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Lothar BRASSE & author: Land, Buildings & Genealogy Project Christian PAECH & Marianne WALLENTPaechtown house no 4 2nd son of Johann George PAECH & 1st wife Johanna Karaline KLENKE arrived South Australia on the zebra |
Lothar BRASSE & author: Land, genealogy & Prussian designed buildings.
To return to: Lothar BRASSE summary Paechtown houses 1-4 Paechtown house 1 Paechtown house 2. Paechtown house 3.
Christian PAECH 1848/49 to brother Gottlob PAECH 1871 Explores ownerships of: No 1. 1848 Section 3917 & 3918 &
6 blocks of land on Sections 3912, 3916, 3917 & 3918 No 2. 1871 Section 4232 Hd Onkaparinga. No 3. 1906. Section 3918 Hd Kuitpo. &. Section 4232 Hd Kuitpo & Onkaparinga. Information re Christian PAECH is divided into .... distinct part as follows. Part 1. the House......Part 2 Land. Section 3917 & 3918. Section 3812. Section 3826. Section 3912. Section 3918. Section 4005
Paechtown houses & barns, illustrated & determined by Lothar BRASSE
Paechtown in relationship to Friedrichstadt, illustrated & determined by Lothar BRASSE
Original Land Conveyance Records from October 1853
To see the land & property dealings of Johann Gottfried LUBASCH regarding Section 3812.
The family names mentioned in this article
Are there any supporting facts to a suggestion that Christian PAECH was the discoverer of the Kanmantoo Copper Mine.
May 1888
"....Likely looking lodes on the property of Mr Christian PAECH near the southern entrance to the town."
Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumerach Advertiser [SA : 1880 - 1954] Friday 11 May 1888 page
Our Mining Column. "Major WILLIAMS has formed a prospecting syndicate at Hahndorf, and at present work is being done on likely looking lodes on the property of Mr Christian PAECH near the southern entrance to the town. Experts to whom stone has been shown have expressed themselves highly concerning the property, and this report [dated May 3] has been received from Mr. F. LEANE, mining Manager: - In pursuance of your wish I visited your property at near Hahndorf. I first inspected no. 1 working. Here is an outcrop of quartz of a very likely character forgoldbearing. A costeening pit sunk upon it exposes veins of stone underlay east, and through these veins a trial pit is sunk, showing more veins coming in from the westward; all likely stone, and I believe on trial will befound to contain gold. The stones are composed offerr uginous quartz, with a small percentage of pyrites. Southward of No. 1 is No. 2 working. This I find is temporarily abandoned. There is a large body of stone apparently making, but of very low character, being hard, gritty, and mixed with porphyry. There may be gold at a depth, as the stone is likely to change its chracter at water level, when it is probable that payable stone would be found but I do not think before. Eastward of the quartz outcrop is an outcrop ironstone. Think this should receive trail,as I beleive silver would be found underit. Your property is of a highly mineral character, and should receive a thorough trial, when I amor opinion that highly payable deposits of both gold and silver would be found. At present I would recommend that you sink the trial hole in No. 1 a few feet deeper, as I think more and better leaders will be cut; then sink a shaft east of trial pit, the reef will be cut at no great depth, as the leaders are evidently forming themselves into a large body of stone, and, as the stonier the and I think the leaders is gold-bearing, a paying reef may be expected. If this work is vigorously pushed forward I confidently expect, in no long time, to see your mine a highly paying one".
May 1905 Obituary
Mount Barker Courier & Onkaparinga & Gumeracha Advertiser [SA : 1880 - 1954] Friday 5 May 1905.
"He was also the discoverer of the old Kanmantoo Copper Mine, for which he received a grant from the Government".
