The following Information was compiled by Reg Butler (1941 / 2024)  Hahndorf Historian and extracted from his computer files.

The original files can be accessed by arranging a visit to the Hahndorf Archives

Please refer to the Disclaimer and other Information on South Australia - Early Arrivals and Departures.

Ship Leontine -

passengers from Bremen 1/8/1848

Captain: Wilhelm J ARIANNS - passengers + 262 steerage passengers. Many more passengers to find.


ALEDGER/ALEGER, CL (//-//). Listed as having cargo.

BRANDT, Maria (//c1811-//). Prob sister to fellow passenger Mrs Heinrich Gloede nee MJS Brandt.

BUSSNER, Wilhelm (//-//). Listed as having cargo.

CRAMER, Heinrich Henry (15/1/1815-18/4/1866). Born Neugarmssiel, Oldenburg. Died Sandy Creek SA, of fever. Farmer; Blumberg, Sheaoak Log/SandyCreek. Lutheran. Friendly with fellow passenger Heinrich Rathjen. Biog Cramer FH. m (1) 20/6/1856 St Martin Rosenthal, Dorothea Doris nee Luck.

DRIANS, Captain Wilhelm (//-//). Listed as having cargo.

EHMCKE, Hermann Heinrich Wilhelm (//c1817-14/8/1877). Born Hanover. Died Adelaide SA. Timber merchant; Adelaide.

EHMCKE, Mrs HHW nee Auguste Maria Friedericke BARCKOW (//c1815-14/8/1877). Died Adelaide SA.

EHMCKE, Johann Wilhelm Theodor (//c1842-//). m 21/11/1867 Dreifältigskeits Lutheran Church Angas St Adelaide, Auguste nee DEIMEL.

EHMKE, Johanna Maria Henriette (//c1843-//1916). m 27/9/1865 Dreifältigskeits Lutheran Church Angas St Adelaide, Franz GAETJENS (//-//).

EHMCKE, Margarethe Friedericke Auguste (//c1846-//). m 26/11/1873 Dreifältigskeits Lutheran Church Angas St Adelaide, Albert Keidel.

EHMCKE, Emma Franciska Christine (//c1846-//). m 12/11/1868 Dreifältigskeits Lutheran Church Angas St Adelaide, Richard Friedrich ZIEGLER (//c1843-//) Father; Carl Friedrich.

GLOEDE, Johann Heinrich (//c1810-//). From Nantrow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin.

GLOEDE, Mrs JH nee Johanne Magdalene Sophia BRANDT (//c1817-//). Prob sister to fellow passenger Maria nee Brandt.

GLOEDE, Maria Dorothea (//c1837-//)

GLOEDE, Johann J Friedrich (//c1840-//)

GLOEDE, Sophie Dorothea (//c1841-//)

SCHNAARS, Elard (//c1840-//). Settled; Adelaide, Dalkey. m (1) Sarah Ellen FRANCIS m (2) 31/10/1877 Bride’s father Heinrich Gloede’s residence Blyth, Wilhelmine Minna nee GLOEDE (//c1850-//).

HAAK, J (//-//). Listed as having cargo.

GROTH, Jacob Heinrich (//c1817-//). Born Wansbech Hamburg.


HABERECHT, Johann Carl Gottlob (11/1/1815-1/6/1875). Born Weigelsdorf, Kreis Reichenbach, Silesia, Prussia. Died Jindera NSW. Farmer; Angaston. Lutheran. To NSW 1871. Son of Gottlob Haberecht To SA 1855 La Rochelle.

HABERECHT, Mrs JCG nee Susanna Eleonore HERRMANN (19/5/1814-18/8/1877). Born Briesnitz, Kreis Frankenstein, Silesia, Prussia. Died Jindera NSW. Perhaps sister to Carl Herrmann To SA 1855 La Rochelle.

HABERECHT, Johann Carl Gottlob (2/9/1840-9/9/1910). Born Weigelsdorf, Kreis Reichenbach, Silesia, Prussia.

HABERECHT, Wilhelm Friedrich (8/8/1842-18/6/1917). Born Weigelsdorf, Kreis Reichenbach, Silesia, Prussia. Died Melbourne Vic.

HABERECHT, Johann Carl August (20/10/1844-28/4/1924). Born Weigelsdorf, Kreis Reichenbach, Silesia, Prussia. Died Sydney NSW. m 21/1/1882 Lutheran Chapel Dutton, Martha nee Graske (nb).

