-lot 6 11 KAESLER RD
1972 Brian Braendler fibrous plasterer Hahndorf & Beryl, nee Thiele, his wife
3830/132 current title
In 1971, B & B Braendler bought 1 acre of NH 63 and worked this in with their sub-division of Lot NH 62.
1839 Probably Christian Liebelt
1853 Christian Liebelt farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Elisabeth Liebelt, nee Kuchel, widow of Christian Liebelt
1879 Eleonore Faehrmann, nee Liebelt, grand-daughter of Elisabeth Liebelt
1882 LTO title
1899 Otto Faehrmann labourer Littlehampton
1900 Friedrich Schneemilch carpenter Hahndorf
1916 F Schneemilch died. Adolph Schneemilch contractor Alberton executor
1928 Adolph Schneemilch labourer Hahndorf
1955 A Schneemilch Junr died. Jack Chapman business manager Mt Barker, Richard Schneemilch farmer Macclesfield, Leonard Schneemilch farmer Bridgewater, executors.
1964 George Schneemilch labourer Hahndorf & Dorothy, nee Nadort, his wife
1971 G & D Schneemilch divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
1971 George Schneemilch labourer Hahndorf & Dorothy, his wife
4031/841 & 842 Metric titles
The Schneemilchs must have sub-divided here in connection with NH 64 & NH 65.
1971 Brian Braendler fibrous plasterer Hahndorf & Beryl, nee Thiele, his wife
4031/841 & 842 Metric titles
Farm block 26
1839 Probably Wilhelm Nitschke
1853 Wilhelm Nitschke farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1856 Friedrich Schneemilch Senr carpenter & yeoman Hahndorf
Farm block 27a
1839 Either Gottfried Behrend, Gottfried Dohnt or Gottfried Wundke
1853 Friedrich Schneemilch Senr carpenter & yeoman - GRO title. The amalgamation of the above lands took place during the resurvey of Hahndorf in 1862.
1868 F Schneemilch Senr died. Hermann Schneemilch, son, executor
1868 Sophie Schneemilch, nee Wellendorf, widow of Friedrich Schneemilch Senr, had life interest in the property.
1871 S Schneemilch, nee Wellendorf, died. Hermann Schneemilch farmer Hahndorf, executor.
1871 LTO title
1871 Friedrich Schneemilch Junr carpenter & farmer Hahndorf, inherited.
1916 F Schneemilch Junr died. Adolph Schneemilch Senr out of work Alberton, executor
1928 Adolph Schneemilch Junr labourer Hahndorf
1955 A Schneemilch Junr died. Jack Chapman business manager Mt Barker, Richard Schneemilch farmer Macclesfield, Leonard Schneemilch farmer Bridgewater, executors.
1964 George Schneemilch labourer Hahndorf & Dorothy, nee Nadort, his wife
Apparently, the allotment was divided into Lots in conJunrction with NH 8 & NH 63.
4013/839-846 Metric titles
These two titles are for No 2 & No 4 Jaensch Rd respectively.
1839 Uncertain
1958 Death of Wilhelm Dueball, who had held the land for many years. No clear title until then.
1958 Colin Jaensch, nephew, inherited the land & claimed ownership through adverse possession
1977 LTO title.
Farm block 29
1839 uncertain
1868 Eduard Kramm labourer Hahndorf
1868 Hermann Schneemilch farmer Hahndorf
1880 Friedrich Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1912 Wilhelm Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1958 W Dueball died. Eric Wittwer accountant Uraidla, executor.
1958 Colin Jaensch butcher Hartley, nephew of W Dueball
3481/46 current title
Farm block 27d, Farm block 28
1839 Uncertain
1868 Eduard Kramm labourer Hahndorf - GRO title
1868 Hermann Schneemilch farmer Hahndorf
1880 Friedrich Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1912 Wilhelm Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1958 W Dueball died. Eric Wittwer accountant Uraidla, executor.
1958 Colin Jaensch butcher Hartley
1970 Part of the land taken to form Kaesler Rd
1972 Colin Jaensch master butcher Hahndorf & Merrilyn, nee Paech, his wife
1978 C & M Jaensch divided the Lot into 5 Sub-lots
4016/11 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 67 (Former farm block 30) - 2 MALE CRESCENT; 28 VICTORIA ST
1839 Probably George Hartmann
1853 George Hartmann yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1860 G Hartmann died.
1860 Luise Hartmann, nee Preschel, retained a life interest after the death of her husband.
1889 LTO title - Gottlob Hartmann farmer Monarto made the application for his mother
1890 Johanna Paech, nee Hartmann, wife of George Paech, received the property from her mother as a gift.
1899 Otto Gallasch labourer Hahndorf
1923 O Gallasch died. Bertha Gallasch, nee Nitschke, executor & inheritor.
1943 B Gallasch died. Renatus Gallasch gardener & Valeska Gallasch spinster Hahndorf executors & inheritors.
1944 R Gallasch alone
1963 R Gallasch divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots. He divided NH 68 at the same time.
1965 R Gallasch died. Elvera Post, nee Gallasch married woman Hahndorf & Renolf Homburg solicitor Adelaide, executors.
1965 Vera Post, nee Gallasch married woman Hahndorf & Hilda Liebelt, nee Gallasch widow Mt Barker, as tenants-in-common
1965 V Post, nee Gallasch alone, who sold the Lots which her brother had laid out. Gallasch Rd ran past these Lots; now an extension of Victoria St.
1963 John Knappstein district manager Hahndorf & Margaret, his wife
1972 Gertrud Landgraf poultry farmer Hahndorf
1975 Hannelore Kaesan nursing sister Hahndorf
1984 Michael Hayward clerk Hahndorf & Anna, his wife
3202/136 current title
Sub-lot 2 28 VICTORIA ST
1971 Peter Schultz & Patricia, nee Wegener, his wife
3801/81 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 68 (Former farm block 31) - 4 MALE CRESCENT; 30 VICTORIA ST; 33 VICTORIA ST
1839 Probably Gottfried Hoffmann
1853 Johann Willemer cabinetmaker Hahndorf - GRO title
Directly afterwards, J Willemer sold the property to Ignatz Deimel, who had also paid for it, but left for the Victorian diggings c 24 May 1853, before a transfer could be registered. (There remains a discrepancy re the dates - Deimel left for the Victorian diggings before Willemer sold the land 1 Dec 1853)
The Deimel family rented the house to Mrs Eleonore Nitschke, as a weekly tenant.
1875 Julius Deimel shoemaker Mt Gambier, applied to have the property brought under the RPA & a title issued in his name.
1876 Eleonore Nitschke, nee Paech, widow of Wilhelm Nitschke farmer Nain
1916 E Nitschke died. Otto Gallasch farmer Echunga Gardens executor
1916 Bertha Gallasch, nee Nitschke, wife of O Gallasch Hahndorf, inherited
1943 Renatus Gallasch gardener Hahndorf & Valeska Gallasch spinster
1944 R Gallasch alone
1963 R Gallasch divided the Lot into 3 Sub-lots. He divided NH 67 at the same time.
1965 R Gallasch died. Vera Post, nee Gallasch, wife of Reg Post labourer Hahndorf & Renolf Homburg solicitor Adelaide, executors.
1965 V Post, nee Gallasch, who sold the Sub-lots her brother had laid out. Gallasch Rd ran past these Lots; now an extension of Victoria St.
1966 John Knappstein district manager Hahndorf & Margaret, his wife
4050/100 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 33 VICTORIA ST
1966 John Knappstein district manager Hahndorf & Margaret, his wife
4050/101 Metric title
Sub-lot 3 30 VICTORIA ST
1971 Maxwell Brown butcher Hahndorf
1972 M Brown married Marilyn Evans, nee Bloffwitch, hotel proprietress Hahndorf
3801/82 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 69 (Former farm block 32) - 6 MALE CRESCENT
1839 Probably Gottfried Behrend, Maria Hoffmann, or Gottfried Wundke.
1853 Friedrich Schneemilch Senr carpenter & yeoman - GRO title.
1868 F Schneemilch Senr died. Hermann Schneemilch farmer Hahndorf, son, executor.
1868 Sophie Schneemilch, nee Wellendorf, widow of Friedrich Schneemilch Senr, life interest
1871 S Schneemilch died. Hermann Schneemilch farmer Hahndorf, executor.
1871 LTO title
1871 S Schneemilch's son, Friedrich Schneemilch Junr carpenter & farmer Hahndorf, inherited.
1916 F Schneemilch Junr died. Adolph Schneemilch Senr out of work Alberton, executor.
1928 Adolph Schneemilch Junr labourer Hahndorf
1955 A Schneemilch Junr died. Jack Chapman business manager Mt Barker, Richard Schneemilch farmer Macclesfield, Leonard Schneemilch farmer Bridgewater, executors.
1964 George Schneemilch labourer Hahndorf & Dorothy, nee Nadort, his wife
4217/536 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 70 (Former farm block 33) - 8 MALE CRESCENT
1839 Probably Gottlob Schirmer
1853 Gottlob Schirmer farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 Carl Borchers Senr blacksmith Hahndorf
1886 LTO title
1887 Gottfried Horn farmer Hahndorf
1896 Wilhelm Ruge farmer Friedrichstadt
1905 Wilhelm Ruge died. Wilhelm Paech agent Hahndorf, executor.
1905 Christoph Ruge farmer Hahndorf
1905 Wilhelmine Ruge, nee Kroehn, widow of W Ruge farmer Hahndorf - lease for the term of her natural life.
1908 W Ruge, nee Kroehn, died
1909 Ernst Ruge labourer Hahndorf
1938 Waldemar Ruge labourer Hahndorf
1962 W Ruge died. Douglas Stephens woodcutter Hahndorf , executor.
1963 Esther Griffin, nee Ruge, home duties Hahndorf, 'for life' & then to Douglas Stephens 'in remainder expectant'
1973 Douglas Stephens woodcutter Hahndorf
4009/593 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 71 (Former farm block 34) - 10 MALE CRESCENT
1839 Probably George 'Kayscher' Pfeiffer
1853 Wilhelm Heinrich carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Gottlob Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1856 Wilhelm Rohrlach yeoman Hahndorf
1874 W Rohrlach died. Gustav Rohrlach labourer Hahndorf, executor.
1876 LTO title
1876 Wilhelm Leopold labourer Hahndorf
1884 August Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1896 A Thiele died. Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf, executor.
1908 Carl Nitschke builder Hahndorf
1922 Gustav Nitschke farmer Hahndorf
1950 Victor & Max Nitschke farmers Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1967 Victor Nitschke died. Elders Trustees & Ivy Nitschke, nee Haebich, widow of V Nitschke, executors.
1972 Max Nitschke grazier Hahndorf; Marie Jonson, nee Nitschke, married woman Wattle Park; Peter Nitschke grazier Hahndorf; John Nitschke grazier Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common, in unequal shares
Land at first held by Max Nitschke and his niece and nephews (Marie Johnson, nee Nitschke, Peter Nitschke, John Nitschke),, children of Victor Nitschke. They took over their father's half share.
1975 Each of the persons, except Marie Jonson, nee Nitschke, became a company. ie Max Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd; John Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd; Peter Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd
3907/171 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 72 (Former farm block 35) - 12 MALE CRESCENT
1839 Probably Wilhelm Nitschke
1853 Wilhelm Nitschke farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1856 August Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1896 A Thiele died. Louise Thiele, nee Thiele, widow of A Thiele, inherited.
1907 L Thiele, nee Thiele, died. C Bom monumental mason Hahndorf, executor.
1908 LTO title
1908 Carl Nitschke builder Hahndorf
1922 Gustav Nitschke farmer Hahndorf
1950 Victor & Max Nitschke farmers Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1967 Victor Nitschke died. Elders Trustees & Ivy Nitschke, nee Haebich, widow of V Nitschke, executors.
1972 Max Nitschke grazier Hahndorf; Marie Jonson, nee Nitschke, married woman Wattle Park; Peter Nitschke grazier Hahndorf; John Nitschke grazier Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common, in unequal shares
Land at first held by Max Nitschke and his niece and nephews (Marie Johnson, nee Nitschke, Peter Nitschke, John Nitschke),, children of Victor Nitschke. They took over their father's half share.
1975 Each of the persons, except Marie Jonson, nee Nitschke, became a company. ie Max Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd; John Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd; Peter Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd
4120/253 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 73 (Former farm block 49) - 47 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Probably George Kalleske
1853 Gottlob Schach - GRO title
1854 Gotthilf Blumner gentleman Hahndorf
No GRO record of dates for August Thiele farmer deals
1909 Carl Nitschke farmer & mason Hahndorf, from the estate of A Thiele
1922 Gustav Nitschke farmer & builder Hahndorf
1949 LTO title
1953 Victor & Max Nitschke farmers Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1967 V Nitschke died. Elders Trustees & Ivy Nitschke, nee Haebich, widow of V Nitschke, executors.
1972 Max Nitschke grazier Hahndorf; Marie Jonson, nee Nitschke, married woman Wattle Park; Peter Nitschke grazier Hahndorf; John Nitschke grazier Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common, in unequal shares
Land at first held by Max Nitschke and his niece and nephews (Marie Johnson, nee Nitschke, Peter Nitschke, John Nitschke),, children of Victor Nitschke. They took over their father's half share.
1975 Each of the persons, except Marie Jonson, nee Nitschke, became a company. ie Max Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd; John Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd; Peter Nitschke Nominees Pty Ltd
2134/26 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 74 (Former farm block 48) - 45 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Possibly Erdmann Jaensch or Gottfried Rillricht
1853 August Pade yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1881 August Pade Junr wheelwright Hahndorf
1881 LTO title
1886 Wilhelm Wittwer Senr miller Hahndorf, leased the property
1904 W Wittwer Senr died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer millers Hahndorf, executors
1911 James Downing grazier & Albert Gehricke farmer Nairne
1913 Bertha Wittwer married woman Hahndorf
1932 Bertha Wittwer died. Dolly & Verena Wittwer spinsters Hahndorf executors
1945 V Wittwer married Harry Wood machinist Hahndorf
3727/67 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 75 (Former farm block 47) - 43 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Probably George Hartmann
1853 George Hartmann yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1860 Luise Hartmann, nee Preschel, retained a life interest after the death of her husband.
1889 LTO title - Gottlob Hartmann farmer Monarto made the application for his mother
1890 Johanna Paech, nee Hartmann, wife of George Paech, received the property from her mother as a gift.
1899 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1949 W Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf, executor & Inheritor.
1975 L Kramm died. Elizabeth Kramm, nee Gallasch, widow of L Kramm, Hahndorf, executrix & inheritor.
4067/988 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 76 (Former farm block 46) - 41 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Possibly Gottfried Behrend, Maria Hoffmann, or Gottfried Wundke.
1853 Friedrich Schneemilch Senr carpenter & yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title.
1871 LTO title
1886 Adolph Gustav Bottcher & Albert Julius Bliss labourers Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1887 AG Bottcher alone
1897 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1949 W Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1975 L Kramm died. Elizabeth Kramm, nee Gallasch, widow of L Kramm, executrix.
1976 E Kramm, nee Gallasch, widow
4129/429 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 77 (Former farm block 45) - 39 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Probably Dorothea Schulz
1853 Dorothea Schulz widow Hahndorf - GRO title
1866 Dorothea Schulz died Friedrichstadt
1867 Carl Wirth mason Hahndorf
1867 LTO title
1883 Gotthold Schmeiss farmer Hahndorf
1886 Adolph Gustav Bottcher & Albert Julius Bliss labourers Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1887 AG Bottcher alone
1897 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1949 W Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf executor & inheritor.
1975 L Kramm died. Elizabeth Kramm widow, executrix.
1976 E Kramm widow
4129/430 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 78 (Former farm block 44) - 37 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Possibly Gottfried Behrend, Maria Hoffmann, or Gottfried Wundke.
1853 Friedrich Schneemilch Senr carpenter & yeoman - GRO title.
1886 Adolph Gustav Bottcher & Albert Julius Bliss labourers Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1887 AG Bottcher alone
1897 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1949 W Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1975 L Kramm died. Elizabeth Kramm widow, executrix.
1976 E Kramm widow
4129/431 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 79 (Former farm block 43) - 35 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Possibly Samuel Thiele
1853 August Thiele farmer - GRO title
1867 Eduard Kramm yeoman Hahndorf
1868 LTO title
1875 Gottlieb Dymke labourer Hahndorf
1889 Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf
1904 W Wittwer died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer millers Hahndorf, executors & inheritors.
1911 James Downing grazier & Albert Gehricke farmer Nairne
1913 Bertha Wittwer married woman, wife of Heinrich Wittwer miller Hahndorf
1932 B Wittwer died. Dolly & Verena Wittwer spinsters Hahndorf, executors & inheritors.
1966 D Wittwer died.
1945 V Wittwer married Harry Wood machinist Hahndorf
1975 Eric Wittwer accountant Uraidla
213/91 Current title
ALLOTMENT NH 80 (Former farm block 42) - 33 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Uncertain - possibly Friedrich Suess?
1853 Christian Ruge farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1867 LTO title
1867 Wilhelm Mueller labourer Hahndorf. He had leased the land since at least 1863. Ruge was now a farmer at Friedrichstadt.
1870 Wilhelmine Mueller, nee Schmidt, wife of W Mueller
1879 Gottlieb Dymke labourer Hahndorf
1889 Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf
1904 W Wittwer died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer millers Hahndorf, executors & inheritors.
1911 James Downing grazier & Albert Gehricke farmer Nairne
1913 Bertha Wittwer, nee Gallasch, wife of Heinrich Wittwer miller Hahndorf
1932 B Wittwer died. Dolly & Verena Wittwer spinsters Hahndorf, executors & inheritors.
1945 V Wittwer married Harry Wood machinist Hahndorf
1966 D Wittwer died
1975 Eric Wittwer accountant Uraidla
321/149 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 81 (Former farm block 41) - 31 BALHANNAH RD; 9 JAENSCH RD; 11 JAENSCH RD
1839 Probably Christian Bartel
1853 Christian Bartel yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Carl Herberger farmer Hahndorf
1855 Valentin Hellwig farmer Hahndorf
1855 V Hellwig borrowed #210 from Geo Ernest Hamilton esq SA & David Talbot Melbourne.
1861 Geo Ernest Hamilton esq SA & David Talbot Melbourne. Default of repayment by V Hellwig.
1861 Wilhelm Paech farmer Hahndorf.
1861 LTO title
1861 Johann Willemer cabinetmaker Hahndorf, who had rented the property from W Paech.
1892 Ida Rodert, nee Willemer, wife of Julius Rodert labourer Hahndorf
1893 Friedrich Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1924 F Dueball died intestate. Lydia, nee Ruge, widow of F Dueball, inherited.
1927 Flora Dueball spinster Hahndorf
1927 Wilhelm Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1958 W Dueball died. Eric Wittwer accountant Uraidla, executor.
1958 Colin Jaensch butcher Hartley
1970 C Jaensch divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 31 BALHANNAH RD
1970 Bohamil Kopunic & Nancy, his wife
3745/145 current title
1972 C Jaensch master butcher Hahndorf & Merrilyn, nee Paech, his wife
4016/11 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 82 (Former farm block 40) - 29 BALHANNAH RD; 9 JAENSCH RD; 11 JAENSCH RD
1839 Probably Wilhelm Wittwer Senr
1853 Wilhelm Wittwer Junr miller Hahndorf - GRO title
1885 LTO title
1894 Friedrich Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1924 F Dueball died intestate. Lydia Dueball, nee Ruge, widow of F Dueball, inherited.
1927 Flora Dueball spinster Hahndorf
1927 Wilhelm Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1958 W Dueball died. Eric Wittwer accountant Uraidla, executor.
1958 Colin Jaensch butcher Hartley
1970 Some land taken to form Jaensch Rd
1970 C Jaensch divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots, combining NH 81 & NH 82
Sub-lot 1 29 BALHANNAH RD
1970 Bohumil Kopunic mechanic Hahndorf & Nancy, his wife
1970 Part of the land taken to widen Balhannah Rd
3745/145 current title
1972 Colin Jaensch master butcher Hahndorf & Merrilyn, nee Paech, his wife
4016/11 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 83 (Former farm block 39) - 27 BALHANNAH RD; 12 JAENSCH RD; 10 JAENSCH RD; 8 JAENSCH RD
1839 Probably Christian Zilm
1853 George Fischer yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1883 Friedrich Schneemilch Junr carpenter & farmer Hahndorf. Geo Fischer, now of Horsham Vic
1883 LTO title.
1916 F Schneemilch Junr died. Adolph Schneemilch Senr out of business Alberton, executor.
1928 Adolph Schneemilch Junr labourer Hahndorf
1955 A Schneemilch Junr died.
1964 George Schneemilch labourer Hahndorf & Dorothy, nee Nadort, his wife
1970 Part of the land taken to widen Balhannah Rd & form Jaensch Rd
1970 The Schneemilch family divided the combined Lots NH 83-84 into 5 new Sub-lots - 4 on NH 83-84 & 1 on the remaining part of NH 84.
Sub-lot 1 27 BALHANNAH RD
1971 Craig Paech plasterer's labourer Hahndorf
1973 Michael Patrick McDonnell insurance consultant Camden Park
1974 Deljaru Pty Ltd Pirie St Adelaide
1976 Peter Carlmark retailer Enfield & Joan, his wife
1988 Peter Williamson manager Hahndorf & Pauline, his wife
3801/69 current title
Sub-lot 2 12 JAENSCH RD
1971 Graham Kaesler engineer Hahndorf & Julieann, nee Scott, his wife
3801/72 current title
Sub-lot 3 10 JAENSCH RD
1971 Taverner Miller journalist Belair & Gwendoline, his wife
3801/70 current title
Sub-lot 4 8 JAENSCH RD
1971 Alan Fulwood supervisor Hahndorf
1978 10 year lease to T & G Miller from 1/1/1978
3801/71 current title
1839 George 'Kayscher' Pfeiffer
1853 Wilhelm Heinrich carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Gottlob Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1856 Wilhelm Rohrlach yeoman Hahndorf
1874 W Rohrlach died. Gustav Rohrlach labourer Hahndorf, executor.
1876 LTO title
1876 Wilhelm Leopold labourer Hahndorf
1883 William Atkinson butcher Mt Barker
1895 Friedrich Schneemilch Junr carpenter Hahndorf
1916 F Schneemilch Junr died. Adolph Schneemilch Senr out of business Alberton, executor.
1928 Adolph Schneemilch Junr carpenter Hahndorf
1955 A Schneemilch Junr died. Jack Chapman business manager Mt Barker, Richard Schneemilch farmer Macclesfield, Leonard Schneemilch farmer Bridgewater, executors.
1964 George Schneemilch labourer Hahndorf & Dorothy, nee Nadort, his wife
1971 Part Lot taken to form Jaensch Rd
1971 G & D Schneemilch divided Lot NH 84 into 5 Sub-lots - Nos 1-4 form the rear of the Lots laid out on NH 83. Sub-lot 5 forms the rest of the Lot.
Sub-lot 1 27 BALHANNAH RD
1971 Craig Paech plasterer's labourer Hahndorf
1973 Michael Patrick McDonnell insurance consultant Camden Park
1974 Deljaru Pty Ltd Pirie St Adelaide
1976 Peter Carlmark retailer Enfield & Joan Ann, his wife
1988 Peter Williamson manager Hahndorf & Pauline, his wife
3801/69 current title
Sub-lot 2 12 JAENSCH RD
1971 Graham Kaesler engineer Hahndorf & Julieann, nee Scott, his wife
3801/72 current title
Sub-lot 3 10 JAENSCH RD
1971 Taverner Miller journalist Belair & Gwendoline, his wife
3801/70 current title
Sub-lot 4 8 JAENSCH RD
1971 Alan Fulwood supervisor Hahndorf
1978 10 year lease to T & G Miller from 1/1/1978
3801/71 current title
Sub-lot 5 25 BALHANNAH RD
1971 Raymond Schneemilch officer Wirrabara & Lynette, his wife
1991 Elsie Jean Carmen widow Hahndorf
3801/73 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 85 (Former farm block 37) - 21 BALHANNAH RD; 23 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Probably Gottlob Fliegert
1853 Carl Altmann farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Gottfried Dolling farmer Balhannah. C Altmann had moved to Balhannah.
1855 August Unversagt bookbinder Hahndorf. G Dolling had moved to Hahndorf.
1859 Wilhelm Bremer tailor Hahndorf
1864 Carl Wirth labourer Hahndorf
1864 LTO title
1883 Gotthold Schmeiss farmer Hahndorf
1886 Friedrich Schneemilch Junr carpenter Hahndorf
1900 Eduard Strempel insurance agent Hahndorf
1910 Carl Heinrich contractor Murray Bridge
1912 Ellen Pain, nee Bennett, wife of William Pain mason Hahndorf
1917 Ewald Schubert farmer Hahndorf
1920 Martin Kaesler wheelwright Hahndorf
1964 John Mitchels pharmacist Hahndorf & Mavis, nee Ricketts, his wife
1970 John Entwistle chemist Pinaroo & Gwendoline, nee Powell, his wife
662/136 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 86 (Former farm block 36) - 19 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Christian Liebelt, shepherd
1853 Christian Liebelt Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Elisabeth Liebelt, nee Kuchel, widow of Christian Liebelt
1879 Eleonore Faehrmann, nee Liebelt, grand-daughter of Elisabeth Liebelt
1882 LTO title
1899 Eduard Strempel insurance agent Hahndorf
1910 Carl Heinrich contractor Murray Bridge
1912 Ellen Pain, nee Bennett, wife of William Pain mason Hahndorf
1917 Ewald Schubert farmer Hahndorf
1920 Martin Kaesler wheelwright Hahndorf
1964 John Mitchels chemist Hahndorf & Mavis, nee Ricketts, his wife
1970 John Entwistle chemist Pinnaroo & Gwendoline, nee Powell, his wife
745/137 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 87 (Former part house block 27) - 68 MAIN ST; 70 MAIN ST
1839 George Boehm carpenter
1853 George Boehm farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1875 G Boehm died. Eduard Reimann & Eduard Schroeder farmers Hahndorf, executors. Louis von Doussa solicitor Mt Barker, appointed solicitor.
1875 LTO title
1875 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf - southern section Lot NH 87
Gustav Rohrlach labourer Hahndorf - northern section Lot NH 100
1877 Adolph Strempel pastor Hahndorf, Eduard Schroeder gentleman Hahndorf, Eduard Reimann gentleman Hahndorf, Heinrich Storch gentleman Hahndorf, as trustees for a Lutheran training college.
1880 Adolph Strempel pastor Hahndorf, Eduard Schroeder gentleman Hahndorf, Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf, Johann Sudholz gentleman Gilles Plains, Heinrich Droegemueller gentleman Springton, Ernst Pfeiffer gentleman Lobethal, Carl Schmidt gentleman Tanunda, as trustees for a Lutheran training college.
1883 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf
1886 W Boehm bankrupt. Mortgage Co of SA, as receiver.
1886 Douglas Byard & Herbert Steer teachers Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1920 Heinrich Hirte farmer Mt Barker Junction
1939 H Hirte died. Alfred Hirte farmer Mt Barker Junction, executor.
1954 Dulcie Paech, nee Hirte, wife of Louis Paech farmer Hahndorf
1958 Otto Haebich out of business Hahndorf
1959 O Haebich died. Farmers Co-Op Trustees Adelaide, executors.
1960 Adelaide Building Co Ltd, Woodlands Park
1964 Hahndorf Academy Museum Trust Inc
1966 Elva Wotzke married woman Hahndorf, wife of Walter Wotzke gallery director
1968 Land taken to widen Balhannah Rd
4073/656 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 88 (Former house block 28) - 66 MAIN ST
1839 Samuel Kuchel
1854 Heinrich Wege carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf
1857 The Hahndorf Academy opened on this site.
1866 LTO title
1876 W Bohem divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 66 MAIN ST
1877 South Australian Lutheran Synod
1883 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf
1886 W Boehm bankrupt. Mortgage Co of SA Grenfell St Adelaide, as receiver.
1886 Mortgage Co of SA Grenfell St Adelaide, through default of mortgage
1886 Douglas Byard & Herbert Steer teachers Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1887 Douglas Byard alone
1919 Heinrich Hirte farmer Shady Grove
1939 H Hirte died. The Hirte family settled the property on Bertha Schmidtke nurse Hahndorf, for life.
1958 B Schmidtke relinquished life interest. Dulcie Paech, nee Hirte, wife of Louis Paech, assumed control.
1958 Otto Haebich retired Hahndorf
1959 O Haebich died.
1960 Adelaide Building Co Ltd Woodlands Park
1966 Elva Wotzke married woman Hahndorf
1988 Hahndorf Academy Foundation
Sub-lot 2 No direct street access. Linked with NH 102 St Michael's oval.
1876 Gustav Rohrlach labourer Hahndorf
1903 Wilhelm Mattner labourer Oakbank
1912 Douglas Byard principal Hahndorf College
1921 Otto Gallasch farmer Hahndorf
1923 O Gallasch died. Bertha Gallasch, nee Nitschke, inherited.
1943 B Gallasch died. Renatus Gallasch gardener & Valeska Gallasch spinster Hahndorf, children of Otto & Bertha Gallasch, inherited.
1944 Renatus Gallasch alone
1962 Hilda Altmann, nee Kramm, widow of Alfred Altmann farmer Balhannah
1969 St Michael's Lutheran Congregation Hahndorf
4127/217 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 89 (Former house block 29) - 62 MAIN ST; 64 MAIN ST
1839 Christoph Liebelt shepherd, later farmer. He made an unregistered transfer of this and certain other allotments to the Lutheran Church c1850-1851 when moving to Blakiston.
1857 Trustees, Lutheran Church, Hahndorf 'for the use of boys and girls, or boys, or girls only, as the committee of management chosen by the members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hahndorf, shall determine'.
January 1931 Meeting to bring the land under the RPA.
Trustees: Hermann Storch farmer Hahndorf, Gottlob Jaensch butcher Hahndorf, Ferdinand Altmann farmer Balhannah, Heinrich Storch farmer Verdun, Heinrich Thiele farmer Hahndorf, Christoph Liebelt farmer Mt Barker.