The Mount Barker Courier & Onkaparinga & Gumeracha Advertiser [SA : 1880-1954] Friday 5 May 1905, page2
'The Late Mr. Christian PAECH One of the best-known residents of the Hahndorf district in the person of Mr Christian PAECH, of Friedrichstadt, died on Monday. The deceased, who was in his 84th year & arrived in South Australia in the Zebra [Captain Hahn] 68 years ago, was one of the original settlers in Hahndorf. He was also the discoverer of the old Kanmantoo Copper Mine,for which he received a grant from the Government. For a number of years he farmed successfully at Fridrichstadt [commonly known as Paech Town]. He leaves two sons [Messrs. W & A. Paech] and a daughter [Mrs J.P. Roder, of Adelaide] & several grandchildren. The interment took place at the Hahndorf Cemetery on Wednesday, and there was a very large attendance or relatives & friends.Pastor Braun officiated at the grave.'
Observer [Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931], Saturday 13 May 1905, page 34.
Observer [Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931], Saturday 13 May 1905, page 34
"The death is announced of Mr. Christian PAECH, one of the oldest and best-known residents of Hahndorf district. The deceased, who was in his eighty-fourth year, came from Germany in the ship Zebra with the first band German refugees who settled at the hills township, which was named after Capt. HAHN, master of the vessel. That was over 60 years ago, and only a few of the original party survive. The late Mr. PAECH, who discovered the old Kanmantoo Copper Mine, and received a bonus from the Government in this connection, had successfully engaged in farming at what was once familiar known as Paech Town, and is now called Friedrichstadt, about a mile from Hahndorf. He owned considerable landed property in the district. Two sons [Mr W. PAECH of Windmill Hill, & August PAECH of Friedrichstadt], and a daughter [Mrs J.P. RODER, of Adelaide] survive, and there are a number of grandchildren".
Kungna Tuko A history of Kanmantoo
A.Richard MILLS in this 1980 book on Kanmantoo, provides no reference or acknowledgment of Christian PAECH as being involved in the discovery of the mineral reserves that became the Kanmantoo Mines.
Advertiser [Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931], Friday 30 January 1914, page 11
Three Old Residents Dead. Riverton, January 29. During the past month three very old residents of the district have died, namely, Mrs Sarah W. HARRIS, aged 85, Mr Christian PAECH, aged 89; and Mrs Ann Lock, aged 80. Mrs HARRIS, who died at the residence of her son, Mr Matthew MEECH of Owen, was a resident of this district for over 50 years. Her second husband was formerly a tailor in this town, and died many years ago. She was twice married, her first husband having been Mr MEECH. She left a son, Mr. M. MEECH of Owen and a daughter, Mrs WESTPLAD, of Mount Compass, by her first husband, and one son, Mr. S. HARRIS of Victoria. Mr PAECH also resided in this district for about ... years, having been engaged in farming in his early days. He had been in the German army, and wore a medal. He left four daughters.
Hahndorf Survey Volume 1 pge 177
Aim of Article
Table of Contents
1. Author's Note
The Royal South Australian almanack and general directory for 1855, image 259, page 51
'Pach J.F., farmer, near Hahndorf'
'Pach Brothers, farmers, Hahndorf'
Hd Kuitpo showing Sections 3912, 3916, 3917 & 3918,
No. 1 Summary of the journey of this of Title 153/119
- On 20 December 1848 Christian PAECH was granted Section 3917 & on 5 October 1849 was granted Section 3918.
- 6 blocks of land on Sections 3912, 3916, 3917 & 3918 were sold to his brother Gottlob PAECH
- These parcels of land, 127 acres were passed down through the daughter of Gottlob PAECH & Johanne Eleonore SCHULZ to the MÜLLER family & ultimately to Hilda MUELLER & her son John [the owner of the John MUELLER Photographic & Other Archival Materials Collection] who sold it in ...................... & moved into Hahndorf.
- This land had been in the PAECH family for over 100 years.......
All details of this SAILIS of Title 153/119, Hd Kuitpo.
1848 / 1849 Christian PAECH granted Sections:
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Section 3917 in 1840 &
Section 3918 in 1849
To see early ownership of Section 3812 or Section 4232.