HABERECHT, Johanne Caroline (//c1847-//1918). Born Weigelsdorf, Kreis Reichenbach, Silesia, Prussia.

HERING, FA Adolph (29/5/1813-18/12/1895). Born Küstrin, Kreis Küstrin, Brandenburg, Prussia. Died Massey Vic.

HERING, Mrs FAA (//-//)

HERING, child (//-//)

HERING, child (//-//)

HERING, child (//-//)

HINNEBERG, Friedrich Heinrich (4/9/1838-//1919). Born Gross Rosenberg, Kreis Magdeburg, Prussian Saxony. Bootmaker, farmer; Tanunda. To Vic 1855 & 1857. Lutheran. Nephew and ward of fellow passenger Gottlieb Lehmann. m 1867 Johanne Auguste nee KROSCHEL

HINNEBERG, Heinrich Christian (16/11/1843-//1879). Born Gross Rosenberg, Kreis Magdeburg, Prussian Saxony. To Vic 1858. m 1868 Kate nee GOODLAND.

HINNEBERG, Rosine Wilhelmine (23/9/1845-//1894). m 1867 St Michael Lutheran Church Hochkirch Vic, Wilhelm Eltze. Orphaned children of Heinrich Hinneberg and Christiane nee Lehmann. In the care of their uncle, JG Lehmann, a fellow passenger, and his family. (Biogs E Huff Courage, patience and persistence).

HUEBNER/HUBNER/HÜBNER, Johann Gottfried (2/9/1802-9/5/1872). Born Silesia, Prussia. Died Jindera NSW. Farmer; Langmeil, Bethel then To NSW m 10/10/1834 Gross Tinz, Kreis Liegnitz, Silesia, Prussia. Perhaps father of Mrs Carl Herrmann nee Eleonore Huebner. To SA 1855 La Rochelle.

HUEBNER/HUBNER/HÜBNER, Mrs JG nee Anna Rosine SIEGERT (21/12/1808-29/4/1868). Born Gross Tinz, Kreis LIegnitz, Silesia, Prussia.

HUEBNER/HUBNER/HÜBNER, Anna Christiane (//c1836-6/12/1912). Died Eudunda SA. m 22/6/1857 Lutheran Church Langmeil, Mann

HUEBNER/HUBNER/HÜBNER, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm (10/1/1841-//). Farmer; Bethel, then Jindera, Moorwatha, Greenvale NSW. m 4/3/1862 Immanuel Light Pass, Pauline nee Scholz.

HUEBNER/HUBNER/HÜBNER, Marie Luise (//c1844-//)

HUEBNER/HUBNER/HÜBNER, Caroline Anna (//c1846-//). m ? WINTER

ISAACHSEN, Hans Thomas (//c1825-//). Wine merchant; Adelaide. Presbyterian. m 15/5/1860 Adelaide, Caroline Henriette nee WOLF (//c1828-//) Father: Conrad. m (2) 2/4/1863, F KÖRBER. Did HT Isaachsen marry twice??

JAEKEL/JAKEL/JÄKEL, Carl Erdmann (17/10/1816-//). Born Peterswaldau, Kreis Reichenbach, Silesia, Prussia. Carpenter from Peterswaldau. Carpenter; Tanunda. Lutheran.

JAEKEL/JAKEL/JÄKEL, Mrs CE nee Johanna Eleonore BLEICHER (27/7/1808-//)

JAEKEL/JAKEL/JÄKEL, Hermann (//c1838-//)

JAEKEL/JAKEL/JÄKEL, Auguste Luise (//c1843-//)

KAISER, Carl August Christian (//c1827-23/12/1894). Died Adelaide SA. Mason; Adelaide, Stepney. Lutheran.

KAISER, Mrs ACC nee Maria Catherine Elisabeth DEPENBRUCK (//c1821-18/4/1896). Died Adelaide SA.

KIESEWETTER, Mrs (//-//). Husband already in SA. Perhaps Julius Kiesewetter Butcher; Tanunda.

KIESEWETTER, family (//-//)

KLAUBE, (//-//)

KOENIG/KONIG/KÖNIG, Johann Christian (19/6/1823-17/2/1883). Born Gross Rosenburg, Kreis Magdeburg, Prussian Saxony. Died Vectis East Vic, of pneumonia and asthma. Carpenter from Gross Rosenburg. Farmer; Hoffnungsthal. To Vic 1856 Farmer; Hochkirch, Vectis East. Lutheran. m 21/8/1849 Lutheran Church Hoffnungsthal, fellow passenger Maria nee Lemm.

