Hahndorf Branch Committee Meeting (rough notes)

held 6 May2006 at 5pm at 20 Main Street, Hahndorf.


Annette Oien, Tony and Margaret Finnis, Bryon Finch, Anni Luur Fox.


Lyndell Davidge, Reg Butler, Kylie Storey


Annette took the minutes.  Margaret moved that the minutes of 2 February 2006.  Seconded by Bryon.  Carried.

Business arising.

PIONEER WOMEN’S TRAIL.   We discussed Ann Haines’ request re marking the avenue of trees planted by Mt Barker Council from Ambleside Road to River Road.

SOUTH VERDUN.    We discussed progress of the proposed $1.5 million buyback by SA government of the Palma and Boral sites.

BRANCH 30 ANNIVERSARY PERAMAMGK EXHIBITION.    Reg and Lyndell had both indicated they were in favour of the exhibiiton.  Anni said we need about $2000 and that HQ agreed to try sourcing the funds.  Bryon moved that we go ahead with the exhibition.  Seconded by Tony.  Carried.

Bryon told us that any stonework at Mt Barker summit is not Peramangk.  Bryon and Charlie Szabo built it.  The SE Freeway was built over one of the Peramangk sites.  A Mrs Post aged 92 had told him of seeing corrobores at Hahndorf when she was a little girl but he suspects it was her grandmother who told her of seeing them.

WIKI SITE.    Tony quickly went through events saying that running costs were $1200 per annum and that he is using his own internet connection costing $89/month.   He is looking for organisations wiling to put up $150/annum/organisation.  If we continue with the Apana site it will be static because additions are cumbersome.  Annette as past treasurer said that the Branch could manage $150/annum.  The Windmill account has $2000.  Margaret moved that we provide $150 per annum if Tony find other organisations to help fund the site.   Seconded by Annette.  Carried.

HAHNDORF MASTER PLAN.    Anni gave a brief report on the plan and offered the latest update to anyone wanting to comment.  Tony agreed to check it.

HAHNDORF HISTORY CENTRE.    Anni spoke about increasing requests for information that are beyond the resources of the Branch.