1969 St Michael's Lutheran Congregation divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots;
Sub-lot 1 64 MAIN ST
1969 St Michael's Lutheran Congregation Hahndorf
Sub-lot 2 62 MAIN ST
1969 Walter Bert Fox butcher Balhannah
1972 Alfred Robert Egan driver Upper Sturt & Evelyn, his wife
1974 Savings Bank of SA
3631/66 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 90 (Former house block 30) - 60 MAIN ST
1839 George Janetzki mason, later farmer. The Janetzkis had already moved to Grünthal, before Victoria, prior to official land transfers beginning in Hahndorf.
1853 Carl Krüger shoemaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1863 Anna Krüger, nee Reimann, widow of C Krüger. Later Mrs Altmann
1907 LTO title. Public Trustee applied.
1907 Wilhelm Krüger farmer Sedan. Gave authorisation for the land to be sold.
1907 Oswald Thiele shopkeeper Hahndorf
1930 Bruno Thiele labourer Hahndorf, son of O Thiele
1975 B Thiele died. Myra, nee Condon, widow of B Thiele, inherited
1977 Grant Paech farmer & businessman Hahndorf & Carol, his wife
1979 Montrose Realty Pty Ltd Adelaide
3431/119 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 91 (Former house block 31) - 58 MAIN ST
1839 Gottfried Nitschke cottager. He died in the very early days of the settlement.
1853 Christian Marks Senr shoemaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1885 Carl Marks Junr shoemaker Hahndorf, son of C Marks Senr
1885 LTO title
1889 C Marks Junr died. Wilhelm Ey teacher & Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf, executors.
1898 Johann Pottger labourer Hahndorf
1906 Maria Sperber, nee Marx, wife of August Wilhelm Sperber mason Hahndorf
1907 Oswald Thiele storekeeper Hahndorf
1918 August Himmelreich cabinetmaker
1923 William Treloar gardener Mylor
1932 Wilhelm Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1946 Frank Sonnemann aerated waters manufacturer Renmark
1952 F Sonnemann died. Freda Sonnemann, his widow, inherited.
1962 Robert Coles driver Hahndorf
1977 Phillip Tsanakas storekeeper Charleston & Sandra, his wife
1978 District Council of Mt Barker - Johnston Park
4261/484 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 92 (Former house block 32) - 56 MAIN ST; 19 THIELE GROVE
1839 Gottlob Linke carpenter, later farmer. He had already moved away to the Barossa Valley before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1853 Peter Withers shoemaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1870 Julius Mueller labourer Hahndorf – LTO title
1890 Julius Mueller died. Emilie Mueller, nee Gellert, widow of J Mueller, inherited.
1914 E Mueller died. Wilhelm Feder gardener Biggs Flat, executor
1915 Wilhelmine Feder, nee Mueller, wife of Wilhelm Feder gardener Biggs Flat
1936 W Feder died. William Pearce carrier Croydon Park, executor.
1937 Carl Faehrmann carrier Hahndorf
1941 Archibald Fisher labourer Adelaide
1953 Frederick Staples labourer Blair Athol
1954 Reginald Coles tannery employee Hahndorf
1976 R Coles died.
1977 George Scamoni builder Aldgate
1977 Judith Scamoni, wife of G Scamoni
4122/45 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 93 (Former house block 33) - 52 MAIN ST; 54 MAIN ST; 17 THIELE GROVE
1839 George Jaeschke church elder, later farmer. Died August 1839.
1839 Samuel Jaeschke, son of G Jaeschke. He moved to Gruenberg before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1853 Richard Andrews blacksmith Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 LTO title. R Andrews now a farmer of the Bremer.
1858 Adolph Dorney saddler Hahndorf
1866 A Dorney mortgaged this land to J Sudholz
1868 Johann Südholz gentleman Gilles Plains, through default of mortgage
1868 Ernst Klein carpenter Nuriootpa
1870 Johann Südholz gentleman Gilles Plains, through default of mortgage
1872 Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf
1886 C Bom divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 52 MAIN ST; 54 MAIN ST
1886 Oswald Wieth bootmaker Hahndorf
1890 Gotthard Pfennig farmer Hahndorf
1896 Clara Pfennig, nee Minkwitz, wife of G Pfennig Hahndorf
1921 Carl Thiele labourer Hahndorf
1959 C Thiele, life interest, then Bernhard Thiele labourer Hahndorf, 'in remainder expectant'
1959 C Thiele died
1965 Alfred Collins labourer Hahndorf & Doris, nee Wigge, his wife
1972 Hubertus Johannes Beurskens plasterer Hahndorf & Petronella, his wife
1973 Sebastian Bellosguardo builder Stirling
1974 Sebastian Bellosguardo builder Stirling; Roger Burbidge builder Aldgate, Wayne Badenoch earthmoving contractor Hahndorf
4034/6 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 17 THIELE GROVE
1886 C Bom coachpainter Hahndorf
1911 C Bom died. Gottlob Jaensch farmer Hahndorf, executor.
1920 Hulda Bom spinster Hahndorf
1923 H Bom married Eduard Ey retired miner Hahndorf
1960 Max Specketer machinist Hahndorf & Maria, his wife
ALLOTMENT NH 94 (Former house block 34) - 46 MAIN ST; 48 MAIN ST; 50 MAIN ST; 13 THIELE GROVE; 15 THIELE GROVE
1839 Christian Thiele shoemaker, later farmer
1853 Christian Thiele farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1872 LTO title
1872 Carl Bom painter, later monumental mason, Hahndorf
1911 C Bom died. Gottlob Jaensch farmer Hahndorf, executor.
1920 Hulda Bom spinster Hahndorf
1923 H Bom married Eduard Ey retired miner Hahndorf
1960 H Ey divided the lot into 2 Sub-lots:
1960 Max Specketer machinist Hahndorf & Maria, his wife
1977 Land taken to make Thiele Grove
2431/165 current title
Sub-lot 2 46 MAIN ST; 48 MAIN ST; 50 MAIN ST
1960 H Ey widow Hahndorf
1974 H Ey died. Farmers Co-op, Elders Trustees, Eric Paech farmer Hahndorf, Russell Grivell Hahndorf, executors
1975 Siegfried Pellenat porter Hahndorf, his wife, Edith, & Ralph Pellenat soldier Bandiana Vic
1982 Paul Church teacher Hahndorf
2431/164 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 95 (Former house block 35) - 44 MAIN ST; 44A MAIN ST; 11 THIELE GROVE
1839 Samuel Bartsch joiner, later farmer. He moved to Grünberg before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1853 Gottlieb Schuetze carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 James Owen licensed victualler Kensington
1863 LTO title. Approximate date only, as application form lost.
1863 Wilhelm Bremer tailor Hahndorf
1889 W Bremer died. Johanna Bremer, nee Kaehnicke, widow of W Bremer, inherited.
1911 J Bremer died. Alfred Bremer wheelwright Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1949 A Bremer died. Percy Bremer gentleman Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1963 Roy Walkom motor engineer Hahndorf
1969 R Walkom divided the lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 - the house 44 MAIN ST
1969 Laurence Munro driver Hahndorf
1974 Norman Crittenden garage proprietor Hahndorf
1979 Ern Cambridge general agent, Phyllis Cambridge operator, Mark Cambridge general agent, Anne Cambridge secretary Mt Barker
Sub-lot 2 - the former wheelwright shop 44A MAIN ST
1969 Norman Crittenden garage proprietor Hahndorf
1971 Frederick Ronald Menz mechanic Hahndorf
1975 John Mueller & Trevor Mueller garage proprietors Hahndorf
1979 Ern Cambridge general agent, Phyllis Cambridge operator, Mark Cambridge general agent, Anne Cambridge secretary Mt Barker, who re-joined the lot
4150/404 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 96 (Former house block 36) - 40 MAIN ST; 42 MAIN ST; 9 THIELE GROVE; 7 THIELE GROVE
1839 Christian Zilm day-labourer, later farmer. He had already moved away to Nain before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1853 George Fischer yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1856 Richard Mould cabinetmaker Hahndorf
1857 Gustav Rohrlach yeoman Hahndorf
1907 G Rohrlach died. W Boehm teacher Warracknabeal, executor.
1908 LTO title
1908 Dorothea Rohrlach, nee Boehm, had life interest in the property, with Wilhelm Boehm music teacher Warracknabeal Vic, 'in remainder expectant'.
1909 Hulda Paech, nee Paech, wife of Wilhelm Paech agent Hahndorf
1909 Christoph Ruge labourer Hahndorf
1910 D Rohrlach died. Mother-in-law to C Ruge.
1947 Percival Ruge baker Hahndorf
1955 Ernest Ruge, Alma Chester, nee Ruge hospital employees Hahndorf & Ella Ruge home duties Hahndorf
1963 Ivy Nitschke, nee Haebich, wife of Victor Nitschke, Peter & John Nitschke minors tenants-in-common
4125/302 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 97 (Former house block 37) - 38 MAIN ST; 7 THIELE GROVE; 5 THIELE GROVE
1839 George Paech farmer. He had already moved to Friedrichstadt, near Hahndorf, before official land transfers began in the town.
1853 Peter Schinckel carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1874 Carl Rodert carpenter & gardener Hahndorf
1874 LTO title
1877 Gustav Rohrlach labourer Hahndorf. He divided the allotment into 2 & kept the portion adjoining Lot NH 96.
1907 G Rohrlach died. Wilhelm Boehm teacher Warracknabeal Vic, executor.
1912 Wilhelm Paech agent Hahndorf
1926 W Paech died. Hulda Paech, nee Paech, widow of W Paech, executrix & inheritor.
1962 Norman Paech agent Hahndorf
1968 Dora Bennett, nee Paech, widow Hahndorf
1969 James Clark solicitor 33 Pirie St Adelaide
1969 Eric Wyllie farmhand Echunga & Ruby, his wife
1969 Friedrich Liersch retired Hahndorf & Linda Klose, nee Liersch, widow Hahndorf
1969 L Klose, nee Liersch, gave up her interest to her brother
1971 Hereford Downs Pty Ltd Stirling
1973 Alfred Trim & Russell Trim Adelaide, as tenants-in-common in unequal shares
1980 Herbert Winkler managing director Urrbrae & Eva, his wife
4180/104 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 98 (Former house block 38) - 34 MAIN ST; 36 MAIN ST; 3 THIELE GROVE
1839 Christian Bartel thresher-gardener, later farmer
1853 Christian Bartel farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Carl Herberger farmer Hahndorf
1855 Valentin Hellwig miner & farmer Hahndorf
1861 Wilhelm Paech farmer Hahndorf
1861 LTO title
1861 Johann Willemer farmer Hahndorf
1892 Ida Rodert, nee Willemer, wife of Julius Rodert labourer Hahndorf
1921 I Rodert died. Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, executor.
1922 Hermann Rodert labourer Hahndorf & Bertha Rodert spinster Hahndorf
1940 H & B Rodert divided the lot into 2 Sub-lots; it later re-joined. The history is exactly the same.
1940 Gilbert James carpenter Kent Town
1948 Stefan HeySenr picture dealer Hahndorf
1955 Colin Langbein plasterer Hahndorf & Betty, nee Kuchel, his wife
4115/984 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 99 (Former house block 39) - 30 MAIN ST; 32 MAIN ST; 1 ENGLISH ST; 3 ENGLISH ST; 5 ENGLISH ST; 7 ENGLISH ST
1839 Christian Schirmer gardener, later blacksmith
1853 Christian Schirmer blacksmith Hahndorf - GRO title
1853 Priestly Hillam yeoman Hahndorf
1855 William Fuller brazier & tinplate worker Hahndorf
1857 Wilhelm Droegemueller shoemaker Hahndorf
1858 Heinrich Droegemueller butcher Hahndorf
1859 Heinrich Meissner butcher Hahndorf
1859 George Davenport, gentleman, Adelaide
1864 Joseph Waltrowitz farmer Hahndorf
1887 LTO title
1917 J Waltrowitz divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 32 MAIN ST
1917 Louis Waltrowitz
1949 L Waltrowitz died. Renolf Homburg solicitor Adelaide, executor.
1949 Louise Waltrowitz, nee Schmuecker, widow of L Waltrowitz
1968 L Waltrowitz, nee Schmuecker, died. Renolf Homburg solicitor Adelaide, executor.
1969 Adolph Waltrowitz retired railway fettler Oakbank
1970 John Gommers, Ronald Gommers, Leonard Gommers Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1970 John Gommers & Ronald Gommers alone
1972 John Grivell factory employee Hahndorf & Edna, his wife
1981 J Grivell divided the Lot into 1 further Sub-lot. See Sub-lot 3:
Sub-lot 1 32 MAIN ST
1981 HE Verolme Estates Pty Ltd
4183/527 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 30 MAIN ST
1917 Hugo Waltrowitz painter Hahndorf
1939 August Wuttke out of business Hahndorf & Bertha, nee Paech, his wife
1942 A Wuttke died. Clarence Wuttke farmer Echunga, executor.
1944 Selma Nitschke, nee Wuttke, widow of Alfred Nitschke photographer Hahndorf
1960 Carlton Graziers Ltd North Tce Adelaide
4183/528-530 Metric title
Sub-lot 3 no direct main street access - the rear of Sub-lot 1 (qv). Now linked with the rear of Sub-lot 2 to form the 4 Sub-lots, Nos 1-7 English St.
1981 Carlton Graziers Pty Ltd
4183/528 & 529 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 100 (Former part house block 27) - 2 BALHANNAH RD; 4 BALHANNAH RD; 6 BALHANNAH RD
1839 George Boehm carpenter
1853 George Boehm farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1875 G Boehm died. Eduard Reimann & Eduard Schroeder farmers Hahndorf, executors. Louis von Doussa appointed solicitor.
1875 LTO title
1875 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf - southern section Lot NH 87
Gustav Rohrlach labourer Hahndorf - northern section Lot NH 100
1877 Johann Mueller labourer Hahndorf
1881 August Schmidtke labourer Hahndorf
1928 A Schmidtke died. Heinrich Hirte farmer Shady Grove, executor.
1935 H Hirte divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 6 BALHANNAH RD St Michael's School
1935 Hermann Storch farmer Verdun, Gottlob Jaensch farmer Hahndorf, Heinrich Storch farmer Verdun, Christoph Liebelt farmer Mt Barker, as Trustees, St Michael's Lutheran Congregation Hahndorf
1970 Part of the land taken to widen Balhannah Rd
3770/59 current title
Sub-lot 2 4 BALHANNAH RD
1935 Friedrich Liebelt farmer Mt Barker
1948 Norman Kruse signwriter Hahndorf
1956 N Kruse divided the Sub-lot into another Sub-lot. See Sub-lot 3.
1970 Portion of the Lot taken to widen Balhannah Rd
2440/170 current title
Sub-lot 3 2 BALHANNAH RD
1956 Joseph Seifert
1970 Portion of the Lot taken to widen Balhannah Rd
4051/360 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 101 (Former farm block 50) - St Michael's oval
1839 Probably Samuel Steicke
1853 Johann Stade stone mason Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Henry Collings butcher Hahndorf
1859 August Boehm farmer Hahndorf
1875 LTO title
1877 Johann Mueller labourer Hahndorf
1881 August Schmidtke labourer Hahndorf
1928 A Schmidtke died. Heinrich Hirte farmer Shady Grove, executor.
1935 Hermann Storch farmer Verdun, Gottlob Jaensch farmer Hahndorf, Heinrich Storch farmer Verdun, Christoph Liebelt farmer Mt Barker, as Trustees, St Michael's Lutheran Congregation Hahndorf
1970 Part of the land taken to widen Church St
3770/59 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 102 (Former part house block 28) - St Michael's School oval
1839 Probably Samuel Kuchel
1854 Heinrich Wege carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf
1866 LTO title
1876 Gustav Rohrlach labourer Hahndorf
1903 Wilhelm Mattner labourer Oakbank
1912 Douglas Byard principal Hahndorf College
1921 Otto Gallasch farmer Hahndorf
1923 O Gallasch died. Bertha Gallasch, nee Nitschke, inherited.
1943 B Gallasch died. Renatus Gallasch gardener & Valeska Gallasch spinster Hahndorf, children of Otto & Bertha Gallasch, inherited.
1944 R Gallasch alone
1962 Hilda Altmann, nee Kramm, widow of Alfred Altmann farmer Balhannah
1969 St Michael's Lutheran Congregation Hahndorf
4127/217 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 103 (Former farm block 51a) - 26 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably George 'Rakauer' Pfeiffer
1853 Friedrich Bruse farmer & cabinetmaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1893 Death of F Bruse. Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, executor.
1983 LTO title.
1893 Helene Caroline Bruse spinster Pt Pirie, named as legatee.
1897 Thomas Robert Reynolds gardener Hahndorf. 1898 Directory, listed as storekeeper.
1899 William Collins labourer Hahndorf
1936 Alick Collins labourer Hahndorf
1948 Alfred Liebelt labourer Hahndorf
1965 Lesley Hill maintenance engineer Hahndorf & Valda, nee Liebelt, his wife
1970 Some land taken to widen Church St
1971 Darrell Porter roller driver Piccadilly & Ngaire, nee Hill, his wife
3344/197 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 104 (Former farm block 51b) - 26 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably George Paech
1853 Peter Schinckel carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 Christian Grimm miner Hahndorf. P Schinckel now a farmer of the Bremer.
1867 Carl Marks Senr shoemaker Hahndorf
1885 Carl Marks Junr shoemaker Hahndorf
1885 LTO title
1889 C Marks Junr died. Wilhelm Ey teacher Hahndorf & Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf, executors
1898 Johann Pottger labourer Hahndorf
1906 Maria Sperber, nee Marx, wife of August Wilhelm Sperber mason Hahndorf
1907 Oswald Thiele storekeeper Hahndorf
1915 Herbert Wittwer labourer Hahndorf
1965 Lesley Hill maintenance engineer Hahndorf & Valda, nee Liebelt, his wife
1970 Part of the Lot taken to widen Church St
1971 Darrell Porter roller driver Piccadilly & Ngaire, nee Hill, his wife milk tester
1039/4 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 105 (Former farm block 51c) - 28 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably Christian Liebelt shepherd
1853 Christian Liebelt farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Elisabeth Liebelt, nee Kuchel, widow of Christian Liebelt
1879 Eleonore Faehrmann, nee Liebelt, grand-daughter of Elisabeth Liebelt & wife of Carl Faehrmann carpenter Hahndorf
1883 LTO title
1899 Otto Faehrmann labourer Littlehampton
1903 Alfred Brauer Minister of the Gospel Hahndorf
1922 Wilhelm Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf
1949 Wilhelm Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf executor
1949 Dora Liebelt, nee Kramm, wife of Gustav Liebelt
1970 Part of the allotment taken to widen Church St
1977 Part Lot to St Michael's Lutheran Church Inc
4127/ 218 Metric title D Liebelt. 4127/214 St Michael’s Lutheran Church.
ALLOTMENT NH 106 (Former farm block 51d) - 28 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably Christian Zilm
1853 George Fischer yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 Carl Wirth yeoman Hahndorf. G Fischer, now of the Bremer.
1883 Gotthold Schmeiss farmer Hahndorf
1886 LTO title
1886 Adolph Gustav Bottcher, Adolf Gustav Bliss labourers, as tenants-in-common.
1897 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1949 W Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf, executor.
1949 Dora Liebelt, nee Kramm, wife of Gustav Liebelt labourer Hahndorf
1970 Part lot taken to widen Church St
1977 Part lot to St Michael's Lutheran Church Inc
4127/218 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 107 (Former farm block 51e) - 30 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably Gottlob Linke carpenter, later farmer.
1853 Peter Withers shoemaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1870 LTO title
1870 Julius Mueller labourer Hahndorf
1890 J Mueller died. Emilie Mueller, nee Gellert, widow of J Mueller, inherited.
1914 E Mueller died. Wilhelm Feder gardener Biggs Flat, executor.
1915 Wilhelmine Feder, nee Mueller, wife of Wilhelm Feder gardener Biggs Flat
1930 Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf
1970 Land taken to widen Church St
1972 L Kramm divided the Lot into 2 sub-lots
Sub-lot 1 28 THIELE GROVE
1972 Trent Paech carpenter Hahndorf & Monica, nee Richards, his wife
1976 Easement to the Mt Barker DC
4080/949 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 30 CHURCH ST
1972 Russell Grivell Trust officer Hahndorf & Gail, nee Paech, his wife
1976 Easement to the Mt Barker DC
4080/950 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 108 (Former farm block 51f) - 30 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably George Jaeschke church elder, later farmer.
1853 Richard Andrews blacksmith Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 LTO title. R Andrews now a farmer of the Bremer
1858 Adolph Dorney saddler Hahndorf
1866 A Dorney mortgaged with Johann Sudholz gentleman Gilles Plains.
1868 Johann Sudholz gentleman Gilles Plains, through default of mortgage.
1868 Ernst Klein carpenter Nuriootpa, who mortgaged with J Sudholz
1870 Johann Südholz gentleman Gilles Plains, through default of mortgage
1872 Carl Bom coach painter Hahndorf
1911 C Bom died. Gottlob Jaensch butcher Hahndorf, executor.
1920 Alfred Brauer Minister of the Gospel Hahndorf
1922 Norman Feder farmer Hahndorf
1930 Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf
1970 Part of the Lot taken to widen Church St
1972 L Kramm divided the Lot into 2 sub-lots
Sub-lot 1 28 THIELE GROVE
1972 Trent Paech carpenter Hahndorf & Monica, nee Richards, his wife
1976 Easement to the Mt Barker DC
4080/949 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 30 CHURCH ST
1972 Russell Grivell Trust officer Hahndorf & Gail, nee Paech, his wife
1976 Easement to the Mt Barker DC
4080/950 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 109 (Former farm block 52) - 32 CHURCH ST; 34 CHURCH ST; 24 THIELE GROVE; 26 THIELE GROVE
1839 Possibly Christoph Liebelt
1857 Trustees Christian & Friedrich Thiele, and FW Wittwer, received the deeds to the land, 'so long as it preaches the Symbolic Creed of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and for the minister to live in the manse as long as he does the same'.
1867 St Michael's Lutheran Congregation Management Committee met: Adolph Strempel, Carl Humpsch, Johann Willemer, Wilhelm Boehm, Robert Strenz, George Haebich, August Pade, Wilhelm Mueller, Wilhelm Schaepel, Friedrich Schneemilch. The body agreed to a sale of the land.
1867 Christian Marks Senr shoemaker Hahndorf.
1885 Carl Marks Junr shoemaker Hahndorf
1885 LTO title
1889 C Marks Junr died. Wilhelm Ey teacher & Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf, executors.
1898 Johann Pottger labourer Hahndorf
1906 Maria Sperber, nee Marx, wife of August Wilhelm Sperber mason Hahndorf
1907 Oswald Thiele storekeeper Hahndorf
1918 August Himmelreich cabinetmaker
1923 William Treloar gardener Mylor
1932 Wilhelm Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1946 Victor Thiele gardener Hahndorf
1959 Russell Grivell Trust accountant Hahndorf
1970 Part of the land taken to widen Church St
1976 Part of the land taken to form Thiele Grove
1976 The Grivells divided the Lot into 4 Sub-lots
4071/457-458; 4071/460-461 Metric titles
ALLOTMENT NH 110 (Former farm block 53) - 36 CHURCH ST; 38 CHURCH ST; 20 THIELE GROVE; 22 THIELE GROVE
1839 Probably George Janetzki
1853 Carl Krüger shoemaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1863 Anna Krüger, nee Reimann, widow of C Krüger. Later Mrs Altmann
1907 LTO title. Public Trustee applied.
1907 Wilhelm Krüger, farmer, Sedan. Gave authorisation for the land to be sold.
1907 Oswald Thiele storekeeper Hahndorf
1946 Victor Thiele gardener Hahndorf
V Thiele divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 36 CHURCH ST
1965 Ralph Liebelt Hahndorf
1966 Ralph Liebelt married Joylene Klose
1970 Land taken to widen Church St
3330/132 current title
Sub-lot 2 38 CHURCH ST
1968 Terrence Skuthorpe station book-keeper & store clerk Nockatunga Pastoral Co Thargomindah Qld & Janice, his wife
4169/592 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 111 (Former farm block 54) - 40 CHURCH ST; 42 CHURCH ST; 16 THIELE GROVE; 18 THIELE GROVE
1839 Probably Wilhelm Nitschke mason, later farmer
1853 Wilhelm Nitschke farmer & mason Hahndorf - GRO title
1856 Christian Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1872 LTO title
1872 Carl Bom coach painter Hahndorf
1887 C Bom divided Lot 111 into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 40 CHURCH ST
1887 C Bom coach painter Hahndorf
1911 C Bom died. Gottlob Jaensch butcher Hahndorf, executor.
1920 Hulda Bom spinster Hahndorf
1960 Max Specketer machinist Hahndorf & Maria, his wife
1970 Land taken for widening Church St
2431/165 current title
Sub-lot 2 42 CHURCH ST
1887 Carl Muecke newspaper editor Semaphore
1888 Marie Muecke, wife of C Muecke Semaphore
1898 Gustav van der Molen labourer Hahndorf
1904 Marie Muecke widow Hahndorf
1918 Caroline Martin, nee Liebelt, wife of Gustav Martin carrier Hahndorf
1945 C Martin, nee Liebelt, died. Norman Paech agent Hahndorf, executor.
1946 Meta Martin hospital matron Angaston & Otto Martin truck driver Hahndorf
1964 M Martin died. WL von Doussa solicitor Mt Barker & Maurice Martin University lecturer Adelaide, executors.
1964 O Martin alone
1970 Land taken for the widening of Church St
1972 O Martin died. Robert Tilby company secretary Hahndorf, executor.
1973 Barry McGough nurseryman Hawthorn & Doreen, his wife
1973 Noel Grieve medical practitioner Hahndorf & Janet, his wife
4053/365 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 112 (Former house block 42) - 13 ENGLISH ST; 44 CHURCH ST; 46 CHURCH ST; 48 CHURCH ST; 50 CHURCH ST
1839 Gottlieb Nitschke wheelwright. Soon moved to former house block 31.
House Block 43
1839 Anna Dorothea Schmidt, nee Kluge widow. She moved to the Barossa Valley before Hahndorf land titles were issued.
House Block 44
1839 Samuel Braettig farmer, who later moved to Lobethal, before registered land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1853 Wilhelm Rohrlach farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Wilhelm Schaepel tailor Hahndorf
1857 Reinder van der Molen yeoman Hahndorf
1906 LTO title
1906 Hugh David McConnell Thompson labourer Hahndorf
1909 Wilhelm Paech agent Hahndorf. HDM Thompson had mortgaged the lot to Johanne Louise Paech, nee Paech, & Hermann Storch tanner Grunthal, but apparently defaulted.
1926 W Paech died. Hulda Paech, nee Paech, widow of JFW Paech, executrix & inheritor
Over the years, the Lot divided into 4 smaller allotments. Mrs Paech began with one title in 1933; the Robert Tilbys Senr apparently made out the others in 1970, when Church St was widened.
Sub-lot 1 44 CHURCH ST
1933 Marie Muecke, widow of Dr Carl Muecke. She lived next door.
1934 M Muecke died. Renolf Homburg solicitor Adelaide executor
1934 Hulda Paech widow Hahndorf
1962 Norman Paech agent Hahndorf
1963 Frank Hoskin labourer Macclesfield & Josephine, his wife
1970 Part taken for widening Church St
1986 Zevedeos Eleftheriou stuntman Hahndorf
1611/103 current title
Sub-lot 2 46 CHURCH ST
1934 Hulda Paech widow Hahndorf
1962 Norman Paech agent Hahndorf
1963 Robert Tilby Junr salesman & Robert Tilby Senr secretary Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1968 Robert Tilby Senr Hahndorf & Margaret, nee Mullin, his wife
1970 Peter Tilby company hand Hahndorf
1971 Peter Tilby company hand Hahndorf & Heidi, his wife
1982 John Boneham bank officer Hahndorf & Anne, his wife
3702/196 current title
1934 Hulda Paech widow Hahndorf
1962 Norman Paech agent Hahndorf
1963 Robert Tilby Junr salesman & Robert Tilby Senr secretary Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1968 Robert Tilby Senr Hahndorf & Margaret, nee Mullin, his wife
4035/300-302 Metric title
1839 Gottlob Lange miller . He moved to Lobethal; then Walla Walla NSW, before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1853 Carl Zeihn farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Samuel Illingworth, carpenter, Littlehampton #100. F Zeihn moved to Light Pass in the Barossa Valley.
1861 LTO title. S Illingworth, now of Hahndorf.
1887 Wilhelm Minkwitz labourer Hahndorf
1917 RW Minkwitz changed his name to William Reinhold Minkwitz
1936 Oliver Butler timber miller Hahndorf
940 Ruby Butler, nee Nitschke, wife of O Butler
1948 Herbert Noske butcher Hahndorf
1951 Robert Kuchel farmer Hahndorf & Laurina, nee Pahl, his wife
1961 Leonard Jacob farmer Verdun & Alice, nee Sparrow, his wife
1975 Part lot taken for widening of English St
4051/361 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 115 (Former house blocks 43 & 44) - 15 ENGLISH ST; 17 ENGLISH ST; 43A CHURCH ST; 45 CHURCH ST
House block 43
1839 Anna Dorothea Schmidt, nee Kluge widow. She moved to the Barossa Valley before Hahndorf land titles were issued.
1853 Ludwig Stark wheelwright Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Carl Grund labourer Hahndorf
1865 C Grund died, of hepatitis, intestate. Neighbour, George Bolte, shoemaker, took in the two surviving children - Emily & Minna. Minna died of typhus. Emily, now the only surviving child of the family, inherited the property. She became Mrs Percy Shove 14/5/1878.
1878 LTO title.
1879 Carl Storch tanner Grunthal
1880 C Storch died. Julius Eitzen gentleman Glenelg, surviving executor.
1880 Albert & Hermann Storch tanners Grunthal
1899 August Boehm carpenter Hahndorf
1905 Ernst Ruge labourer Hahndorf
1906 Hulda Webb, nee Moll, wife of John Webb farmer Victorian Wimmera
1939 Clara Webb spinster Hahndorf
1970 Portion of the lot taken for the widening of Church St
1971 C Webb died. Doloriss Schubert, nee Heinrich, executrix & inheritor.
1974 D Schubert, nee Heinrich, married woman Hahndorf, divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 15 ENGLISH ST
1974 D Schubert, nee Heinrich, married woman Hahndorf
4017/268 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 No direct street access
1974 Alick Collins labourer Hahndorf
4017/269 Metric title
House block 44
1839 Samuel Brättig farmer, who later moved to Lobethal, before registered land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1853 August Schmeisser farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1862 R Homburg, after foreclosure upon a mortgage which A Schmeisser had taken out with him.
