Lists of South Australian Publicans |
Relevant lists can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate link below. Names: [ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ] [ E to F ] [ G ] [ H ] [ I to K ] [ L ] [ M ] [ N to P ] [ Q to R ] [ S ] [ T to U ] [ V to Z ] |
---- List of Names 'L' ----
LACEY, Frederick James (//-//)
1920-1922 Hanson Arms Hotel Farrell Flat
1923-1923 Watervale Hotel Watervale
1931-1931 Watervale Hotel Watervale
LADD, Henry Arthur (//-//)
1919-1919 Bedford Hotel Woodside
LADD, Joseph (//-//)
1849-1850 Gepps Cross Hotel Gepps Cross
LADMORE, Frederick (//-//)
1851-1851 Lord Melbourne Melbourne St Hotel founder.
LADNER, Edwin (//-//)
1882-1883 Edinburgh Castle Hotel Currie St
LAFFER, James (//-//)
1868-1869 City Bridge Hotel Hindley St
LAFFER, James Junr (//c1836-//)
Son of James Laffer Senr
Publican; Adelaide, m 5/3/1867, Frances nee RYAN.
LAFFIN, James A (//-//)
1895-1896 Exchange Hotel Pt Adelaide
1896-1897 Vintage Shades Hotel Norwood
LAFFIN, Joshua (//-//)
1869-1871 Middleton Hotel Middleton
1871-1872 Corio Hotel Goolwa
1873-1876 Wombat Hotel Kadina
1876-1876 Mill Inn Gawler South
1879-1880 Derby Arms Hotel Penwortham
LAKE, Charles Sydney (//-//)
1893-1895 Railway Hotel Bute
LAKE, Jack Warrender (//-//)
1911-1913 Sportsmans Hotel Little Swamp near Pt Lincoln
LAKE, Janet McCreedie (//-//)
1895-1897 Stanley Hotel Clare
LAKE, John Harris (//-//)
1882-1883 Sportsmans Hotel Little Swamp near Pt Lincoln
LAKEMAN, Alfred B (//-//)
1892-1893 Windsor Hotel Gillies Plains
LAKIE, William (//-//)
1891-1893 Wauraltee Hotel Pt Victoria
LAIDLAW, Miss Barbara (//-//)
1889-1902 Royal Hotel Hawker
LAIDLAW, Mrs Esther Ann (//-//)
1904-1906 Rochester Hotel Rochester
LAIDLAW, Robert (//-//)
1883-1889 Royal Hotel Hawker
LAIDLAW, Thomas (//-//)
1902-1904 Grand Junction Hotel Quorn
LAING, Keith (//-//)
1964-1964 Britannia Hotel Pt Adelaide
LAING, Mrs Keith nee Shirley May ? (//-//)
1964-1964 Britannia Hotel Pt Adelaide
LAIRD, Joseph (//-//)
1914-1918 Commercial Hotel Wallaroo
1919-1919 Fountain Inn Millbrook [Parkside]
1920-1921 North Kapunda Hotel Kapunda
1922-1923 Wakefield Hotel Wakefield St .
1925-1925 Dublin Hotel Hamley Bridge
LAIRD, Maryann (//-//)
1941-1946 Coobowie Hotel Coobowie
LALLY, Timothy JL (//-//)
1927-1932 Leigh Creek Hotel Copley [Leigh Creek]
LALOR, Sophia (//-//)
1897-1897 Kooringa Hotel Kooringa
1898-1898 Bon Accord Hotel Aberdeen
1898-1898 Hamley Bridge Hotel Hamley Bridge
1899-1900 Mintaro Hotel Mintaro
LAMB, Esther Ann (//-//)
1937-1937 Hotel Adelaide Pirie St
1937-1937 Hotel Adelaide Pirie St with Eileen Stuarty Black
1937-1938 Hotel Adelaide Pirie St
1938-1938 Seacliff Hotel Seacliff
LAMB, Frederick (//-//)
1855-1856 Plough & Harrow Inn Peachey Belt [Penfield]
LAMB, George Henry (//-//)
1884-1885 Excelsior Hotel Brompton Park
LAMB, Henry William (//-//)
1895-1907 Globe Hotel Wilmington
1907-1909 Pier Hotel Pt Germein
1910-1914 Robertstown Hotel Robertstown
LAMB, James Gilbert Edward (//c1820-//)
Gardener from Ravelston, Britain.
Early 1850s - Policeman, gold escort; Adelaide
1853-1853 City Bridge Hotel Hindley St
1854-1862 Aberdeen Hotel Aberdeen
1862-1867 Royal Hotel Hindley St
1867-1877 Burra Hotel Kooringa
To SA 1829 Orleana
1844 – as MC Lamb, one of the party in pursuit of Gilkes the bushranger on Kangaroo Island.
Formerly member and then Inspector of the Gold Escort.
m 12/5/1853 Holy Trinity Adelaide, Johanna Thomas James, youngest daughter of publican William James of the City Bridge (Nixons), of Hindley St. JG Lamb followed his father-in-law as publican.
LAMB, John (//-//)
1845-1846 Gilbert Arms Hotel Stockport
1866-1871 Albion Morphett St . Hotel closed.
1876-1877 Newmarket Inn North Tce
LAMB, Richard James (//-//)
Born Philadelphia, Penn, USA.
1853-1856 Glenelg Hotel Glenelg
1856-1856 Champions Hotel became Huntsmans Hotel O’Connell St North Adelaide 1856.
m May 1855 pnr perhaps the Glenelg Hotel, Martha Sarah nee PORTER
MN Register 26/5/1855 – marriage not registered.
LAMBERT, Albert E (//-//)
1913-1914 Angaston Hotel Angaston
1927-1928 Union Hotel Hahndorf
LAMBERT, Benjamin (//-//)
1866-1867 Stanley Arms Inn Watervale
Hotel closed
LAMBERT, Frederick (//-//)
1890-1891 Gawler Belt Hotel Gawler Belt [Willaston]
1892-1895 Railway Hotel Frances
LAMBERT, F (//-//)
1891-1892 Templers Hotel Templers
LAMBERT, Frederick W (//-//)
1886-1894 Royal Hotel Crystal Brook
1894-1897 Terminus Hotel Morgan
AMBERT, Mrs FW nee Clara ? (//-//)
1897-1919 Terminus Hotel Morgan
LAMBERT, Harriet (//-//)
1855-1861 Prince Albert Hotel became Shakespeare Hotel when she became publican.Took the hotel name with her to Waymouth St where she renamed the Builders Arms.
1861-1863 Builders Arms Inn became Shakespeare Hotel WaymouthSt
1863-1868 Rainbow Hotel Gouger St
LAMBERT, Harry (//-//)
1852-1853 Talbot Hotel Gouger St
1854-1855 White Horse Cellars Pt Adelaide
LAMBERT, James George (//-//)
1907-1909 Yatina Hotel Yatina
LAMBERT, Mrs Mary (//-//)
1904-1907 Mill Inn Gawler South
LAMBERT, Reginald Gordon (//-//)
1953-1959 Federal Hotel Pt Pirie West with Helen Alexandra Lambert
1959-1992 Federal Hotel Pt Pirie West
LAMBERT, Mrs RG nee Helen Alexandra ? (//-//)
1942-1953 Federal Hotel Pt Pirie West
1953-1959 Federal Hotel Pt Pirie West with Helen Alexandra Lambert
LAMBERT, Sarah A (//-//)
1906-1908 Flagstaff Hotel Franklin St .
LAMBERT, William Gilchrist (//-//)
1845-1848 Clubhouse Hotel Hindley St . 1st publican after the private club closed its doors.
LAMBERT, William Samuel (31/8/1864-//)
Born Salisbury SA.
1892-1893 Kanmantoo Hotel Kanmantoo
1893-1893 Bakers Springs Hotel Rhynie
1893-1897 Callington Hotel Callington
1897-1897 Rising Sun Hotel Kensington
1908-1909 White Conduit House Hotel North St
Son of Samuel Lambert and Ann nee MARRA.
LAMPE, Jacob (//-//)
1891-1893 Excelsior Hotel Brompton Park
1894-1895 Jervois Hotel Pt Adelaide
1895-1896 Worlds End Hotel Magill
LAMPE, Mrs Margaret A (//-//)
1896-1897 Willaston Hotel Willaston
1898-1901 Angel Inn Gouger St
1901-1904 Excelsior Hotel Brompton Park
LANDER, John Little (//c1859-14/1/1930)
Died North Adelaide SA.
1893-1894 Launceston Hotel Waymouth St
LANDON, Frederick (//-//)
1889-1890 North Kapunda Hotel Kapunda
LANDOW, Frederick AW (//-//)
1878-1882 Terminus Hotel Pt Wakefield
LANDVOIGT, Johann Franz Francis the Younger (//c1860-28/12/1939)
Died Henley Beach SA.
1890-1891 Queen’s Head Hotel Kermode St
LANDVOIGT[later LANDVOGT], Johann Philipp (//-//)
1859-1864 Wheelwrights Arms Hotel Roper St
1864-1876 Wakefield Hotel Wakefield St Hotel founder.
1876-1876 Gold Diggers Arms Inn Norwood
1879-1901 Wakefield Hotel Wakefield St .
LANE, Aaron (//c1831-27/8/1894)
Died Beachport SA.
1868-1872 Kangaroo Inn Gillap Reedy Creek
1873-1875 Somerset Hotel Millicent Hotel opener
1875-1879 Wave Queen Hotel Grey Town Rivoli Bay Hotel founder
1879-1879 Bay View Hotel Beachport Hotel founder
1879-1883 Railway Hotel Tantanoola Hotel opener
1883-1894 Bay View Hotel Beachport
LANE, Albin Stephen (//-//)
1901-1902 Railway Hotel Tantanoola
LANE, Alfred John Henry (12/11/1877-3/7/1926)
Born Adelaide SA. Died Pt Pirie SA.