KOENIG/KONIG/KÖNIG, (//-//). Brother to JC Koenig. perhaps JHM?


LAUN, Eugen (//-//). Owner of the Leontine and captain of the Patel, which had come to SA 1845 and 1846.

LEHMANN, Johann Gottlieb (18/9/1816-//). Born Gross Rosenberg, Kreis Magdeburg, Prussian Saxony. From Potsdam, Brandenburg, Prussia. Farmer; Hoffnungsthal. Uncle and guardian of the fellow passenger Hinneberg family.

LEHMANN, Mrs JG nee Caroline Sophia Amalie LEMM (30/7/1826-//). Probably daughter of fellow passenger CFW Lemm.

LEHMANN, Luise P Bertha ( 29/8/1846-//). Born Potsdam, Brandenburg, Prussia. m Johann Gottlieb MATTNER

LEMM, Christian Friedrich Wilhelm (21/10/1791-18/9/1871). Born Potsdam, Brandenburg, Prussia. Died Schönborn SA. Farmer; Hoffnungsthal. Probably father of fellow passenger Mrs JG Lehmann nee Caroline Lemm.

LEMM, Mrs CFW nee Sophie Amalie HOFF (12/5/1798-//)

LEMM, Heinrich August Wilhelm (3/6/1823-//)

LEMM, Carl August (13/12/1828-//). m Elisabeth GOSSEN (18/8/1835-//)

LEMM, Maria Pauline Amalie (6/11/1830-14/11/1903). Born Potsdam, Brandenburg, Prussia. Died perhaps Vectis East Vic. m (1) 21/8/1849 Lutheran Church Hoffnungsthal, fellow passenger Christian Koenig m (2) 17/4/1885, Carl Koenig (Brother to her first husband).

LEMM, Friedrich Gottlieb (15/4/1833-//) m Anna Elisabeth HAEUSLER (27/4/1834-//)

NAX, Miss (//-//). or SUTTER, Miss Max

MOLLER/MÖLLER/MOELLER, Franz Heinrich (28/10/c1805/1812-12/11/1883). Born Altona, Holstein. Died Adelaide SA. Bullock driver, labourer; Adelaide.

MOLLER/MÖLLER/MOELLER, Mrs FH nee Maria Henriette Friedericke Emilie nee LIVONIUS (19/4/1817-19/12/1885). Died Adelaide SA.

MOLLER/MÖLLER/MOELLER, Heinrich Wilhelm (//c1837-//1917)

MOLLER/MÖLLER/MOELLER, Gustav Friedrich Christian (//c1839-//1925)

MOLLER/MÖLLER/MOELLER, Emilie Henriette Elisabeth (//c1842-//1934)

MOLLER/MÖLLER/MOELLER, Donat Eduard Wilhelm (//c1844-//1922)

MOLLER/MÖLLER/MOELLER, Franz Wilhelm (//c1846-//1848)

MOLLER/MÖLLER/MOELLER, Henriette Dorothea (//c1848-28/12/1849). Died Adelaide SA.

MOLLER/MÖLLER/MOELLER, Henriette Wilhelmine (//c1850-//1882). m 25/10/1870 Bride’s father’s home Adelaide, William CARR ys of the late John Thomas Carr of Newcastle-on-Tyne, England.

NOLTENIUS, Bernhard A (//c1824-28/2/1899). Died Borgfeld nr Bremen, Germany. (Observer 8/4/1899 p24b).

PAULKE, Anna (//-//)

RATHJEN, Heinrich Gerhard (8/10/1823-22/6/1895). Born Tossens, Oldenburg, Holstein. Died Blumberg SA. Bootmaker from Tossens. Farmer; Blumberg. Lutheran. Biog Rathjen FH. m 28/5/1852 Lutheran Church Lobethal, Helena nee Boeckmann.

REHDER, Johann Wilhelm Ludwig (//c1808-28/11/1856). Died Adelaide SA, in the Lunatic Asylum. Farmer; Charleston, Tothill Creek. Death date doubtful.

REHDER, Mrs JWL nee Caroline DISSELDORF (//c1817-12/3/1910)

REHDER, Louis (//-//). Farmer: Tothill Creek

REHDER, August (//c1838-//). Farmer: Tothill Creek. m 24/10/1861 Bride father James Stobie residence Kapunda, Agnes nee STOBIE (//c1834-23/8/1905) Born Co Fife, Scotland. Died Orroroo SA. Father: James.