1867 August Christoph Echunga
1881 Septimus Boord gentleman Hahndorf
1882 LTO title
1905 S Boord Senr died. Fannie Boord spinster Hahndorf, daughter of S Boord, executrix & inheritor.
1926 Richard Boord farmer Hahndorf
962 R Boord died. WL von Doussa solicitor & Herbert Williams accountant Mt Barker executors
1963 Edwin Collins farmer Hahndorf, who divided the Lot into 4 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 17 ENGLISH ST
1969 Dennis Collins carpenter Hahndorf
1974 Alma Hartmann widow Hahndorf
4021//50 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 No direct street access
1974 Doloriss Schubert married woman Hahndorf
4017/269 Metric title
Sub-lots 3 & 4 No direct street access
1974 Alick Collins labourer Hahndorf
4017/268 & 271 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 116 (Former house block 45) - 19 ENGLISH ST
1839 Gottlob Fliegert, who later moved to the Barossa Valley before registered land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1853 Carl Altmann farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Gottfried Dolling farmer Hahndorf
1855 August Unversagt bookbinder Hahndorf
1859 Wilhelm Bremer tailor Hahndorf. A Unversagt, now of Adelaide.
1863 LTO title
1863 Heinrich Scheffel shoemaker Wheal Ellen Mine Bugle Ranges
1873 H Scheffel died intestate. Elise Marks, nee Scheffel, wife of Carl Marks blacksmith Oakbank, inherited.
1920 Harry Collins labourer Hahndorf
1935 Lewis Collins labourer Hahndorf & Veronica, nee Wilson, his wife
1945 Alick Collins labourer Hahndorf
4017/268 & 271 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 117 (Former house block 46) - 21 ENGLISH ST
1839 George 'Rakauer' Pfeiffer farmer; died soon after the settlement had been formed.
1853 Friedrich Bruse farmer & cabinetmaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1893 F Bruse died. W Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, executor .
1893 LTO title.
1893 Helene Caroline Bruse, spinster, Pt Pirie
1897 Thomas Robert Reynolds gardener, later storekeeper, Hahndorf. 1898 Directory, listed as storekeeper.
1899 William Collins labourer Hahndorf
1936 Alick Collins labourer Hahndorf
1974 A Collins divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 21 ENGLISH ST
1974 A Collins retained this portion
4017/268 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 No direct street access
1974 Milton Collins accountant Hahndorf
4017/270 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 118 (Former house block 47) - 23 ENGLISH ST
1839 Eleonore Kluge widow. She soon left for the Barossa Valley. Block taken over by Gottfried Kluge, perhaps a son?
1853 August Altmann farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1860 Jno Rundle Junr, licensed victualler, Mt Barker
1860 Ferdinand Boerke farmer Hahndorf #100
1882 LTO title
1882 Ernestine Skelly, nee Thiele, wife of Philip Skelly labourer Hahndorf, 'for her separate use'.
1903 E Skelly died. P Skelly labourer Hahndorf, executor & inheritor
1906 Maria Bye, nee Marschner, wife of Joseph Bye labourer Hahndorf
1922 M Bye died. Wilhelm Paech agent Hahndorf, executor.
1922 Herbert Edmund Kuchel farmer Monarto South
1922 Louis Waltrowitz wheelwright Hahndorf
1949 L Waltrowitz died. Renolf Homburg solicitor Adelaide, executor.
1949 Louise Waltrowitz, nee Schmuecker, widow of L Waltrowitz
1951 Adolph Waltrowitz gardener Hahndorf
1964 Kenneth Pitzo farmer Hahndorf
1965 Edwin Collins labourer Hahndorf
1970 Philip Richardson storekeeper Edwardstown & Natalie, his wife
1977 Norman Thiel dairy farmer Hahndorf & Ruth, his wife
A right of way exists over part of this land. Apparently, the lot was now divided into 2 sections.
4297/242 & 243 Metric titles
ALLOTMENT NH 119 (Former house block 48 & house block 49) - 25 ENGLISH ST; 27 ENGLISH ST; 29 ENGLISH ST; 31 ENGLISH ST; STREMPEL AVE
House block 48
1839 Friedrich "Rentschener' Paech farmer. Soon moved to Grünthal & later Friedrichstadt.
House block 49
1839 Gottlob Bartel. Transferred to Allotment NH 8.
1853 William Hutchinson gentleman Hahndorf - GRO title
c1854-1855 Mary Ann Hutchinson, widow of William Hutchinson, life interest under her husband's will.
1855 Carl Luenert farmer Hahndorf
1869 Friedericke Luenert, nee Siegmann, retained life interest under agreement through RW Minkwitz, executor. C Luenert had died intestate.
1899 Robert Luenert, son of C & F Luenert, gained the property
1899 LTO title.
1928 R Luenert died. Charlotte Luenert, nee Haebich, widow of R Luenert & Alfred Bremer wheelwright Hahndorf, executors.
1941 C Luenert died
1946 Louis & Carl Luenert gardeners Hahndorf
1949 L Luenert died
1952 C Luenert died. Douglas Chapman auctioneer Mt Barker & Alick Collins farmer Hahndorf, executors.
1953 Edwin Collins farmer Hahndorf
1972 Part of the lot taken to widen English St
1973 Building Sites Pty Ltd 101 Grant Ave Toorak Gardens
1973 Building Sites Pty Ltd divided the Lot into 4 sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 25 ENGLISH ST
1973 Building Sites Pty Ltd retained this sub-lot + the whole of the rear portion of Lot 119 & the rear portion of Lot 120
4004/101 Metric title
The continuation of Strempel Ave has been laid out on the rear portion of NH 119 & NH 120.
Sub-lot 2 27 ENGLISH ST
1973 Josephine Wright secretary Franklin St Adelaide
1973 Max Calderwood farmer Tumby Bay
1974 Martin Downing teacher Mt Barker & Kaye, his wife
1986 Robert Downing transport driver Hahndorf & Heidi, nee Sames, his wife, shop assistant
1989 Elly Ruxton registered nurse & Lisa Marshall nurse assistant Hahndorf
3914/135 current title
Sub-lot 3 29 ENGLISH ST
1973 Adela Pty Ltd 27 Waymouth St Adelaide
1973 Patrick Blackall salesman Glenalta & Kathryn, his wife
4196/78 Metric title
Sub-lot 4 31 ENGLISH ST
This sub-lot combines with pt Lot120
1973 Adela Pty Ltd 27 Waymouth St Adelaide
1973 Kamila Vitkousky married woman Glen Osmond
1982 Anthony Kay manager Hahndorf & Robyn, his wife business proprietor w Judith Ann Taylor bank officer Hahndorf. She lived next door at No 33.
4196/79 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 120 (Former house block 50) - 31 ENGLISH ST; 33 ENGLISH ST; STREMPEL AVE
1839 Friedrich Zimmermann gardener
1853 F Zimmermann - GRO title
1854 Jno Hillam yeoman Hahndorf
1856 Carl Schaepel yeoman Hahndorf
1873 Carl Schaepel died. Son, Wm Schaepel tailor Hahndorf, executor.
1873 LTO title.
1873 Carl Mader labourer Hahndorf
1891 C Mader died. W Ey teacher Hahndorf, executor
1902 Friedrich Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1908 Lydia, nee Ruge, wife of F Dueball
1926 L Dueball died. W Minkwitz estate agent Hahndorf, executor.
1927 Herbert Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1927 Wilhelm Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1927 Wilhelm Weyland labourer Hahndorf
1949 W Weyland died. Norman Paech agent Hahndorf, executor.
1949 David Henning Senr farmer Hahndorf
1954 Edwin Collins farmer Hahndorf
1972 Portion taken to widen English St
1973 Building Sites Pty Ltd Toorak Gardens
1973 Building Sites Pty Ltd divided the Lot into 3 sub-lots. The sub-lot adjoining Lot 119 had a section of that land added to form a decent sized block.
Sub-lot 1 (pt Lot 120 & pt Lot 119) 31 ENGLISH ST
1973 Building Sites Pty Ltd owned this sub-lot, together with the rear portion of both Lots 119 & 120. The creek through the land might have made this an awkward block to manage.
4004/101 Metric title
Sub-Lot 2 33 ENGLISH ST
1973 Adela Pty Ltd Waymouth St Adelaide
1973 Judith Ann Taylor bank officer South Plympton
4196/79 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 121 (Former house block 51) - 35 ENGLISH ST; 24 MOLENS RD; 26 MOLENS RD; 28 MOLENS RD; 30 MOLENS RD
1839 Andreas Philipp cottager. Probably died at Hahndorf. Family moved to the Barossa Valley.
1853 Jno Hillam, yeoman, Littlehampton - GRO title
1855 Frederick Smith, yeoman, Mt Barker. FC Smith rented out the land.
1876 LTO title
1876 Heinrich Meissner labourer Hahndorf
1881 H Meissner died. Dorothea Meissner, widow of H Meissner, inherited.
1885 Leontine Reimann, nee Schroeder, widow of Eduard Reimann farmer Hahndorf
1891 Olivia Rudelius, nee Reimann, wife of Max Rudelius labourer Hahndorf. Lease to Leontine Reimann widow, during the term of her natural life
1905 L Reimann died
1926 Hedwig Roeder, nee Rudelius, wife of Peter Roeder labourer Hahndorf
1933 H Roeder declared bankrupt. Richard Paech farmer Littlehampton, receiver.
1937 Gustav Reimann factory manager New Mile End
1951 Oliviana Liebelt, nee Roeder, wife of Wilhelm Liebelt farmer Echunga
1969 Dennis Burgemeister labourer Hahndorf & Valda, his wife
1972 Land taken to create Molens Road
1973 D & V Burgemeister divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots;
Sub-lot 1 35 ENGLISH ST
1973 Denis Callan vetinerary surgeon West Beach
1974 Paul Malone lecturer Hahndorf & Mary, his wife
1975 Rodney Allen telecommunications technical officer Hahndorf & Lyndell, nee Davidge, his wife teacher Hahndorf
3926/121 current title
1973 South Australian Developments Pty Ltd Adelaide and created 3 new Sub-lots.
4011/514-517 Metric titles
ALLOTMENT NH 122 (Former house block 52) (FP 11 NH 312) - 23 MOLENS RD; 25 MOLENS RD; 27 MOLENS RD; 2 SCHUBERT DVE
1839 Eleonore Helbig widow. She remarried soon and left for Glen Osmond and the Barossa Valley.
1853 William Millhouse yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Christian Nitschke, farmer, Friedrichstadt. W Millhouse, now of the Bremer.
1867 LTO title
1867 Friedrich Gross labourer Hahndorf, who had already rented the land. C Nitschke, now of Harrogate.
1885 Christian Pfennig labourer Hahndorf
1912 Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf
1913 Clara Webb spinster Hahndorf
1914 Clara Webb & Agnes Webb spinsters Hahndorf
1919 Agnes Webb married Adolph Heinrich farmer nr Hahndorf
1928 Clara Webb alone
1970 Land taken to form Molens Road
1971 C Webb died. Doloriss Schubert, nee Heinrich, married woman executrix & inheritor.
4020/752 Metric title
1839 The Lutheran Church - the manse was buit here
1857 Trustees for the Lutheran Church, Hahndorf
January 1931 Meeting to bring the land under the RPA.
Trustees: Hermann Storch farmer Hahndorf, Gottlob Jaensch butcher Hahndorf, Ferdinand Altmann farmer Balhannah, Heinrich Storch farmer Verdun, Heinrich Thiele farmer Hahndorf, Christoph Liebelt farmer Mt Barker.
1932 LTO title
4323/872 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 124 (Former farm block 56b) - 4 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably Samuel Thiele cottager
1853 August Thiele yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1864 Carl Wirth yeoman Hahndorf - LTO title
1883 Gotthold Schmeiss farmer Hahndorf
1886 Adolph Gustav Bottcher & Albert Julius Bliss labourers Hahndorf tenants-in-common
1887 AG Bottcher alone
1897 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1949 W Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf executor & inheritance
1975 L Kramm died. Elizabeth Kramm, nee Gallasch, widow of L Kramm, executrix.
1976 E Kramm widow Hahndorf
4129/433 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 125 (Former farm block 56c) - 4 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably Gottlob Fliegert
1853 Carl Altmann farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Gottfried Dolling, farmer, Balhannah. C Altmann had moved to Balhannah.
1855 August Unversagt bookbinder Hahndorf. G Dolling had moved to Hahndorf.
1859 Wilhelm Bremer tailor Hahndorf
1864 Carl Wirth labourer Hahndorf
1864 LTO title
1883 Gotthold Schmeiss farmer Hahndorf
1886 Adolph Gustav Bottcher & Albert Julius Bliss labourers Hahndorf, as tenant-in-common
1887 AG Bottcher alone
1897 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1949 W Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1975 L Kramm died. Elizabeth Kramm, nee Gallasch, widow of L Kramm, executrix.
1976 E Kramm widow Hahndorf
4129/433 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 126 (Former farm block 56a) - 25 CHURCH ST
1839 Uncertain
1853 Gottlieb Fischer farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1879 LTO title
1879 Emilie Kramm, nee Gerlach, widow of Heinrich Kramm
1906 E Kramm died intestate. Public Trustee Adelaide, executor.
1906 Bertha Kramm spinster Hahndorf
1932 B Kramm died. Reinhold Kramm farmer Echunga, executor.
1932 Bernhard Kramm farmer Hahndorf
1958 Edgar Liebelt farmer labourer Mt Barker & Selma, nee Paech, his wife
1985 E Liebelt died
1987 Irena Sanders librarian Hahndorf
305/77 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 127 (Former farm block 57 & farm block 58) - 27 CHURCH ST; 29 CHURCH ST
1839 Possibly either E Jaensch or G Rillricht
1853 August Pade wheelwright Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 Carl Wirth yeoman Hahndorf
1883 Gotthold Schmeiss farmer Hahndorf
1886 LTO title
1886 Adolph Gustav Boettcher, Adolf Gustav Bliss labourers Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common.
1887 AG Boettcher alone
1897 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1949 W Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1975 L Kramm died. Elizabeth Kramm widow Hahndorf, executrix.
1976 E Kramm widow Hahndorf
4129/433 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 128 (Former farm block 59) - 31 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably George Paech farmer
1853 Peter Schinckel carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 Christian Grimm miner Hahndorf. P Schinckel now a farmer of the Bremer.
1867 LTO title
1867 Christian Marks Senr shoemaker Hahndorf
1885 Carl Marks Junr shoemaker Hahndorf, son of C Marks Senr
1885 LTO title
1889 C Marks died. Wilhelm Ey teacher Hahndorf & Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf, executors
1898 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1949 Wilhelm Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1975 L Kramm died. Elizabeth Kramm, nee Gallasch, widow of L Kramm, executor & inheritor.
4067/987 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 129 (Former farm block 83) - 12 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably Christian Schubert
1855 Gottlob Paech farmer Hahndorf - possibly later Summerfield - GRO title
1856 Friedrich Herzog carpenter Hahndorf
1870 LTO title
1870 Cordelia Lemmey, wife of Geo Lemmey, butcher, Unley
1877 Fannie Lapidge, nee Lemmey, wife of William Lapidge clerk Adelaide & Sarah Lemmy spinster Adelaide
1879 S Lemmey married Clement Dunkerton engineer fitter Adelaide
1893 Fannie Lapidge died
1902 August Rothe farmer Hahndorf
1903 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1949 W Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1975 L Kramm died. Elizabeth Kramm widow Hahndorf, executrix.
1976 E Kramm widow Hahndorf
4067/989 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 130 (Former farm block 60a) - 33 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably Christian Schirmer thresher-gardener, later blacksmith
1853 Christian Schirmer blacksmith Hahndorf - GRO title
1853 Priestly Hillam yeoman Hahndorf
1855 William Fuller brazier & tinplate worker Hahndorf
1857 Wilhelm Droegemueller shoemaker Hahndorf
1858 Heinrich Droegemueller butcher Hahndorf
1859 Heinrich Meissner butcher Hahndorf
1859 George Davenport gentleman Adelaide
1864 Joseph Waltrowitz farmer Hahndorf
1887 LTO title
1917 Hugo Waltrowitz painter Hahndorf
1931 Florence Dahl, nee Day, wife of Franz Dahl labourer Hahndorf
1933 Ida Menzel spinster minor Hahndorf
1962 Elsie Collins married woman Adelaide
1986 E Collins died
1988 Paul Ogden surveyor Hahndorf & Susan, his wife
1593/171 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 131 (Former farm block 60c) - 33 CHURCH ST
1839 Probably George Hartmann gardener
1853 George Hartmann yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1860 Luise Hartmann, nee Preschel, retained a life interest after the death of her husband.
1889 LTO title - Gottlob Hartmann farmer Monarto made the application for his mother
1890 Johanna Paech, nee Hartmann, wife of George Paech, received the property from her mother as a gift.
1899 Caroline Haebich, nee Paech, wife of August Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1906 Gustav Menzel labourer Hahndorf
1933 Ida Menzel minor b 1914 Hahndorf
1945 I Menzel married Ernest Gallasch
1962 Elsie Collins married woman Adelaide
1970 Part lot taken to widen Church St
1986 E Collins died. Vicki Greenwood technical lab assistant Hahndorf, executrix
1988 Paul Ogden surveyor Hahndorf & Susan, his wife
1990 Neil Baulderstone land agent Hahndorf & Jayne Robinson
751/166 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 132 (Former farm block 61) - 35 CHURCH ST; 14 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably Gottfried Lubasch innkeeper
1854 Gottfried Lubasch farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1856 Maria Liebelt, nee Lubasch, widow of Gottfried Liebelt
1869 Wilhelm Paech, second husband of Maria Liebelt, nee Lubasch
1869 LTO title
1869 Thomas Ide publican Hahndorf
1898 August Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1905 Juliane Menzel, nee Blaesing, widow of Wilhelm Menzel farmer Lyndoch
1908 J Menzel died. Wilhelm Heilmann bootmaker & August Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf, executors
1921 Hulda Linke, nee Menzel, wife of Ernst Linke farmer Warracknabeal Vic
1943 H Linke died. Ella Menzel spinster Hahndorf, executrix & inheritor.
1970 Part of the land taken for the widening of Church St
1973 E Menzel divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 14 STREMPEL AVE
1973 Helen White
4007/196 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 35 CHURCH ST
1973 Ella Menzel home duties Hahndorf - the original home
4007/197 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 133 (Former farm block 62) - 37 CHURCH ST; 16 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably Samuel Thiele
1853 August Thiele farmer Hahndorf, son of Samuel Thiele - GRO title
1885 LTO title
1886 Carl Fichtner tinsmith Hahndorf
1904 C Fichtner died. Louise Fichtner, nee Schmidt, widow of C Fichtner Hahndorf, executrix.
1904 L Fichtner for life & then to Anna Himmler, nee Fichtner, wife of Wilhelm Himmler farmer Walloway
1911 Mrs Fichtner gave up her life interest
1911 To A Himmler 'in full', wife of W Himmler mason Halbury
1947 A Himmler died. Elsie Kitson, nee Himmler, widow Warradale, executrix & inheritor
1965 Hector Bridgman gunsmith & Bertha, his wife
4361/782 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 134 (Former farm block 63) - 39 CHURCH ST; 18 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably Gottfried Neumann cottager
1853 Wilhelm Habich yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1886 LTO title
1886 Hermann Nitschke bootmaker Hahndorf
1942 H Nitschke died. Herb Nitschke painter Murray Bridge, executor.
1956 Juliana Wigge, nee Nitschke, wife of Hans Wigge labourer in trust 'for life': then to Eileen Wigge spinster Hahndorf, 'in remainder expectant'.
1961 J Wigge died.
1963 E Wigge married Thomas Hall driver Hahndorf
4310/845 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 135 (Former farm block 64) - 41 CHURCH ST; 20 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Christoph Schulz colonist, later yeoman
1853 Christoph Schulz yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1879 C Schulz died.
1879 Louise Habich, nee Schulz, daughter of C Schulz, inherited
1886 LTO title. W Boehm teacher Hahndorf, applied for Mrs Habich.
1886 Wilhelm Habich, yeoman, husband of L Habich, nee Schulz
1886 Hermann Nitschke bootmaker Hahndorf
1942 H Nitschke died. Herb Nitschke painter Murray Bridge, executor
1956 Juliana Wigge, nee Nitschke, wife of Hans Wigge labourer 'for life': then to Eileen Wigge spinster Hahndorf, 'in remainder expectant'.
1961 J Wigge died.
1963 E Wigge married Thomas Hall driver Hahndorf
4310/845 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 136 (Former farm block 65) - 43 CHURCH ST; 22 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Christian Thiele shoemaker, later farmer
1853 Christian Thiele farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1872 LTO title
1872 Carl Bom painter, later monumental mason Hahndorf
1911 C Bom died. Gottlob Jaensch, son-in-law butcher Hahndorf, executor.
1920 Alfred Brauer Minister of the Gospel Hahndorf
1922 Louis Luenert labourer Hahndorf
1937 Lucia Altmann spinster Balhannah
1940 Lucia Altmann became Mrs Murven Norton
1959 Hilda Altmann, nee Kramm, wife of Alfred Altmann farmer Balhannah
1970 Part of the land taken to widen Church St
1985 St Paul's Lutheran Church Hahndorf, for a retirement village - became Kavel Court.
4361/178 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 137 (Former farm block 66c) - 26 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Probably Gottlob Fliegert
1853 Carl Altmann farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Gottfried Dolling, farmer, Balhannah. C Altmann had moved to Balhannah.
1855 August Unversagt bookbinder Hahndorf. G Dolling had moved to Hahndorf.
1859 Wilhelm Bremer tailor Hahndorf
1864 Carl Wirth labourer Hahndorf - LTO title
1886 Adolph Gustav Bottcher & Albert Julius Bliss labourers Hahndorf tenants-in-common
1887 AG Bottcher alone
1897 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1906 Alfred Brauer Minister of the Gospel Hahndorf
1925 Friedrich Wotzke gentleman Hahndorf
1952 F Wotzke died. Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah, Walter Wotzke salesman Hahndorf, Edgar Wotzke signalman Dulwich executors
1952 Edgar Wotzke signalman Dulwich
1970 Part taken to widen Balhannah Road
745/136 Current title
1839 Christian Liebelt shepherd
1853 Christian Liebelt farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Elisabeth Liebelt, nee Kuchel, widow of Christian Liebelt
1879 Eleonore Faehrmann, nee Liebelt, grand-daughter of Elisabeth Liebelt, & wife of Carl Faehrmann carpenter
1883 LTO title
1899 Eduard Strempel AMP insurance agent Hahndorf
1906 Alfred Brauer Minister of the Gospel Hahndorf, brother-in-law to E Strempel
1925 Friedrich Wotzke gentleman Hahndorf
1952 F Wotzke died. Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah, Walter Wotzke salesman Hahndorf, Edgar Wotzke signalman Dulwich, executors.
1952 Edgar Wotzke signalman Dulwich
1970 Part taken to form Strempel Ave
745/136 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 139 (Former farm block 66a) - 2 MOLENS RD
1839 Probably August Thomas shoemaker, later farmer. He hanged himself on the property in 1846, before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1854 Trustees Christian Jaensch & Erdmann Jaensch, for the widow & children of A Thomas - GRO title
1863 LTO title. Trustees Christian Jaensch, butcher, Hahndorf & Erdmann Jaensch, farmer, Nain, brought Thomas's Hahndorf land under the RPA and transferred it to his children, Johanne Louise (wife of Gottlob Pietsch farmer, nr Mt Torrens), Emma Auguste spinster, Christian Friedrich & Ernst August, both labourers, of Neudorf, nr Lobethal.
The Thomas land at Hahndorf rented to Gottfried Liebelt.
1870 Carl 'Bomster' Boehm butcher Hahndorf
1881 Wilhelmine Boehm, wife of Carl Boehm butcher Hahndorf
1906 Pastor Alfred Brauer Minister of the Gospel Hahndorf
1925 Friedrich Wotzke gentleman Hahndorf
1952 F Wotzke died. Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah, Walter Wotzke salesman Hahndorf, Edgar Wotzke signalman Dulwich, executors.
1952 Edgar Wotzke signalman Dulwich
745/136 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 140 (Former farm block 66d) - 1 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably Gottlob Nitschke
1853 Wilhelm Rohrlach farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Wilhelm Schaepel tailor Hahndorf
1857 Reinder van der Molen yeoman Hahndorf
1906 LTO title
1906 Alfred Brauer Lutheran Pastor Hahndorf
1925 Friedrich Wotzke gentleman Hahndorf
1952 F Wotzke died. Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah, Walter Wotzke salesman Hahndorf, Edgar Wotzke signalman Dulwich, executors.
1952 Edgar Wotzke signalman Rose Park
1970 Part of the Lot taken to form Strempel Ave
745/136 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 141 (Former farm block 67c) - 4 MOLENS RD
1839 Probably Gottfried Behrend, Maria Hoffmann, or Gottfried Wundke
1868 F Schneemilch Senr died. Hermann Schneemilch, son, executor
1868 Sophie Schneemilch, nee Wellendorf, widow of Friedrich Schneemilch Senr, had life interest in the property.
1871 S Schneemilch died. Son, Hermann Schneemilch Hahndorf, executor.
1871 LTO title.
1871 Friedrich Schneemilch Junr carpenter & farmer Hahndorf, inheritor.
1879 Heinrich Schnaars butcher Hahndorf
1880 Caroline Charlotte Fiedler widow Adelaide. Was she the mother of Gottlieb Fiedler, who married Eleonore, nee Altmann?
1885 CC Fiedler died.
1885 Emma Leopold, nee Wiegert, wife of Wilhelm Leopold carrier Hahndorf
1886 Wilhelm Leopold carrier Adelaide
1886 Lease to Emma & Wilhelm Leopold Hahndorf
1902 Alfred Leopold draper Mt Lofty
1903 Leasee Wilhelm Leopold, husband of Emma, nee Wiegert, died
1910 Otto Leopold farmer Athenna
1912 Alfred Brauer Lutheran Pastor Hahndorf, who maintained the lease to the Leopolds until 1922
1935 Friedrich Wotzke gentleman Hahndorf
1952 F Wotzke died. Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah, Walter Wotzke salesman Hahndorf, Edgar Wotzke signalman Dulwich, executors.
1952 Edgar Wotzke signalman Rose Park
935/44 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 142 (Former farm block 67a) - 3 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably Samuel Steicke
1853 Johann Stade stone mason Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Henry Collings butcher Hahndorf
1935 Friedrich Wotzke retired schoolteacher Hahndorf. He had leased the land from Pastor Brauer, Melbourne, since c1925.
1952 F Wotzke died. Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah, Walter Wotzke salesman Hahndorf, Edgar Wotzke signalman Dulwich, executors.
1952 Edgar Wotzke signalman Rose Park
1957 LTO title
ALLOTMENT NH 143 (Former farm block 67b) - 3 STREMPEL AVE
1839 George Boehm carpenter
1853 George Boehm carpenter & farmer - GRO title
1875 G Boehm died. Eduard Reimann farmer Hahndorf & Eduard Schroeder Hahndorf, executors.
1875 LTO title
1875 Gustav Rohrlach labourer Hahndorf
1877 Johann Mueller labourer Hahndorf
1881 August Schmidtke labourer Hahndorf
1906 Alfred Brauer Lutheran Pastor Hahndorf
1935 Friedrich Wotzke gentleman Hahndorf
1952 F Wotzke died. Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah, Walter Wotzke salesman Hahndorf, Edgar Wotzke signalman Dulwich, executors.
1952 Edgar Wotzke signalman Rose Park
755/19 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 144 (Former farm block 68) - 6 MOLENS RD & 5 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Christian Bartel
1853 Christian Bartel farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Carl Herberger farmer Hahndorf
1855 Valentin Hellwig miner & farmer Hahndorf
1861 Wilhelm Paech farmer Hahndorf
1861 LTO title
1861 Johann Willemer farmer Hahndorf
1892 Ida Rodert, nee Willemer, wife of Julius Rodert labourer Hahndorf
1921 I Rodert died. Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, executor.
1922 Hermann Rodert labourer Hahndorf & Bertha Rodert spinster Hahndorf
1940 Edgar Wotzke labourer Hahndorf
1746/144 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 145 (Former farm block 69a) - 8 MOLENS RD & 7 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Friedrich Thiele
1853 Friedrich Thiele farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1864 LTO title
1886 F Thiele died. Friedrich Schneemilch carpenter Hahndorf & Wilhelm Paech farmer Mt Barker - executors.
1908 Martha Greve, nee Thiele, wife of Wilhelm Greve bootmaker Hahndorf
1917 Anna Greve, spinster Hahndorf
1955 A Greve died. Norman Paech agent Hahndorf, executor
1956 Elizabeth Kramm, nee Gallasch, wife of Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf
1983 David Kramm carpenter Hahndorf
1989 David Kramm carpenter Hahndorf & Helen, nee Nuske, his wife
2441/5 current title. Linked with NH 146.
ALLOTMENT NH 146 (Former farm block 69b) - 8 MOLENS RD & 7 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably Gottlob Bartel or Friedrich Paech
1853 William Hutchinson gentleman Hahndorf - GRO title
c1854-1855 Mary Ann Hutchinson, widow of William Hutchinson, life interest under her husband's will.
1855 Carl Luenert farmer Hahndorf
1869 C Luenert died intestate. Friedericke Luenert, nee Siegmann, retained life interest under agreement through RW Minkwitz, executor.
1899 Robert Luenert, son of C & F Luenert, gained the property.
1899 LTO title.
1928 R Luenert died. Charlotte Luenert, nee Haebich, widow of R Luenert & Alfred Bremer wheelwright Hahndorf, executors.
1941 C Luenert died
1946 Louis & Carl Luenert gardeners Hahndorf. They were brothers.
1949 L Luenert died
1952 C Luenert died. Douglas Chapman auctioneer Mt Barker & Alick Collins farmer Hahndorf, executors
1953 Edwin Collins farmer Hahndorf
1957 Elizabeth Kramm, nee Gallasch, wife of Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf
1983 David Kramm carpenter Hahndorf
1989 D Kramm carpenter Hahndorf & Helen, nee Nuske, his wife
2520/185 current title. Linked with NH 145.