1916-1919 West Suburban Hotel Pt Pirie West
Parents – John Thomas Lane & Mary Rebecca nee SMITH
LANE, Mrs AJH nee Alice Maud ANDERSON (//c1874-17/2/1939)
Died Pt Pirie SA (of Pt Pirie West).
1919-1920 Wauraltee Hotel Pt Victoria
LANE, Edward (//c1875-13/9/1947)
Died Gawler SA (of Sandy Creek).
1917-1942 Sandy Creek Hotel Sandy Creek
1945-1947 Sandy Creek Hotel Sandy Creek
LANE, Ernest Charles (5/4/1904-//)
Born Norwood SA.
1949-1951 Dawson Hotel Dawson
Parents – Ernest Carlton Lane & Agnes nee CARRIGG
m 5/2/1927 Queen of Angels Thebarton, Gwendoline Florence nee CHURCHMAN (//c1907-//) Parents – Walter Isaac Churchman &
LANE, Francis Edward (//-//)
1902-1905 Railway Hotel Tantanoola with William Stephen Lane
m Clara Blanche nee TELFER (//-//)
LANE, Frederick (//-//)
1879-1887 Globe Hotel Clare
LANE, George (//-//)
1895-1899 Manoora Hotel Manoora
1899-1899 Riverton Hotel Riverton
1900-1903 Sir John Franklin Hotel North Kapunda
1903-1907 Railway Family Hotel Gawler West [Bassett Town]
1907-1907 Bucks Head Hotel North Tce
1908-1912 Hanson Arms Hotel Farrell Flat
1912-1913 Mintaro Hotel Mintaro
LANE, George (//-//)
1914-1914 Governor MacDonnell Hotel Salisbury
1916-1919 Prince Albert Hotel Gawler
1919-1919 Salisbury Hotel Salisbury
LANE, George Charles (//-//)
1947-1975 Sandy Creek Hotel Sandy Creek
LANE, Mrs Gertrude Lillian (//-//)
1910-1912 Bedford Hotel Currie St .
1912-1913 German Arms Hotel Hahndorf
1913-1915 Bucks Head Hotel North Tce
1917-1921 Bedford Hotel Currie St Hotel closed 17/3/1921.
1921-1922 Colonel Light Hotel Currie St
1923-1923 Travellers Rest Hotel Houghton
LANE, Henry Milliard (//c1899-15/10/1962)
Died Magill SA.
1924-1925 Bristol Hotel Franklin St
1931-1935 Georgetown Hotel Georgetown
LANE, James (//-//)
1848-1849 Boars Head Tavern Rundle St
LANE, James A (//-//)
1922-1923 Millicent Hotel Millicent
LANE, John (//c1815-25/3/1868)
Died Adelaide SA (of Lower Mitcham).
1852-1853 Miners Arms Inn Glen Osmond
1853-1853 Britannia Hotel Norwod
1855-1857 Royal Hotel Hindley St
1857-1858 Torrens Arms Hotel Kingswood Hotel founder
1860-1862 Torrens Arms Hotel Kingswood
1863-1864 Torrens Arms Hotel Kingswood
Husband of Dorothy Lane, who had a life interest in the estate; after her death, the whole estate to be sold and the assets shared equally absolutely in remainder expectant between his two children - Edward John Lane and Mary Heard Lane.
LANE, John Alexander (15/12/1881-8/4/1959)
Born North Kensington SA. Died Adelaide SA (of Redfern).
1918-1920 Renmark Hotel Renmark
1923-1926 Imperial Hotel Orroroo
1927-1928 Mallala Hotel Mallala
Parents – John James Lane &
m 2/12/1918 Holy Trinity Adelaide, Edith Pauline Caroline nee GROSSER (27/6/1890-10/8/1963) Born near Mt Gambier SA. Died Hawthorn SA (of Redfern) Parents – Albert Carl Constantine Grosser & Dorothea Doris Dina Christine nee SCHMIDT
LANE, John James (29/5/1854-12/6/1927)
Born Norwood SA. Died Adelaide SA.
1883-1885 Ethelston Hotel Ethelton
m Annie Alexandrina nee (//c1855-15/7/1935) Died Adelaide SA (of Prospect).
LANE, Joseph (//-//)
1883-1896 Railway Hotel Tantanoola
LANE, William (//-//)
1890-1893 Bush Inn Willunga
LANE, William Stephen (//-//)
1902-1905 Railway Hotel Tantanoola with Francis Edward Lane
LANG, Mrs Flora Josephine (22/1/1903-//)
Born Parnaroo SA.
1940-1941 Penn Hotel Oodlawirra
Parents – Emil Oswald Johannes GRUHL & Auguste Elisabeth nee JUST
m 10/3/1926 Bride father residence Spalding, Edmund Edward Lang (18/12/1894-//) Born Caltowie Extension SA. Parents – Hubert Garish Lang & Flora Florrie IsAbella nee FISHER
LANG, John Dixon (26/5/1895-//)
Born Narridy SA.
1922-1928 Booleroo Centre Hotel Booleroo Centre
Parents – William Rowley Lang & Catherine nee DIXON
LANG, Thomas (//-//)
1893-1893 Oxford Hotel O’Connell St
LANG, Mrs Thomas nee Fanny ? (//-//)
1893-1894 Oxford Hotel O’Connell St
LANGE, Theodor Adam (//-//)
1894-1895 Stag Inn Rundle St
Lived; Mt Torrens by 1877
m Mary Ann nee CARLING (//-//)
LANGCAKE, Mrs John nee Elizabeth Ann ADAMS (//-//)
1893-1898 Kanmantoo Hotel Kanmantoo
LANGBEIN, Frederick Charles (28/11/1898-6/6/1972)
Born near Woodside SA. Died Mt Barker SA.
1941-1952 Hotel Ambleside Hahndorf
Parents – Charles Langbein & Emma nee ORAM/ORAN (//-//)
m Ruby Boronia nee ? (//-//)
LANGDON, Caleb (//-//)
1840-1840 Horseshoe Inn Noarlunga Hotel founder
LANGDON, Leslie (//-//)
1944-1948 Mundoora Hotel Mundoora
LANGE, Carl August (//c1854-13/9/1919)
Died Tanunda SA (of Eden Valley).
1908-1913 Eden Valley Hotel Eden Valley
Links with M Roesler.
m Helene nee KLEINIG (//-//)
LANGE, Christian/Carl (//-//)
1878-1880 Lord Exmouth Hotel Exeter
LANGE, Ernst Heinrich Eduard (//-//)
1873-1877 East End Market Hotel East Tce
1878-1880 Willaston Hotel Willaston
1880-1885 Fountain Inn Millbrook [Parkside]
m Harriet nee ?
LANGE, Wilhelm William (//-//)
1879-1879 Railway Hotel Freeling
LANGFORD, Richard (10/8/1815-22/1/1897)
1854-1858 Walkers Arms Inn Walkerville
Carpenter; North Road by 1851 Carpenter, publican; Walkerville by 1854
m 21/11/1836 Lambeth, Surrey, England, Ann Sarah nee WEST (//-//)
LANGLEY, Charles (//-//)
1862-1864 Lows Inn Mt Barker.
Lived; Mt Barker by 1853 Blakiston by 1862 Compton Downs by 1864
m Mary Parker nee HEWISON (//-//)
LANGLEY, Isaac (//c1822-26/12/1862)
Died Adelaide SA (of Nailsworth).
1853-1855 Myponga Hotel Myponga
1861-1863 Windmill Inn Main North Road [Prospect]
2nd son of Henry Langley of Holcombe, Somerset, England.
LANGLEY, Mrs Isaac nee Henrietta ? (//-//)
1863-1863 Windmill Inn Main North Road [Prospect]
LANGLEY, William Angus (27/10/1863-27/12/1902)
Born LeFevre Peninsula SA.
1887-1897 Alberton Hotel Alberton
1897-1899 Eagle Tavern Hindley St
1899-1902 Selborne Hotel Pirie St
Parents – John Langley & Emily nee THORNE
Whole estate to his wife, Maria Ada Langley, absolutely.
LANGLEY, Mrs WA nee Maria Ada NEWELL (3/11/1865-//)
Born Portland Estate SA.
1903-1904 Selborne Hotel Pirie St
1904-1905 Woodville Hotel Woodville
1905-1906 Hamburg Hotel Rundle St
Parents – Robert Newell & Eliza nee TURNER
LANGMEAD, Clarence Edward Standley (25/5/1889-10/6/1872)
Born Willamulka SA. Died Adelaide SA (of Malvern).
1925-1925 Norwood Hotel Norwood
1926-1927 Seven Stars Hotel Angas St
1927-1930 Pastoral Hotel Pt Augusta
1930-1930 Commercial Hotel Whyte-Yarcowie
1931-1932 Commercial Hotel Whyte-Yarcowie
Parents – Edward Langmead & Matilda Selina nee STANDLEY
Eldest son.
LANGMEAD, Elkanah (//c1830-14/12/1883)
Died Willamulka SA.
1859-1860 Teamsters Rest Logan Flat near Kooringa The only publican
Settled; Apoinga/Brady Flat when 1st in SA. Then the Hotel at Logan Flat Then at Moonta by the late 1860s.
m 1/5/1852 not stated Kooringa, Mary Ann nee COCK (//c1833-21/3/1895) Died Hundred of Kadina SA.