REHDER, Caroline Louise Mathilde (c1839-20/2/1877). m 7/9/1859, John HARRISON.

REHDER, Julie (//c1845-17/6/1873). Died Salt Creek SA. m 30/6/1870 Bride father residence Tothill Creek, Julius Carl Robert Grossmann.

RIEBE, Gottfried (//c1814-16/7/1888). Died Tanunda SA. Storekeeper; Hahndorf, Tanunda. m 22/6/1849 Lutheran Church Hahndorf, Luise Pauline nee BERGMANN.

ROCKEL, Johann Gottlieb (//-//)

ROCKEL, Mrs JG nee Caroline Henriette WEGENER (//-//)

RUPPEL, H (//-//). Listed as having cargo. Perhaps Wilhelm Ruppell, born c1800, died 29/1/1856 SA, place not recorded.

SCHAECHE/SCHACHE/SCHÄCHE, Carl Gottlob the Elder (10/9/1794-22/8/1876). Born Gross Tinz, Kreis Liegnitz, Silesia, Prussia. Died Ebenezer SA. Farmer from Gross Tinz. Farmer; Schreiberau/Hallett Valley. Lutheran.

SCHAECHE/SCHACHE/SCHÄCHE, Mrs CG nee Maria Rosina VOGEL (16/9/1793-22/12/1866). Born Gross Tinz, Kreis Liegnitz, Silesia, Prussia. Died Siehem nr Wakefield River.

SCHAECHE/SCHACHE/SCHÄCHE, Maria Rosine (//c1821-17/10/1871). Born Gross Tinz, Kreis Liegnitz, Silesia. Died Schreiberau SA. m 4/6/1849 Lutheran Church Langmeil, Carl Hetzel (30/3/1822-18/9/1892) Born Freiburg, Kreis Schweidnitz, Silesia, Prussia. Died Hallett Valley SA. Farmer; Hallett Valley. Lutheran.

SCHAECHE/SCHACHE/SCHÄCHE, Carl Gottlob (18/12/1825-14/12/1897). Born Gross Tinz, Kreis Liegnitz, Silesia. Died Murtoa Vic. Farmer; Greenock Creek, then Murtoa Vic. m 7/5/1850 Lutheran Church Langmeil, Maria nee Schubert.

SCHAECHE/SCHACHE/SCHÄCHE, Ernst Gottfried (7/5/1830-//). Born Gross Tinz, Kreis Liegnitz, Silesia. Died Murtoa Vic. Mason from Gross Tinz. Farmer; Greenock Creek, then Murtoa Vic. m 24/7/1850 Lutheran Church Langmeil, Eleonore nee Schubert.

SCHAECHE/SCHACHE/SCHÄCHE, Johanne Elisabeth (//c1832-//1913). Born Gross Tinz, Kreis Liegnitz, Silesia. m LANGE

SCHAECHE/SCHACHE/SCHÄCHE, Traugott Wilhelm (29/5/1835-2/12/1904). Born Gross Tinz, Kreis Liegnitz, Silesia. Died Mannum SA. m (1) Johanne Caroline nee ULBRICH (24/6/1830-22/11/1886) Died Mannum SA. m (2) 13/2/1888 Johann Kühm’s residence Neale’s Flat, Christiane Caroline nee KUHM (//c1849-9/8/1914) Died Hundred of Burdett nr Murray Bridge SA.

SCHLEICHER, Friedrich Ludwig Wilhelm Ernst (//-//). Merchant; Adelaide.

SCHLEICHER, Mrs FWE nee Caroline W ? (//-//). Milliner & dressmaker; Adelaide (Rundle St). Opened 22/9/1848.

SCHLEICHER, Leontine Jane J (//1848-21/1/1849). Born at sea. Died SA.

SEGNITZ, Eduard (//-//). Not yet identified.

STAKEMANN, Hermann Conrad (//-//). Prussian trade consul; Adelaide. Chartered the Leontine.

SUTTER, Johann Carl Nicolaus Carlos (//-28/2/1857). Esquire: Macclesfield 1849

SUTTER, Mrs JCN nee Wilhelmine MICHAEL(//c1809-7/5/1865). Died Macclesfield SA. Was she a second wife? - could not be mother of eldest child.

SUTTER, Johannes Maximilian (10/5/1829-19/5/1876). Born Masanz near Chur, Graubündten, Prussian Saxony. Died SA. Labourer; Crafers later Gardener; Glen Osmond.