At the bottom of this Certificate of Title: "granted Sections 3912 and 3916 on the 24 day of December 1840 under the hand and seal of George Gawler Esquire Resident Commissioner and Governor of the said province to John Barton Hack and Sections 3917 on the 20 day of December 1848 and 3918 on the 5th day of October 1849 under the hand and seal of Sir Henry Edward FOX YOUNG Lieutenant Governor of the said province to Christian PAECH."
1871, 28 April, on the same Certificate of Title
Gottlob PAECH was granted Hd Kuitpo certain blocks in the Sections of 3912, 3916, 3917 & 3918:
Block 2 containing 38 acres, 3 roods
Block 3 containing 19 acres 3 roods & 20 perches
Block 7 containing 12 acres 1 rood & 34 perches
Block 9 containing 8 acres 1 rood
Block 13 containing 11 acres 2 roods 24 perches
Block 15 containing 39 acres 3 roods 25 perches
Total Acres = 127 acres, 12 roods, [1 acre to 160 square roods.] 103 perches [1 acre to 160 perches]
At the top of this Certificate of Title above & below is reads “Gottlob PAECH of Friedrichstadt, near Hahndorf, farmer, is now seized of an estate in fee simple subject nevertheless to such encumbrances liens and interest as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon in Those pieces of land situated in the Hundred of Kuitpo County of Adelaide being the Blocks 2 containing thirty-eight acres three roods or thereabouts 3 containing nineteen acres three roods and twenty perches or thereabouts 7 containing twelve acres one rood and thirty four perches or thereabouts 9 containing eight acres and one rood or thereabouts 13 containing eleven acres two roods and twenty four perches or thereabout and 15 containing thirty nine acres three roods and twenty five perches or thereabouts of the Sections 3912, 3916, 3917 and 3918 and bounded as appears in the plan deposited in the Lands Titles Registration Office No 293 and in the plan in the margin hereof and therein coloured green Together with a right of way and passage with or without horses, cattle, carts & other vehicles laden or unlade into through upon & over the private road as shown
SAILIS CT Vol 153 Folio 119in the said reposted plan & also with a right of way for the owners & occupiers of the said blocks, 9, 13 & 15 to & from the water pools situated & being on section 3903 for the purpose of using & carrying water from the said pools Which said sections are delineated in the public map of the said Hundred deposited in the Office of the Surveyor General and were originally granted sections 3912 and 3916 on the 24 day of December1840 under the hand and seal of George GAWLER Esquire Resident Commissioner and Governor of the said province to John Barton HACK & sections 3917 on the 20 day of December 1848 & 3918 on the 5 day of October 1849 under hand & seal of Sir Henry Edward Fox Young Lieutenant Governor of the said province to Christian PAECH”
In 1871 when Gottlob PAECH purchased Blocks 2,3,7,9,13 & 15 :
Johann Gottlob PAECH 1824-1912 was 47 years of age
he had been married for 25 years [m 1846] to Johanne Eleonore SCHULZ from Paechtown house no 3,
had 4 daughters, & their ages were:
J Caroline Louise 23 years was married to Guido BRAENDLER no children
J Eleanora 20 years did not marry for another 7 years [married MUELLER]
Martha 17 years married in 1874 to Paul BRAENDLER, had none of their 7 children.
Probably 2 of his daughters were still living at home & his wife Johanne Eleonore SCHULZ was 46 years of age.
In December 1848 when Marianne WALLENT & Christian PAECH [Gottlob’s brother] initially purchased this land:
Johann Christian PAECH 1821-1905 was 27 years of age
- had been married for 10 months [married in March 1848, Hahndorf]
- to Marianne WALLENT who was 20 years of age
- none of their 3 children had been born.
In April 1871, when Marianne WALLENT & PAECH sold just over 127 acres of this land to his brother:
- their eldest child, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm August PAECH was 20 years of age, & when he married 15 years later he settled on 'PAECH land on Windmill Hill'. A College in the Wattles by Reg BUTLER page 400.
- Louise PAECH was 16 years of age, is not mentioned in the 'A College in the Wattles'.