ALLOTMENT NH 147 (Former farm block 69c) - 10 MOLENS RD & 9 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably Gottlob Zilm
1853 Gottlob Zilm yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Heinrich Jahn shoemaker Hahndorf. At Blumberg by 1863.
James Gates rented the land from Jahn in 1880 & perhaps from c1863.
1880 Friedrich Wotzke Senr dyer Hahndorf,
1880 LTO title
1894 F Wotzke Senr died. Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf & Wilhelm Ey teacher Hahndorf, executors.
1914 Friedrich Wotzke Junr teacher Narridy
1952 F Wotzke Junr died. Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah, Walter Wotzke salesman Hahndorf, Edgar Wotzke signalman Dulwich, executors.
1961 Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah
1977 John Temme systems engineer Pasadena & Kaaren, his wife
4169/992 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 148 (Former farm block 69d) - 10 MOLENS RD & 9 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably Christoph Schultz
1853 Christoph Schultz - GRO title
1879 C Schulz died.
1879 Louise Habich, nee Schulz, wife of Wilhelm Habich
1886 LTO title. W Boehm teacher Hahndorf, arranged this for Mrs Habich.
1886 August Schuetz labourer Hahndorf
1893 Gottfried van der Molen labourer Hahndorf
1933 Wilhelm van der Molen blacksmith Hahndorf
1970 Otto Wotzke teacher Balhannah
1977 John Temme systems engineer Pasadena & Kaaren, his wife
4169/992 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 149 (Former farm block 69f) - 12 MOLENS RD & 11 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably Samuel Thiele
1853 August Thiele farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1864 Carl Wirth labourer Hahndorf
1864 LTO title
1883 Gotthold Schmeiss farmer Hahndorf
1886 Adolph Gustav Bottcher & Albert Julius Bliss labourers Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1887 AG Bottcher alone
1897 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1949 W Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1975 L Kramm died. Elizabeth Kramm widow Hahndorf, executrix & inheritor.
1976 E Kramm widow
4129/434 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 150 (Former farm block 69g) - 12 MOLENS RD & 11 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably Andreas Philipp
1853 Jno Hillam yeoman Littlehampton - GRO title
1855 Frederick Smith yeoman Mt Barker
1867 LTO title
1867 Carl Wirth mason, who already rented the land from F Smith.
1883 Gotthold Schmeiss farmer Hahndorf
1886 Adolph Gustav Bottcher & Albert Julius Bliss labourers Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1887 AG Bottcher alone
1897 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1949 W Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1975 L Kramm died. Elizabeth Kramm widow Hahndorf, executrix.
1976 E Kramm widow
4067/986 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 151 (Former farm block 70) - 14 MOLENS RD & 13 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably Dorothea Schulz, widow
1853 Dorothea Schulz widow Hahndorf - GRO title
1866 Dorothea Schulz died Friedrichstadt
1867 Carl Wirth mason Hahndorf
1867 LTO title
1883 Gotthold Schmeiss farmer Hahndorf
1886 Adolph Gustav Bottcher & Albert Julius Bliss labourers Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1887 AG Bottcher alone
1897 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1949 W Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1975 L Kramm died. Elizabeth Kramm widow Hahndorf, executrix.
1976 E Kramm widow
4067/986 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 152 (Former farm block 71) - 16 MOLENS RD; 15 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably Christoph Schultz
1853 Christoph Schultz farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1879 C Schulz died. Louise Habich, nee Schulz, daughter of C Schulz, inherited.
1886 LTO title. W Boehm teacher Hahndorf, applied for Mrs Habich.
1886 August Schuetz labourer Hahndorf
1893 Gottfried van der Molen labourer Hahndorf
1933 Wilhelm van der Molen blacksmith Hahndorf
1957 W van der Molen died. Lilian Kuchel, nee van der Molen, wife of Allan Kuchel labourer Hahndorf, executrix & inheritor
1990 Lilian Kuchel died. Allan Kuchel labourer Hahndorf & Kathryn Reynard, nee Kuchel, Hahndorf, executors.
3742/170 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 153 (Former farm block 72, farm block 73a, farm block 73b) - 18 MOLENS RD & 17 STREMPEL AVE
Farm block 72
1839 Probably George Kalleske
1853 Gottlob Schach wheelwright Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Gotthilf Blumner gentleman Hahndorf
Detail re Blumner missing after this date
1892 Gottfried van der Molen labourer Hahndorf
1932 LTO title
Farm block 73a
1839 Probably George Kalleske
1853 Gottlob Schach wheelwright Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Gotthilf Blumner gentleman Hahndorf
Detail re Blumner missing after this date
1892 Gottfried van der Molen labourer Hahndorf
1932 LTO title
Farm block 73b
1839 Probably Christian Bartel
1853 Christian Bartel yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Carl Herberger farmer Hahndorf
1855 Valentin Hellwig farmer Hahndorf
1855 V Hellwig borrowed #210 from Geo Ernest Hamilton esq SA & David Talbot Melbourne.
1861 Geo Ernest Hamilton esq SA & David Talbot Melbourne, through default of mortgage
1861 Wilhelm Paech farmer Hahndorf
1861 LTO title
1861 Johann Willemer cabinetmaker Hahndorf, who had rented the property from W Paech.
1892 Gottfried van der Molen labourer Hahndorf
1933 Wilhelm van der Molen blacksmith Hahndorf
1970 Part lot taken to form Molens Rd
1970 W van der Molen died. Lilian Kuchel, nee van der Molen, wife of Allan Kuchel labourer Hahndorf, executrix
1972 Rex Kuchel electrician Bridgewater
1607/46 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 154 (Former farm block 73c) - 18 MOLENS RD & 17 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably George Kalleske
1853 Gottlob Schach wheelwright Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Gotthilf Blumner gentleman Hahndorf
No further land deals in Blumner's name
1892 Gottfried van der Molen labourer Hahndorf, in possession
1932 LTO title
1933 Wilhelm van der Molen blacksmith Hahndorf
1970 Part lot taken to form Molens Rd
1970 W van der Molen died. Lilian Kuchel, nee van der Molen, wife of Allan Kuchel labourer Hahndorf, executrix
1972 Rex Kuchel electrician Bridgewater
1607/46 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 155 (Former farm block 73b) - 20 MOLENS RD & 19 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Christian Bartel
1853 Christian Bartel farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1935 Alfred Altmann, farmer, Balhannah (by occupation)
1936 Hilda Altmann, nee Kramm, widow of Alfred Altmann
1936 LTO title
1987 Simon Westdorp upholsterer Uraidla & Gysie, his wife Uraidla
ALLOTMENT NH 156 (Former farm block 74) - 20 MOLENS RD; 19 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably George Boehm
1853 George Boehm carpenter & farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1875 G Boehm died. Eduard Schroeder & Eduard Reimann executors.
1875 LTO title
1875 Gustav Rohrlach labourer Hahndorf, from the estate of G Boehm
1877 Johann Mueller labourer Hahndorf
1881 August Schmidtke labourer Hahndorf
1928 A Schmidtke died. Heinrich Hirte farmer Shady Grove, executor.
1935 Alfred Altmann farmer Balhannah
1936 Hilda Altmann, nee Kramm, wife of Alfred Altmann farmer Balhannah
1970 Part of the Lot taken to form Molens Rd & Strempel Ave
1987 Simon Westdorp upholsterer Uraidla & Gysje, his wife
1642/8 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 157 (Former farm block 75a) - 22 MOLENS RD & 21 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably Eleonore Helbig
1853 William Millhouse yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Christian Nitschke, farmer, Friedrichstadt. W Millhouse, now of the Bremer.
1867 LTO title
1867 Friedrich Gross labourer Hahndorf, who had already rented the land. C Nitschke, now of Harrogate.
1885 Christian Pfennig labourer Hahndorf
1912 Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf
1913 Clara Webb spinster Hahndorf
1914 Clara Webb & Agnes Webb spinsters Hahndorf
1919 Agnes Webb married Adolph Heinrich farmer nr Hahndorf
1928 Clara Webb alone
1970 Land taken to form Molens Road
1971 C Webb died. Doloriss Schubert, nee Heinrich, married woman executrix & inheritor.
1974 Brian Menzel plumber Hahndorf & Jennifer, nee Taylor, his wife
4020/751 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 158 (Former farm block 75b) (FP 11 NH 313) - 22 MOLENS RD & 21 STREMPEL AVE
1839 Probably Friedrich 'Renschener' Paech or Gottlob Bartel
1853 William Hutchinson gentleman Hahndorf - GRO title
c1854-1855 Mary Ann Hutchinson, widow of William Hutchinson, life interest under her husband's will.
1855 Carl Luenert farmer Hahndorf
1869 C Luenert died intestate. Friedericke Luenert, nee Siegmann, retained life interest under agreement through RW Minkwitz, executor.
1899 Robert Luenert, son of C & F Luenert, gained the property.
1899 LTO title.
1928 R Luenert died. Charlotte Luenert, nee Haebich, widow of R Luenert & Alfred Bremer wheelwright Hahndorf, executors.
1941 C Luenert died
1946 Louis & Carl Luenert gardeners Hahndorf
1946 Victor Menzel railway employee Hahndorf
1967 Brian Menzel plumber Hahndorf & Jenifer, nee Taylor, his wife
1970 Part of the land taken taken to form Molens Road. The small portion of NH 158 north of Molens Rd now known as FP 11 NH 313. Hence, NH 158 has been made into 2 Lots.
4166/739 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 159 (Former farm block 84) - 46 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Probably Samuel Bartsch
1853 Gottlieb Schuetze carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 James Owen licensed victualler (?) Kensington
1863 LTO title. Approximate date only as Application form lost.
1864 Ludwig Stark blacksmith Hahndorf
1873 Christian Klaebsch
1876 Carl Borchers blacksmith Hahndorf. C Klaebsch now a farmer of the Bremer.
1901 August Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1920 Hermann Paech farmer Hahndorf & Bertha, nee Jaeschke, his wife
1920 Alfred Brauer Lutheran pastor Hahndorf
1922 Anna Dahl, nee Schaepel, widow of Eduard Dahl labourer Hahndorf
1938 A Dahl died. Public Trustee Adelaide, executor.
1940 Henry Clasohm gardener Bradbury
1948 Leslie Clasohm labourer Hahndorf
1960 Johannes Schubert apiarist Hahndorf
1963 Elizabeth Kramm, nee Gallasch, wife of Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf
4078/860 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 160 (Former farm block 83) - 44 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Probably Christian Schubert
1855 Gottlob Paech farmer Hahndorf - possibly later Summerfield - GRO title
1856 Friedrich Herzog carpenter Hahndorf
1870 LTO title
1870 Cordelia Lemmey, wife of Geo Lemmey, butcher, Unley
1877 Fannie Lapidge, nee Lemmy, wife of William Lapidge clerk Adelaide & Sarah Lemmy spinster Adelaide
1879 S Lemmy married Clement Dunkerton engineer fitter Adelaide
1893 Fannie Lapidge died
1902 August Rothe farmer Hahndorf
1903 Friedrich Alfred Leopold draper Mt Lofty
1910 Otto Leopold farmer Athenna
1920 Anna Dahl, nee Mader, widow of Eduard Dahl quarryman Hahndorf
1938 A Dahl died. Public Trustee Adelaide, executor.
1940 Henry Clasohm gardener Bradbury
1948 Leslie Clasohm labourer Hahndorf
1960 Johannes Schubert apiarist Hahndorf
1963 Elizabeth Kramm, nee Gallasch, wife of Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf
1976 E Kramm divided the land into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1
1976 Brian Francis labourer Hahndorf & Kathleen, nee Kramm, his wife
4078/858 Metric title
Sub-lot 2
1976 E Kramm widow Hahndorf
4078/861 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 161 (Former farm block 82) - 40 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Uncertain - perhaps Friedrich Suess?
1853 George Wilsdon brickmaker Norwood - GRO title. FR Mueller, gentleman, Hahndorf, waived his option to purchase.
1859 Gottlieb Fischer gardener Hahndorf. G Wilsdon, now farmer, Cockatoo Valley.
1901 LTO title. G Fischer, now labourer, Hahndorf
1902 Helene Martin, nee Schach, wife of Heinrich Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1908 H Martin, nee Schach, died
1909 Heinrich Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1911 Otto Leopold farmer Athenna
1912 Eduard Dahl labourer Hahndorf
1919 E Dahl died. Public Trustee Adelaide, executor
1940 Henry Clasohm gardener Bradbury
1948 Leslie Clasohm labourer Hahndorf
1960 Johannes Schubert apiarist Hahndorf
1963 Elizabeth Kramm, nee Gallasch, wife of Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf
1970 Land taken to widen Balhannah Road
1976 Brian Francis labourer Hahndorf & Kathleen, nee Kramm, his wife
1976 B & K Francis divided the Lot into 2 sub-lots
4078/858 & 859 Metric titles
ALLOTMENT NH 162 (Former farm block 81) - 38 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Probably George Paech
1853 Peter Schinckel carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 Christian Grimm miner Hahndorf. P Schinckel now a farmer of the Bremer.
1867 LTO title
1867 Christian Marks Senr shoemaker Hahndorf
1885 Carl Marks Junr shoemaker Hahndorf, son of C Marks Senr
1889 C Marks died. Wilhelm Ey teacher Hahndorf & Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf, executors
1898 Eduard Dahl labourer Hahndorf
1912 Otto Leopold farmer Athenna
1922 Agnes Heinrich, nee Webb, wife of Adolph Heinrich farmer Hahndorf
1946 5 year lease to Franz Schubert labourer Hahndorf
1951 Franz Schubert farmer Hahndorf
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
4061/744 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 163 (Former farm block 80) - 36 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Probably Gottlob Lange
1853 Carl Zeihn farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Samuel Illingworth carpenter Littlehampton #100. F Zeihn moved to Light Pass in the Barossa Valley.
1861 LTO title. S Illingworth, now of Hahndorf.
1870 Albert Waltrowitz wheelwright Hahndorf
1901 Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1915 W Wiese died intestate. Hannah Wiese, nee Hough, widow of W Wiese, executrix & inheritor.
1919 Clara Webb spinster Hahndorf
1922 Agnes Heinrich, nee Webb, wife of Adolph Heinrich farmer Hahndorf
1946 Franz Schubert farm labourer Hahndorf - a 5 year lease
1951 Franz Schubert farmer Hahndorf
1970 Part of the lot taken to widen Balhannah Rd
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
1973 Mary Warland, nee Monks, widow of George Warland farmer Shady Grove
4061/745 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 164 (Former farm block 79) - 34 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Probably Gottfried Liebelt
1853 Elisabeth Liebelt, nee Pohle, widow of Gottfried Liebelt - GRO title
1868 LTO title
1868 Friedrich Schneider, civil servant, Stepney
1885 Ernst Rothe farmer Hahndorf
1921 E Rothe died. Pastor CF Braun Hahndorf, executor.
1922 Carl Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1924 Adolph Heinrich farmer Hahndorf
1943 Franz Schubert farm labourer Hahndorf
1964 Glen Schubert electrician Hahndorf
1338/117 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 165 (Former farm block 78) - 32 BALHANNAH RD
1839 Probably either Friedrich 'Renschener' Paech or Gottlob Bartel
1853 William Hutchinson, gentleman, Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 W Hutchinson died. Mary Ann Hutchinson widow Hahndorf, executrix & inheritor.
1855 Carl Luenert labourer Hahndorf
1865 Friedericke Luenert, nee Siegmann, widow of C Luenert
1896 Robert Luenert labourer Hahndorf
1896 Johann Moser builder Parkside
1904 LTO title. J Moser, 'now of Hahndorf'.
1905 Ida Osborn, nee Wuttke, wife of George Osborn cheese & butter manufacturer Balhannah
1919 Emma Moser, nee Wuttke, wife of Johann Moser carpenter Hahndorf
1936 E Moser died. Heinrich Wuttke farmer Oakbank, executor
1936 Albert Moser, Alma Moser spinster, Johann Moser retired carpenter all of Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1937 J Moser gave up his interest
1938 Andrew Shillabeer labourer Hahndorf
1970 Part Lot taken to form Molens Rd
1971 Errol Shillabeer labourer Hahndorf & Lorna, nee Booth, his wife
1976 Andrew Shillabeer died
4118/382 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 166 (Former farm block 76 & farm block 77)
Farm block 76
1839 Probably Samuel Steicke
1853 Johann Stade mason Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Henry Collings butcher Hahndorf
1859 Robert Kurtze labourer Hahndorf
1859 Carl Mader labourer Hahndorf
1873 Wilhelm Schaepel tailor Hahndorf
Farm block 77
1839 Probably George/then Samuel Jaeschke
1853 Richard Andrews blacksmith Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Henry Collings butcher Hahndorf
1859 Robert Kurtze labourer Hahndorf
1859 Carl Mader labourer Hahndorf
1873 Wilhelm Schaepel, who united farm blocks 76 & 77
1878 William Barker draper Mt Barker, through default of mortgage
1878 Josef Moser farmer Hahndorf
1884 Johann Moser builder Parkside
1904 LTO title. J Moser 'now of Hahndorf'.
1905 Ida Osborn, nee Wuttke, wife of George Osborn cheese & butter manufacturer Balhannah
1919 Emma Moser, nee Wuttke, wife of Johann Moser carpenter Hahndorf
1936 E Moser died. Heinrich Wuttke farmer Oakbank, executor.
1936 Albert Moser, Alma Moser spinster, Johann Moser retired carpenter Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1937 J Moser gave up his interest
1938 Andrew Shillabeer labourer Hahndorf
1970 Part Lot taken to form Molens Rd
1971 Errol Shillabeer labourer Hahndorf & Lorna, nee Booth, his wife
1976 Andrew Shillabeer died
1976 E & L Shillabeer divided the Lot into 7 Sub-lots
4118//376-381 inc Metric titles
Refer to notes under Allotment NH 35 for additional history re some of the above people.
ALLOTMENT NH 167 (Former farm block 93) - 19 KRAMM AVE
1839 Probably Gottlob Zilm
1853 Gottlob Zilm yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Heinrich Jahn shoemaker Hahndorf. At Blumberg by 1863.
1880 James Gates rented the land from Jahn & perhaps from c1863.
1880 LTO title
1880 Friedrich Wotzke Senr dyer Hahndorf
1885 Philip Skelly labourer Hahndorf
1894 Gustav Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1912 Eduard Dahl labourer Hahndorf
1919 E Dahl died intestate. Public Trustee, executor
1940 Henry Clasohm gardener Bradbury
1948 Leslie Clasohm labourer Hahndorf
1960 Johannes Schubert apiarist Hahndorf
1963 Elizabeth Kramm, nee Gallasch, wife of Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf
470/13 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 168 (Former farm block 92) - 17 KRAMM AVE
1839 Probably Gottlob Schirmer
1853 Gottlob Schirmer - GRO title
1857 Carl Borchers Senr blacksmith Hahndorf
1886 LTO title
1887 Gottfried Horn farmer Hahndorf
1896 Wilhelm Ruge farmer Friedrichstadt
1905 W Ruge died. Wilhelm Paech agent Hahndorf, executor.
1905 Christoph Ruge farmer Hahndorf
1907 Eduard Dahl labourer Hahndorf
1919 E Dahl died. Public Trustee Adelaide, executor.
1940 Henry Clasohm gardener Bradbury
1948 Leslie Clasohm labourer Hahndorf
1960 Johannes Schubert apiarist Hahndorf
1963 Elizabeth Kramm, nee Gallasch, wife of Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf
759/61 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 169 (Former farm block 91) - 15 KRAMM AVE
1839 Probably Gottlob Linke
1853 Peter Withers shoemaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1870 LTO title
1870 Julius Mueller labourer Hahndorf
1893 Emilie Mueller, nee Gellert, widow of J Mueller
1897 Eduard Dahl labourer Hahndorf
1919 Eduard Dahl died. Public Trustee Adelaide, executor.
1940 Henry Clasohm gardener Bradbury
1948 Leslie Clasohm labourer Hahndorf
1960 Johannes Schubert apiarist Hahndorf
1963 Elizabeth Kramm, nee Gallasch, wife of Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf
625/133 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 170 (Former farm block 90) - 13 KRAMM AVE
1839 Probably Eleonore Kluge
1853 August Altmann farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1860 Jno Rundle, licensed victualler, Mt Barker
1881 Frederick Stone gentleman Mt Barker & Jas Johnston brewer Balhannah, trustees under Jno Rundle's will
1888 Eduard Dahl labourer Hahndorf
1888 LTO title
1940 Henry Clasohm gardener Bradbury
1960 Johannes Schubert apiarist Hahndorf
1963 Elizabeth Kramm married woman Hahndorf
ALLOTMENT NH 171 (Former farm block 89) (FP 11 NH 300) - 11 KRAMM AVE
1839 Probably Wilhelm Nitschke
1853 Wilhelm Nitschke farmer & mason Hahndorf - GRO title
1856 Friedrich Schneemilch Senr carpenter & yeoman Hahndorf
1868 F Schneemilch Senr died. Hermann Schneemilch farmer Hahndorf, executor.
1868 Sophie Schneemilch, nee Wellendorf, widow of F Schneemilch Senr, had life interest in the property.
1871 S Schneemilch died. Hermann Schneemilch farmer Hahndorf, executor
1871 LTO title.
1871 Friedrich Schneemilch Junr carpenter & farmer Hahndorf, inheritor
1879 Heinrich Schnaars butcher Hahndorf
1880 Caroline Charlotte Fiedler widow Adelaide. Relict of Ernst Fiedler. Was she the mother of Gottlieb Fiedler, who married Eleonore, nee Altmann?
1885 CC Fiedler died.
1885 Emma Leopold, nee Weigert, wife of Wilhelm Leopold carrier Hahndorf
1886 Wilhelm Leopold carrier Adelaide
1886 Lease to Emma & Wilhelm Leopold Hahndorf
1902 Alfred Leopold draper Mt Lofty
1903 Leasee Wilhelm Leopold, husband of Emma, nee Weigert, died
1910 Otto Leopold farmer Athenna
1922 Agnes Heinrich, nee Webb, wife of Adolph Heinrich farmer Hahndorf
1946 Franz Schubert farm labourer Hahndorf - lease for 5 years
1951 Franz Schubert farmer Hahndorf
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part Lot for a road - Kramm Ave
1976 Keith Stephen Hahndorf & Angela, his wife
4061/743 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 172 (Former farm block 88) (FP 11 NH 301) - 9 KRAMM AVE
1839 Probably George Boehm
1853 George Boehm farmer & carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1875 G Boehm died. Eduard Reimann & Eduard Schroeder farmers Hahndorf, executors.
1875 LTO title
1875 Heinrich Schnaars labourer Hahndorf, from sale of estate of G Boehm.
1876 H Schnaars mortgaged his land to L von Doussa - he defaulted on payment & L von Doussa seized the property
1880 Caroline Charlotte Leopold, wife of Wilhelm Leopold carter Hahndorf
1886 Wilhelm Leopold carter Adelaide
1886 Lease to Wilhelm Leopold carrier Hahndorf & Emma, nee Weigert, his wife
1890s W Leopold died, but death not registered. His widow remarried, to Heinrich Pfennig farmer Friedrichstadt.
1902 Alfred Leopold draper Mt Lofty
1903 Wilhelm Leopold carter Adelaide died.
1910 Otto Leopold farmer Athenna
1922 Lease to Emma Pfennig, formerly Leopold, nee Weigert, expired. She moved to Adelaide, where she died 1925.
1922 Agnes Heinrich, nee Webb, wife of Adolph Heinrich farmer Hahndorf
1946 Franz Schubert farm labourer Hahndorf - 5 year lease
1951 Franz Schubert farmer Hahndorf
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part Lot taken to form Kramm Ave
1975 Leslie Moore fire services consultant Hahndorf
4061/739 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 173 (Former farm block 87) (FP 11 NH 302) - 7 KRAMM AVE
1839 Probably Gottfried Neumann
1853 Wilhelm Habich yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
No further dealings with the property until 1931
1931 Adolph Heinrich farmer nr Hahndorf agreed to purchase from Louis Luenert
1946 Franz Schubert labourer Hahndorf
1971 Wingview Estates Proprietary Ltd.
1976 LTO title. A long process, which took between 1971-1976.
4069/533 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 174 (Former farm block 86) (FP 11 NH 303) - 5 KRAMM AVE
1839 Probably Friedrich 'Tischler' Paech
1853 Friedrich Paech joiner Hahndorf - GRO title
1863 F Paech must have died about this time - his death is not registered.
1863 Luise Paech, nee Jachning, widow of F Paech
1863 LTO title
1879 Ernst Rothe farmer Hahndorf
1899 August Rothe gardener Hahndorf
1914 Gustav Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1924 Adolph Heinrich farmer nr Hahndorf
1943 Franz Schubert farm labourer Hahndorf
1973 Wingview Estate Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part of the land taken to form Kramm Ave
4061/746 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 175 (Former farm block 85) (FP 11 NH 304) - 3 KRAMM AVE
1839 Probably Gottfried Hoffmann
1853 Johann Willemer cabinetmaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1853 Directly afterwards, J Willemer sold the property to Ignatz Deimel, who had also paid for it, but left for the Victorian diggings c 24 May 1853, before a transfer could be registered. (There remains a discrepancy re the dates - Deimel left for the Victorian diggings before Willemer sold the land 1 Dec 1853)
The Deimel family rented the house to Mrs Eleonore Nitschke, as a weekly tenant.
1875 Julius Deimel shoemaker Mt Gambier
1875 LTO title
1876 Eleonore Nitschke widow Hahndorf
1882 Ernst Rothe farmer Hahndorf
1922 E Rothe died. Pastor CF Braun executor
1922 Gustav Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1924 Adolph Heinrich farmer nr Hahndorf
1943 Franz Schubert farm labourer Hahndorf
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part land taken to form Kramm Ave
1976 Peter Michael Varnes & Heather Julia Varnes
4061/742 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 176 (Former farm block 94) (FP 11 NH 305) - 1 KRAMM AVE; 11 MOLENS RD
1839 Probably Friedrich 'Tischler' Paech
1853 Friedrich Paech joiner Hahndorf - GRO title
1863 F Paech must have died about this time - his death is not registered.
1863 Luise Paech, nee Jachning, widow of F Paech
1863 LTO title
1879 Ernst Rothe farmer Hahndorf
1899 August Rothe gardener Hahndorf
1914 Gustav Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1924 Adolph Heinrich farmer nr Hahndorf
1943 Franz Schubert farm labourer Hahndorf
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part land taken to form Kramm Ave
1976 Susan Judith Warry
4061/734 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 177 (Former farm block 95) (FP 11 NH 306?) - 13 MOLENS RD; 4 KRAMM AVE; 6 KRAMM AVE
1839 Probably Christian Schubert
1855 Gottlob Paech farmer Hahndorf - possibly later Summerfield - GRO title
1856 Friedrich Herzog carpenter Hahndorf
1870 LTO title
1870 Cordelia Lemmy, wife of George Lemmy butcher Adelaide
1873 George Lemmy died
1877 Fanny Lapidge, nee Lemmy, wife of William Lapidge Adelaide, & Sarah, nee Lemmy Adelaide
1902 F Lapidge died
1902 August Rothe gardener Hahndorf
1914 Gustav Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1924 Adolph Heinrich farmer Hahndorf
1943 Franz Schubert farm labourer Hahndorf
1970 Part Lot taken to form Molens Rd
1973 Wingview Estate Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part Lot taken to form Kramm Ave
1975 Edwin Mildenhall hotel keeper Hahndorf
4061/736 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 178 (Former farm block 96) (FP 11 NH 306) - 13 MOLENS RD; 4 KRAMM AVE; 6 KRAMM AVE
1839 Probably Christian Schubert
1855 Gottlob Paech farmer Hahndorf - possibly later Summerfield - GRO title
1856 Friedrich Herzog carpenter Hahndorf
1870 LTO title
1870 Cordelia Lemmy, wife of George Lemmy butcher Adelaide
1873 George Lemmy died
1877 Fanny Lapidge, nee Lemmy, wife of William Lapidge Adelaide, & Sarah, nee Lemmy Adelaide
1902 F Lapidge died
1902 August Rothe gardener Hahndorf
1914 Gustav Hennig labourer Hahndorf
1924 Adolph Heinrich farmer Hahndorf
1943 Franz Schubert farm labourer Hahndorf
1970 Part Lot taken to form Molens Rd
1973 Wingview Estate Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part Lot taken to form Kramm Ave
1975 Edwin Mildenhall hotel keeper Hahndorf
4061/736 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 179 (Former farm block 97) (FP 11 NH 307) - 15 MOLENS RD; 6 KRAMM AVE; 8 KRAMM AVE; 10 KRAMM AVE
1839 Probably Gottfried Behrend, Maria Hoffmann, or Gottfried Wundke
1853 Friedrich Schneemilch yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1856 Friedrich Schneemilch Senr carpenter & yeoman Hahndorf
1868 F Schneemilch Senr died. Hermann Schneemilch, son Hahndorf, executor
1868 Sophie Schneemilch, nee Wellendorf, widow of Friedrich Schneemilch Senr, had life interest in the property.
1871 S Schneemilch died. Hermann Schneemilch farmer Hahndorf, executor.
1871 LTO title.
1871 Friedrich Schneemilch Junr carpenter & farmer Hahndorf, inheritor.
1879 Heinrich Schnaars butcher Hahndorf
1880 Caroline Charlotte Fiedler widow Adelaide. Was she the mother of Gottlieb Fiedler, who married Eleonore, nee Altmann?
1885 CC Fiedler died.
1885 Emma Leopold, nee Weigert, wife of Wilhelm Leopold carrier Hahndorf
1886 Wilhelm Leopold carrier Adelaide
1886 Lease to Emma & Wilhelm Leopold Hahndorf
1902 Alfred Leopold draper Mt Lofty
1903 Lessee Wilhelm Leopold, husband of Emma, nee Weigert, died
1910 Otto Leopold farmer Athenna
1922 Agnes Heinrich, nee Webb, wife of Adolph Heinrich farmer Hahndorf
1946 Franz Schubert farm labourer Hahndorf - lease for 5 years
1951 Franz Schubert farmer Hahndorf
1970 Part Lot taken to form Molens Rd
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Edwin Mildenhall hotel keeper Hahndorf
4061/747 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 180 (Former farm block 98) (FP 11 NH 308) - 17 MOLENS RD
1839 Uncertain - possibly Friedrich Suess ?
1853 George Wilsdon brickmaker Norwood - GRO title. FR Mueller, gentleman, Hahndorf, waived his option to purchase.
1859 Gottlieb Fischer gardener Hahndorf. G Wilsdon, now farmer, Cockatoo Valley.
1901 LTO title. G Fischer, now labourer, Hahndorf
1902 Helene Martin, nee Schach, wife of Heinrich Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1908 H Martin, nee Schach, died
1909 Heinrich Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1926 H Martin died. Franz Richard Schulze moulder Unley, executor.
1926 Edwin Martin moulder Unley
1928 E Martin insolvent. Estate in the hands of public accountants, Adelaide
1929 Adolph Heinrich farmer Hahndorf
1943 Franz Schubert farm labourer Hahndorf
1970 Coralie Wilkins, nee Schubert, shorthand typist Hahndorf & Deane Wilkins accounts clerk Hahndorf
4255/158 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 181 (Former farm block 99a) (FP 11 NH 309) - 19 MOLENS RD
1839 Probably George Janetzki
1853 Carl Krueger shoemaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1863 Anna Kruger, nee Reimann, widow of C Kruger. Later Mrs Altmann
1907 LTO title. Public Trustee applied.
1907 Wilhelm Kruger farmer Sedan.
1907 Oswald Thiele storekeeper Hahndorf
1935 Clara Webb spinster Hahndorf
1966 Franz Schubert District Council employee Hahndorf & Doloriss, nee Heinrich, his wife
1976 Deane Wilkins company secretary Hahndorf & Coralie, nee Schubert, his wife
1979 United with Lot NH 182 to form NH 309
4077/911 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 182 (Former farm block 99b) (FP 11 NH 309?) - 19 MOLENS RD
1839 Possibly Christoph Liebelt
1857 Trustees, Lutheran Church, Hahndorf - St Michael's congregation - GRO title
1932 LTO title
1933 Clara Hulda Webb spinster Hahndorf
1965 Franz Schubert District Council employee Hahndorf & Doloriss, nee Schubert, his wife
1973 Portion of the Lot taken to construct Molens Rd
1976 Deane Wilkins company secretary Hahndorf & Coralie, nee Schubert, his wife
4077/911 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 183 (Former farm block 99c) (FP 11 NH 310) - 21 MOLENS RD
1839 Probably either Friedrich 'Rentschener' Paech or Gottlob Bartel
1853 William Hutchinson gentleman Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 W Hutchinson died. Mary Ann Hutchinson, widow of William Hutchinson, life interest under her husband's will.
1855 Carl Luenert farmer Hahndorf
1869 C Luenert died intestate. Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, executor. Friedericke Luenert, nee Siegmann, retained life interest under agreement Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, executor.
1899 Robert Luenert farmer Hahndorf - LTO title.
1928 R Luenert died. Charlotte Luenert, nee Haebich, widow of R Luenert, & Alfred Bremer wheelwright Hahndorf, executors.
1941 C Luenert died
1946 Louis & Carl Luenert gardeners Hahndorf
1946 Victor Menzel railway employee Hahndorf
1967 Brian Menzel plumber Hahndorf & Jenifer, nee Taylor, his wife
4166/740 Metric title
1839 George Kalleske
1853 Gottlob Schach wheelwright Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Gotthilf Blumner gentleman Hahndorf
1854 Blumner gave the families of DJ O'Brien & FA Zesch perpetual interest in the land. No further official dealings until 1948.
1905 Louis Luenert labourer Hahndorf
1947 Edwin Collins labourer Hahndorf
1948 LTO title
1949 E Collins divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 21 MOLENS RD; (now linked with Lot NH 183)
1949 Victor Menzel railway employee Hahndorf
1967 Brian Menzel plumber Hahndorf & Jenifer, nee Taylor, his wife
4166/740 Metric title
1961 Franz Schubert District Council employee Hahndorf & Doloriss, nee Heinrich, his wife
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part Lot taken to form Schubert Drive
1975 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd divided the Sub-lot into 2 further Sub-lots:
4166/739 Metric title
Sub-lot 3 2 SCHUBERT DRIVE (FP 11 NH 311)
1975 George Nancarrow Hahndorf
4061/733 Metric title
Sub-lot 4 39 ENGLISH ST (FP 11 NH 341)
1975 George Nancarrow Hahndorf
4061/733 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 185 (Former farm block 104) (FP 11 NH 325) - 13 SCHUBERT DRIVE
1839 Probably Samuel Kuchel
1854 Heinrich Wege carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf
1866 LTO title
1877 Adolph Strempel pastor Hahndorf, Eduard Schroeder gentleman Hahndorf, Eduard Reimann gentleman Hahndorf, Heinrich Storch gentleman Hahndorf, as trustees for a Lutheran training college.
1880 Adolph Strempel pastor Hahndorf, Eduard Schroeder gentleman Hahndorf, Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf, Johann Sudholz gentleman Gilles Plains, Heinrich Droegemueller gentleman Springton, Ernst Pfeiffer gentleman Lobethal, Carl Schmidt gentleman Tanunda, as trustees for a Lutheran training college.
1883 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf
1886 Mortgage Co of SA Grenfell St Adelaide, in default of mortgage repayments.
No further dealings for some 90 years.
1975 Franz Schubert District Council employee Hahndorf & Doloriss, nee Heinrich, his wife, established adverse title
4117/65 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 186 (Former farm block 103) (FP 11 NH 326) - 11 SCHUBERT DRIVE
1839 Probably Christian Schirmer
1853 Christian Schirmer blacksmith Hahndorf - GRO title
1853 Priestly Hillam yeoman Hahndorf
1855 William Fuller brazier & tinplate worker Hahndorf
1857 Wilhelm Droegemueller shoemaker Hahndorf
1858 Heinrich Droegemueller butcher Hahndorf
1859 Heinrich Meissner butcher Hahndorf
1859 George Davenport, gentleman, Adelaide
1864 Joseph Waltrowitz farmer Hahndorf
1887 LTO title
1917 Clara Webb spinster Hahndorf
1960 Doloriss Schubert, nee Heinrich, wife of Franz Schubert farmer Hahndorf
1965 Franz Schubert District Council employee Hahndorf & Doloriss, nee Heinrich, his wife
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part Lot taken to form Schubert Drive
1976 Peter Stace
4061/738 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 187 (Former farm block 102) (FP 11 NH 327) - 9 SCHUBERT DVE
1839 Probably Eleonore Helbig
1853 William Millhouse yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Christian Nitschke, farmer, Friedrichstadt. W Millhouse, now of the Bremer.
1867 LTO title
1867 Friedrich Gross, labourer, who had already rented the land. C Nitschke, now of Harrogate.
1885 Christian Pfennig labourer Hahndorf
1912 Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf
1913 Clara Webb spinster Hahndorf
1914 Clara Webb & Agnes Webb spinsters Hahndorf
1919 Agnes Webb married Adolph Heinrich farmer nr Hahndorf
1928 Clara Webb alone
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part of the land taken to form Schubert Drive
1975 Robert Cranna public servant Hahndorf & Heather, nee Allan, his wife
4061/740 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 188 (Former farm block 101) (FP 11 NH 328) - 7 SCHUBERT DRIVE
1839 Probably August Thomas shoemaker, later farmer. He hanged himself on the property in 1846, before official land transfers began in Hahndorf.
1854 Trustees Christian & Erdmann Jaensch, for the widow and children of A Thomas - GRO title.
1863 LTO title. Trustees Christian Jaensch, butcher, Hahndorf & Erdmann Jaensch, farmer, Nain, brought Thomas's Hahndorf land under the RPA and transferred it to his children, Johanne Louise (wife of Gottlob Pietsch farmer, nr Mt Torrens), Emma Auguste spinster, Christian Friedrich & Ernst August, both labourers, of Neudorf, nr Lobethal.
The Thomas land at Hahndorf rented to Gottfried Liebelt.
1870 Carl 'Bomster' Boehm butcher Hahndorf
1881 Wilhelmine Boehm, wife of Carl Boehm butcher Hahndorf
1907 Gustav Boehm labourer Echunga
1912 Otto Gallasch farmer Echunga Gardens
1923 O Gallasch died. Bertha Gallasch, nee Nitschke, inherited.
1943 B Gallasch, nee Nitschke, died. Renatus Gallasch gardener & Valeska Gallasch spinster Hahndorf, children of Otto & Bertha Gallasch, inherited.
1944 Renatus Gallasch alone
1949 Franz Schubert labourer Hahndorf
1965 F Schubert District Council employee Hahndorf & Doloriss, nee Heinrich, his wife
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part of the land taken to form Schubert Drive
1975 Douglas Arthur Simonds
4061/730 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 189 (Former farm block 100) (FP 11 NH 329) - 5 SCHUBERT DRIVE
1839 Probably Gottlob Nitschke
1853 Wilhelm Rohrlach farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Wilhelm Schaepel tailor Hahndorf
1857 Reinder van der Molen yeoman Hahndorf
1906 LTO title
1906 Hugh David McConnell Thompson labourer Hahndorf
1909 Wilhelm Paech agent Hahndorf. HDM Thompson had mortgaged the lot to Johanne Louise Paech, nee Paech, & Hermann Storch tanner Grunthal, but apparently defaulted.
1920 Clara Webb spinster Hahndorf
1966 Franz Schubert District Council employee Hahndorf & Doloriss, nee Heinrich, his wife
1970 Land taken to form Schubert Drive
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Desmond Ryan & Pamela, his wife
4061/731 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 190 (Former farm block 105b) (FP 11 NH 339) - 3 SCHUBERT DRIVE
1839 Probably Christoph Liebelt
1857 Trustees, Lutheran Church, Hahndorf (St Michael's congregation)
1932 LTO title
1933 Clara Hulda Webb spinster Hahndorf
1965 Franz Schubert District Council employee Hahndorf & Doloriss, nee Heinrich, his wife
1973 Portion of the Lot taken to form Schubert Dve
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part Lot taken to extend Schubert Drive
1975 Desmond Ryan & Pamela, his wife
4061/732 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 191 (Former farm block 109) (FP 11 NH 322) - 16 SCHUBERT DRIVE
1839 Probably Gottfried Lubasch
1854 Gottfried Lubasch farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1856 Maria Liebelt, nee Lubasch, widow of Gottfried Liebelt
1869 Wilhelm Paech, second husband of Maria Liebelt, nee Lubasch
1869 LTO title
1869 Thomas Ide publican Hahndorf
1898 August Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
1905 Juliane Menzel, nee Blaesing, widow of Wilhelm Menzel farmer Lyndoch
1908 J Menzel died. Wilhelm Heilmann bootmaker Hahndorf & August Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf, executors.
1921 Hulda Linke, nee Menzel, wife of Ernst Linke farmer Warracknabeal Vic
1943 H Linke died. Ella Menzel spinster Hahndorf, executrix & inheritor.
1950 Sylvie Menzel, nee Keller, wife of Victor Menzel railway employee Hahndorf
1962 Franz Schubert District Council employee Hahndorf & Doloriss, nee Heinrich, his wife
1973 Wingview Estate Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part Lot taken to extend Schubert Drive
4061/729 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 192 (Former farm block 108) (FP 11 NH 321) - 14 SCHUBERT DRIVE
1839 Probably Christian Thiele
1853 Christian Thiele farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1872 LTO title
1872 Carl Bom painter, later monumental mason Hahndorf
1911 C Bom died. Gottlob Jaensch, son-in-law butcher Hahndorf, executor.
1920 Clara Webb spinster Hahndorf
1956 Franz Schubert Mt Barker District Council employee Hahndorf
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part Lot taken to extend Schubert Dve
4061/729 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 193 (Former farm block 107) (FP 11 NH 320) - 12 SCHUBERT DRIVE
1839 Probably Andreas Philipp
1853 Jno Hillam yeoman Littlehampton - GRO title
1855 Frederick Smith yeoman Mt Barker. FC Smith rented out the land.
1876 LTO title
1876 Heinrich Meissner labourer Hahndorf
1881 H Meissner died. Dorothea Meissner, widow of H Meissner, inherited.
1885 Leontine Reimann, nee Schroeder, widow of Eduard Reimann farmer Hahndorf
1891 Olivia Rudelius, nee Reimann, wife of Max Rudelius labourer Hahndorf. Lease to Leontine Reimann widow, during the term of her natural life
1905 L Reimann died
1926 Hedwig Roeder, nee Rudelius, wife of Peter Roeder labourer Hahndorf
1933 Richard Paech farmer Littlehampton, through default in mortgage of H Roeder
1937 Gustav Reimann factory manager New Mile End
1951 Oliviana Liebelt, nee Roeder, wife of Wilhelm Liebelt farmer Echunga
1951 Franz Schubert labourer Hahndorf
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part of the land taken to extend Schubert Dve
4061/735 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 194 (Former farm block 106) (FP 11 NH 319) - 10 SCHUBERT DRIVE
1839 Probably George Kuchel
1853 Gottfried Rosenzweig yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1859 Albert Waltrowitz wheelwright Hahndorf. G Rosenzweig now of Grunberg.
1900 Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf. A Waltrowitz, now of Natimuk Vic.
1901 LTO title
1915 W Wiese died intestate. Hannah Wiese, nee Hough, widow Hahndorf inheritor.
1919 Clara Webb spinster Hahndorf
1965 Franz Schubert labourer Hahndorf & Doloriss, his wife, inherited the allotment. Mrs Schubert was a niece of C Webb.
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part Lot taken to extend Schubert Dve
1975 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 10 SCHUBERT DVE
1975 Anthony Sanderson & Gaynor Sanderson, as tenants-in-common
4061/737 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 8 SCHUBERT DVE (Now linked with Lot 195)
1975 Richard Price & Elaine Price
4061/741 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 195 (Former farm block 105a) (FP 11 NH 340) - 8 SCHUBERT DRIVE
1839 Probably Christoph Liebelt
1857 Trustees, Lutheran Church, Hahndorf (St Michael's congregation) - GRO title
1932 LTO title
1933 Clara Hulda Webb spinster Hahndorf
1965 Franz Schubert District Council employee Hahndorf & Doloriss, nee Heinrich, his wife
1973 The Mt Barker DC bought part of the land for a road
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part Lot to extend Schubert Drive
1975 Richard Price police officer Pt Pirie & Elaine, his wife
1977 James Murray electrical contractor Forestville & Sally, his wife
1978 Eric Biar retired Hahndorf & Joyce, his wife
4061/741 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 196 (Former farm block 111c) (FP 11 NH 318) - 51 ENGLISH ST
1839 Probably Friedrich Zimmermann
1854 Friedrich Zimmermann yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Jno Hillam yeoman Hahndorf
1856 Carl Schaepel yeoman Hahndorf
1862 Eduard Schroeder yeoman Hahndorf
1873 LTO title
1873 Carl Mader labourer Hahndorf
1891 C Mader died. W Ey teacher Hahndorf, executor.
1902 Friedrich Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1908 Lydia Dueball, nee Ruge, wife of F Dueball
1926 L Dueball died. W Minkwitz estate agent Hahndorf, executor.
1927 Herbert Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1927 Wilhelm Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1927 Wilhelm Weyland labourer Hahndorf
1949 W Weyland died. Norman Paech agent Hahndorf, executor.
1949 David Henningsen farmer Hahndorf
1954 Edwin Collins farmer Hahndorf
1964 Victor Neil Raymond Tugwell grazier Mt Barker
1964 JC Gordon Investments Pty Ltd Hackney
1969 Barry Russell toolmaker Elizabeth West & Myfanwy, his wife
1973 Leslie Schreiner carrier Woodforde Heights & Ibolya, his wife
1973 S Bellosguardo builder Stirling & Anne, his wife shop proprietress
1974 Anerley Holdings Pty Ltd Norwood
1974 Steinar JacobSenr computer programmer Woodville & Christine, his wife
4127/210 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 197 (Former farm block 111a & farm block 111b) - 49 ENGLISH ST (FP 11 NH 317)
1839 Probably either Friedrich 'Renschener' Paech or Gottlob Bartel
1853 William Hutchinson gentleman Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 W Hutchinson died. Mary Ann Hutchinson, widow of William Hutchinson, life interest under her husband's will.
1855 Carl Luenert farmer Hahndorf
1869 C Luenert died intestate. Friedericke Luenert, nee Siegmann, retained life interest under agreement.
1896 F Luenert died intestate. Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, executor to clear up the estate.
1899 Robert Luenert farmer Hahndorf
1899 LTO title.
1928 R Luenert died. Charlotte Luenert, nee Haebich, widow of R Luenert, & Alfred Bremer wheelwright Hahndorf, executors.
1941 C Luenert died
1946 Louis & Carl Luenert gardeners Hahndorf
1949 L Luenert died
1952 C Luenert died. Douglas Chapman auctioneer Mt Barker & Alick Collins farmer Hahndorf, executors.
1953 Edwin Collins farmer Hahndorf
1964 Victor Neil Raymond Tugwell grazier Mt Barker
1968 JC Gordon Investments Pty Ltd Hackney
1969 Barry Russell toolmaker Elizabeth West & Myfanwy, his wife
1973 Leslie Schreiner carrier Woodforde Heights & Ibolya, his wife
1973 S Bellosguardo builder Stirling & Anne, his wife shop proprietress
1974 Anerley Holdings Pty Ltd Norwood
1974 Steinar Jacob Senr computer programmer Woodville & Christine, his wife
4127/210 Metric title, with Part Lot 198
ALLOTMENT NH 198 (Former farm block 110) (FP 11 NH 314-316 inc) - 43 ENGLISH ST; 45 ENGLISH ST; 47 ENGLISH ST; 49 ENGLISH ST
1839 Probably Eleonore Kluge
1853 August Altmann farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1860 Jno Rundle Junr, licensed victualler, Mt Barker
1860 Ferdinand Boerke farmer #100
1882 LTO title
1882 Ernestine Skelly, nee Thiele, wife of Philip Skelly, labourer, 'for her separate use'.
1903 E Skelly died. P Skelly labourer Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1906 Maria Bye, nee Marschner, wife of Joseph Bye labourer Hahndorf
1922 M Bye died. Wilhelm Paech agent Hahndorf, executor.
1922 Herbert Edmund Kuchel farmer Monarto South
1922 Louis Waltrowitz wheelwright Hahndorf
1949 L Waltrowitz died. Renolf Homburg solicitor Adelaide, executor.
1949 Louise Waltrowitz, nee Schmuecker, widow of L Waltrowitz
1951 Adolph Waltrowitz gardener Hahndorf
1964 Victor Neil Tugwell plumber Mt Barker
1968 JC Gordon Investments Pty Ltd Hackney
1969 Barry Russell toolmaker Elizabeth West & Myfanwy, his wife
1973 B & M Russell divided the Lot into 4 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 43 ENGLISH ST
1973 Leslie Schreiner carrier Woodforde Heights & Ibolya, his wife
1973 Sebastian Bellosguardo builder Stirling & Anne Stopel shop proprietress Stirling
1974 Wayne Badenoch contractor Hahndorf & Christine, his wife
1975 Donald Turner production manager Hazelwood Park & Anne, his wife
1978 Jean Mary Dickson housewife Brighton
4120/358 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 45 ENGLISH ST
1973 Leslie Schreiner carrier Woodforde Heights & Ibolya, his wife
1973 Sebastian Bellosguardo builder Stirling & Anne Stopel shop proprietress Stirling
1974 Ross Schubert contractor Hahndorf & Mavis, nee Schubert, his wife
3965/179 current title
Sub-lot 3 47 ENGLISH ST
1973 Leslie Schreiner carrier Woodforde Heights & Ibolya, his wife
1973 Sebastian Bellosguardo builder Stirling & Anne Stopel shop proprietress Stirling
1974 Peter Burton dispatcher Plympton Park & Jill, his wife
1975 Gary Altmann apprentice electrical fitter Mt Barker Junction & Jenine, nee Nitschke, his wife receptioniste Mt Barker Junction
4070/612 Metric title
Sub-lot 4 49 ENGLISH ST
1973 Leslie Schreiner carrier Woodforde Heights & Ibolya, his wife
1973 Sebastian Bellosguardo builder Stirling & Anne Stopel shop proprietress Stirling
1974 Per-Steiner JacobSenr technical assistant Woodville West & Christine, his wife
1979 Hilda Flynn medical secretary Hahndorf
4148/44 Metric title, which includes part Lot 197
1839 Uncertain - perhaps Friedrich Suess ?
1853 Gottlieb Fischer farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1901 LTO title. G Fischer, now labourer, Hahndorf
1902 Helene Martin, nee Schach, wife of Heinrich Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1908 H Martin, nee Schach, died
1909 Heinrich Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1919 Alfred Bremer wheelwright Hahndorf
1936 Walter Norton driver Hahndorf
1951 William Collins labourer Hahndorf
1952 Edwin Collins dairy farmer Hahndorf
1961 Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf
1973 Ronald Sargent land salesman Aldgate & Kathleen, his wife. The Sargents sub-divided this Lot in conJunrction with part Lot 200.
The Sargents owned 199, 200, 201 & 275 in one block of land.
4006/240 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 200 (Former farm block 159) - 56 ENGLISH ST; 58 ENGLISH ST; 60 ENGLISH ST; 62 ENGLISH ST; 59 ENGLISH ST; 61 ENGLISH ST; 63 ENGLISH ST; 65 ENGLISH ST; 67 ENGLISH ST; 69 ENGLISH ST (This road now runs east right through NH 200)
1839 Probably Samuel Braettig
1853 August Schmeisser farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1862 R Homburg, after foreclosure upon a mortgage which A Schmeisser had taken out with him.
1867 August Christoph Echunga
1881 Septimus Boord gentleman Hahndorf
1882 LTO title
1905 S Boord Senr gent died. Fannie Boord spinster Hahndorf, daughter of S Boord, executrix & inheritor.
1921 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1947 W Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1973 Ronald Sargent land salesman Aldgate & Kathleen, his wife. The Sargents sub-divided this Lot in conJunrction with Lots 199 & 201.
He bought the contiguous Lots 199, 200, 201, 275 from the Kramm family
4006/241 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 201 (Former farm block 158) - 54 ENGLISH ST; 56 ENGLISH ST; 58 ENGLISH ST; 60 ENGLISH ST; 62 ENGLISH ST
1839 Probably Christian Zilm
1853 George Fischer yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 Carl Wirth yeoman Hahndorf. G Fischer, now of the Bremer.
1883 Gotthold Schmeiss farmer Hahndorf
1886 LTO title
1886 Adolph Gustav Bottcher, Adolf Gustav Bliss labourers Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common.
1887 AG Bottcher alone
1897 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1949 W Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1970 Land taken to form Bernhardt Rd & extend English St
1973 Ronald Sargent land salesman Aldgate & Kathleen, his wife. The Sargents sub-divided this Lot in conJunction with part Lot 200.
4006/243 Metric title
1839 Probably Gottlob Fliegert
1853 Carl Altmann farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Gottfried Dolling farmer Hahndorf
1855 August Unversagt bookbinder Hahndorf
1859 Wilhelm Bremer tailor Hahndorf. A Unversagt had moved to Adelaide.
1863 LTO title
1863 Heinrich Scheffel shoemaker Wheal Ellen Mine Bugle Ranges
1873 H Scheffel died intestate. Elise Marks, nee Scheffel, wife of Carl Marks blacksmith Oakbank, inherited.
1920 Clara Webb spinster Hahndorf
1971 C Webb died. Doloriss Schubert married woman Hahndorf, executrix & inheritor.
1978 HB Chapman First Mortgage Investments Pty Ltd Mt Barker
With land taken from adjoining allotments, this Lot became 4 Sub-lots. File Plan 8151.
4147/5-8 inc Metric titles
1839 Probably George Kuchel
1853 Gottfried Rosenzweig yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1859 Albert Waltrowitz wheelwright Hahndorf . G Rosenzweig now of Grunberg.
1900 Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith. A Waltrowitz, now of Natimuk Vic.
1901 LTO title
1915 W Wiese died. Hannah Wiese widow Hahndorf inherited the land
1919 Clara Webb spinster Hahndorf
1965 Franz Schubert labourer Hahndorf & Doloriss, his wife, inherited the allotment. Mrs Schubert was a niece of C Webb.
4020/752 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 204 (Former farm block 155) - 44 ENGLISH ST; 23 BERNHARDT CRESCENT
1839 Probably Samuel Kuchel
1854 Heinrich Wege carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf. H Wege now of Mt Barker
1866 LTO title
1877 Adolph Strempel pastor Hahndorf, Eduard Schroeder gentleman Hahndorf, Eduard Reimann gentleman Hahndorf, Heinrich Storch gentleman Hahndorf, as trustees for a Lutheran training college.
1880 Adolph Strempel pastor Hahndorf, Eduard Schroeder gentleman Hahndorf, Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf, Johann Sudholz gentleman Gilles Plains, Heinrich Droegemueller gentleman Springton, Ernst Pfeiffer gentleman Lobethal, Carl Schmidt gentleman Tanunda, as trustees for a Lutheran training college.
1883 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf
1886 Mortgage Co of SA Grenfell St Adelaide, through W Boehm default of mortgage
No further dealings for some 90 years.
1975 Franz Schubert District Council employee Hahndorf & Doloriss, nee Heinrich, his wife, established adverse title
1975 Part Lot taken for extension of English St & the extension of Bernhardt Crescent
4096/473 Metric title
1839 Probably Eleonore Kluge
1853 August Altmann farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1860 Jno Rundle Junr licensed victualler Mt Barker
1860 Ferdinand Boerke farmer Hahndorf #100
1882 LTO title
1882 Ernestine Skelly, nee Thiele, wife of Philip Skelly, labourer Hahndorf, 'for her separate use'.
1903 E Skelly died. P Skelly labourer Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1906 Maria Bye, nee Marschner, wife of Joseph Bye labourer Hahndorf
1922 M Bye died. Wilhelm Paech agent Hahndorf, executor
1922 Herbert Edmund Kuchel farmer Monarto South
1922 Louis Waltrowitz wheelwright Hahndorf
1949 L Waltrowitz died. Renolf Homburg solicitor Adelaide, executor.
1949 Louise Waltrowitz, nee Schmuecker, widow of L Waltrowitz
1951 Adolph Waltrowitz gardener Hahndorf
1964 Victor Neil Tugwell plumber Mt Barker
1968 JC Gordon Investments Pty Ltd Hackney
1969 Barry Russell toolmaker Elizabeth West & Myfanwy, his wife. The Russells subdivided Lots 205 & 206 - small lots, & appear to be 1.5 in each lot.
1973 Land taken for extension of English St & the extension of Bernhardt Crescent
1973 B & M Russell divided the Lot into 4 Sub-lots
Sub-lot 1 42 ENGLISH ST
1973 Leslie Schreiner carrier Woodforde Heights & Ibolya, his wife
1973 Antonia Bellosguardo home duties Stirling
1975 Wayne Badenoch contractor 54 Main St Hahndorf & Sebastian Bellosguard 54 Main St Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1975 Roger Burbidge builder Aldgate
1976 David Hurst landscape gardener Hahndorf & Beverley, his wife
1976 Lynn Baxter general manager Hahndorf & Joan, his wife
3965/182 current title
Sub-lot 2 44 ENGLISH ST
1973 Leslie Schreiner carrier Woodforde Heights & Ibolya, his wife
1973 Peter Hunt salesman Aldgate
1974 Donald Tugwell bank officer Ingle Farm & Betty, nee Jaensch, his wife
4255/977 Metric title
1973 Sebastian Bellosguardo builder Stirling
1973 Ronald Pike Mt Barker District Council employee Hahndorf & Hilda, nee Kaesler, his wife
3965/184 current title
1973 Sebastian Bellosguardo builder Stirling
1975 Eckart Trautmann miner Tom Price WA & Margot, his wife
1979 Frank Greet teacher Glen Osmond & Ann, his wife
1983 Ian Kuchel sales representative Bridgewater & Debra, nee Gambling, his wife
3965/183 current title
1839 Probably either Gottfried Behrend, Maria Hoffmann or Gottfried Wundke
1853 Friedrich Schneemilch yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 Heinrich Ritter Senr mason Hahndorf
1879 Heinrich Ritter Senr, now of Callington, died intestate. Heinrich Ritter Junr, executor for his father, H Ritter Senr
1882 LTO title
1882 Ernestine Skelly, nee Thiele, wife of Philip Skelly, labourer Hahndorf, 'for her separate use'.
1903 E Skelly died. P Skelly labourer Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1906 Maria Bye, nee Marschner, wife of Joseph Bye labourer Hahndorf
1922 M Bye died. Wilhelm Paech agent Hahndorf, executor.
1922 Herbert Edmund Kuchel farmer Monarto South
1922 Louis Waltrowitz wheelwright Hahndorf
1949 L Waltrowitz died. Renolf Homburg solicitor Adelaide, executor.
1949 Louise Waltrowitz, nee Schmuecker, widow of L Waltrowitz
1951 Adolph Waltrowitz gardener Hahndorf
1964 Victor Neil Tugwell plumber Mt Barker
1968 JC Gordon Investments Pty Ltd Hackney
1969 Barry Russell toolmaker Elizabeth West & Myfanwy, his wife. The Russells subdivided Lots 205 & 206
1973 Land taken for extension of English St & the extension of Bernhardt Crescent
1973 B & M Russell divided the Lot into 3 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 40 ENGLISH ST
1973 Wilfred Paech farmer Hahndorf
1987 Wilfred Paech died. Ian Paech builder Hahndorf & Jonathan Woodman accountant Crafers, executors.
1987 Michael Paech bricklayer Hahndorf & Mandy Beaumont hairdresser Hahndorf
3965/175 current title
1973 Sebastian Bellosguardo builder Stirling
1973 Roger Burbidge plumber Aldgate & Dianne, his wife
1974 Haydn Cutting internal auditor Aldgate
1976 Richard Wegener clerk Norwood & Cheryl, his wife
1980 Claude Sears retired Hahndorf & Dorine, his wife
3965/186 current title
1973 Sebastian Bellosguardo builder Stirling
1973 James Colotti assistant manager Bridgewater
1977 Geoffrey Michael Doecke student Highgate
1980 Claude Sears retired Hahndorf & Dorine, his wife
3965/185 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 207 (Former farm block 152) - 38 ENGLISH ST; 13 BERNHARDT CRESCENT
1839 Probably Eleonore Helbig
1853 William Millhouse yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Christian Nitschke, farmer, Friedrichstadt. W Millhouse, now of the Bremer.
1867 LTO title
1867 Friedrich Gross, labourer, who had already rented the land. C Nitschke, now of Harrogate.
1885 Christian Pfennig labourer Hahndorf
1912 Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf
1913 Milton Hill labourer Hahndorf
1917 Gustav Menzel labourer Hahndorf
1934 Walter Norton baker's driver Hahndorf
1960 Walter Norton baker's driver Hahndorf & Elsie, his wife
1961 W Norton divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 38 ENGLISH ST
1961 W Norton retained the homestead Sub-lot
1962 Walter Norton died
1963 Christina Thiele home duties Mt Barker
1963 David Summers electrician Hahndorf
1972 Margaret Summers, nee Mueller, domestic Hahndorf & Everhardin Joannes Fenyn able bodied seaman Jake Heights NSW tenants-in-common
1973 M Summers became M Fenyn
1984 Murray Chapple manager Hahndorf & Sandra Murphy clerk Hahndorf
1990 Kim Brooking-Payne teacher Hahndorf & Alison, his wife natural therapist Hahndorf
2912/86 current title
1961 Edwin Collins farmer Hahndorf
1962 William Harris brickyard employee Hahndorf
1973 William Harris died. Doug Chapman businessmanager Mt Barker executor
1974 Ronda Harris, nee Paech, widow of W Harris
1979 Arrienne Wynen technical assistant Ingle Farm & Peter Wynen clerk
1984 Manfred Sautner civil engineer Chatswood NSW & Ursula, his wife
2912/85 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 208 (Former farm block 151) - 36 ENGLISH ST; 11 BERNHARDT CRESCENT
1839 Probably Andreas Philipp
1853 Jno Hillam, yeoman, Littlehampton - GRO title
1855 Frederick Smith, yeoman, Mt Barker. FC Smith rented out the land.
1876 LTO title
1876 Heinrich Meissner labourer Hahndorf
1881 H Meissner died. Dorothea Meissner, widow of H Meissner, inherited.
1885 Leontine Reimann, nee Schroeder, widow of Eduard Reimann farmer Hahndorf
1891 Olivia Rudelius, nee Reimann, wife of Max Rudelius labourer Hahndorf. Lease to Leontine Reimann widow, during the term of her natural life
1905 L Reimann died
1926 Hedwig Roeder, nee Rudelius, wife of Peter Roeder labourer Hahndorf
1933 Richard Paech farmer Littlehampton, upon default in mortgage of H Roeder.
1937 Gustav Reimann factory manager New Mile End
1951 Oliviana Liebelt, nee Roeder, wife of Wilhelm Liebelt farmer Echunga
4026/438 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 209 (Former farm block 149 & farm block 150) - 32 ENGLISH ST; 34 ENGLISH ST; 7 BERNHARDT CRESCENT; 9 BERNHARDT CRESCENT
1839 Probably Friedrich Zimmermann
1854 Friedrich Zimmermann yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Jno Hillam yeoman Hahndorf
1856 Carl Schaepel yeoman Hahndorf
1862 Eduard Schroeder yeoman Hahndorf
1873 LTO title
1873 Carl Mader labourer Hahndorf
1891 C Mader died. Wilhelm Ey teacher Hahndorf, executor.
1902 Friedrich Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1908 Lydia Dueball, nee Ruge, wife of F Dueball
1926 L Dueball died. W Minkwitz estate agent Hahndorf, executor.
1927 Herbert Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1927 Wilhelm Dueball labourer Hahndorf
1927 Wilhelm Weyland labourer Hahndorf
1949 W Weyland died. Norman Paech agent Hahndorf, executor.
1949 David Henningsen farmer Hahndorf
1954 D Henningsen divided the Lot into 2 sub-lots. A Henningsen, father of D Henningsen, bought Sub-lot 1. Edwin Collins dairy farmer Hahndorf bought the other, which he further sub-divided in 1972. 2 of the sub-lots became part of Bernhardt Crescent, formed in this year.
Sub-lot 1 34 ENLISH ST
1954 Albert Henningsen retired labourer Hahndorf
1971 A Henningsen died. Farmers Co-Op Trustees, executors.
1971 Susannah Henningsen, nee Johncock, widow of A Henningsen
1981 Ronald Lee-Harris storekeeper Hahndorf & Rosemary, nee Hentschke, his wife
2354/76 current title
Sub-lot 2 32 ENGLISH ST
1954 Edwin Collins dairy farmer Hahndorf
1972 Part of the land taken to form Bernhardt Crescent
1972 E Collins formed 2 more Sub-lots. See Sub-lot 3 & Sub-lot 4.
1973 Kenneth Sandow orchardist Verdun & Constance, his wife
1979 Frank Foster window cleaner Hahndorf & Alice, his wife
4198/738 Metric title
1973 Ashleigh Gore police officer Hahndorf & Roslyn, his wife
3913/82 current title
1973 Roland Gill shopkeeper Stirling & Janet, his wife
1973 Rolf Sherwin accountant Hahndorf
1975 William Christie articled law clerk Felixtow & Janet, his wife
4198/737 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 210 (Former farm block 146a) - 28 ENGLISH ST; 30 ENGLISH ST
1839 Either Friedrich 'Rentschener' Paech or Gottlob Bartel
1853 William Hutchinson gentleman Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 W Hutchinson died. Mary Ann Hutchinson, widow of William Hutchinson, life interest under her husband's will.
1855 Carl Luenert farmer Hahndorf
1869 C Luenert died intestate. Friedericke Luenert, nee Siegmann, retained life interest under agreement.
1896 F Luenert died intestate. Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, appointed executor to sort out the estate.
1899 Robert Luenert farmer Hahndorf
1899 LTO title.
1928 R Luenert died. Charlotte Luenert, nee Haebich, widow of R Luenert & Alfred Bremer wheelwright Hahndorf, executors.
1941 C Luernert died
1946 Louis & Carl Luenert gardeners Hahndorf
1949 L Luenert died
1952 C Luenert died. Douglas Chapman auctioneer Mt Barker & Alick Collins farmer Hahndorf, executors
1953 Edwin Collins farmer Hahndorf
1955 Alick Collins labourer Hahndorf
1969 Edwin Collins farmer Hahndorf
1973 E Collins divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 28 ENGLISH ST
1973 Phillip Hayden valuer Blackwood
1973 Sebastian Bellosguardo builder Stirling
1973 Michael Kemp mechanic Mt Barker & Suzanne, his wife
1986 Housing Trust of SA - 1st Trust home in Hahndorf
3916/163 current title
Sub-lot 2 30 ENGLISH ST
1973 Kenneth Sandow orchardist Verdun & Constance, his wife
1973 Michael Kene driver Hahndorf & Warren Foster company director Mt Barker
1974 Malcolm Schluter police officer Elizabeth West & Fay, his wife
1975 James Graham security manager Wayville & Glennis, his wife
1981 JG Graham to Glennis Graham, his estate & interest
1987 David Marks STA guard Hahndorf
3916/163 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 211 (Former farm block 146b) - 1 COLLINS ST
1839 Probably George 'Rakauer' Pfeiffer
1853 Friedrich Bruse cabinetmaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1893 F Bruse died. Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, executor.
1893 LTO title. Daughter, Helene Caroline Bruse spinster Pt Pirie, inheritor.
1897 Thomas Robert Reynolds gardener Hahndorf. 1898 Directory, listed as storekeeper.
1899 William Collins labourer Hahndorf
1936 Alick Collins labourer Hahndorf
1969 Edwin Collins farmer Hahndorf
1977 Eric Liebing pensioner Seacombe Gardens & Maureen, his wife
1978 Stephen John Borchers minor born 29/5/1961
4119/51 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 212 (Former farm block 146c) - 1 COLLINS ST
1839 Probably Samuel Bartsch
1853 Gottlieb Schuetze carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 James Owen licensed victualler Kensington
1863 LTO title. Approximate date only as Application form lost.
1864 Ludwig Stark blacksmith Hahndorf
1873 Christian Klaebsch
1876 Carl Borchers blacksmith Hahndorf. C Klaebsch now a farmer of the Bremer.
1901 August Haebich blacksmith Hahndorf
Legal title apparently became 'lost'. The Mt Barker District Council gave title to S Borchers, through 'adverse possession'.
1978 Stephen Borchers minor born 1961
4119/51 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 213 (Former farm block 147) - 3 COLLINS ST; 5 COLLINS ST; 7 COLLINS ST
1839 Probably either Friedrich 'Rentschener' Paech or Gottlob Bartel
1853 William Hutchinson gentleman Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 W Hutchinson died. Mary Ann Hutchinson, widow of William Hutchinson, life interest under her husband's will.
1855 Carl Luenert farmer Hahndorf
1869 C Luenert died intestate. Friedericke Luenert, nee Siegmann, retained life interest under agreement through Wilhelm Minkwitz, executor.
1899 Robert Luenert farmer Hahndorf
1899 LTO title.
1928 R Luenert died. Charlotte Luenert, nee Haebich, widow of R Luenert & Alfred Bremer wheelwright Hahndorf, executors.
1941 C Luenert died
1946 Louis & Carl Luenert gardeners Hahndorf
1949 L Luenert died
1952 C Luenert died. Douglas Chapman auctioneer Mt Barker & Alick Collins farmer Hahndorf, executors
1953 Edwin Collins farmer Hahndorf
1972 Part Lot taken to form Collins St
1973 E Collins divided the Lot into 3 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 3 COLLINS ST
1973 Betty Illman married woman Panorama
1973 Jonathan Cook medical practitioner North Adelaide
1973 John Mullins grazier Coonalpyn
1974 George Coutts retired business manager Rostrevor & Wanda, his wife
1976 Kay George computer operator Queenstown
1979 James Cannon sailor Enfield & Pauline, his wife
1983 J Cannon died
1989 Gregory Bridge storeman Hahndorf
3913/85 current title
Sub-lot 2 5 COLLINS ST
1973 Barry Fahey manager Hahndorf & Diane, his wife
1973 Pasquali Bellosguardo builder Stirling
1973 Robert Norsworthy radiographer Hahndorf & Christine, his wife
1984 C Norsworthy to R Norsworth, 'of her estate and interest'
1984 Elizabeth Vos widow Hahndorf
1989 Mark Trafford-Walker bank officer Hahndorf & Louise, nee Lewis, his wife, registered nurse
39913/86 current title
Sub-lot 3 7 COLLINS ST
1973 Barry Fahey manager Hahndorf & Diane, his wife
1973 Pasquali Bellosguardo builder Stirling
1974 Michael McDonnell insurance agent Hahndorf & Lynnette, his wife
1981 Ivon Beaumont retired orchardist Verdun & Dora, nee his wife
1982 Land taken for road works
4198/739 Metric title
1839 Probably Dorothea Schulz
1853 Dorothea Schulz widow Hahndorf - GRO title
1866 Dorothea Schulz died Friedrichstadt
1867 Carl Wirth mason Hahndorf
1867 LTO title
1883 Gotthold Schmeiss farmer Hahndorf
1886 Adolph Gustav Bottcher & Albert Julius Bliss labourers Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1887 AG Bottcher alone
1897 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1949 W Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf, executor & inheritance
1973 L Kramm divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
1973 L Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf
1975 L Kramm died. Elizabeth Kramm, nee Gallasch, widow of L Kramm, executrix .
1976 E Kramm inherited
4009/989 Metric title
1973 Ronald Sargent land salesman Aldgate & Kathleen, his wife, who divided the Sub-lot into 2 (See Sub-lot 3).
4009/988 Metric title
1973 Ronald Sargent land salesman Aldgate & Kathleen, his wife
4009/987 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 215 (Former farm block 119) - 24 ENGLISH ST; 26 ENGLISH ST; 2 COLLINS ST
1839 Probably either Friedrich 'Rentschener' Paech or Gottlob Bartel
1853 William Hutchinson gentleman Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 W Hutchinson died. Mary Ann Hutchinson, widow of W Hutchinson, life interest under her husband's will.
1855 Carl Luenert farmer Hahndorf
1869 C Luenert died intestate. Friedericke Luenert, nee Siegmann, retained life interest under agreement through Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, executor.
1899 Robert Luenert farmer Hahndorf
1899 LTO title.
1928 R Luenert died. Charlotte Luenert, nee Haebich, widow of R Luenert & Alfred Bremer wheelwright Hahndorf, executors.
1941 C Luenert died
1946 Louis & Carl Luenert gardeners Hahndorf.
1949 L Luenert died
1952 C Luenert died. Douglas Chapman auctioneer Mt Barker & Alick Collins farmer Hahndorf, executors
1953 Mary Alice Dalton
1955 Edwin Collins farmer Hahndorf
1955 Lease to Wilhelm Egel retired labourer Hahndorf, formerly Verdun & Pauline, his wife, during their joint lives and during the life of the survivor of them & 14 days thereafter. The Egels lived in a small galvanised iron home on the highest section of the Lot - now 24 English St. After Egels died, E Collins built his own brick home on the site.
1971 W Egel died
1972 P Egel died
1973 E Collins divided the Lot into 3 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 2 COLLINS ST
1973 Desmond Wilson insurance clerk Forestville & Ann, nee Henningsen, his wife
39942/19 current title
Sub-lot 2 26 ENGLISH ST
1973 Susan Warry receptioniste Royal Hayman Hotel Hayman Island Qld
1973 Aleck Golding grazier Mylor & Jean, his wife
1983 A Golding died
1983 Jean Golding widow Hahndorf & Lorraine Golding invalid pensioner Hahndorf
1985 J Golding died
3942/20 current title
Sub-lot 3 24 ENGLISH ST
1979 Arthur Weinert retired Hahndorf & Cora, his wife
1989 John Swain retired Hahndorf & Violet, his wife
3942/21 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 216 (Former farm block 118) - 20 ENGLISH ST; 22 ENGLISH ST
1839 Probably Samuel Braettig
1853 August Schmeisser farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1862 R Homburg, after foreclosure upon a mortgage which A Schmeisser had taken out with him.
1867 August Christoph Echunga
1881 Septimus Boord Senr gentleman Hahndorf
1882 LTO title
1905 S Boord Senr gent died. Fannie Boord spinster Hahndorf, daughter of S Boord, executrix & inheritor.
1926 Richard Boord farmer Hahndorf
1962 R Boord died. WL von Doussa solicitor & Herbert Williams accountant Mt Barker, executors.
1967 H Williams died
1970 Stephen Haddow storekeeper Lobethal & Jean, his wife
4053/124 &125 Metric titles
ALLOTMENT NH 217 (Former farm block 116b, farm block 117, farm block 124) - 16 ENGLISH ST; 18 ENGLISH ST
Farm block 116b & Farm block 124
1839 Probably Christian Thiele
1853 Christian Thiele farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 Christian Graue farmer Hahndorf. C Grueneberg, yeoman, surrendered his prior right to purchase.
1858 George Bolte shoemaker nr Adelaide.
1878 Charles Bolte, auctioneer, Gambiertown, from the estate of his father, G Bolte. C Bolte deep in debt.
1881 Septimus Boord gentleman Hahndorf
1882 LTO title
Farm block 117
1839 Probably Anna Dorothea Schmidt, nee Kluge
1853 Ludwig Stark wheelwright Hahndorf - GRO title
1856 Christian Grueneberg miner Hahndorf
1857 Christian Graue farmer Hahndorf. C Grueneberg, yeoman, surrendered his prior right to purchase.
1858 George Bolte shoemaker nr Adelaide.
1878 G Bolte died, deep in debt. Charles Bolte, auctioneer, Gambiertown, from the estate of his father, G Bolte.
1881 Septimus Boord gentleman Hahndorf
1882 LTO title
1885 S Boord Senr donated part of the former farm block 116b as the site for St Paul's Anglican Church
3102/137 current title
1905 S Boord Senr gent died. Fannie Boord spinster Hahndorf, daughter of S Boord, executrix & inheritor
1926 Richard Boord farmer Hahndorf
1962 R Boord donated part former farm block 117 for the use of St Paul's Anglican Church, shortly before his death
1962 R Boord died. WL von Doussa solicitor & Herbert Williams accountant Mt Barker, executors.
1967 H Williams died
1970 Stephen Haddow storekeeper Lobethal & Jean, his wife
The land on which the former Boord homestead stood became 2 Sub-lots. The old barn which had been Hans HeySenr's studio was on the sub-lot next to the church. Both the homestead and the barn were demolished for 2 new suburban homes.
4053/123 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 218 (Former farm block 116a) - 12 ENGLISH ST; 14 ENGLISH ST
1839 Probably Gottlob Lange
1853 Carl Zeihn farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Samuel Illingworth carpenter Littlehampton #100. F Zeihn moved to Light Pass in the Barossa Valley.
1861 LTO title. S Illingworth, now of Hahndorf.
1870 Albert Waltrowitz wheelwright Hahndorf
1901 Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1915 W Wiese died intestate. Hannah Wiese, nee Hough, widow of W Wiese, inheritor.
1919 Clara Webb spinster Hahndorf
1970 Part of the lot taken to widen English St
1971 C Webb died. Doloriss Schubert, nee Heinrich, wife of Franz Schubert District Council employee Hahndorf, executrix & inheritor.
4020/752 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 219 (Former farm block 114 & farm block 115) - 6 ENGLISH ST; 8 ENGLISH ST; 10 ENGLISH ST; 2 KAVEL DRIVE; 3 KAVEL DRIVE
Farm block 114
1839 Uncertain - perhaps Friedrich Suess ?
1853 George Wilsdon brickmaker Norwood - GRO title. FR Mueller, gentleman, Hahndorf, waived his option to purchase.
1859 Gottlieb Fischer gardener Hahndorf. G Wilsdon, now farmer, Cockatoo Valley.
1901 LTO title
Farm block 115
1839 Uncertain - perhaps Friedrich Suess ?
1853 Gottlieb Fischer gardener Hahndorf - GRO title
1901 LTO title. G Fischer, now labourer, Hahndorf
1902 Helene Martin, nee Schach, wife of Heinrich Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1908 H Martin, nee Schach, died
1909 Heinrich Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1926 H Martin died. Franz Richard Schulze moulder Unley, executor.
1926 Edwin Martin moulder Unley
1928 E Martin insolvent. Estate in the hands of public accountants, Adelaide.
1929 Clara Webb spinster Hahndorf
1971 C Webb died. Doloriss Schubert, nee Heinrich, wife of Franz Schubert District Council employee Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1976 Hillier Transport Pty Ltd Mt Barker
1977 Easement to the Minister of Works over portion of the Lot
4106/649 Metric title
ALLOTMENT 220 (Former farm block 113) - 2 ENGLISH ST; 4 ENGLISH ST
1839 Friedrich Thiele
1853 Friedrich Thiele farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1864 LTO title
1864 Friedrich Brockhoff mason Hahndorf
1882 Wilhelm Ehmcke & Franz Gaetjens timber merchants Adelaide
1899 Gustav 'Snowy' Paech carrier Hahndorf
1937 Adelheit Gommers, nee Faehrmann, wife of James Gommers plasterer Hahndorf
1966 A Gommers divided the Lot into 3 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 No direct street access
1966 Eric Nitschke contractor Mt Barker & Betty, nee Stevens, his wife
The Nitschkes joined this onto their own part Lot NH 221
3418/118 current title
Sub-lot 2 4 ENGLISH ST
1970 Lorna Brice, nee Gommers, wife of Ross Brice retired Warradale
1971 James Knappstein display manager Marino & Patricia, nee Gogler, his wife
3772/78 current title
Sub-lot 3 2 ENGLISH ST
1970 Lorna Brice, nee Gommers, wife of Ross Brice retired Warradale
3772/79 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 221 A (Part former farm block 112) - 22 MAIN ST; 24 MAIN ST; 26 MAIN ST; 28 MAIN ST
1839 Possibly Gottlob Schirmer (more likely not - he bought his average quota of land in 1853)
1853 George Schirmer yeoman Hahndorf, son of G Schirmer - GRO title
1856 Carl Herberger farmer Hahndorf divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 22 MAIN ST; 24 MAIN ST
1860 Henry Gilbert, solicitor, Adelaide
1861 John Spicer shoemaker Hahndorf
1866 Carl Foerster tinsmith Hahndorf
1866 LTO title
1879 Gottlieb Fischer farmer Hahndorf
1904 G Fischer died. Johanne Caroline Auguste Mueller widow Norton Summit, executrix
1904 Otto Louis Benjamin Fischer labourer Hahndorf
1905 Wilhelm Wiese coachbuilder Hahndorf, who mortgaged the land to the Oak of Hahndorf Lodge
1915 W Wiese died intestate
1916 Hannah Wiese, nee Hough, widow of Wilhelm Wiese Hahndorf, inherited
1937 Agnes Ahrens, nee Dahl, wife of Victor Ahrens labourer Hahndorf
1964 Eric Nitschke contractor Mt Barker & Betty, nee Stevens, his wife
3218/112 current title
Sub-lot 2 28 MAIN ST
1860 Adalbert Fiedler Lutheran Pastor. English St mentioned by name in his mortgage agreement with Joseph Mould, of St Bernards, Magill, of the same year.
1874 Wilhelm Schramm tinman Adelaide
1874 LTO title
1893 Georg Heinrich Christoph Meyer agent Adelaide
1900 Gottlob Jaensch butcher Hahndorf
1950 G Jaensch died. Public Trustee Adelaide, executor.
1951 Otto Haebich agent Hahndorf
1958 O Haebich divided the land into a further Sub-lot (See Sub-lot 3)
1958 Johann Stoffel hairdresser Hahndorf & Maria, his wife - the house
2654/193 current title
Sub-lot 3 26 MAIN ST
1958 Gladys Nitschke, nee Fuge, widow of Alfred Nitschke farmer Littlehampton, Ronald & Keith Nitschke, her sons - the vacant section of the land, upon which they built a home for Mrs Nitschke to retire.
2656/194 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 222 (Former farm block 120) - 14 MAIN ST; 16 MAIN ST; 18 MAIN ST; 20 MAIN ST
1839 Probably Dorothea Schmidt
1853 Ludwig Stark wheelwright Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 LTO title
1858 L Stark re-aligned Lots NH 222 & NH 223, so that they joined together and ran down to the main street. He created 2 new Sub-lots.
Sub-lot 1 Western division 20 MAIN ST
1858 Friedrich Franz mason Hahndorf
1874 Gottlieb Fischer gardener Hahndorf
1901 Nathalie Rodert, nee Fischer, wife of Julius Rodert labourer Hahndorf
1922 N Rodert died
1924 Alson Rodert labourer Hahndorf
1989 A Rodert died
1990 Carl Rodert labourer Hahndorf
4/31 Current title
Sub-lot 2 Eastern division 14 MAIN ST; 16 MAIN ST; 18 MAIN ST
1858 Ludwig Stark wheelwright Hahndorf
1876 Wilhelm Paech farmer Hahndorf
1881 Horatio Williams military officer Hahndorf
1898 H Williams died. Helen Williams widow Adelaide, inherited.
1901 Franz Dahl carpenter Hahndorf
1937 F Dahl died. HB Chapman land agent Mt Barker & Otto Dahl carpenter Mannum, executors.
1938 Florence Dahl, nee Day, widow of F Dahl
1964 Eric Nitschke & Betty, nee Stevens, his wife; Brian Thiele farmer Hahndorf & Joan, his wife, as tenants-in-common
1966 Land taken to form Braun Drive
3405/191 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 224 (Former farm block 122 & farm block 123) - 1 BRAUN DRIVE; 5 BRAUN DRIVE; 7 BRAUN DRIVE; 9 BRAUN DRIVE
Farm block 122
1839 Probably George Jaeschke
1853 Richard Andrews blacksmith Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 LTO title
1858 Adolph Dorney saddler Hahndorf. Probably farm block 122 & 123 combined during 1862, when AA Light re-surveyed Hahndorf.
Farm block 123
1839 Probably Samuel Bartsch
1853 Gottlieb Schuetze carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1853 Richard Andrews blacksmith Hahndorf
1858 LTO title
1858 Adolph Dorney saddler Hahndorf. Probably farm block 122 & 123 combined during 1862, when AA Light re-surveyed Hahndorf.
1870 Dorney became insolvent. Johann Südholz gentleman Gilles Plain obtained title as mortgagee.
1870 Friedrich Franz mason Hahndorf
1874 Gottlieb Fischer labourer Hahndorf
1901 Nathalie Rodert, nee Fischer, wife of Carl Rodert Senr labourer Hahndorf
1922 N Rodert died intestate. C Rodert Senr inherited.
1924 Alson Rodert labourer Hahndorf
1989 A Rodert died. Carl Rodert Junr labourer Hahndorf, executor.
1990 Carl Rodert Junr inherited
3409/181 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 225 (Former farm block 135) - 8 COLLINS ST
1839 Uncertain
1853 Gottlieb Fischer farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1901 LTO title. G Fischer, now labourer, Hahndorf
1902 Helene Martin, nee Schach, wife of Heinrich Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1908 H Martin, nee Schach, died
1909 Heinrich Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1920 Emma & Esther Boord spinsters Hahndorf
1964 Emma Boord died
1966 Edwin Collins gardener Hahndorf
1970 Andrew Stone barman Hahndorf & Dorothy, his wife
1974 The Minister of Works took an easement over the land & the Mt Barker DC took land to work on Collins St
4060/648 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 226 (Former farm block 125) - 11 BRAUN DRIVE; 13 BRAUN DRIVE; 15 BRAUN DRIVE; 17 BRAUN DRIVE
1839 Probably Samuel Braettig
1853 August Schmeisser farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
Uncertain August Christoph Echunga
1881 Septimus Boord gentleman Hahndorf
1882 LTO title
1905 S Boord Senr gent died. Fannie Boord spinster Hahndorf, daughter of S Boord, executrix & inheritor.
1926 Richard Boord farmer Hahndorf
1962 R Boord died. William von Doussa solicitor Mt Barker & Herbert Williams accountant Mt Barker, executors.
1967 H Williams died
1970 Stephen Haddow storekeeper Lobethal & Jean, his wife
4053/124 Metric title.
ALLOTMENT NH 227 (Former farm block 126) - 4 COLLINS ST; 6 COLLINS ST
1839 Probably George 'Rakauer' Pfeiffer
1853 Friedrich Bruse cabinetmaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1893 F Bruse died. Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, executor .
1893 LTO title.
1893 Daughter, Helene Caroline Bruse spinster Pt Pirie, inheritor.
1897 Thomas Robert Reynolds gardener Hahndorf. 1898 Directory, listed as storekeeper.
1899 William Collins labourer Hahndorf
1936 Alick Collins labourer Hahndorf
1963 Edwin Collins farmer Hahndorf
1973 John Nitschke boring contractor Hahndorf & Lyn, nee Tessyman, his wife.
1973 Land taken to form Collins St
1973 J & L Nitschke divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 4 COLLINS ST
1973 Ian Heath teacher Mt Gambier & Deanna, his wife
3937/39 current title
Sub-lot 2 6 COLLINS ST
1973 Frederick Fisher dairy manager Hahndorf & Susan, his wife
3937/40 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 228 (Former farm block 134) - 12 BRAUN DRIVE; 14 BRAUN DRIVE
1839 Probably Gottlob Lange
1853 Carl Zeihn farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Samuel Illingworth, carpenter, Littlehampton #100. F Zeihn moved to Light Pass in the Barossa Valley.
1861 LTO title. S Illingworth, now of Hahndorf.
1870 Albert Waltrowitz wheelwright Hahndorf
1886 Septimus Boord Senr gentleman Hahndorf
1905 S Boord died. Fannie Boord spinster Hahndorf, executrix & inheritor
1926 Richard Boord farmer Hahndorf
1962 R Boord died. WL von Doussa solicitor Mt Barker & Herbert Williams accountant Mt Barker, executors.
1970 H WIlliams died
1970 Stephen Haddow storekeeper Lobethal & Jean, his wife
1978 Alan John Mathews manager Hahndorf & Jeanett, his wife
1983 Henry Frauenfelder vetinerary surgeon Hahndorf & Judith, his wife
4367/450 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 229 (Former farm block 133) - 10 BRAUN DRIVE
1839 Probably Gottlob Fliegert
1853 Carl Altmann farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Gottfried Dolling farmer Hahndorf
1855 August Unversagt bookbinder Hahndorf
1859 Wilhelm Bremer tailor Hahndorf. A Unversagt had moved to Adelaide.
1863 LTO title
1863 Heinrich Scheffel shoemaker Wheal Ellen Mine Bugle Ranges
1873 H Scheffel died intestate. Elise Marks, nee Scheffel, wife of Carl Marks blacksmith Oakbank, inherited.
1920 Edith Braun, nee Niquet, wife of Pastor Friedrich Braun, of St Paul's Lutheran Church Hahndorf.
1937 Alfred Kuchel labourer Hahndorf
1967 A Kuchel died. Louis Kuchel handyman Hahndorf, son of A Kuchel, executor.
1968 Rose Kuchel, nee Henningsen, widow of A Kuchel, for life, with Allan Kuchel factory hand Hahndorf, 'in remainder expectant'
1975 R Kuchel died
1976 Lindean Nominees Pty Ltd 125 Main Road Hahndorf - Ron Radbone
1980 Easement to Minister of Water Resources
4160/164 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 230 (Former farm block 132) - 8 BRAUN DRIVE
1839 Probably Christian Bartel
1853 Christian Bartel farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Carl Herberger farmer Hahndorf
1855 Valentin Hellwig miner & farmer Hahndorf
1861 Wilhelm Paech farmer Hahndorf
1861 LTO title
1861 Johann Willemer farmer Hahndorf
1892 Ida Rodert, nee Willemer, wife of Julius Rodert labourer Hahndorf
1921 I Rodert died. Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, executor.
1922 Hermann Rodert labourer Hahndorf & Bertha Rodert spinster Hahndorf
1940 Jeffrey Faehrmann labourer Hahndorf
1967 Ernest Trotman Senr marine dealer Hahndorf & Eva, his wife
1978 Ernest Trotman Junr press operator Hahndorf; Brian Trotman driver Oakbank; Allan Inwood plasterer Mt Barker & Janet, nee Trotman, his wife - all parties a third interest.
1981 E Trotman Junr surrendered his third - made over to his sister Janet Inwood, nee Trotman.
1981 Christopher Malone marine dealer Hahndorf & Andrea, his wife. The Hahndorf bottle yard is on this site.
4186/913 Metric title
1839 Probably George Jaeschke
1853 Richard Andrews blacksmith Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 LTO title
1858 Adolph Dorney saddler Hahndorf
1870 . Johann Südholz gentleman Gilles Plain, through default of Dorney mortgage.
1870 Friedrich Franz mason Hahndorf
1874 Gottlieb Fischer labourer Hahndorf
1901 Nathalie Rodert, nee Fischer, wife of Carl Rodert Senr labourer Hahndorf
1905 Heinrich Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1926 H Martin died. Franz Schulze moulder Unley, executor.
1928 Edwin Martin moulder Unley. He was already insolvent and his inheritance became the property of the receivers, SM Reid & FA Thomas public accountants Adelaide.
1929 Oswald Faehrmann carrier Hahndorf & Amalie, nee Grell, his wife
1959 The Faehrmanns laid out a sub-division of 9 sub-lots across Lots 231-232. Nos 5-8 + part 9 are laid out on Lot 231. The Mt Barker DC took land to form Willow End, the road through the sub-division.
Sub-lot 5 7 WILLOW END
1962 Ernest Trotman panel beater, Eva, his wife & Kenneth Trotman garage attendant all Hahndorf
4198/236 Metric title
Sub-lot 6 5 WILLOW END
1962 Ernest Trotman panel beater, Eva, his wife & Kenneth Trotman garage attendant all Hahndorf
1987 Stanley Swain storeman Hahndorf & Pauline, his wife
3006/13 Metric title
Sub-lot 7 3 WILLOW END
1962 Ernest Trotman panel beater, Eva, his wife & Kenneth Stanley Trotman garage attendant all Hahndorf
1982 Steven John Noble & Caroline, his wife
4198/235 Metric title
Sub-lot 8 1 WILLOW END
1962 Trevor Noske butcher Hahndorf
1966 Brian Thiele contractor Hahndorf & Joan, nee Hughes, his wife
1972 Harold Thiele retired dairy farmer Hahndorf & Gertrude, nee Clasohm, his wife
1979 Fred Tilbrook dairy farmer Echunga & Beth, his wife
3006/15 current title
Sub-lot 9 9 WILLOW END (Formerly combined with Sub-lot 9 NH 232 & NH 233)
1960 Jeffrey Faehrmann labourer Hahndorf & Gwendoline, nee Clasohm, his wife
1963 Willow End extended through the Lot to Windsor Ave. J Faehrmann divided Sub-lot 9 into 1 further Sub-lot. (See Sub-lot 9 NH 232)
1963 Horst Gruening labourer Hahndorf & Gisela, his wife
1973 William Lewis driver Hahndorf & Charlotte, his wife
1978 Vernon Smith retired Hahndorf & Dorothy, his wife
1984 Diane Dent donkey trainier Hahndorf
1990 Mark Clayton Hahndorf & Elizabeth, his wife
3162/24 current title
1839 Probably George Jaeschke
1853 Richard Andrews blacksmith Hahndorf - GRO title
1859 LTO title
1859 Adolph Dorney saddler Hahndorf
1870 Johann Südholz gentleman Gilles Plain, through Dorney's default of mortgage.
1870 Friedrich Franz mason Hahndorf
1874 Gottlieb Fischer labourer Hahndorf
1901 Nathalie Rodert, nee Fischer, wife of Carl Rodert Senr labourer Hahndorf
1905 Heinrich Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1926 H Martin died. Franz Schulze moulder Unley, executor.
1928 Edwin Martin moulder Unley. He was already insolvent and his inheritance became the property of the receivers, SM Reid & FA Thomas public accountants Adelaide.
1929 Oswald Faehrmann carrier Hahndorf & Amalie, nee Grell, his wife
1959 The Faehrmanns laid out a sub-division of 9 sub-lots across Lots 231-233. Nos 1-4 + part 9 are laid out on Lot 232. The Mt Barker DC took land to form Willow End, the road through the sub-division.
Sub-lot 1 2 WILLOW END
1961 Marjorie Faehrmann, nee Cowling, widow of Lance Faehrmann
1967 F & F Construction Pty Ltd Adelaide
1968 Edwin Braendler farmer Hahndorf & Mathilde, nee Schmeiss, his wife
1973 E Braendler died
1974 M Braendler, nee Schmeiss, died. Ronald Kuchel farm hand Littlehampton & Keith Nitschke farmer Littlehampton, executors
1975 Ronald Kuchel labourer Hahndorf & Ivy, nee Gallasch, his wife
3006/8 current title
1961 Marjorie Faehrmann, nee Cowling, widow of Lance Faehrmann
1967 F & F Construction Pty Ltd Adelaide
1968 Edwin Braendler farmer Hahndorf & Mathilde, nee Schmeiss, his wife
1973 E Braendler died
1974 M Braendler, nee Schmeiss, died. Ronald Kuchel farm hand Littlehampton & Keith Nitschke farmer Littlehampton, executors
1975 Ronald Kuchel labourer Hahndorf & Ivy, nee Gallasch, his wife
3006/8 current title
Sub-lot 3 6 WILLOW END
1961 Brian Faehrmann electricity trust linesman Hahndorf
3006/10 current title
Sub-lot 4 8 WILLOW END
1962 Julius William Knight share farmer Murray Bridge
1964 John Greet police officer Blinman & Rhoda, his wife
1988 Peter William Day teacher Hahndorf & Susan, his wife, home duties/clerk
3006/11 current title
Sub-lot 9 10 WILLOW END (Formerly joined with Sub-lot 9 NH 231 & NH 233)
1960 Jeffrey Faehrmann labourer Hahndorf & Gwendoline, nee Clasohm, his wife
1963 Willow End extended through the Lot to Windsor Ave. J Faehrmann divided Sub-lot 9 into 1 further Sub-lot. (See Sub-lot 9 NH 231)
1963 Trevor Jacob labourer Hahndorf & Margaret, nee Luke, his wife
1964 Graeme Grivell factory hand Hahndorf & Sandra, nee Shillabeer, his wife
1989 Graham Shields retired Hahndorf & Barbara, his wife
3600/31 current title
1839 Uncertain - perhaps Friedrich Suess ?
1853 George Wilsdon, brickmaker, Norwood - GRO title. FR Mueller gentleman Hahndorf, waived his option to purchase.
1859 Gottlieb Fischer gardener Hahndorf. G Wilsdon, now farmer, Cockatoo Valley.
1901 LTO title. L von Doussa applied for G Fischer. Offices - Alfred Chambers, Currie St, Adelaide. G Fischer, now labourer, Hahndorf
1902 Helene Martin, nee Schach, wife of Heinrich Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1908 H Martin, nee Schach, died
1909 Heinrich Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1926 H Martin died. Franz Richard Schulze moulder Unley, executor.
1926 Edwin Martin moulder Unley
1928 E Martin insolvent. Estate in the hands of public accountants, Adelaide.
1929 Oswald Faehrmann carrier Hahndorf & Amalia, nee Grell, his wife
1932 O Faehrmann to Amalia Faehrmann, nee Grell, 'of his estate & interest'
1959 O Faehrmann carrrier Hahndorf & Amalia, nee Grell, his wife
1959 The Faehrmanns laid out a 9 Sub-lot subdivision on Lots NH 231 - 233 - Deposit Plan 5820. See Lot NH 232 details for the scheme of the sub-division as it applies to Lot NH 233. Lot NH 233 is at the rear of each part Lot NH 232 facing Willow End.
ALLOTMENT NH 234 (Former farm block 129 - 129a & farm block 129b) - 6 BRAUN DRIVE
Farm block 129a
1839 Probably Wilhelm Wittwer Senr
1853 Wilhelm Wittwer miller Junr Hahndorf - GRO title
Farm block 129b
1839 Probably Christian Jaensch Senr
1853 Christian Jaensch Junr butcher Hahndorf - GRO title
1859 C Jaensch & W Wittwer donated the consolidated site to the members of the German Protestant Church, on which St John's Church was erected.
1905 Surviving trustees transferred the site to the full complement of trustees, St Paul's Lutheran congregation, Hahndorf
1948 LTO title - Trustees St Paul's Lutheran Congregation Hahndorf
1950 St Paul's Lutheran Church Inc Hahndorf
1987 Application for the land to be used for a retirement village - St Paul's Court
4361/788 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 235 (Part former farm block 127 & farm block 128) - 2 BRAUN DRIVE; 4 BRAUN DRIVE; 8 MAIN ST; 10 MAIN ST; 12 MAIN ST
Farm block 128
1839 Probably Gottlob Linke
1853 Peter Withers shoemaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1862 The trustees of the Primitive Methodist Church
1871 Friedrich Wiese blacksmith Mt Barker. The PMC Trustees had wound up the congregation.
1889 LTO title
1889 Paul Wiese wheelwright Hahndorf
1890 Paul Wiese wheelwright & Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common
1896 W Wiese surrendered his interest
1905 St Paul's Lutheran congregation Hahndorf, on which to erect a manse
4361/790 Metric title
Farm block 127
1839 Probably Gottlob Linke
1853 Peter Withers shoemaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1869 P Withers divided farm block 127 into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 12 MAIN ST
1869 Peter Withers shoemaker Hahndorf
1870 LTO title
1870 Julius Mueller labourer Hahndorf
1886 Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf. He must have held the land prior to this date, as he built St Paul's Lutheran second manse on the site during 1880.
1890 W Wittwer divided the Lot into a further Sub-lot (See Sub-lot 3)
1904 W Wittwer died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer millers Hahndorf, sons, executors & inheritors.
1909 Alfred Gallasch auctioneer Gladstone
1917 Heinrich Kaesler blacksmith Hahndorf
1958 Edwin Rayson factory foreman Littlehampton & Olga, his wife
1968 Peter Nitschke foreman Hahndorf & Glenda, his wife
1981 Glenda Nitschke transferred to Peter Nitschke bitumen contractor 'of her estate and interest' in the business
Sub-lot 2 8 MAIN ST
1869 Mark Beacham sawyer Hahndorf
1885 LTO title
1885 August Grell labourer Hahndorf. Mark Beacham, now clerk, Nairne
1908 A Grell died. Adolph Wilhelm Schubert blacksmith Murray Bridge, executor.
1909 Amalia Faehrmann, nee Grell, wife of Ossie Faehrmann carrier Hahndorf
1961 A Faehrmann died. Farmers Co-Op Adelaide, Edgar Clasohm retired Tusmore, Gordon Faehrmann plasterer Hahndorf, executors.
1981 St Paul's Lutheran Church Inc, Hahndorf
2440/144 current title
Sub-lot 3 10 MAIN ST
1890 Trustees, St Paul's Lutheran congregation, as a site for a church
1898 Trustees - Ferdinand Mueller farmer Hahndorf, Otto Gallasch labourer Hahndorf, August Wittwer miller Hahndorf, Gustav Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1900 Trustees - Ferdinand Mueller farmer Hahndorf, Otto Gallasch labourer Hahndorf, Guido Braendler farmer Hahndorf, Heinrich Wittwer miller Hahndorf, Gustav Martin wheelwright Hahndorf
1946 St Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Hahndorf Inc
1987 St Paul’s Lutheran Church Hahndorf Inc
4361/791 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 236 (Part former farm block 137 & farm block 138) - 6 MAIN ST; 8 MAIN ST
Farm block 137
1839 Probably Christian Zilm
1853 George Fischer yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
Farm block 138
1839 Probably Samuel Kuchel
1854 Heinrich Wege carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf
1856 George Fischer farmer Hahndorf. With this purchase, he consolidated the allotment. The re-survey must have taken place soon afterwards.
1857 Mark Beacham sawyer. G Fischer, now of the Bremer
1878 Alwine Kramm, nee Zache, widow of Eduard Kramm labourer Hahndorf. Mark Beacham, now clerk, Nairne.
1878 LTO title
1885 A Kramm died. Hugo Muecke, the SA Imperial German Consul, the executor.
1886 Johann Gustav Reinhold Mueller labourer Hahndorf
1903 Anna Christine Wirth, wife of Theodor Wirth labourer Hahndorf
1908 Edith Braun, nee Niquet, wife of Friedrich Braun Lutheran Pastor Hahndorf
1910 Otto Braendler labourer Hahndorf
1921 Oswald Faehrmann teamster Hahndorf
1932 Amalie Faehrmann married woman Hahndorf
1950 Gwen Faehrmann, nee Clasohm, wife of Jeffrey Faehrmann truck driver Hahndorf
1956 G Faehrmann divided the Lot into another Sub-lot (See Sub-lot 2)
Sub-lot 1 6 MAIN ST
1956 G Faehrmann
1988 Reginald Alfred Richardson company director & Jean Ellen Richardson
2100/65 current title
Sub-lot 2 6A MAIN ST
1956 Jeffrey Faehrmann truck driver Hahndorf
1988 J Faehrmann divided the Sub-lot again: (See Sub-lot 3)
1988 Reginald Alfred Richardson company director & Jean Ellen Richardson
2440/143 current title
Sub-lot 3 8 MAIN ST
1988 St Paul's Lutheran Church Hahndorf Inc
2440/144 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 237 (Part former farm block 137) - 2 MAIN ST; 4 MAIN ST
1839 Probably Christian Zilm FIND UP TO HERE
1853 George Fischer yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 William Tydeman yeoman Hahndorf. G Fischer, farmer, now of the Bremer
1859 Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf . On this site, he built the 1st St Paul's Lutheran manse. However, FW Wittwer kept ownership.
1859 LTO title
1904 W Wittwer died.
1910 Emma Both, nee Wittwer married woman Eudunda & Hulda Wittwer spinster Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common.
1926 E Both died - share left to sister Hulda, now Mrs Hugo Waltrowitz.
1927 Hugo Waltrowitz printer Hahndorf
1943 H Waltrowitz died. His wife, Hulda, inherited.
1961 Hulda Waltrowitz died. Her nieces, Valeska Bergmann, nee Both & Dora Both, of Freeling, inherited.
1963 To Valeska Bergmann alone.
1966 V Bergmann divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 4 MAIN ST
1966 Douglas Canty fitter Hahndorf & Wendy, his wife
1989 W Canty died
3423/33 current title
Sub-lot 2 2 MAIN ST
1966 Valeska Bergmann home duties Hahndorf
1971 Ronald William Sutton carpenter Hahndorf & Louise, his wife
1972 Betty Marjory White home duties Hahndorf
1973 David Fidge surveyor Hahndorf & Joycelyn, his wife
1976 Donald Raleigh Dawson machinist Hahndorf & Robert Graham Hoskins foreman Hahndorf
1983 Andrew Hopton student Hahndorf & Jennie Hopton registered nurse
3423/34 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 238 (Part former farm block 138) - 1 WINDSOR AVE; 3 WINDSOR AVE
1839 Probably Samuel Kuchel
1854 Heinrich Wege carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf
1856 George Fischer yeoman Hahndorf, who consolidated the allotment & had the re-survey done to make 3 allotments out of 2. See NH 236 & 237
1857 William Tydeman yeoman Hahndorf. G Fischer, farmer, now of the Bremer
1859 Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf
1859 LTO title
1904 W Wittwer died.
1910 Emma Both, nee Wittwer married woman Eudunda & Hulda Wittwer spinster Hahndorf, as tenants-in-common.
1926 E Both died. Hulda Wittwer, now Mrs Hugo Waltrowitz.
1927 Hugo Waltrowitz printer Hahndorf
1943 H Waltrowitz died. His wife, Hulda, inherited.
1961 Hulda Waltrowitz died. Her nieces, Valeska Bergmann, nee Both & Dora Both, of Freeling, inherited.
1963 To V Bergmann alone.
1966 V Bergmann divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 1 WINDSOR AVE
1966 Esmond Joseph Frederick doctor of medicine St Peters & Dorothy, nee Bergmann, his wife
3423/33 current title
Sub-lot 2 3 WINDSOR AVE
1966 Stanley Guy retired farmer Hahndorf & Una , his wife
1973 S Guy died
1987 Henry Tillyer engineer Hahndorf & Marjorie, nee Hepple, his wife shopkeeper Hahndorf
3406/49 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 239 (Former farm block 139) - 5 WINDSOR AVE
1839 Probably Samuel Bartsch
1853 Gottlieb Schuetze carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1853 Richard Andrews blacksmith Hahndorf
1859 Trustees, Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hahndorf - later St Paul's' congregation. R Andrews, farmer, now of the Bremer.
1905 Surviving trustees transferred the site to the full complement of trustees, St Paul's Lutheran congregation, Hahndorf
1916-1935 Oral agreement that the Waltrowitz family could live in the old church property for as long as they wished.
1948 LTO title - Trustees St Paul's Lutheran Congregation Hahndorf
1950 St Paul's Lutheran Church Inc Hahndorf
1987 Application for the land to be used for a retirement village - St Paul's Court
4361/789 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 240 (Former farm block 140) - 9 WINDSOR AVE; 10 WILLOW END; 14 WILLOW END
1839 Possibly Samuel Thiele
1850s No transfer through the Jaensch trustees recorded. Possibly, S Thiele's son, August, inherited the property.
1905 Oswald Thiele, son of A Thiele, occupied the land - according to BE Haebich testimony. More likely, the year is likely to be 1907, when JO Thiele's mother (Louise Thiele) died.
In 1948, BE Haebich testified, 'The land has been used and occupied by the said JO Thiele for upwards of 40 years. The said land has for many years been known as Thiele's, and...used for grazing the applicant's cows...and the fences have been kept in repair by the applicant'.
1948 LTO title
1958 Andrew Thiele labourer Hahndorf
1963 Part Lot taken for the extension of Willow End to Windsor Ave
1964 A Thiele divided the Lot into 3 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 9 WINDSOR AVE
1964 Ronald Nitschke dairy farmer Hahndorf & Gwendoline, nee Rose, his wife
1981 R Nitschke died
1985 Denis Robson instrument technician Hahndorf & Ellen, his wife
3242/67 current title
Sub-lot 2 14 WILLOW END
1964 Peter Beecham salesman Hahndorf & Pamela, his wife
1978 Leslie David driver/storeman Hahndorf & Sandra, his wife
1985 Maxwell Pollock retired Hahndorf & Audrey, his wife
3600/32 current title
Sub-lot 3 10 WILLOW END
1964 Anthony Sorgini motor mechanic Hahndorf & Daphne, his wife
1965 Peter Beecham salesman Hahndorf & Pamela, his wife
(The Beechams added portion of Sub-lot 3 to Sub-lot 2)
1968 Graeme Grivell driver Hahndorf & Sandra, his wife
1989 Graham Shields retired Hahndorf & Barbara, his wife
3600/31 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 241 (Former farm block 141) - 11 WILLOW END; 13 WILLOW END; 11 WINDSOR AVE
1839 Probably George Jaeschke
1853 Carl Krüger shoemaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1863 Anna Krüger, nee Reimann, widow of C Kruger. Later Mrs Altmann
1907 LTO title. Public Trustee applied.
1907 Wilhelm Krüger farmer Sedan. Gave authorisation for the land to be sold.
1907 Oswald Thiele storekeeper Hahndorf
1914 James Gommers plasterer Hahndorf
1926 William Hocking carter Hahndorf
1933 John Hocking farmer Hahndorf
1948 William Hocking labourer Hahndorf & Mabel, nee Roebuck, his wife
1955 M Hocking died
1971 W Hocking died, intestate. Public Trustee, executor.
1972 Joyce Hocking spinster Hahndorf
MJ Hocking created 4 sub-lots from this Lot
4073/665-669 inc Metric titles
ALLOTMENT NH 242 (Former farm block 142) - 1 VALMA AVE; 3 VALMA AVE; 5 VALMA AVE; 7 VALMA AVE; 13 WINDSOR AVE
1839 Probably George Paech
1853 Peter Schinckel carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 Christian Grimm miner Hahndorf. P Schinckel now a farmer of the Bremer.
1867 LTO title
1867 Christian Marks Senr shoemaker Hahndorf
1885 Carl Marks Junr shoemaker Hahndorf, son of C Marks Senr
1885 LTO title
1889 C Marks Junr died. Wilhelm Ey teacher & Carl Bom coachpainter Hahndorf, executors
1898 Johann Pottger labourer Hahndorf
1903 Franz Dahl labourer Hahndorf
1937 F Dahl died. HB Chapman land agent Mt Barker & Otto Dahl undertaker Mannum, executors.
1938 Florence Dahl, nee Day, widow of F Dahl, for her widowhood.
1953 Alfred Haebich farmer Hahndorf
1959 Stanley Guy farmer Hahndorf & Una, his wife
1966 Norman Thiel farmer Hahndorf & Ruth, his wife
1974 N Thiel divided the Lot into 4 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 13 WINDSOR AVE
1974 Robert Johnson Hahndorf & Freda, his wife
4037/174 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 6 VALMA AVE
4037/175 Metric title
Sub-lot 3 4 VALMA AVE
4037/176 Metric title
Sub-lot 4 2 VALMA AVE
4037/177 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 243 (Former farm block 143a) - 10 VALMA AVE
1839 Probably Samuel Jaeschke
1853 Richard Andrews blacksmith Hahndorf - GRO title
1856 Mark Beacham sawyer Hahndorf
Date uncertain - Andreas Niewand carrier Hahndorf
1871 Joseph Waltrowitz farmer Hahndorf
1887 LTO title - immediately afterwards mortgaged the land to John Dunn Senr miller Mt Barker
1917 Hugh Waltrowitz painter Hahndorf
1931 Florence Dahl, nee Day, wife of Franz Dahl labourer Hahndorf
1977 Peter O'Neil land salesman Littlehampton & Judith, his wife
4103/633 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 244 (Former farm block 143b & farm block 143c) - 10 VALMA AVE
Farm block 143b
1839 Probably Gottlob Linke
1853 Peter Withers shoemaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1870 LTO title
1870 Julius Mueller labourer Hahndorf
1890 Julius Mueller died. Emilie Mueller, nee Gellert, widow of J Mueller, inherited.
1914 E Mueller died. Wilhelm Feder gardener Biggs Flat, executor.
1915 Wilhelmine Feder, nee Mueller, wife of Wilhelm Feder gardener Biggs Flat
1936 W Feder died. William Pearce carrier Croydon Park, executor.
1937 Carl Faehrmann carrier Hahndorf
1943 HB Chapman licensed land broker Mt Barker
1952 HB Chapman died. Ida Chapman widow & Jack Chapman business manager Mt Barker, executors.
1975 I Chapman died
1976 Peter O'Neil land salesman Littlehampton & Judith, his wife
4117/941 Metric title
Farm block 143c
1839 Probably Anna Dorothea Schmidt, nee Kluge
1853 Ludwig Stark wheelwright Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 LTO title
1858 Friedrich Franz mason Hahndorf
ALLOTMENT NH 245 (Former farm block 143d) - 8 VALMA AVE
Details uncertain
ALLOTMENT NH 246 (Former farm block 143e & farm block 143f) - 8 VALMA AVE; 6 VALMA AVE
Farm block 143e
1839 Probably George Janetzki
1853 Carl Krüger shoemaker - GRO title
1863 Anna Krüger, nee Reimann, widow of C Krüger. Later Mrs Altmann
1907 LTO title. Public Trustee applied.
1907 Wilhelm Krüger, farmer, Sedan. Gave authorisation for the land to be sold.
1907 Oswald Thiele storekeeper Hahndorf
1946 Victor Thiele gardener Hahndorf
1965 Part of the land taken to form Valma Ave
1968 Terrence Skuthorpe station book-keeper & store clerk Nockatunga Pastoral Co Thargomindah Qld & Janice, his wife
1980 Easement to the Minister of Water Resources
4169/592 Metric title
Farm block 143f
1839 Probably Christoph Liebelt
1857 Trustees, Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hahndorf - St Michael's congregation - GRO title
January 1931 Meeting to bring the land under the RPA.
Trustees: Hermann Storch farmer Hahndorf, Gottlob Jaensch butcher Hahndorf, Ferdinand Altmann farmer Balhannah, Heinrich Storch farmer Verdun, Heinrich Thiele farmer Hahndorf, Christoph Liebelt farmer Mt Barker.
1931 LTO title
1939 New Trustees: Gottlob Paech butcher Hahndorf, Christoph Liebelt farmer Mt Barker, Heinrich Paech carrier Hahndorf, Alfred Altmann farmer Balhannah, Friedrich Liebelt farmer Mt Barker, Edgar Liebelt farmer Hahndorf, Leslie Hill labourer Hahndorf.
1977 St Michael's Lutheran Church Hahndorf Inc
4127/219 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 247 (Former farm block 143g) - 6 VALMA AVE; 4 VALMA AVE
1839 Probably Andreas Philipp
1853 Jno Hillam, yeoman, Littlehampton - GRO title
1855 Frederick Smith, yeoman, Mt Barker. FC Smith rented out the land.
1876 LTO title
1876 Heinrich Meissner labourer Hahndorf
1881 H Meissner died. Dorothea Meissner, widow of H Meissner, inherited.
1885 Leontine Reimann, nee Schroeder, widow of Eduard Reimann farmer Hahndorf
1891 Olivia Rudelius, nee Reimann, wife of Max Rudelius labourer Hahndorf. Lease to Leontine Reimann widow, during the term of her natural life
1905 L Reimann died
1926 Hedwig Roeder, nee Rudelius, wife of Peter Roeder labourer Hahndorf
1933 H Roeder declared bankrupt. Richard Paech farmer Littlehampton, receiver.
1937 Gustav Reimann factory manager New Mile End
1951 Oliviana Liebelt, nee Roeder, wife of Wilhelm Liebelt farmer Echunga
1974 Helen Wade, nee Brice, wife of Peter Wade
4026/437 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 248 (Former farm block 143h) - 4 VALMA AVE; 2 VALMA AVE ?
1839 Probably Christian Jaensch
1853 Christian Jaensch butcher - GRO title
1863 LTO title
1868 Louise Gates, nee Jaensch, wife of James Gates farmer Hahndorf
1881 John Wilson labourer Hahndorf
1925 J Wilson died. To Jane Wilson widow Hahndorf.
1927 Thomas Shueard labourer Hahndorf
1987 Part Lot taken to form Valma Ave
ALLOTMENT NH 249 (Former farm block 143i & farm block 143k) - 2 VALMA AVE
Farm block 143i
1839 Probably Christian Schirmer
1853 Christian Schirmer blacksmith Hahndorf - GRO title
1853 Priestly Hillam yeoman Hahndorf
1855 William Fuller brazier & tinplate worker Hahndorf
1857 Wilhelm Droegemueller shoemaker Hahndorf
1858 Heinrich Droegemueller butcher Hahndorf
1859 Heinrich Meissner butcher Hahndorf
1859 George Davenport, gentleman, Adelaide
1864 Joseph Waltrowitz farmer Hahndorf
1887 LTO title
1917 Hugo Waltrowitz painter Hahndorf
1931 Florence Dahl, nee Day, wife of Franz Dahl labourer Hahndorf
1977 Peter O'Neil land salesman Littlehampton & Judith, his wife
4103/634 Metric title
Farm block 143k
1839 Probably Samuel Kuchel
1854 Heinrich Wege carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf
1866 LTO title
1877 South Australian Lutheran Synod
1883 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf
1886 W Boehm bankrupt. Mortgage Co of SA Adelaide, receiver.
No further transactions for nearly 90 years
1977 Robert Wayne Grayson - is he still an electrical fitter Alice Springs?
4105/737 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 250 (Former farm block 143l) - 15 WINDSOR AVE
1839 Probably Christoph Schulz
1853 Christoph Schulz farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1879 C Schulz died. Louise Habich, nee Schulz, daughter of C Schulz, inherited
1886 LTO title. W Boehm teacher Hahndorf, applied for Mrs Habich.
1886 Wilhelm Habich, yeoman, husband of L Habich, nee Schulz
1893 W Habich died. L Habich inherited.
1899 L Habich died. August Habich blacksmith Lobethal, executor
1899 Carl Habich club waiter Adelaide
1902 Heinrich Sonnemann Senr baker Hahndorf
1917 H Sonnemann Senr died. Otto Sonnemann & Ern Williams, executors
1918 Anna Sonnemann, nee Jahns, widow of H Sonnemann
1919 Anna Sonnemann spinster Hahndorf
1919 Carl Thiele labourer Hahndorf
1951 Henry Bruce Chapman auctioneer Mt Barker
1952 HB Chapman died. Ida Chapman widow & Jack Chapman business manager Mt Barker, executors
1975 I Chapman died.
1976 Noel Duffield & Wolfgang Meyer company directors Hahndorf
1976 Robert Grayson electrical fitter Alice Springs
1984 Richard Hill football coach Millicent
1984 Olafen Pty Ltd & Monsfour Pty Ltd Adelaide
1985 Adrian Wastell butcher Hahndorf. Lot attached to NH 251 to form 15 Windsor Ave.
4302/380 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 251 (Former farm block 143m) - 15 WINDSOR AVE
1839 Probably Wilhelm Wittwer Senr
1853 Wilhelm Wittwer Junr miller Hahndorf - GRO title
1885 LTO title
1904 W Wittwer Senr died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer millers Hahndorf, sons, inherited
1911 James Downing grazier & Albert Gehrike farmer, Nairne, default of mortgage
1913 Henry Bruce Chapman auctioneer Mt Barker
1952 HB Chapman died. Ida Chapman widow & Jack Chapman business manager Mt Barker, executors
1975 I Chapman died.
1976 Noel Duffield & Wolfgang Meyer company directors Hahndorf
1976 Robert Grayson electrical fitter Alice Springs
1984 Richard Hill football coach Millicent
1984 Olafen Pty Ltd & Monsfour Pty Ltd Adelaide
1985 Adrian Wastell butcher Hahndorf. Lot attached to NH 251 to form 15 Windsor Ave.
4302/380 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 252 (Former farm block 144) - 17 WINDSOR AVE; 19 WINDSOR AVE
1839 Probably George 'Rakauer' Pfeiffer
1853 Friedrich Bruse farmer & cabinetmaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1893 F Bruse died. Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, executor - LTO title. Daughter, Helene Caroline Bruse spinster Pt Pirie, named as legatee.