LANGMEAD, Horace Horry Roland Hill (25/2/1891-3/9/1963)
Born Willamulka SA. Died Linden Park SA.
1924-1925 Central Hotel Kadina
1926-1926 Central Hotel Kadina
1926-1928 Launceston Hotel Waymouth St
1929-1930 Royal Hotel Terowie
Parents – Edward Langmead & Matilda Selina nee STANDLEY
Second son.
Farmer; Willamulka then Publican; Kadina, Adelaide, Terowie.
m 3/4/1913 Methodist Church Thomas Plains, Elizabeth Sarah nee RAMSEY (12/8/1891-16/9/1918) Born Willamulka SA. Died Kadina SA (of Willamulka). Parents – George Edward Ramsey & Elizabeth Sarah nee PEARCE.
At the Launceston Hotel Waymouth St, Horace Langmead’s sons loved to stand on the hotel roof and shoot at the cross on the chapel roof of the nearby RC Bishop’s residence.
LANGREHR, Charles Albert (//c1878-5/12/1945)
Died Magill SA (of Mt Barker).
1898-1899 Hanson Arms Hotel Farrell Flat
1899-1921 Broughton Arms Hotel Yacka
m Annie Maria nee PRATT
LANGREHR, Eduard Edward (31/5/1867-//)
Born Kanmantoo SA.
1895-1901 Hoyleton Hotel Hoyleton
1902-1907 Blyth Hotel Blyth
1907-1919 Woolshed Inn Bordertown
1921-1923 Woolshed Inn Bordertown
Parents – Adolph Langrehr & Margaret nee LANDCAKE
LANGREHR, Wilhelm William (2/6/1862-//)
Born Lower Finniss SA.
1905-1908 Middleton Hotel Middleton
Parents – Adolph Langrehr & Bridget nee CARROLL
LANGSFORD, Mrs Elsie May (Mrs Claude Harvey Langsford) (//c1887-31/5/1958)
Died Victor Harbor SA.
1922-1926 Moonta Hotel Moonta
LANKENAU, Charles Henry (26/5/1856-30/5/1938)
Born Adelaide SA. Died Plympton SA.
1903-1906 Marion Hotel Marion
Parents – Heinrich Lankenau & Christine nee MORITZ
m Fanny nee WOOD (//c1858-2/11/1917) Died Fullarton SA (of Torrensville).
LANSLEY, David (//-//)
1895-1897 Gawler Belt Hotel Gawler Belt [Willaston]
1897-1898 Willaston Hotel Willaston
LANTIN, Francis Joseph Desire (27/1/1878-20/11/1931)
Born near Freeling SA. Died Nonning Station SA (of Pt Augusta).
1918-1920 Western Hotel Pt Augusta West
Parents – Francis Joseph Lantin & Mary Jane Catherine nee BOVY
LANYON, William (//-//)
1859-1860 Victorville Hotel Greenock
LAPHEN, Richard Patrick (//-//)
1869-1869 Alexandra Hotel Rundle St
LAPTHORNE, John (//-//)
1882-1882 London Inn Flinders St
LAPTHORNE, John Petherick (//-//)
1851-1852 Falcon Inn Wright St . Hotel closed 1852-53.
LARAGY, James Michael (18/12/1899-//)
Born Hawker SA.
1926-1927 Royal Victoria Hotel Beltana
Parents – John Laragy & Margaret nee ASKEW
LARKIN, Michael Patrick (//c1874-//)
1906-1906 Morphett Arms Inn Morphettville
1921-1922 Railway Hotel Jamestown
1925-1928 Mt Barker Hotel Mt Barker
1928-1930 Rob Roy Hotel Halifax St
m 5/9/1903 RC Church Pekina, Elsie Maud Blanche BUTLER (22/5/1878-//) Born Adelaide SA.
Parents – James Butler & Caroline nee GUMMOW
LARKIN, Thomas (//c1862-//)
Born SA. Died Broken Hill NSW.
1885-1886 Pichi Richi Inn Pichi Richi Pass
Parents – Michael Larkin & Catherine nee POWER
Michael Larkin was a teamster at Saltia. He died from falling into a camp fire, and his wife carried on his teamster business. Some of the family moved to Broken Hill NSW.
m 28/12/1884 All Saints Pt Augusta, Rosetta nee FINLAY (//c1866-//) Father; Thomas.
LARKING, John Henry perhaps (//c1820-9/8/1875)
Died near Pt Lincoln SA.
1859-1864 Sportsmans Arms Hotel Little Swamp near Pt Lincoln Hotel founder
1868-1876 Sportsmans Arms Hotel Little Swamp near Pt Lincoln
Settled; Pt Lincoln by 1853 Meringinale near Pt Lincoln by 1860 Little Swamp near Pt Lincoln by 1869
LARKING, SA/JT perhaps John Thomas (17/11/1853-18/1/1882)
Born Pt Lincoln SA. Died Pt Lincoln SA (of Warrow).
1880-1880 Sportsmans Hotel Little Swamp near Pt Lincoln
Parents – publican John Henry Larking & Phoebe nee Hughes
LARSON, Karl Anton (//-//)
1911-1915 Overway Hotel Hindley St
LASCHKE, Martin Matthes(//c1856-//)
1891-1893 Wellington Hotel Waterloo
Parents – Christian Laschke &
Lived; Manoora, Waterloo, Southwark etc
m 10/8/1883 St Johannes Lutheran Church Carlsruhe, Johanne Auguste Emma nee ZUCKER (//-//) Born SA. Parents – Johann Gottlob Zucker &
LATHAM, Rowland Thomas (//c1887-12/10/1956)
Died Keswick SA.
1921-1921 Sportsmans Hotel Little Swamp near Pt Lincoln
LATHAM, Mrs RT nee Lily ? (//-//)
1921-1921 Sportsmans Hotel Little Swamp near Pt Lincoln
LATTER, Henry (//-//)
1861-1862 Pt Arthur Hotel Pt Clinton Hotel founder
LATTER, Henry Y (//-//)
1863-1863 Moonta Hotel Moonta Hotel founder
LAUGHTON, Mrs Mary Ann (//-//)
1888-1889 Wheelwrights Arms Hotel Roper St
Perhaps wife/widow of Edward Laughton of Pt Adelaide/Queenstown
LAURENCE, Albert Oliver (//-//)
1920-1921 Dublin Hotel Hamley Bridge
1926-1933 Burra Hotel Kooringa
LAURENCE, George (//-//)
1887-1887 Berkshire Hotel St Leonards Glenelg
LAURENCE, George Henry (//-//)
1870-1873 Shipwrights Arms Inn Alberton
LAURENCE, William Thomas (//-//)
1882-1883 Stanley Bridge Hotel Grunthal [Verdun]
1883-1883 Orient Hotel Wakefield St
LAURENTI, Alphonse Bruce perhaps (4/11/1888-//)
Born Mitcham SA.
1922-1923 Bridgewater Hotel Bridgewater with Horace Charles Almond
1923-1927 Leigh Creek Hotel Copley [Leigh Creek]
1928-1931 Robertstown Hotel Robertstown
1931-1932 SA Clubhouse Hotel Pt Adelaide
1932-1935 Leigh Creek Hotel Copley [Leigh Creek]
1935-1937 Maylands Hotel Maylands
1937-1939 Bay View Hotel Wallaroo
1940-1941 Globe Hotel Pt Adelaide
Parents – Otto Laurenti & Theresa nee RUNDLE
LAURENTI, Leon (//-//)
1913-1915 Globe Hotel Yalata [Fowler Bay]
LAVENDER, Charles Pakenham (//c1881-20/3/1956)
Died Ashford SA (of Black Forest).
1920-1921 Totness Inn, Mount Pleasant
1921-1922 Yarrowie Hotel Appila
1922-1923 Aldinga Hotel Aldinga
LAVENDER, George D’Arcy (//-//)
1919-1920 Wildongoleechie Hotel Hallett
1921-1922 Rising Sun Hotel Lobethal
LAVENDER, William Henry
1920-1923 Commercial Hotel Laura
LAVER, Mrs Edith May (//-//)
1931-1932 Royal Oak Hotel Clarendon
1932-1932 Buckingham Arms Hotel Gilberton
1933-1936 Wolseley Hotel Wolseley
LAVER, Henry Richard (//c1845-29/4/1934)
Died Pt Pirie SA
1886-1889 Reservoir Hotel Thorndon Park
m Jane nee NORMAN (//c1847-25/3/1934) Died Henley Beach Sa.
LAVER, John perhaps John Hedley Edward (30/1/1882-//)
Born Payneham SA.
1920-1922 Eden Valley Hotel Eden Valley
1924-1925 Crafers Hotel Crafers
1925-1925 Pier Hotel Pt Germein with Mary E Laver
1925-1928 Pier Hotel Pt Germein
Perhaps Parents – Hedley Edward Laver & Lucy nee GREENHAM
LAWES, Peter Saunders (//-//)
1839-1840 Walkers Arms Inn Walkerville Hotel founder
LAWLER, Eliza[beth] (//-//)
1911-1920 General Bolivar Hotel Burton [Bolivar] Hotel closer
LAWLESS, Edward (//-//)
1862-1867 Royal Admiral Hotel Hindley St
Became a bankrupt
LAWLESS, Thomas (//-//)
1869-1872 Clarendon Hotel Hindley St
Perhaps Lived- Stanley Flat.
Perhaps m Caroline nee LAWLESS (//-//)
LAWN, Henry Bidmead (//c1861-26/7/1926)
Died Peterborough SA.