SUTTER, Clemenz (//c1821-17/1/1888). Died Woolyana SA. Farmer; nr Tanunda. Not yet identified. m Regina nee MESCH/MOSCH.

SUTTER, child (//-//). Not yet identified.

SUTTER, child (//-//). Not yet identified.

TRAEGER, Carl Gottlieb Senr (21/11/1799-10/8/1893). Born Weigelsdorf, Kreis Reichenbach, Silesia, Prussia. Died Dalkey SA. Farmer; Bethanien, Walton, Kings Belt. m (2) Johanne Eleonore nee RUPRECHT (//c1805-17/1/1875) Died Nain near Greenock.

TRAEGER, Mrs CG nee Maria Rosine nee RUPRECHT (11/5/1805-//)

TRAEGER, Johanne Helene (30/1/1830-29/3/1906). Born Habendorf, Kreis Reichenbach, Silesia, Prussia. m 1/6/1849 Lutheran Church Langmeil, Wilhelm Kriebel.

TRAEGER, Carl Gottlieb Junr (20/1/1833-6/9/1915). Born Weigelsdorf, Kreis Reichenbach, Silesia, Prussia. Died Daveyston SA. Farmer; Greenock Creek, Nain, Kings Belt. Lutheran. m 27/5/1856 Lutheran Church Langmeil, Ernestine nee Kriebel.

TRAEGER, Rosine Helene (20/1/1833-//). m 25/5/1853 Lutheran Church Langmeil, Ludwig Ruciack.

TRAEGER, Ernst Gottlieb (18/9/1836-31/12/1912). Born Weigelsdorf, Kreis Reichenbach, Silesia, Prussia. Died Dalkey SA. Farmer; Bethanien, Walton, Kings Belt, Dalkey. (Obit Observer 11/1/1913 p96b). m 7/5/1858 Rosenthal, Juliane nee Schultz.

TRAEGER, Johann Gottlieb (30/1/1808-4/3/1884). Born Weigelsdorf, Kreis Reichenbach, Silesia, Prussia. Died Langmeil SA.

TRAEGER, Mrs JGW nee Anna Dorothea HULBERT (25/10/1812-15/2/1905). Born Pilau, Kreis Reichenbach, Silesia, Prussia. Died Tanunda SA.

TRAEGER, Johann Carl Wilhelm (5/4/1835-16/9/1900). Born Langenbielau, Kreis Reichenbach, Silesia, Prussia. Died Vine Vale SA. Farmer; Palmer, Blumenthal, Rosenthal, Vine Vale. Lutheran. m (1) 3/2/1859 Holy Trinity Adelaide, Licia Lissy nee BONE (//c1833-//) Father; John. m (2) 7/6/1883 St John Tanunda, Emilie Emily Friedericke nee BRAUN (//c1857-26/8/1909) Died nr Tanunda SA, at home Palmenthal. Father; August.

TRAEGER, Johanna Caroline (//c1839-24/12/1908). Born Langenbielau, Kreis Reichenbach, Silesia, Prussia. Died Lake Hindmarsh Vic. m 27/9/1860 Lutheran Church Light Pass, August Winter.

TRAEGER, Ernst August (22/9/1842-11/9/1918). Born Bielawa/Bielau, Silesia, Prussia. Died SA. Farmer; Langmeil. Lutheran. m (1) 13/11/1867 St John Tanunda, Amalie von Bollensdorf m (2) 27/6/1872 Lutheran Church Bethanien, Anna nee Graue (nb).

TRAEGER, Johanna Dorothea Dorothy (//c1844-13/11/1885). Died Hundred of Lindley SA. m 12/7/1866 Lutheran Church Light Pass, Christian Bartel.

TRAEGER, Johanna Christiane Luise (//c1847-28/5/1934). Died SA. m 10/8/1876 St John Tanunda, Gottlieb Kuchel (nb).

WARNECKE, Johann Carl Charles Friedrich (//c1824-//). Born Hamburg. Settled; North Adelaide. Locksmith; Adelaide then Shepherd; Melrose, Pt Lincoln etc. Lutheran, Wesleyan Methodist. m 30/8/1852 St John Adelaide, Harriet nee WEBBER (//c1824-30/7/1879) Born Chelsea, Middlesex, England. Died Pt Lincoln SA. An unnamed child b 31/7/1854 d 6/9/1854. Not clear whether JCF Warnecke died before or after his wife.

Baggage for the following people: