LOCATION: Church Street, Hahndorf
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Hahndorf Primary School and Hahndorf Preschool are nestled in the picturesque Adelaide Hills. We cater for children from pre-school to Year 7 and value respectful relationships, rigour in learning and resilience for life.
Our 132 year old school promotes the special heritage of Hahndorf and has strong community support. Students in our school community come from within the town and surrounding Adelaide Hills areas. Our school community values education, has high expectations and provides support for teachers’ work and school initiatives.
Our high-quality learning programs are aligned with the National Australian Curriculum and the South Australian Curriculum Standards and Accountability Framework. While our core learning program emphasises developing skills in literacy, mathematics and science, we also focus on visual and performing arts, which we believe are vital to our school program. We have specialist teachers and facilitators for German, PE, Student Voice, Choir and Performing Arts. Our students are involved in many extracurricular activities aimed at developing the whole child.
For more information, please visit our website.