1911-1913 Eureka Hotel Carrieton
LAWN, William (//-//)
1888-1889 Duke of Wellington Inn Waterloo
1889-1889 Duke of Wellington Inn Waterloo
LAWN, Mrs William nee ? (//-//)
1889-1889 Duke of Wellington Inn Waterloo
LAWRENCE, Albert Oliver (6/5/1879-18/4/1946)
Born Adelaide SA. Died Torrensville SA.
1921-1926 Royal Exchange Hotel Kadina with Frank H Turner
1933-1941 Angaston Hotel Angaston
Parents – John Oliver Lawrence & Mary Ann nee PENNEY
LAWRENCE, George (//-//)
1869-1870 Old Halfway House Inn Woodville
LAWRENCE, George Henry (//-//)
1872-1873 Old Halfway House Inn Woodville
LAWRENCE, George (//-//)
1884-1886 Angaston Hotel Angaston
1887-1887 Smithfield Hotel Smithfield
1887-1895 Great Northern Hotel Pt Augusta
1895-1897 Flinders Family Hotel Pt Augusta
LAWRENCE, George (//-//)
1900-1903 Pier Hotel Glenelg
LAWRENCE, George (//-//)
1903-1904 Great Northern Hotel Hergott Spring
LAWRENCE, Mrs Irma Muriel Maud (//-//)
1936-1937 Napoleon Hotel King William St .
1937-1938 Napoleon Hotel King William St .
1938-1946 Union Hotel Waymouth St
1947-1954 Union Hotel Waymouth St
LAWRENCE, James (//-27/8/1858)
Died North Adelaide SA, at his residence the Crown Hotel Gover St.
4/5/1839-1840 Rose & Crown West Tce Hotel founder and closer.
1840-1840 Halfway House Inn Woodville
1841-1842 Rose & Crown West Tce Hotel founder and closer.
1857-1858 Crown Gover St . Changed the name from Bricklayer’s Arms to Crown. Hotel closed.
Apparently a bachelor/could have been a widower - the following must be a different James Lawrence. Did this man's widow, Eliza Darling, remarry to publican Florence Darling by 1858? No – this marriage occurred 13/3/1857 St Paul Pt Adelaide.
LAWRENCE, James (//-//)
1886-1887 Mallala Hotel Mallala
LAWRENCE, Mary M (//-//)
1934-1935 Commercial Hotel Gladstone with Edward H McKenzie
LAWRENCE, Robert George (//-//)
1862-1864 Maid and Magpie Hotel Stepney
LAWRIE, Alexander (//-//)
1912-1913 Aldinga Hotel Aldinga
LAWRIE, James (//-//)
1851-1851 Miners Arms Inn Glen Osmond
1851-1852 Turf Hotel Parkside
LAWRIE, Mary Ann (//-//)
1913-1914 Sportsmans Hotel Little Swamp near Pt Lincoln
LAWRIE, Robert Dunlop and Linnette Joan (//-//)
1969-1971 Stag Hotel Rundle St
LAWS, James (//-//)
1853-1855 Irish Harp Inn became Bushman Inn Sandy Creek
LAWS, William (//-//)
1852-1853 Mt Torrens Inn Mount Torrens
LAWSON, Alexander Webster (//-//1888)
1872-1888 Travellers Rest became Stanley Hotel Clare
LAWSON, Mrs AW nee Bessie ? (//-//)
1888-1889 Stanley Hotel Clare
1889-1891 Fords Hotel Clare
LAWSON, Bryant and Mrs (//-//)
1977-1977 Robin Hood Hotel Norwood
LAWSON, Charles Henry (//-//)
1914-1917 Royal Oak Hotel Clarendon
1918-1920 Great Northern Hotel Hergott Springs
1920-1921 Exchange Hotel Government Gums [Farina]
1921-1923 Leigh Creek Hotel Copley [Leigh Creek]
1924-1925 Franklin Harbour Hotel Cowell
1927-1939 North Kapunda Hotel Kapunda
LAWSON, Charles Victor (28/10/1884-//)
Born West Thebarton SA.
1908-1911 Torrens Arms Hotel Kingswood with Samuel Lawson
1920-1922 Maid of Auckland Hotel Edwardstown
1937-1939 Hamley Bridge Hotel Hamley Bridge
Parents – John Lawson & Mary Elizabeth nee SIMPSON
LAWSON, E (//-//)
1881-1881 Railway Hotel Jamestown
LAWSON, Edith E/L (//-//)
1925-1927 Exchange Hotel Government Gums [Farina]
LAWSON, Ivan Keith (//-//)
1922-1923 Exchange Hotel Government Gums [Farina] with Frederick John Rodley
1940-1945 Commercial Hotel Cummins
1946-1951 Royal Exchange Hotel Kadina
LAWSON, John (//-//)
1900-1908 Torrens Arms Hotel Kingswood
LAWSON, Lindsay Gordon (//-//)
1948-1949 Stanley Bridge Hotel Verdun
1949-1955 Springton Hotel Springton
LAWSON, Robert Leonard (//-//)
1950-1967 Prince Edward Hotel Wallaroo with Judith Helen Lawson
LAWSON, Samuel (//-//)
1908-1911 Torrens Arms Hotel Kingswood with Charles V Lawson
LAWSON, Thomas (//-//)
1848-1848 Prince Albert Hotel Hindley St
Puzzle as to identity. Application 27372.
11/8/1853 Land grant William Williams farmer Little Para, Section 834, Hundred of Barossa £135.
21/10/1853 To Thomas Lacey Lawson mining captain Adelaide £160.
19/7/1859 Thomas Lacey Lawson mining captain, near Gawler, died. His land in trust, to pay his wife £1 a week, to maintain his children; she also had the right to choose one of his houses at Gawler or Willaston to live in. After her death, the land to go to his daughter Penelope for life; then to her children in equal shares absolutely. Roman Catholic priest at Gawler to be one of the trustees. TL Lawson must have lived in Cockatoo Valley at first, but then moved to Gawler, where he had several houses there and at Willaston.
3/4/1872 Catherine Lawson, widow of TL Lawson contractor, died, of drowning while in a state of temporary insanity caused of drink, North Para River, aged 50. She had two daughters by a former husband - Clara and Dinah Smith.
2/10/1866 Wesleyan Chapel, Gawler, Daughter Penelope Lawson 19 spinster Williamstown m Edward Garson 20 sawyer Williamstown (Charles Garson) Mrs Gaston died 29/10/1912, of Bright’s disease, aged 63. She was born at Hindmarsh SA. 6 sons and 7 daughters.
The Lawsons had another daughter called Ann Lacey Lawson, who married George Gaston. This family went to WA - to Kalgoorlie. Widowed Ann Gaston lived at 92 Groome St, Cottesloe, by 1930. She and her surviving children inherited Sections 806 and 1532 in the Hundred of Barossa, which TL Lawson had bought in 1855 as land grants. Application 27577.
LAWSON, William A (//-//)
1912-1914 Bakers Springs Hotel Rhynie
1890-1891 Family Hotel Edithburgh
LAZAR, John (//-8/6/1879)
Died New Zealand.
1841-1842 Shakespeare Tavern Gilles Arcade .
1850-1851 Temple Tavern Gilles Arcade
1852-1853 Blenheim Hotel Hindley St
LAZAR, Samuel (//-14/11/1883)
Died Sydney NSW.
1868-1871 Theatre Royal Hotel Hindley St Hotel founder.
LEACH, Charles (//-//)
1882-1883 Criterion Hotel Bassett Town
LEACH, Frederick (//-//)
1886-1886 Windmill Hotel Main North Road [Prospect]
1886-1886 Saracens Head Hotel Carrington St
1886-1886 Queens Arms Hotel Brown St
1902-1903 Crown & Sceptre Hotel King William St South
1907-1908 Angaston Hotel Angaston
1907-1908 Angaston Hotel Angaston
LEACH, H (//-//)
1886-1886 Royal Hotel Balaklava
LEAHY, Albert Aloysius (18/12/1912-//)
Born Adelaide SA.
1934-1940 Wakefield Hotel Wakefield St
1948-1950 Wakefield Hotel Wakefield St
1950-1951 Eagle Hotel Hindley St
1951-1968 Murray Bridge Hotel Murray Bridge
Parents – John Aloysius Leahy & Mary Theresa nee SMITH
m 17/3/1933 Holy Cross Goodwood, Mary nee CUMMINGS (3/1/1906-//) Born Eurelia SA.
Parents – Thomas Cummings & Annie Theresa nee NASH
LEAHY, Brian Desmond (24/2/1919-//)
Born North Adelaide SA.
1945-1948 Sir John Franklin Hotel North Kapunda
1948-1954 Hotel Bay View Whyalla
Parents – Publican George Desmond Leahy & Louisa Frances nee BERRIMAN/BERRYMAN
LEAHY, Charles Kevin (//-//)
Perhaps birth not registered SA.
1940-1940 Wakefield Hotel Wakefield St
Perhaps CK Leahy (//c1908-//) Parents – John Leahy & m 22/4/1926 Mt Carmel Alberton, Marguerite nee MCASKILL (29/8/c1908-//) Parents – John McAskill & Mabel Blanche nee SNODGRASS
Perhaps CK Leahy (//c1906-//) Parents – John Aloysius McLeahy & m 12/12/1929 St Peter Glenelg, Amy Kathleen nee HURREN (//c1906-//)
Parents – George James Hurren &
LEAHY, F (//-//)
1932-1936 Royal Exchange Hotel Pt Pirie
LEAHY, Francis Joseph (21/1/1885-//)
Born Morchard SA.
1921-1922 Hamley Bridge Hotel Hamley Bridge
1924-1925 Crown Inn Currie St
1925-1928 Great Northern Hotel Pt Augusta
1928-1931 Riverside Hotel Berri
Parents – John Aloysius Leahy & Elizabeth nee DAWDY/DOUDY/DOWDY
LEAHY, Mrs FJ nee Minnie Margaret ? (//-//)
1923-1926 Grand Junction Hotel Quorn
1931-1932 Riverside Hotel Berri
1932-1937 Riverside Hotel Berri
LEAHY, George Desmond (14/9/1890-//)
Born Caltowie SA.
1918-1919 Aldgate Pump Hotel Aldgate
1920-1927 Murray Bridge Hotel Murray Bridge
1927-1934 Hotel St Vincent Glenelg
1939-1941 Royal Exchange Hotel Pt Pirie
Parents – John Aloysius Leahy & Elizabeth nee DAWDY/DOUDY/DOWDY
m 17/6/1914 St Ignatius Norwood, Louisa Frances nee BERRYMAN (//c1889-//) Perhaps not Born SA. Parents – George Berryman &
LEAHY, James (//-//)
1888-1890 Globe Hotel Kensington
1891-1891 Kensington Hotel Kensington
1892-1893 Burnside Hotel Burnside
1898-1899 West Tce Hotel Waymouth St
LEAHY, John Aloysius the Younger (//-//)
1910-1911 Cross Keys Hotel Dry Creek
LEAHY, John Aloysius the Younger (11/9/1883-//)
Born Willowie SA.
1921-1922 Crown Inn Currie St with Louis Warren Leahy his brother
1922-1924 Crown Inn Currie St with Francis Leahy his brother
1924-1925 Railway Hotel Pt Adelaide with Kevin Leahy his brother
Parents – John Aloysius Leahy and Elizabeth Anna Mary nee DOUDY
LEAHY, Kenneth Francis (16/3/1917-//)
Born North Adelaide SA.
1947-1950 Hotel Ambassadors King William St .
Parents – publican Vincent Leahy & Delia nee McMahon
LEAHY, Kevin Patrick (10/8/1899-//)
Born Jamestown SA.
1924-1925 Railway Hotel Pt Adelaide with John A Leahy his brother
1930-1932 International Hotel Pt Pirie
Parents – John Aloysius Leahy & Elizabeth nee DAWDY/DOUDY/DOWDY
LEAHY, Louis Warren (8/6/1892-//)
Born Caltowie SA.
1921-1922 Crown Inn Currie St with John Aloysius Leahy his brother
1925-1932 Royal Exchange Hotel Pt Pirie
1929-1931 Eagle Hotel Hindley St Date clash
1936-1939 Royal Exchange Hotel Pt Pirie
1940-1940 Hotel St Vincent Glenelg
Parents – John Aloysius Leahy and Elizabeth nee DOUDY
LEAHY, Patrick (//-//)
1890-1893 Young Queens Hotel Gawler Place
1893-1899 Metropolitan Hotel Grote St
1899-1900 Oakfield Hotel Flinders St .
m perhaps Margaret nee MAHER (//-//)
LEAHY, Peter Paul (//-//)
1944-1948 Rising Sun Hotel Auburn
1948-1950 Gilbert Hotel Gilbert St with Marie Carmel Leahy
1950-1950 Gilbert Hotel Gilbert St with Marie Carmel Leahy
LEAHY, Mrs PP nee Marie Carmel (//-//)
1948-1950 Gilbert Hotel Gilbert St with Peter Paul Leahy
1950-1952 Gilbert Hotel Gilbert St with Peter Paul Leahy
LEAHY, Thomas perhaps Thomas Michael (8/11/1888-//)
Born Caltowie SA.
1918-1925 Globe Hotel Gawler
Perhaps Parents – John Aloysius Leahy & Elizabeth nee Doudy
LEAHY, Thomas Joseph (13/1/1888-//)
Born Goodwood SA.
1923-1924 Globe Hotel Kensington
Parents – George Joseph Leahy & Annie nee MCKENZIE
m 29/11/1917 St Patrick Adelaide, Agnes nee SHANNON (//c1892-//)
Apparently not Born SA. Parents – Michael Shannon &
LEAHY, Thomas Michael Francis (//c1867-//)
Apparently not Born SA.
1900-1901 Old Colonist Hotel Angas St
1903-1904 Talbot Hotel Gouger St
1905-1913 Hilton Hotel Hilton
1913-1914 Maylands Hotel Maylands
Parents - Denis Warren Leahy &.
m (2) 28/10/1915 St Patrick Adelaide, publican Mrs Michael Daly nee Margaret Jane Meaney.
LEAHY, Mrs TMF formerly Mrs Michael DALY nee Margaret Jane MEANEY (//c1877-//)
Apparently not Born SA.
1915-1918 Duke of York Hotel Currie St
1919-1924 Kalgoorlie Hotel Hindley St
1924-1925 Halfway House Hotel Plympton
1927-1934 Thatched House Hotel Brighton
1934-1942 Hotel Brighton Brighton
Parents - John Meaney.
LEAHY, Vincent perhaps Vincent John (//c1890-//)
1923-1924 Robertstown Hotel Robertstown
1924-1925 Perseverance Hotel Hanson St .
1925-1926 Rising Sun Hotel Auburn
perhaps Parents – George Leahy &
perhaps m 13/4/1914 St Patrick Adelaide, Delia nee MCMAHON (//c1887-//)
Parents – John McMahon &
LEAHY, Vincent (//-//)
1941-1947 Hotel Ambassadors King William St .
LEAHY, Vincent Anthony (11/11/1915-//)
Born Prospect SA.
1946-1954 Reepham Hotel Reepham
Parents – Vincent John Leahy & Delia nee McMahon
LEAHY, William (//-//)
1890-1891 Kensington Hotel Kensington
1893-1895 Rising Sun Hotel Kensington
LEAHY, James (//-//)
1890-1891 Kensington Hotel Kensington
perhaps Lived – Balaklava by 1892 later Kensington 1898
perhaps m Maude nee GOLDSWORTHY
LEAL, Cecil Horace Manderville (6/4/1891-//)
Born Prospect SA.
1916-1917 North Star Hotel Templers with Madeline LA Stanbridge his mother
Parents – James Frederick Leal & publican Madeline Lilly Amelia nee Smyth
m 9/8/1916 St Mary Magdalene Adelaide, Winifred Emma nee BONES (//c1892-//) Parents – Harry Norman Bones &
LEAL, Mrs James Frederick nee Madeline Lilly Amelia SMYTH (//c1858-//)
Prob not born in SA.
1900-1901 Flagstaff Hotel The Sturt [Darlington]
1903-1911 Gordon Hotel Gordon
1911-1911 Gordon Hotel Gordon as Mrs MLA STANBRIDGE
Parents – William Henry Smyth &
m (1) 1/5/1880 Wesleyan Parsonage Pt Pirie, James Frederick Leal (//c1846-//) Parents – Isaac Leal &
m (2) 29/12/1909 Hotel Gordon, Frederick Stanbridge (//c1853-//) A widower. Parents – Henry Stanbridge &
LEAN, Richard (//-//)
1850-1851 New Inn Nairne Hotel closer.
Licence transferred to the nearby Crooked Billet Hotel in Nairne.
LEAN, Samuel Albert Frederick (23/3/1860-//)
Born Adelaide SA.
1901-1903 Talbot Hotel Gouger St
Parents – William Lean & Ellen Sophia nee SHILLABEER
m 19/7/1879 William Brown residence Adelaide, Ada Victoria Martha nee BADMAN (//c1862-//) Apparently not Born SA. Parents – publican George Pursey & prob Margaret Eliza nee Flanagan.
LEAN, Stephen (//-//)
1858-1860 Black Dog Inn Kanmantoo Hotel closed.
LEAN, Thomas (//-//)
1848-1849 New Inn Nairne
1850-1854 Callington Arms became Callington Inn Callington Hotel founder
1859-1862 Callington Inn Callington
LEAN, William Frederick George (29/1/1877-//)
Born Adelaide SA.
1903-1905 Sir John Barleycorn Hotel Rundle St .
1905-1909 King of Hanover Hotel Rundle St
1909-1912 Britannia Hotel Norwod
1913-1917 Sturt Arcade Hotel Grenfell St .
1919-1924 Sturt Arcade Hotel Grenfell St .
1924-1925 Lady Daly Hotel Hindmarsh
Parents – William Lean & Elizabeth nee GORDON
LEAN, Mrs WFG nee Elizabeth (//-//)
1890-1893 Windsor Castle Hotel Franklin St
1893-1904 White Hart Hotel Hindley St
1904-1913 Sturt Arcade Hotel Grenfell St .
1917-1919 Sturt Arcade Hotel Grenfell St .
LEARD, Isabella CJ (//-//)
1893-1893 Brunswick Pier Hotel Pt Adelaide
LEARHINAN, Mrs Gertrude Emily (//-//)
1930-1946 Waukaringa Hotel Waukaringa
1946-1947 Waukaringa Hotel Waukaringa
LEAVER, Dudley Joseph (//-//)
1949-1950 Ovingham Hotel Bowden-on-the-Hill
LEAVER, William (//-//)
1860-1863 Turf Hotel Parkside
1863-1863 Buckingham Arms Hotel Gilberton
1863-1864 Hampshire Hotel Grote St
1865-1868 Kent Town Hotel Kent Town
1869-1870 Bristol Tavern Franklin St
LE CARPENTIER, Paul Richard & Melva Joyce (//-//)
1985-1988 Eden Valley Hotel Eden Valley
LECKY, William Henry (28/9/1858-//)
Born Payneham SA.
1902-1906 Flagstaff Hotel Franklin St .
Parents – Edward Lecky & Mary nee ARMITAGE
LECKY, Mrs WH nee Charlotte Anne Annie DAWKINS (21/7/1856-//)
Born North Adelaide SA.
1905-1906 Excelsior Hotel Brompton Park
Parents – Nicholas Dawkins & Ann nee LAMB
LECORNU, David John (//-//)
1972-1975 Hindmarsh Hotel Pirie St
LEDGARD, Clarence Albert John (9/7/1905-//)
Born Spalding SA.
1941-1941 Wellington Hotel Waterloo
1942-1951 Hotel Balhannah Balhannah
Parents – Edward Ledgard & Elizabeth nee SAWFORD
LEDGARD, James (//-//)
1869-1870 Miners’ Arms Hotel Palmer
1872-1884 Millbrook Hotel Millbrook
LEE, Arthur James (9/9/1877-4/12/1963)
Born Adelaide SA.
1905-1920 Commercial Hotel Jamestown
1921-1922 United Service Club Hotel King William St .
1922-1926 Napoleon Hotel King William St .
1931-1933 Victoria Hotel Hindley St Date clash
1931-1934 Napoleon Hotel King William St .
1937-1940 Riverside Hotel Berri
1939-1939 Victoria Hotel Hindley St
1939-1939 Victoria Hotel Hindley St
1939-1939 Victoria Hotel Hindley St
1939-1939 Victoria Hotel Hindley St
1939-1940 Victoria Hotel Hindley St
1940-1940 Victoria Hotel Hindley St
1940-1940 Victoria Hotel Hindley St
1940-1940 Victoria Hotel Hindley St
1940-1941 Victoria Hotel Hindley St
1941-1941 Victoria Hotel Hindley St
1941-1941 Victoria Hotel Hindley St
1941-1942 Victoria Hotel Hindley St
Parents – publicans Philip Rumbelow Lee and Elizabeth nee Hanna.
m 24/10/1907 Bride father John Aloysius Leahy residence Caltowie, Catherine Maude Leahy
LEE, Eliza Davidson (//-//)
1946-1946 Waukaringa Hotel Waukaringa
LEE, George (//-//)
1890-1893 Bedford Hotel Currie St
1893-1900 Windsor Castle Hotel Franklin St
LEE, James (//-//)
1854-1856 Victoria Inn Victoria township Kapunda Hotel founder
1860-1862 Victoria Inn Victoria township Kapunda
LEE, John Douglas (//-//)
1934-1936 Napoleon Hotel King William St .
1937-1937 Napoleon Hotel King William St .
LEE, John Keane (//-//)
1902-1903 British Hotel Finniss St North Adelaide
1903-1905 Pilot Boat Hotel Pt Pirie West
1905-1920 Federal Hotel Pt Pirie West
1924-1928 Ramsgate Hotel Henley Beach
1928-1935 Terminus Hotel Balaklava
1935-1939 Alma Hotel Norwood
m Bridget Mary nee SMITH
LEE, John Philip (//-//)
1880-1881 Oriental Hotel Norwood Hotel founder
1881-1884 Lion Hotel Jerningham St
1884-1891 Metropolitan Hotel Grote St
1892-1894 Park Hotel Mt Gambier
LEE, Patrick (//-//)
1859-1860 Hibernian Hotel Carrington St Hotel closer
LEE, Patrick (//-//)
1895-1901 Bridge Hotel Langhorne Creek
1901-1912 Robin Hood Hotel Strathalbyn
1912-1921 Clare Hotel Clare
m Mary nee DAILEY (//-//)
Children born Langhorne Creek 11/12/1898 and 2/4/1901
Lived at Littlehampton and Nairne before that. Do CD Rom test of all births
LEE, Mrs Patrick nee Elizabeth ? (//-//)
1901-1912 Clare Hotel Clare
Or is this Mrs PR Lee the Elder nee Elizabeth Hanna after she became a widow? This would account for the difference in hotel ownership with Patrick Lee – he does not appear to be her husband or son.
LEE, Philip (//-//)
1/8/1837- Pavilion Cottage Currie St
Temporary premises while Lee was waiting for the completion of the Southern Cross next door. A wine shop.
1837-1838 Southern Cross Currie St Hotel founder. Shifted from Pavilion Cottage next door.
1843-1844 Queens Head Tavern Gilles Arcade
1844-1845 Flagstaff Inn The Sturt [Darlington] Hotel founder
LEE, Philip (//-//)
1859-1860 Hibernian Carrington St . Closed the hotel.
1878-1879 Norfolk Arms Hotel Rundle St
1888-1892 Norfolk Arms Hotel Rundle St with Thomas Tierney
1892-1893 Black Swan Hotel North Tce
1893-1893 United Service Club Hotel King William St .
LEE, Philip (//-//)
1881-1882 Great Northern Hotel Pt Augusta remote taproom manager
1893-1895 Mt Gambier Hotel Mt Gambier
LEE, Philip Keith (15/9/1904-//)
Born Gladstone SA.
1935-1941 Terminus Hotel Balaklava
1941-1946 Central Hotel Pt Pirie
1946-1947 Terminus Hotel Balaklava
1950-1953 Ramsgate Hotel Henley Beach with Mary Frances Lee
Parents – publican Philip Rumbelow Lee the Younger & Edith nee Brown
LEE, Mrs Mary Frances (//-//)
1942-1943 Henley Hotel Henley Beach
1945-1945 Commercial Hotel Gladstone with John Frederick Weston
Was she a widow when at Gladstone and was she the wife of Philip Keith Lee?
LEE, Philip Rumbelow the Elder (//c1851-15/1/1900)
Apparently not Born SA. Died Adelaide SA (of Kent Town).
1882-1889 Commercial Hotel Caltowie
1895-1897 Caltowie Hotel Caltowie
m 6/3/1873 St Luke Adelaide, publican Elizabeth nee Hanna.
Parents – Edwin William Lee &
LEE, Mrs PR nee Elizabeth HANNA (//c1851-12/1/1912)
Born Devon, England. Died Clare SA.
1889-1901 Commercial Hotel Caltowie
Parents –Michael Hanna & Elizabeth nee ?
To SA 1851 Lysander with her parents
Did their marriage break down?
LEE, Mrs Patrick nee Elizabeth ? (//-//)
1901-1912 Clare Hotel Clare
Or is this Mrs PR Lee the Elder nee Elizabeth Hanna after she became a widow? This would account for the difference in hotel ownership with Patrick Lee – he does not appear to be her husband or son.
LEE, Philip Rumbelow the Younger (3/1/1874-18/9/1962)
Born Adelaide SA.
1898-1905 Gladstone Hotel Gladstone
1906-1916 Naracoorte Hotel Naracoorte
Parents – publicans Philip Rumbelow Lee the Elder & Elizabeth nee Hanna
In opposition to his parents/his mother when he ran the Caltowie Hotel – or was this his father who had the Caltowie Hotel?. Therefore he would havehelped his mother run the Commercial Hotel Caltowie. Naracoorte Hotel very popular for visitors to the Naracoorte Caves to stay. Retired from hotelkeeping in 1916 because he did not think that he could make a sufficient living when hotel bar hours were reduced from 10pm closing to 6pm closing
Biog Gumleaf & Cowhide [WV Brown FH] pp175-176.
m 23/8/1899 St John Adelaide, Edith nee BROWN (15/12/1872-15/6/1922) Born Greens Plains West SA. Died Adelaide SA.
Parents – publican William Voules Brown the Younger & Emma nee Treble.
LEE, Robert Arthur (//-//)
1938-1938 Hotel Adelaide Pirie St
LEE, Robert George (12/12/1887-//)
Born Caltowie SA.
1912-1918 Royal Hotel Crystal Brook with Thomas Woodward Lee his brother
Parents – Philip Rumbelow Lee the Elder & Elizabeth nee Hanna/Hannah
LEE, Robert George (//-//)
1922-1926 Eagle Hotel Hindley St with Herbert Frederick Jones
1926-1929 Eagle Hotel Hindley St
1930-1934 Windsor Castle Hotel Franklin St
1937-1938 Imperial Hotel King William St
LEE, Robert George (//-//)
1943-1948 Maid and Magpie Hotel Stepney with Henry John Rosenberg
1948-1949 Maid and Magpie Hotel Stepney
1949-1955 Maid and Magpie Hotel Stepney
LEE, Thomas Joseph (30/12/1903-//)
Born Pt Pirie SA.
1939-1940 Alma Hotel Norwood
1941-1943 Hotel St Vincent Glenelg
1943-1945 International Hotel Pt Pirie
1945-1951 Royal Exchange Hotel Pt Pirie
LEE, Thomas Patrick (//-//)
1900-1902 Langham Hotel Gouger St
LEE, Thomas Peter (26/4/1894-//)
Born Littlehampton SA.
1928-1933 Marion Hotel Marion
Parents – Patrick Lee & Mary nee DAILY/DALY
Became a bankrupt
LEE, Thomas Woodward (2/5/1885-//) Born Caltowie SA.
1912-1918 Royal Hotel Crystal Brook with Robert George Lee his brother
1918-1922 Royal Hotel Crystal Brook
Parents – Philip Rumbelow Lee the Elder & Elizabeth nee Hanna/Hannah
LEE, William (//-//)
1968-1975 District Hotel Tungkillo with Lynette Evelyn Lee his wife
LEE, Mrs William nee Lynnette Evelyn ? (//-//)
1968-1975 District Hotel Tungkillo with William Lee her husband
1975-1977 District Hotel Tungkillo
LEESUE, Joseph (//-//)
1942-1943 Carlton Hotel Sturt St with Jack Pecarovich
LEESUE, William Henry (//-//)
1918-1920 Gladstone Hotel Gladstone
LEHMANN, Carl Albert (15/5/1904-//)
Born Robertstown SA.
1946-1950 Angas Park Hotel Nuriootpa
1950-1951 Cambrai Hotel Cambrai
Parents – Friedrich Gottlieb Lehmann & Johanne Helene nee JUNGE
LEHMANN, Friedrich (//-//)
1853-1859 Vine Inn Nuriootpa
RICKARD, Richard (//c1823-24/8/1879)
Died Moonta Mines SA, of dropsy. Miner from Cornwall, England. Miner; Moonta Mines. Perhaps childless couple. Brother to Mrs LEHMANN of Nuriootpa – perhaps Mrs F Lehmann at the Vine Inn.
1851 Reliance.
LEHMANN, Mrs George nee Kate ? (//-//)
1893-1895 International Hotel Rundle St
LEHMANN, Kate licensed victualler International Hotel Rundle St, Adelaide wife of George Lehmann out of business Adelaide 1893 Memorial 109/420
LEIGHTON, Alexander (//-//)
1873-1877 Crown Hotel Reynella
LEIGHTON, Harry (//-//)
1883-1884 Suburban Hotel Davenport Pt Augusta
m Mary Ann nee DAVIES (//-//)
LEITCH, Colin Campbell the Younger (//-//)
1940-1955 Junction Hotel Roseworthy
LEITCH, Ethel Joy (//-//)
1934-1935 Eureka Hotel Carrieton
1936-1940 Junction Hotel Roseworthy
LELLMANN, Alfred perhaps Hermann (//-//)
1922-1923 Talunga Hotel Mount Pleasant
m Rosaline Helene nee SCHUETZ (//-//)
LEMAIRE, Charles (//-//)
1904-1907 Largs Bay Hotel Largs Bay
1907-1909 Ramsgate Hotel Henley Beach
1910-1911 Crystal Brook Hotel Crystal Brook
1913-1914 Millicent Hotel Millicent
1914-1914 Royal Hotel Balaklava
LEMKE, EF (//-//)
1863-1863 Victoria Inn Pub Lake near Robe
LEMMY, John (//-//)
1861-1863 Worlds End Inn Magill
1863-1864 Prince Alfred Hotel Norwood Opened and closed hotel
Is this really Lenny ?
LENNY, John (//-//)
1841-1842 Crown and Anchor Inn Islington
Is this really Lemmy?
LEMMON, Charles (//-//)
1878-1879 John Bull Inn Currie St
LEMON, Alfred John (//-//)
1919-1924 Black Swan Hotel North Tce
1924-1928 Royal Admiral Hotel Hindley St
1931-1934 Britannia Hotel Pt Adelaide
LEMON, Mrs Marie E (//-//)
1900-1907 Vine Inn Nuriootpa
LEMON, Norman Cuthbert (2/6/1882-//)
Born Adelaide SA.
1910-1910 Exeter Hotel Rundle St
1923-1925 Flinders Family Hotel Pt Augusta
1925-1926 Flinders Family Hotel Pt Augusta
Parents – Arthur William Lemon & Jane nee MILLER
LENEHAN, John (//-//)
1894-1895 Edinburgh Castle Hotel Currie
LENITZKER, Charles E (//-//)
1921-1924 Tiger Hotel Tantanoola
LENNELL, Leigh Treweek (6/9/1893-//)
Born East Moonta SA.
1923-1925 Watervale Hotel Watervale
Parents – Frederick Lennell & Emma nee JERRAM
LENNAN/LENNON, Thomas (//-//)
1892-1893 Lancelot Hotel Lancelot
LENNON, Michael Francis (//-//)
1870-1840 Bushman Inn Nuccaleena
Hotel closed
LENNIE, Charles Reginald Franks (5/1/1904-//)
Born Adelaide SA.
1925-1933 Royal Oak Hotel Hindley St .
Parents – John Lennie & Emily nee HILL
LENNIE, John (//-//)
1933-1935 Newmarket Hotel North Tce
LEONARD, Dominick A (//-//)
1888-1891 Queens Arms Hotel Brown St
1891-1892 Marquis of Queensberry Hotel Pirie St
1893-1898 Angel Inn Gouger St
1898-1904 Wharf Hotel Pt Adelaide
1905-1910 Central Hotel Pt Adelaide
1911-1912 Dover Castle Hotel Archer St
LEONARD, Martin (//-//)
1868-1869 Clare Castle Hotel Kapunda
1869-1870 Cross Keys Inn Bagot Gap near Fords Hotel closed
1871-1872 West Tce Hotel Waymouth St
LEONARD, Michael (//-//)
1909-1918 Hotel Arno Arno Bay Hotel founder
1918-1924 Peterborough Hotel Peterborough
1924-1926 Henley Hotel Henley Beach with Ellen Leonard
1926-1929 General Havelock Hotel Hutt St with Ellie Leonard
1929-1931 Hotel Arno Arno Bay with Mrs Ellen Ellie Leonard
LEONARD, Mrs Michael nee Ellen Ellie ? (//-//)
1924-1926 Henley Hotel Henley Beach with Michael Leonard
1926-1929 General Havelock Hotel Hutt St with Michael Leonard
1929-1931 Hotel Arno Arno Bay with Michael Leonard
1931-1938 Hotel Arno Arno Bay
LEONARD, Michael John (//-//)
1876-1879 Wakefield Hotel Wakefield St
1879-1882 Saracens Head Hotel Carrington St
LEONARD, Thomas (//-//)
1865-1866 Clare Castle Hotel Kapunda
LEOPOLD, Gerdt (//-//)
1855-1856 Kentish Arms Inn Kent Town Hotel founder
1857-1865 Kentish Arms Inn Kent Town
1870-1870 Kentish Arms Inn Kent Town
LEOPOLD, Johann Carl Friedrich (//-//)
16/8/1855-1856 Butchers Arms Tanunda
Hotel opened and closed. Butcher and publican; Tanunda.
Became a bankrupt 11/10/1855 Observer 20/10/1855 p360b.epelley, Walter C (//-//)
LEPELLEY, Walter C (//-//)
1868-1868 Bridgewater Hotel Bridgewater
LESLIE, Alexander (//-//)
1918-1920 Governor Hindmarsh Hotel Bowden
LESTER, Henry (//-//)
1861-1862 Commercial Hotel Wallaroo Hotel founder
1863-1865 Commercial Hotel Wallaroo
1865-1865 Royal Hotel Moonta Hotel founder
1866-1868 Strathalbyn [Terminus] Hotel Strathalbyn
Settled; Queenstown by 1855 Wallaroo by 1861
m Eliza nee WRIGHT (//-//)
A son Harry Lester b 30/10/1861 or 3/11/1861 Commercial Hotel Wallaroo
LESTER, William (//-//)
1862-1862 Commercial Hotel Wallaroo
LETCHER, James (//-//)
1853-1855 Clarendon Hotel Hindley St
A certain James Letcher bought a Section in the Hundred of Upper Wakefield in 1855. His address was given as gent Adelaide. He sold it again in 1857, when address still given as Adelaide.
LETCHFORD, Charles the Younger (//-//)
1850-1858 Young Queens Inn Gawler Place
1858-1863 Young Queens Inn Gawler Place
Husband of Mary Letchford.
Their young daughter used to serve behind the bar – would not take a bad shilling from an old woman customer Observer 28/7/1855 p240a.
LETHBRIDGE, Ernest Victor (22/3/1887-//)
Born Quorn SA.
1913-1914 Gibsons Camp Hotel near Bookaloo
Parents – Robert Lethbridge & Flora Ann nee BROWN
LEVER, William (//-//)
1849-1849 Hope Inn Hindmarsh
1850-1851 Wakefield Arms Inn Pt Wakefield
Publican; Hindmarsh then perhaps Settled Adelaide by late 1849 then North Adelaide by 1851
Perhaps m Eliza nee TRIGER (//-//)
LEVERINGTON, Frederick William (//-//)
1903-1905 Barrier Hotel Pt Pirie
Lived – Parkside, Crystal Brook, Pt Pirie
LEVERINGTON, Mrs FW nee Alice Amy AVIS (//-//)
1906-1922 Booyoolie Hotel Gladstone
LEVICK, Samuel (//-//)
1901-1907 Leigh Creek Hotel Copley [Leigh Creek]
LEVICK, Mrs Samuel nee Edith BEADNALL (//-//)
1898-1902 Greenbush Hotel Pt Augusta Hotel closer
1907-1918 Leigh Creek Hotel Copley [Leigh Creek]
LEVY, Jasper Smith (//-//)
1890-1892 Belair Hotel Belair
Husband of Lavinia nee MORCOM
LEWIN, Charles (//c1821-17/11/1866)
Died Adelaide SA (Formerly of the Green Dragon Hotel), of congestion of the lungs DN Register 19/11/1866.
1863-1866 Green Dragon Hotel South Tce
LEWIN, Mrs Charles nee Elizabeth DAVIS (//-//).
1866-1867 Green Dragon Hotel South Tce
m (2) Peter Hunter
LEWIS, Mrs AHM nee Elizabeth Susannah TEAGUE (9/11/1879-//)
Born Warooka SA.
1912-1913 Pier Hotel Milang as Mrs AHM Lewis
1913-1916 Pier Hotel Milang as Mrs JP Bagley.