- Christian August Johann PAECH was 11 years of age and he 'inherited his father's Paechtown property & remained in the home of his birth for the rest of his life'. A College in the Wattles by Reg BUTLER page 399.
In 1848 the time of the initial transaction
Christian was newly married, Gottlob had been married 2 years & had 1 of their 4 children.
- These 2 brothers also had 3 other siblings. the elder of them all Johann Gottfried PAECH, Johann George [22 years old] a sister Johanne Louise [18 years of age].
- Their father, Johann George PAECH [Kaysher PAECH] born in 1793 was 55 years of age
- Their mother Johann Karaline KLENKE had died in Prussia after mid 1830 and before 1834.
- Their 4 individual homes [one for each brother & their father] in the area now known as PAECHTOWN had not been built
Their father & his second wife, Hannah Rosina RICHTER, had another 2 children [Maria Elisabeth 14 years, Johann Friedrich 12 years] in Prussia.
- Another 3 children [Johann August 7 years, Johann Wilhelm 4 years & Johanna Luise Karoline 2 years of age] were born in South Australia by 1848 when this land was purchased
- And another 2 children were born in 1849 & 1851.
- The PAECH’s had been in South Australia for 9 years, after arriving on the ‘Zebra’ in 1839.
- Why was it that the eldest son made this initial transaction, & in his own name, and was it financed with the father’s assets?
- 10 years after arrival, in 1848 Johann Christian PAECH, the eldest son in South Australia, purchases Section 3917, 3918 Hd Kuitpo.
- He or the family farms this land until 1871 and sells just over 127 acres of these sections to his brother Gottlob.
The PAECH's employ a master carpenter to build their individual homes on each side of 'FAEHRMANN Rd.'
In the late 1850’s Gottlob PAECH & Johanne Eleonore SCHULZ’s house no 3 is built on the south side of the road.
- 1948 Daughter no 1 born ‘nr Hahndorf’.
- 1851 Daughter no 2 born ‘nr Hahndorf’.
- 1854 Daughter no 3 born ‘Adelaide’.
1857 Daughter no 4 born ‘Friedrichstadt’
- 1859 Daughter no 4 dies ‘nr Hahndorf’, 2 years old.
- 1869 Daughter no 1 married Guido BRAENDLER
- 1874 Daughter no 3 marries Paul BRAENDLER
1879 Daughter no 2 marries Ferdinand MÜLLER & remains living in house no 3 with husband & parents.
- 1879 Grandson, William Alfred MÜLLER born ‘Friedrichstadt’ lives house no 3 with parents & grandparents.
1882 Grandson, Edward Otto MÜLLER born ‘Friedrichstadt’ lives in house no 3, with his parents, grandparents & wife [married in 1913]
- Edward Otto marries Pauline Hulda KUCHEL whose ancestors were on 'The Zebra' and the 'Herjeebhoy Rustonjee Patel'.
- His 4 children are born there
- he dies there in 1954, 72 years later.
1897 Gottlob PAECH’s wife Johanne Eleonore SCHULZ dies, 72 years of age
- Eleonore SCHULZ has been living in her house, no 3, for about 43 years.
- Her grandchildren William & Edward MÜLLER are 18 & 15 years of age.
- 1897-1912. For another 15 years Gottlob continues to live in his PAECHTOWN house no 3 with his daughter & son in law & 2 adult grandsons.
SAILIS CT Vol 153 Folio 119The first change to this Certificate of Title is to document the death of Gottlob PAECH
SAILIS CT Vol 153 Folio 119 Executor of Gottlob PAECH’s Will, [dated 10 May 1909] 'is Friedrich Traugott LIEBING, saddler of Mt Barker.'
Gottlob PAECH dies 4 March, 1912
He has had the land for 41 years
On 26 July 1912. Gottlob PAECH & Eleonore SCHULZ's 2nd daughter [Johanna Eleonora MÜELLER [sic] who has been living in the same house with them since a child, inherits the property on C-T 153/119.
