LOCATION:  Main Street, Hahndorf

The Original Wishing Well - demolished 2015

Throw a coin and make a wish

(Extract from Hahndorf Village Voice - Issue 11, Spring 2007)

The Wishing Well in Main Street was built in 1975 as a Hahndorf and District Lions Club project, then generously handed over to the then Crippled Children’s Association, now known as Novita [Latin for new life] Children’s Services.  Visitors to Hahndorf who pass by the well are invited to throw in a coin and make a wish.

The well is maintained by the Novita Auxiliary’s membership of 15 friendly ladies, with the support of helpful husbands.  Its contents are collected regularly and forwarded to Novita headquarters to support the needs of special children.  The well is also cleaned weekly to prevent contamination and help it attract more contributions.

The Crippled Children’s Auxiliary was formed in 1973 when Beth Lawson, wife of then local GP Dr Bill Lawson, gathered some ladies together for the purpose of raising funds for the Crippled Children’s Association.  Beth remained a member and a Patron until her sad passing in 2005.  Barbara Paech is the remaining Foundation member.  The now Novita Auxiliary also runs up to 5 fundraising events each year and meets bi-monthly.

If you’re interested in joining, please call Robyn Button 1408 814 389