1897 Thomas Robert Reynolds gardener Hahndorf. 1898 Directory, listed as storekeeper.
1899 William Collins labourer Hahndorf
1936 Alick Collins labourer Hahndorf
1963 William Herbert Eckert out of business Hahndorf
1964 Walter Curtis retired Hahndorf & Hilda, his wife
1965 Hurtle Fraser grazier, nr Wilmington & Margaret, his wife
1968 Robert Saint storekeeper Uraidla & Nancy, his wife
1968 Graham Reynolds medical repreSenrtative Hahndorf & Georgina, his wife
1973 Stephen Gilbert architect, Necia Gilbert home duties, Mark Gilbert, Marianne Gilbert students Melbourne St North Adelaide & David Gilbert architect Putney, Surrey, England, as tenants-in-common
1974 Tudor Development Pty Ltd
1974 Tudor Development Pty Ltd divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots.
4030/345 & 346 Metric titles
ALLOTMENT NH 253 (Former farm block 136 & farm block 145) - 10 COLLINS ST; 12 COLLINS ST; 14 COLLINS ST; 16 COLLINS ST; 21 WINDSOR AVE
Farm block 136
1839 Probably Samuel Steicke
1853 Johann Stade mason Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Ludwig Stark wheelwright Hahndorf
1875 Friedrich Bruse cabinetmaker Hahndorf
Farm block 145
1839 Probably Christian Schirmer
1853 Christian Schirmer blacksmith - GRO title
1853 Priestly Hillam yeoman Littlehampton
1855 William Fuller, brazier & tinplate worker, Adelaide
1857 Wilhelm Droegemueller shoemaker Hahndorf
1858 Heinrich Droegemueller butcher Hahndorf
1875 Friedrich Bruse cabinetmaker. H Droegemueller, farmer, now of Springton
1893 F Bruse died. Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, executor - LTO title. Daughter, Helene Caroline Bruse spinster Pt Pirie, named as legatee.
1897 Thomas Robert Reynolds gardener Hahndorf. 1898 Directory, listed as storekeeper.
1899 William Collins labourer Hahndorf
1936 Alick Collins labourer Hahndorf
1963 William Herbert Eckert out of business Hahndorf
1965 Hurtle Fraser grazier, nr Wilmington & Margaret, his wife
1968 Robert Saint storekeeper Uraidla & Nancy, his wife
1968 Graham Reynolds medical repreSenrtative Hahndorf & Georgina, his wife
1973 Stephen Gilbert architect, Necia Gilbert home duties, Mark Gilbert, Marianne Gilbert students Melbourne St North Adelaide & David Gilbert architect Putney, Surrey, England, as tenants-in-common
1974 Tudor Development Pty Ltd
1974 Part Lot taken to extend Collins St
1974 Tudor Development Pty Ltd divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots.
Sub-lot 1 10 COLLINS ST; 12 COLLINS ST
4030/343 Metric title
4030/344 Metric title
1839 Probably Gottlob Nitschke
1853 Wilhelm Rohrlach farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 Wilhelm Schaepel tailor
1857 Reinder van der Molen yeoman
1906 LTO title
1906 Hugh David McConnell Thompson labourer Hahndorf
1909 Wilhelm Paech agent Hahndorf. HDM Thompson had mortgaged the lot to Johanne Louise Paech, nee Paech, & Hermann Storch tanner Grunthal, but apparently defaulted.
1920 Louie Mary Baynton Chapman
1924 Stephen Adams grazier Wistow & Mary, his wife
1933 George Weatherald retired Hahndorf
1937 Erich Wittwer clerk Uraidla
1951 Edwin Collins dairy farmer Hahndorf
1961 Reginald Strefford retired Wayville & Gladys, his wife
1962 Donald Cox typewriter mechanic Hahndorf
1963 William Eckert retired Hahndorf
1964 Walter Curtis retired Hahndorf & Hilda, his wife
1965 Hurtle Fraser grazier, nr Wilmington & Margaret, his wife
1968 Robert Saint storekeeper Uraidla & Nancy, his wife
1968 Graham Reynolds medical repreSenrtative Hahndorf & Georgina, his wife
1972 G Reynolds, now a land salesman Woodside, divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots.
Sub-lot 1 23 WINDSOR AVE
1972 Leila Train, widow of Norman Train Hahndorf & Peter Train, her son, proprietor of the Hahndorf Inn. This portion adjoins Lot 255.
1978 L Train married Allan Duffield retired Mt Barker
1979 Lindsay Fishlock labourer Hahndorf
3867/88 current title
1972 Graham Reynolds land salesman Woodside
1973 Stephen Gilbert architect, Necia Gilbert home duties, Mark Gilbert, Marianne Gilbert students Melbourne St North Adelaide & David Gilbert architect Putney Surrey England, as tenants-in-common
1974 Tudor Development Pty Ltd
1974 Part Lot taken to extend Collins St
1974 Tudor Development Pty Ltd divided the part Lot into 5 Sub-lots
4030/338-342 inc Metric titles
ALLOTMENT NH 255 (Former farm block 162) - 2 BERNHARDT CRESCENT; 25 WINDSOR AVE
1839 Probably either Gottlob Bartel or Friedrich 'Rentschener' Paech
1853 William Hutchinson gentleman Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 W Hutchinson died. Mary Ann Hutchinson, widow of William Hutchinson, life interest under her husband's will.
1855 Carl Luenert farmer Hahndorf
1869 C Luenert died intestate. Friedericke Luenert, nee Siegmann, retained life interest under agreement through Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf, executor.
1899 Robert Luenert, son of C & F Luenert, gained the property. LTO title.
1928 R Luenert died. Charlotte Luenert, nee Haebich, widow of R Luenert & Alfred Bremer wheelwright Hahndorf, executors.
1939 Alick Collins labourer Hahndorf
1958 Edwin Collins farmer Hahndorf
1961 Reginald Strefford retired Wayville & Gladys, his wife
1962 Donald Cox typewriter mechanic Hahndorf
1963 William Eckert retired Hahndorf
1964 Walter Curtis retired Hahndorf & Hilda, his wife
1965 Hurtle Fraser grazier, nr Wilmington & Margaret, his wife
1968 Robert Saint storekeeper Uraidla & Nancy, his wife
1968 Graham Reynolds medical repreSenrtative Hahndorf & Georgina, his wife
1972 G Reynolds, now a land salesman Woodside, divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
1972 Roger Noske butcher Echunga
1973 R Noske & Janice, nee Paech, his wife
1988 Peter Taylor manager Hahndorf & Lorraine, his wife
1988 Victor Wales retired Hahndorf & Margaret, his wife
3867/86 current title
Sub-lot 2 25 WINDSOR AVE
1972 Ronald Clark post officer Penneshaw KI & Mignon Hewett secretary Richmond
1974 Mignon Hewett alone
1975 Mignon Cress, nee Hewett & Shaun Crees clerk Richmond
1987 Maurice Gavins retired Hahndorf & Patricia, his wife
1989 Ramon Muncey labourer Whyalla & Mollie, his wife
3867/87 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 256 (Former farm block 163) - 4 BERNHARDT CRESCENT; 27 WINDSOR AVE
1839 Probably Gottlob Lange
1853 Carl Zeihn farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 Samuel Illingworth, carpenter, Littlehampton #100. F Zeihn moved to Light Pass in the Barossa Valley.
1861 LTO title. S Illingworth, now of Hahndorf.
1870 Albert Waltrowitz wheelwright Hahndorf
1901 Wilhelm Wiese blacksmith Hahndorf
1915 W Wiese died intestate. Hannah Wiese, nee Hough, widow of W Wiese, executrix & inheritor.
1919 Clara Webb spinster Hahndorf
1962 Alfred Schunke labourer Hahndorf
1972 A Schunke died. Mark Homburg solicitor Adelaide, executor.
1973 Wesley Ramm carpenter Lobethal & Hetty, his wife
1973 W & H Ramm divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 27 WINDSOR AVE
1973 Wesley Ramm carpenter Lobethal & Hetty, nee Schubert, his wife
4009/353 Metric title
1973 Peter O'Neil radio technician Westbourne Park
4009/352 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 257 (Former farm block 164) - 6 BERNHARDT CRESCENT; 29 WINDSOR AVE
1839 Probably Christian Schirmer
1853 Christian Schirmer blacksmith Hahndorf - GRO title
1853 Priestly Hillam yeoman Hahndorf
1855 William Fuller brazier & tinplate worker Hahndorf
1857 Wilhelm Droegemueller shoemaker Hahndorf
1858 Heinrich Droegemueller butcher Hahndorf
1859 Heinrich Meissner butcher Hahndorf
1859 George Davenport, gentleman, Adelaide
1864 Joseph Waltrowitz farmer Hahndorf
1887 LTO title
1917 Louis Waltrowitz wheelwright Hahndorf
1948 Adolph Waltrowitz gardener Hahndorf
1964 Victor Tugwell plumber Mt Barker
1971 Henry Tillyer engineer Windsor Gardens & Marjorie, his wife
1976 Mort Scholar poultry farmer Hahndorf & Ellen, nee Lawson, his wife
1978 M & E Scholar divided the Lot into 2 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 29 WINDSOR AVE
1978 Mort Scholar poultry farmer Hahndorf & Ellen, ne Lawson, his wife
4124/527 Metric title
1978 Trevor Flintoff
4124/526 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 258 (Former farm block 165) - 8 BERNHARDT CRESCENT
1839 Probably Andreas Philipp
1853 Jno Hillam yeoman Littlehampton - GRO title
1855 Frederick Smith yeoman Mt Barker. FC Smith rented out the land.
1876 LTO title
1876 Heinrich Meissner labourer Hahndorf
1881 H Meissner died. Dorothea Meissner, widow of H Meissner, inherited.
1885 Leontine Reimann, nee Schroeder, widow of Eduard Reimann farmer Hahndorf
1891 Olivia Rudelius, nee Reimann, wife of Max Rudelius labourer Hahndorf. Lease to Leontine Reimann widow, during the term of her natural life
1905 L Reimann died
1926 Hedwig Roeder, nee Rudelius, wife of Peter Roeder labourer Hahndorf
1933 H Roeder declared bankrupt. Receiver, Richard Paech farmer Littlehampton
1937 Gustav Reimann factory manager New Mile End
1951 Oliviana Liebelt, nee Roeder, wife of Wilhelm Liebelt farmer Echunga
1972 Ronald Nitschke agricultural officer Hahndorf & Lorna, nee Liebelt, his wife
1977 John Flintoff general manager Hahndorf & Doreen, his wife
3857/87 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 259 (Former farm block 166) - 10 BERNHARDT CRESCENT
1839 Probably Eleonore Helbig, nee Koch
1853 William Millhouse yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Christian Nitschke, farmer, Friedrichstadt. W Millhouse, now of the Bremer.
1867 LTO title
1867 Friedrich Gross, labourer, who had already rented the land. C Nitschke, now of Harrogate.
1885 Christian Pfennig labourer Hahndorf
1912 Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf
1913 Agnes & Clara Webb spinsters Hahndorf
1917 A Webb married Adolph Heinrich farmer Hahndorf
1938 Clara Webb alone
1971 C Webb died. Doloriss Schubert, nee Heinrich, wife of Franz Schubert District Council employee Hahndorf, executor & inheritor
1972 Robert Smith clerk Hahndorf
1976 Part Lot taken to extend Bernhardt Crescent
1976 Robert Smith clerk Hahndorf & Lorraine, nee Hein, his wife
4068/492 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 260 (Former farm block 167) - 12 BERNHARDT CRESCENT
1839 Probably Friedrich Zimmermann
1853 Friedrich Zimmermann yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 John Hillam yeoman Hahndorf
1856 Carl Schaepel yeoman Hahndorf
1862 Eduard Schroeder yeoman Hahndorf
1863 LTO title
1863 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf
1886 Gottfried Minkwitz labourer Hahndorf
1901 G Minkwitz died intestate. Bertha Minkwitz widow Hahndorf, inherited.
1902 Louise Schmuecker spinster Hahndorf
1904 L Schmuecker married Louis Waltrowitz carpenter Hahndorf
1932 Adolph Waltrowitz labourer Hahndorf
1964 Victor Tugwell plumber Mt Barker
1971 Alistair Brown clerk Modbury North & Rita, his wife
Is this Alistair Brown, vetinerary surgeon, Broadview 1991?
The Browns bought the adjoining Lots NH 260, NH 270 & NH 271.
1972 James Johns teacher Scott Creek & Margaret, his wife
1973 Sebastian Bellosguardo builder Stirling & Roger Burbridge plumber Aldgate, as tenants-in-common
1973 Randell McClure clerk Brukunga & Margaret, his wife
1975 Brujon Building Co Pty Ltd Dulwich
1975 Anthony Furnell leading seaman HMAS Cerberus Crib Point Vic
1980 Easement to the Minister of Water Resources
4160/271 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 261 (Former farm block 168) - 14 BERNHARDT CRESCENT
1839 Probably Gottlob Zilm
1853 Gottlob Zilm yeoman - GRO title
1858 Heinrich Jahn shoemaker. At Blumberg by 1863.
James Gates rented the land from Jahn in 1880 & perhaps from c1863.
1880 LTO title
1880 Friedrich Wotzke Senr dyer Hahndorf
1885 Philip Skelly labourer Hahndorf
1906 Marie Bye, formerly Minge, nee Marschner, widow of Joseph Bye
1922 M Bye died. Wilhelm Paech agent Hahndorf, executor.
1922 Herbert Kuchel farmer Monarto South
1922 Louis Waltrowitz wheelwright Hahndorf
1949 L Waltrowitz died. Renolf Homburg solicitor Adelaide, solicitor.
1949 Louise Waltrowitz, nee Schmuecker, widow of L Waltrowitz
1951 Adolph Waltrowitz gardener Hahndorf
1964 Victor Tugwell plumber Mt Barker
1968 Jack Chapman business manager Mt Barker & Alice Jackson widow Nairne
1971 Edgard Kowalewski clerk Glenelg & Margaret, his wife
The Lot divided into 2 Sub-lots
4165/879 & 880 Metric titles
ALLOTMENT NH 262 (Former farm block 169) - 16 BERNHARDT CRESCENT
1839 Probably either Erdmann Jaensch or Gottfried Rillricht
1853 August Pade wheelwright - GRO title
1886 Wilhelm Wittwer, the miller Hahndorf, leased the property
1904 W Wittwer died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer millers Hahndorf, executors
1911 James Downing grazier & Albert Gehricke farmer Nairne
1913 Oswald Thiele storekeeper Hahndorf
1915 Agnes Webb & Clara Webb spinsters Hahndorf
1919 A Webb married Adolph Heinrich
1938 C Webb alone
1970 Roy Fulwood farmer Hahndorf
4079/61 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 263 (Former farm block 170) - 18 BERNHARDT CRESCENT
1839 Probably George Boehm
1853 George Boehm farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1875 G Boehm died. Eduard Reimann & Eduard Schroeder farmers Hahndorf, executors of his will. Louis von Doussa appointed solicitor.
1875 LTO title
1875 Gustav Rohrlach labourer Hahndorf, from the estate of G Boehm
1877 Johann Mueller labourer Hahndorf
1881 August Schmidtke labourer Hahndorf
1892 Louise Paech, nee Paech, widow of Wilhelm Paech farmer Hahndorf & Hermann Storch tanner Grunthal, as mortgagees, in A Schmidtke's default of mortgage.
1892 Wilhelm Wittwer miller Hahndorf
1904 W Wittwer Senr died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer millers Hahndorf, sons, inherited
1911 James Downing grazier & Albert Gehrike farmer, Nairne, default of mortgage
1913 Oswald Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1915 Agnes Webb & Clara Webb spinsters Hahndorf
1919 A Webb married Adolph Heinrich
1938 C Webb alone
1970 Roy Fulwood farmer Hahndorf
1977 John Fulwood ranger Monarto & Eleanor, his wife
564/147 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 264 (Former farm block 171) - 20 BERNHARDT CRESCENT
1839 Probably Wilhelm Wittwer
1853 Wilhelm Wittwer miller - GRO title
1885 LTO title
1904 W Wittwer Senr died. August, Heinrich & Wilhelm Wittwer millers Hahndorf, sons, inherited
1911 James Downing grazier & Albert Gehrike farmer, Nairne, default of mortgage
1913 Oswald Thiele farmer Hahndorf
1915 Agnes Webb & Clara Webb spinsters Hahndorf
1919 A Webb married Adolph Heinrich farmer nr Hahndorf
1938 C Webb alone
1970 Roy Fulwood farmer Hahndorf
4079/62 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 265 (Former farm block 172) - 22 BERNHARDT CRESCENT
1839 Probably Gottfried Lubasch
1854 Gottfried Lubasch farmer Hahndorf - GRO title
1856 Maria Liebelt, nee Lubasch, widow of Gottfried Liebelt
1869 Wilhelm Paech farmer Hahndorf, second husband of Maria Liebelt, nee Lubasch
1869 LTO title
1885 Gottfried Minkwitz labourer Hahndorf
1901 G Minkwitz died. Bertha Minkwitz widow Hahndorf, executrix & inheritor
1902 Julius Schmuecker farmer Hahndorf
1910 Alice Kemp, wife of John Kemp miner Hahndorf
1929 Stephen Kings railway employee Verdun
1930 Edith Frost married woman Hahndorf
1934 Bertha Fulwood widow Mt Pleasant
1957 Roy Fulwood Mt Barker District Council employee Hahndorf
1981 R Fulwood died. Bronte Chapman licensed land agent Mt Barker & John Fulwood fire officer Monarto, executors.
1981 Noel Duffield company director Darby Rd Hahndorf, Wolfgang Meyer company director Meningie & Allessio Tarca builder Aldgate
4189/212 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 266 (Former farm block 173) - 24 BERNHARDT CRESCENT
1839 Probably Samuel Thiele
1853 August Thiele yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1885 LTO title
1885 Gottfried Minkwitz labourer Hahndorf
1901 G Minkwitz died. Bertha Minkwitz widow Hahndorf, executor & inheritor
1902 Julius Schmuecker farmer Hahndorf
1910 Alice Kemp, wife of John Kemp miner Hahndorf
1929 Stephen Kings railway employee Verdun
1930 Edith Frost married woman Hahndorf
1934 Bertha Fulwood widow Mt Pleasant
1957 Roy Fulwood Mt Barker District Council employee Hahndorf
1981 R Fulwood died. Bronte Chapman licensed land agent Mt Barker & John Fulwood fire officer Monarto, executors.
1981 Noel Duffield company director Darby Rd Hahndorf, Wolfgang Meyer company director Meningie & Allessio Tarca builder Aldgate
4189/213 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 267 (Former farm block 174c) - 26 BERNHARDT CRESCENT
1839 Probably Anna Dorothea Schmidt, nee Kluge
1853 Ludwig Stark wheelwright Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 LTO title
1876 Wilhelm Paech farmer Hahndorf
1885 Gottfried Minkwitz labourer Hahndorf
1901 G Minkwitz died. Bertha Minkwitz widow Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1902 Julius Schmuecker farmer Hahndorf
1910 Alice Kemp, wife of John Kemp miner Hahndorf
1929 Stephen Kings railway employee Verdun
1930 Edith Frost married woman Hahndorf
1934 Bertha Fulwood widow Mt Pleasant
1957 Roy Fulwood Mt Barker District Council employee Hahndorf
1981 R Fulwood died. Bronte Chapman licensed land agent Mt Barker & John Fulwood fire officer Monarto, executors.
1981 Noel Duffield company director Darby Rd Hahndorf, Wolfgang Meyer company director Meningie & Allessio Tarca builder Aldgate
4189/214 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 268 (Former farm block 174b) - 26 BERNHARDT CRESCENT
1839 Probably Samuel Bartsch
1853 Gottlieb Schuetze carpenter Hahndorf - GRO title
1855 James Owen licensed victualler Kensington
1863 LTO title. Approximate date only as Application form lost.
1864 Ludwig Stark blacksmith Hahndorf. J Owen now of Pt Lincoln.
1873 Christian Klaebsch
1876 Carl Borchers blacksmith Hahndorf. C Klaebsch farmer the Bremer.
1885 Gottfried Minkwitz labourer Hahndorf
1901 G Minkwitz died. Bertha Minkwitz widow Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1902 Julius Schmuecker farmer Hahndorf
1910 Alice Kemp, wife of John Kemp miner Hahndorf
1929 Stephen Kings railway employee Verdun
1930 Edith Frost married woman Hahndorf
1934 Bertha Fulwood widow Mt Pleasant
1957 Roy Fulwood Mt Barker District Council employee Hahndorf
1981 R Fulwood died. Bronte Chapman licensed land agent Mt Barker & John Fulwood fire officer Monarto, executors.
1981 Noel Duffield company director Darby Rd Hahndorf, Wolfgang Meyer company director Meningie & Allessio Tarca builder Aldgate
4189/215 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 269 (Former farm block 174c) - 28 BERNHARDT CRESCENT
1839 Probably Friedrich 'Tischler' Paech
1853 Friedrich Paech joiner - GRO title
1863 F Paech must have died about this time - his death is not registered.
1863 Luise Paech, nee Jachning, widow of F Paech - LTO title
1879 Ernst Rothe farmer Hahndorf
1894 Gottfried Minkwitz labourer Hahndorf
1901 G Minkwitz died. Bertha Minkwitz, widow of G Minkwitz, executor & inheritor.
1902 Julius Schmuecker farmer Hahndorf
1910 Alice Kemp, wife of John Kemp miner
1929 Stephen Kings railway employee Verdun
1930 Edith Frost married woman Hahndorf
1934 Bertha Fulwood, nee Seidel, widow of Frank Fulwood Mt Pleasant
1951 Roy Fulwood DC employeer Hahndorf, son of B Fulwood
1981 R Fulwood died. Bronte Chapman licensed land agent Mt Barker & John Fulwood fire officer Monarto, executors.
1982 Noel Duffield company director Darby Rd Hahndorf
1983 Marie Joanne Moriarty clerk Hahndorf
1985 MJ Yopp, nee Moriarty & Anthony Harry Yopp accountant Hahndorf. This Lot is now amalgamated with Section 3828 Hundred of Onkaparinga.
4280/512 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 270 (Former farm block 175 & part farm block 176) - 31 WINDSOR AVE; 33 WINDSOR AVE; 35 WINDSOR AVE; 37 WINDSOR AVE
Farm block 175
1839 Probably Erdmann Jaensch or Gottfried Rillricht
1853 August Pade wheelwright & yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1857 Carl Wirth yeoman Hahndorf
1863 LTO title
1863 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf
Part Farm block 176
1839 Probably Friedrich Zimmermann
1853 Friedrich Zimmermann yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 John Hillam yeoman Hahndorf
1856 Carl Schaepel yeoman Hahndorf
1862 Eduard Schroeder yeoman Hahndorf
1863 LTO title
1863 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf
1886 Gottfried Minkwitz labourer Hahndorf
1901 G Minkwitz died intestate. Bertha Minkwitz widow Hahndorf, inherited.
1902 Louise Schmuecker spinster Hahndorf
1904 L Schmuecker married Louis Waltrowitz carpenter Hahndorf
1932 Adolph Waltrowitz labourer Hahndorf
1964 Victor Tugwell plumber Mt Barker
1971 Alistair Brown clerk Modbury North & Rita, his wife
Is this Alistair Brown, vetinerary surgeon, Broadview 1991?
The Browns bought the adjoining Lots NH 260, NH 270 & NH 271.
1973 John Gordon company director Hahndorf & Ruth, his wife
1973 J & R Gordon divided the Lot into 4 Sub-lots:
Sub-lot 1 31 WINDSOR AVE
1973 Andrew Cumming doctor Hahndorf & Elizabeth, nee Thompson, his wife
4002/598 Metric title
Sub-lot 2 33 WINDSOR AVE
1973 Andrew Cumming Hahndorf & Elizabeth, nee Thompson, his wife
4002/599 Metric title
Sub-lot 3 35 WINDSOR AVE
1973 Barry Morton teacher Hahndorf & Janice, his wife
4002/596 Metric title
Sub-lot 4 37 WINDSOR AVE
1973 Barry Morton teacher Hahndorf & Janice, his wife
4002/597 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 271 (Former part farm block 176 - north-east corner) - 39 WINDSOR AVE
1839 Probably Friedrich Zimmermann
1853 Friedrich Zimmermann yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1854 John Hillam yeoman Hahndorf
1856 Carl Schaepel yeoman Hahndorf
1862 Eduard Schroeder yeoman Hahndorf
1863 LTO title
1863 Wilhelm Boehm teacher Hahndorf
1886 Gottfried Minkwitz labourer Hahndorf
1901 G Minkwitz died intestate. Bertha Minkwitz widow Hahndorf, inherited.
1902 Louise Schmuecker spinster Hahndorf
1904 L Schmuecker married Louis Waltrowitz carpenter Hahndorf
1932 Adolph Waltrowitz labourer Hahndorf
1964 Victor Tugwell plumber Mt Barker
1971 Alistair Brown clerk Modbury North & Rita, his wife
Is this Alistair Brown, vetinerary surgeon, Broadview 1991?
The Browns bought the adjoining Lots NH 260, NH 270 & NH 271.
1971 Kevin Dunn draughtsman Glenunga
1973 Kathleen Sargent home duties Glen Osmond
1973 Ian Harvey driver Hahndorf & Elizabeth, his wife
1977 Elizabeth Harvey alone
3760/54 current title
ALLOTMENT NH 272 (Former farm block 177) - 41 WINDSOR AVE; 43 WINDSOR AVE
1839 Probably Friedrich Thiele
1853 Friedrich Thiele farmer - GRO title
1864 LTO title
1864 Friedrich Brockhoff mason Hahndorf
1882 Wilhelm Ehmcke & Franz Gaetjens timber merchants Adelaide
1899 Gustav 'Snowy' Paech carrier Hahndorf
1937 William Harris labourer Hahndorf
1973 W Harris died. Ronda Harris, nee Paech, widow of W Harris, inherited.
A right-of-way exists across this land
4305/235-236 Metric titles
ALLOTMENT NH 273 (Former farm block 178) - 45 WINDSOR AVE; 47 WINDSOR AVE
1839 Probably Christoph Schulz
1853 Christoph Schulz yeoman - GRO title
1879 Johanne Louise Habich, nee Schulz
The GRO registered no further dealings until the 20th century
AET Zesche appears as the owner of the land
1936-1947 Louis Luenert paid the rates.
1947-1972 William Harris paid the rates.
1973 Edwin Collins made a statutory declaration:
'A Mr Zesche used to live in Hahndorf; that he was a basketmaker; that I believe he was of German extraction and that he left SA and went to Germany about 80 years ago'.
1973 William Harris labourer Hahndorf, by adverse title
4000/43 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 274 (Former farm block 179) - 49 WINDSOR AVE; 51 WINDSOR AVE
1839 Probably George Janetzki
1853 Carl Krüger shoemaker Hahndorf - GRO title
1863 Anna Krüger, nee Reimann, widow of C Krüger. Later Mrs Altmann
1907 LTO title. Public Trustee applied.
1907 Wilhelm Krüger, farmer, Sedan. Gave authorisation for the land to be sold.
1907 Oswald Thiele storekeeper Hahndorf
1932 Victor Ahrens Hahndorf
1938 Wilhelm Egel labourer Hahndorf
1955 Edwin Collins farmer Hahndorf
1962 William Harris brickyard employee Hahndorf
1973 W Harris died. DC Chapman business manager Mt Barker, executor.
1974 Ronda Harris, nee Paech, widow of W Harris
4043/613-614 Metric titles
ALLOTMENT NH 275 (Former farm block 111f) - 55 ENGLISH ST
1839 Probably Samuel Braettig
1853 August Schmeisser farmer - GRO title
Unclear August Christoph Echunga
1881 Septimus Boord gentleman Hahndorf (LTO title 1882)
1905 S Boord Senr gent died. Fannie Boord spinster Hahndorf, daughter of S Boord, executrix & inheritor
1921 Wilhelm Kramm gardener Hahndorf
1947 W Kramm died. Lawrence Kramm storekeeper Hahndorf, executor & inheritor.
1973 Ronald Sargent land salesman Aldgate & Kathleen, his wife
He bought the contiguous Lots 199, 200, 201, 275 from the Kramm family
4006/242 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 276 (Former farm block 111e) - 55 ENGLISH ST
1839 Probably Eleonore Helbig, nee Koch
1853 William Millhouse yeoman Hahndorf - GRO title
1858 Christian Nitschke, farmer, Friedrichstadt. W Millhouse, now of the Bremer.
1867 LTO title
1867 Friedrich Gross, labourer, who had already rented the land. C Nitschke, now of Harrogate.
1885 Christian Pfennig labourer Hahndorf
1912 Wilhelm Minkwitz agent Hahndorf
1913 Clara Webb spinster Hahndorf
1914 Clara Webb & Agnes Webb spinsters Hahndorf
1919 Agnes Webb married Adolph Heinrich farmer nr Hahndorf
1928 Clara Webb alone
1970 Land taken to extend English St
1971 C Webb died. Doloriss Schubert, nee Heinrich, married woman executrix & inheritor
4020/752 Metric title
ALLOTMENT NH 277 (Former farm block 111d) - 53 ENGLISH ST
1839 Probably Andreas Philipp
1853 Jno Hillam, yeoman, Littlehampton - GRO title
1855 Frederick Smith, yeoman, Mt Barker. FC Smith rented out the land.
1876 LTO title
1876 Heinrich Meissner labourer Hahndorf
1881 H Meissner died. Dorothea Meissner, widow of H Meissner, inherited.
1885 Leontine Reimann, nee Schroeder, widow of Eduard Reimann farmer Hahndorf
1891 Olivia Rudelius, nee Reimann, wife of Max Rudelius labourer Hahndorf. Lease to Leontine Reimann widow, during the term of her natural life
1905 L Reimann died
1926 Hedwig Roeder, nee Rudelius, wife of Peter Roeder labourer Hahndorf
1933 H Roeder declared bankrupt. Richard Paech farmer Littlehampton, receiver.
1937 Gustav Reimann factory manager New Mile End
1951 Oliviana Liebelt, nee Roeder, wife of Wilhelm Liebelt farmer Echunga
1973 Wingview Estates Pty Ltd Wayville
1975 Part of the land taken to extend English St
4061/735 title