Title is transferred 'from F.T. LIEBING to Eleonore MUELLER wife of Ferdinand MUELLER, Friedrichstadt, farmer, during her life & to Wilhelm Alfred MUELLER & Edward Otto MUELLER both of Friedrichstadt
By 1912 when Gottlob PAECH died.
- Eldest daughter: Johanne Caroline Louise PAECH 1848-1924, m Guido BRAENDLER, has had all of her 8 children & is 64 years of age.
- Middle daughter: Johanne Eleanora PAECH 1851-1939, m MUELLER 1879, has lived in the family home since it was built, was 61 years of age.
- 2 children:
- Wilhelm Alfred 33 years [married for 11 years to Wilhelmine Caroline Dorothea MEYER]
- Edward Otto 30 years [unmarried] living at home with parents: Johanne Eleonora PAECH & Johann Carl Ferdinand MUELLER both were 61 years of age
- Youngest daughter: Martha PAECH 1854-1939, m BRAENDLER in 1874, 7 children & is 58 years of age.
1913 10 April Edward Otto MUELLER marries Pauline Hulda KUCHEL
- With his wife & his parents he continues to live in Paechtown house no 3.
They have 4 children
- One child dies as an infant
- none of the 3 siblings every marry.
- 1914 Edwin Carl born ‘Nr Hahndorf'.
- 1918 Clarence born ‘Nr Ambleside'.
- 1923 Ronald born ‘Ambleside'.
- 1925 Hilda born ‘Ambleside'.
1928 30 December, Johann Carl Ferdinand MÜLLER died.
- His wife [J Eleonore PAECH], their son Edward, his wife Pauline KUCHEL & their 3 children [Edwin 14 years, Clarence 10 years, Hilda 3 years old] continue to live in house no 3 PAECHTOWN.
- J Eleonora PAECH lives for another 11 years.
1939 20 May, Johanna Eleonora MUELLER died
Land was transferred between the brothers: from William Alfred to Edward Otto MUELLER who had always lived in that home.
William Alfred MUELLER was 61 years of age & their 6 children being 36 year old to 18 years old, not living in Paechtown.
Edward Otto was 58 years of age and their [now] 3 children being 25 years old to 14 years of age, all living in house no 3.
- 1945 Hilda MUELLER has a relationship with an Italian Prisoner of War, Francesco NATALIE, working on their Paechtown property since being captured in Libya.
- Although they wish to marry this is denied to them.
- Their son John MUELLER is born [1945] & he grows up living in house no 3 with his mother Hilda, and her two older unmarried brothers [Edwin & Clarence MUELLER] as well as their parents [Edward Otto MUELLER & Pauline Hulda KUCHEL]for the next 9 years.
1954 25 March Edward Otto MUELLER dies aged 72
SAILIS CT Vol 153 Folio 119
SAILIS CT Vol 153 Folio 119
SAILIS CT Vol 153 Folio 119
1955 'Eric Wittwer, accountant of Uraidla' is the Executor of the Will of Edward Otto MUELLER who died 26 [sic] March 1954
Authors Note: SAGHS birth data base '25 March 1954'
1958 The Title is transferred to [2 of his sons not the daughter Hilda,] 'Edwin Carl MUELLER & Clarence MUELLER both of Hahndorf, farmers.'
1958 The new title holders are Edwin Carl is 40 years & his brother Clarence MUELLER is 36 years of age.
1962 6 August, Section 3912, Block no 15, Certificate of Title 3094/139 transferredto:
SAILIS CT Vol 3094 Folio 139 Block 15
SAILIS CT Vol 3094 Folio 139'Herbert Martin NOSKE of Hahndorf, Butcher & Ema Mildred NOSKE his wife'
'Block 15, Hd of Kuitpo, 39 acres, 2 roods of Section 3912, right of way to water pools on Section 3903'
See new CT 3679/ 130
1969 25 August Edwin Carl MUELLER, bachelor, dies aged 54 years.
1962 6 August, Blocks in Section 3912, Certificate of Title 3094/140 transferred to Edwin Carl MUELLER & brother Clarence MUELLER both of Hahndorf, farmers.
Add a caption
SAILIS CT Vol 3094 Folio 140'Blocks 2,3,7,9 & 13 of the subdivision of Section 3912 & other land together with a free and unrestricted right of way over the New Road Private Road and Right of Way ....from the water pools situated & being on Section 3903 for the purpose of carrying water form the said pools appurtenant only to the said Block 9 & 13....'
1963 1 August See above CT. Blocks on Section 3912 'Blocks 2,3,7,9 & 13 of the subdivision of Section 3912' to Stanley Lewis HOFFMANN & Eileen Eleanore HOFFMANN
1970 25 December brother Clarence MUELLER, bachelor, dies aged 52 years
1970 30 January Barker Development Proprietary Ltd of Mt Barker Stirling Hd Kuitpo.
SAILIS CT 3679/130
'Land containing 9 acres, 3 roods & 10 perches Hd Kuitpo, portion of Allotment 15 in the subdivision of Section 3912, being portion of Allotment 15 of the subdivision of Section 3912....'
1985 29 April CT 4244/268
SAILIS CT Vol 4244 Folio 268
SAILIS CT Vol 4244 Folio 268
?? a mortgage form Joahaaan Edmund PAECH 1969.
???? Hilda MUELLER & her son move into a home in Hahndorf together.
2000 Their sister Hilda MUELLER, died 2000, aged 75 years.
Hahndorf Survey Volume 1 page 187
Hd Kuitpo & Onkaparinga, Sections 3918 & 4232.
No 2. 1871. Summary of the journey of this Certificate of Title 157/49
Friedrich Wilhelm WITTWER of Hahndorf, Miller owned this land before August 1871 but this is not documented on this Title. Johann Friedrich Wilhelm WITTWER Snr [aged 38 years on the 'Zebra' died in 1864, so he is not the owner indicated in this Title. This WITTWER Snr & his wife had 3 children & the eldest was Johann Friedrich Wilhelm August WITTWER [9 years of age on the [Zebra] who in 1871 was 42 years of age married with 7 of their 8 children having been born. He was married to Johanne Luise PAECH [8 years of age on the 'Zebra'.] and is the younger sister of Christian PAECH who this land was sold to in 1877. However this PAECH/WITTWER marriage also produced a son named Frederick William WITTWER who was 19 years of age in 1871 & who could be discounted because of his age as having been the owner referred to in this title. This means that the PAECH/WITTWER couple were almost certainly the 'Friedrich Wilhelm WITTWER' owner of this land in & before 1871. WITTWER sells to Christian PAECH in 1877 & after his death it went to his youngest son, Johann August PAECH.
All details of this SAILIS Certificate of Title 744/178 Hd Kuitpo & Onkaparinga.
1871 Friedrich Wilhelm WITTWER, Miller of Hahndorf, had 1 rood & 30 perches of his land on Section 4232 on the other side of the road from the remaining land which straddles the Hd of Kuitpo & the Hd of Onkaparinga taken from his by the direction of the Governor & the Local Court of Mount Barker.
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At the top of the C of T: 'I Arthur Blyth, Commissioner of Crown Lands of this Province, Pursuant to the direction of His Excellency the Governor published in the Government Gazette of the third day of August 1871 in confirming a Road order made by the Local Court of Mount Barker, Full Jurisdiction therein referred to dated the third day of July 1871. Do hereby certify that Friedrich Wilhelm WITTWER of Hahndorf, Miller is now seised of an estate ..... piece of land containing one rood & thirty perches ..... being portion of the road closed by order herein referred to intersecting Section 4232 in the Hd of Onkaparinga.' 15 August 1871.
1871 August 15. Land owned by Friedrich Wilhelm WITTWER, but was purchased earlier than 1871.
- He was married to Johann
1877 December 6 land transferred:
- from Friedrich Wilhelm WITTWER to Christian PAECH of Friedrichstadt, farmer of the within land.
1898 September 3 Christian PAECH / Johann Christian PAECH dated his will.
1905 May 1 Christian PAECH dies aged 83 years & his executor is Johann Friedrich Wilhelm August PAECH of near Hahndorf, farmer.
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm August PAECH is 54 years of age & is the eldest son of Christian PAECH & his wife Marianne WALLENT.
This son has been married for 19 years to Emma Wilhelmine Elizabeth NITSCHKE
- Emma NITSCHKE is the 6th of 14 children to Annie Elizabeth SEIDEL & Johann Karl NITSCHKE.
- By 1905 Emma NITSCHKE & J.F.W.A. PAECH had birthed all of their 3 daughters.
This son has been married for 19 years to Emma Wilhelmine Elizabeth NITSCHKE
- They farmed near 'Windmill Hill' [A College in the Wattles, page 401]
1905 August 24. Land transferred from the eldest brother [the Executor] to the youngest son Johann August PAECH of Friedrichstadt, near Hahndorf, farmer.
'Cancelled & a New Certificate of Title issued Vol 744 For 178' [see below].
WHERE THIS LAND NOW INCLUDES SECTION 3918 but is only a portion of 3918 and only a portion of 4232
No 3. 1906: Summary of the journey of this Certificate of Title 744/178 [from Vol 157/49 see above]
The first time the author has seen the word 'Tangari' written is on the second line in this Certificate of Title. In 1906 August PAECH was the owner of a portion of Section 3918, & also a portion of Section 4232. The above Title which is a precursor to this title indicates that his father Christian PAECH purchased Section 4232 from Friedrich Wilhelm WITTWER [owned Section 4232 prior to 1871] from in 1877. August transferred this land to his 6th child, Christian Herman PAECH & apparently it then went to his son Grant PAECH of Beerenberg Farm [this is not documented one this title].
All details of this SAILIS Certificate of Title 744/178 Hd Kuitpo & Onkaparinga.
1906 August PAECH granted 34 acres, a portion of Section 3918 Hd Kuitpo, & 83 acres, a portion of Section 4232, Hd Kuitpo & Onkaparinga.
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At the top of the C of T: 'Tangari' 'Johann August PAECH of Friedrichstadt near Hahndorf farmer is the proprietor ....... of those pieces of land situated in the County of Adelaide being Firstly portion of Section 3918 containing thirty four acres and one rood .... in the Hundred of Kuitpo and secondly portion of Section 4232 containing together eighty three acres ... situated in the Hundred of Kuitpo & Onkaparinga & thirdly closed road / containing one rood & thirty perches .... in the Hundred of Onkaparinga.'
- 34 acres 1 rood Section 3918 Hd Kuitpo
- 83 acres Section 4232 Hd Kuitpo & Onkaparinga.
- 1 rood, 30 perches Section 4232, Hd Onkaparinga.
- Total Acres = 117 acres , 2 rood, 30 perches.
In March 1906 Johann August PAECH was 46 years of age as was his wife.
- August was the youngest of 3 children to Marianne WALLENT [died in 1893] & Christian PAECH
- August PAECH was living in Paechtown house No 4.????
- Christian PAECH died in May 1905
- August had married in 1887 to Auguste Wilhelmine WIESE
- Auguste Wilhelmine was 1 of 7 children to parents Anna Elisabeth SCHACH & Peter Claus Niagian WIESE
- August & Auguste had birthed 6 of their 7 children.
- The children were aged 17 years - 3 years of age.
In January 1933 Johann August PAECH died
- August's wife, Auguste Wilhelmine WIESE outlived him by 20 years.
In February 1933 the land on Section 3918 & 4232 was transferred to their son Herman [registered at birth as Christian Herman] PAECH
- Hermann PAECH is the 6th of their 7 siblings.
- Hermann was 30 years of age, and an unmarried farmer.
- Hermann married in 1934 to Alexandra May BATES & had 3 children.
- Their youngest child is Grant PAECH, founding family of Beerenberg Farm on Section 4232.