3 Coward Springs Hotel Coward Springs
Parents – Thomas Teague & Emma nee NASH
LEWIS, Alfred (//-/8/1881)
1881-1881 Bridgewater Hotel Bridgewater
LEWIS, Mrs Alfred nee Mary CONNELLY (//-//)
1881-1881 Bridgewater Hotel Bridgewater
LEWIS, Annie (//-//)
1919-1920 Angaston Hotel Angaston
1923-1924 Laura Hotel Laura
LEWIS, Arthur Ambrose (//-//)
1939-1940 Green Dragon Hotel South Tce
LEWIS, Arthur H (//-//)
1915-1920 Wheatsheaf Hotel Thebarton
LEWIS, Arthur J (//-//)
1880-1910 Wildongoleechie Hotel Hallett
LEWIS, Mrs May Agnes ? (//-//)
1910-1915 Wildongoleechie Hotel Hallett
LEWIS, Charlotte Doretta nee WEHL (//-//)
1919-1920 Tailem Bend Hotel Tailem Bend
1920-1921 Grange Family Hotel Grange
1921-1922 Wakefield Hotel Wakefield St
1922-1922 Commercial Hotel Orroroo
Mrs Arthur Henry Lewis
LEWIS, Frederick (//-//)
1917-1927 Tower Hotel Magill
LEWIS, Frederick Fry (24/7/1884-//) Born Kapunda SA.
1921-1923 Gladstone Hotel Gladstone
1923-1924 Tumby Bay Hotel Tumby Bay
1924-1926 General Havelock Hotel Hutt St
1926-1929 Kent Hotel Pt Adelaide
1939-1943 Royal Hotel Hawker
Parents – Francis James Lewis & Emily Sarah nee FRY
LEWIS, Mrs FF nee Hilda Jane ? (//-//)
1937-1939 Royal Hotel Hawker
LEWIS, Gaywood Gilbert (12/9/1876-//)
Born Crafers SA.
1914-1916 Austral Hotel Victor Harbor
Parents – William Lewis & Rachael nee SYMONDS
LEWIS, George (21/9/1836-//)
Born Staffs, England.
1884-1886 Eagle on the Hill Hotel Leawood Gardens with Samuel Lewis his father.
Parents – Samuel Lewis & Caroline nee Lees.
Brother to publican Joseph Lewis.
Biog The Pioneer Spring 2007 pp4,7.
At Moonta by 1873, when daughter Lucy Maude Mary Lewis was born.
m 27/4/1864 St Mary Sturt, Jane nee PEDLER (//-//) Father; James.
LEWIS, George Hedley (//-//)
1915-1918 Wildongoleechie Hotel Hallett
LEWIS, Henry (//-//)
1854-1869 Davenport Arms Hotel Macclesfield
1869-1871 Jupiter Creek Hotel Jupiter Creek The only publican
1877-1879 Belvidere Hotel Belvidere Hundred of Bremer
Fall from his horse near Strathalbyn Observer 21/7/1855 p236c.
c1868 Purchased the Macclesfield Brewery and leased the business to various operators until 1873 when he ran the works himself until 1877 Shueard p262.
LEWIS, Henry (//-//)
1900-1903 Napoleon Hotel King William St with Henry Burley.
1903-1907 Napoleon Hotel King William St .
1908-1909 Southern Cross Hotel King William St
LEWIS, Harry (//-//)
1910-1944 Terminus Hotel North Tce
LEWIS, Henry (//-//)
1910-1911 Semaphore Hotel Semaphore
LEWIS, Mrs Henry nee Mary ? (//-//)
1911-1912 Semaphore Hotel Semaphore
LEWIS, James (//-//)
1841-1842 Great Tom of Lincoln Inn Thebarton
Son-in-law of hotel founder Robert Bristow
LEWIS, John the Younger (//-//)
1858-1860 Hampstead Hotel Hampstead
LEWIS, John (//-//)
1881-1885 Clarence Hotel King William St with George R Dowdy
1890-1900 Clarence Hotel King William St with George R Dowdy
1885-1892 Nap Bonaparte became Napoleon Hotel King William St
1899-1899 Napoleon Hotel King William St
i formerly of Hampstead.
LEWIS, John (//-//)
1892-1899 Napoleon Hotel King William St with Charles E Aldridge.
1899-1899 Napoleon Hotel King William St
1899-1899 Napoleon Hotel King William St with William W Warren
LEWIS, Joseph (12/11/1842-//)
Born Adelaide SA.
1882-1884 Eagle on the Hill Hotel Leawood Gardens with Samuel Lewis his father.
Parents – publican Samuel Lewis & Caroline nee Lees.
Brother to publican George Lewis.
Likely never married.
Biog The Pioneer Spring 2007 pp4,7.
LEWIS, Lionel Percy (7/4/1898-//)
Born Unley Park SA.
1937-1939 Waterfalls Hotel Waterfall Gully
Parents – Lionel Percy Lewis & Esther Alice nee AMBROSE
LEWIS, Louis (//-//)
1911-1913 Union Hotel Waymouth St
1913-1919 Commercial Hotel Cummins
1920-1921 Pruducers Club Hotel Grenfell St
LEWIS, Robert (//c1839-//)
1885-1889 Langhorne Bridge Hotel Langhorne Creek
Parents – Robert Lewis &
m 14/9/1864 St George Woodforde, Frances nee JONES (//c1837-//) Father; John.
LEWIS, Samuel (//c1813-26/9/1896)
Born Lambeth, Surrey, England. Died St Peters SA, at his residence Irene Villa St Peters St.
1846-1854 Flagstaff Inn The Sturt [Darlington]
1858-1864 Flagstaff Inn The Sturt [Darlington]
1864-1871 Yankalilla Hotel Yankalilla
1871-1875 Theatre Royal Hotel Hindley St
1875-1882 Eagle on the Hill Hotel Leawood Gardens
1882-1884 Eagle on the Hill Hotel Leawood Gardens with Joseph Lewis
1884-1886 Eagle on the Hill Hotel Leawood Gardens with George Lewis
1886-1886 Eagle on the Hill Hotel Leawood Gardens
To SA 1839 Moffatt.
Stone mason from York Rd, Lambeth. Stone & marble mason; Adelaide (Hindley St, Queen St etc). Also publican, builder. Adelaide, Sturt, Yankalilla, Leawood Gardens etc. Constructed the memorial erected over Col Light’s grave in Light Square during 1843. Son of Joseph Lewis. Biog The Pioneer Spring 2007 pp4,7.
Purchased the Eagle from the bankrupt estate of publican George Sharp.
A portly publican – visitors at the Eagle on the Hill Observer 21/5/1881 p905d.
The Samuel Lewises visited England in July 1853 aboard the Charlotte Jane – had been at the Flagstaff on the Sturt for six years.
Father of publicans George & Joseph Lewis.
m (2) 18/2/1863 Clayton Chapel Kensington, Mrs Thomas ALEXANDER nee Mary SUMMERS (//c1813-6/7/1881) Died Leawood Gardens SA, at her residence the Eagle on the Hill Hotel of cirrhosis of the liver. From Kent, England. Was Thomas Alexander CE civil eng? (//c1800-13/12/1859) Died Medindie Darling River NSW, ‘after an illness of three years’. Her first husband?
LEWIS, William Frederick perhaps (11/8/1875-//)
Born Yatala township SA.
1923-1924 Woolshed Inn Bordertown
Parents – James Llewellyn Lewis & Annie nee CRAFER
LEWIS, William G (//-//)
1910-1911 Wellington Hotel Wellington/Murray
LEWIS, William Thomas (//c1855-12/7/1919)
Died Adelaide SA (of Mt Gambier).
1883-1889 Prince of Wales Hotel Queenstown
1889-1890 Prince of Wales Hotel Queenstown
1890-1893 Railway Hotel Solomontown Pt Pirie
1893-1894 Halfway House Hotel Plympton
1895-1895 Browns Hotel Pt Germein
1895-1896 Paris Hotel Portland Place Pt Adelaide
1896-1897 Barrier Hotel Pt Pirie
1897-1898 Carrieton Hotel Carrieton
1899-1900 Dawson Hotel Dawson
1900-1900 Oakfield Hotel Flinders St
1904-1904 Great Northern Hotel Hergott Springs
1906-1906 Kent Hotel Pt Adelaide
1919-1919 Travellers Rest Inn Allendale East
LEWITZKA, Roy Ernest (//c1903-22/4/1962)
Died Coward Springs SA.
1946-1952 Coward Springs Hotel Coward Springs
1953-1953 Coward Springs Hotel Coward Springs Hotel closed
LEWITZKA, Mrs RE nee Nancy Sheila ? (//c1920-16/8/1957)
Died Anna Creek SA.
1952-1952 Coward Springs Hotel Coward Springs
LEY, George (//-//)
1877-1881 Metropolitan Hotel Grote St
1881-1882 Jolly Miller Hotel Hindmarsh
LEY, Mrs George nee Mary ? (//-//)
1882-1882 Jolly Miller Hotel Hindmarsh
LIDDELL, William (//-//)
1910-1917 Eureka Hotel Redhill
Lived – Hamley Bridge, Redhill
LIDDELL, Mrs William nee Martha BLEWETT (//-//)
1919-1919 Eureka Hotel Redhill
LIDDELOW, Ellen Every (//-//)
1918-1919 Duke of York Hotel Currie St with Nadine Lydia Moloney
LIDDLE, Anthony James (//-//)
1875-1875 Blackwood Inn Belair
Probably became a bankrupt
LIDDLE, Mrs AJ nee Sarah Ann Trehane LAKE (//-//)
1894-1895 Dover Castle Hotel Archer St
LIDDLE, Charles FJ (//-//)
1895-1895 Dover Castle Hotel Archer St
LIDDLE, Milton Arthur (//-//)
1945-1946 Commercial Hotel Cummins
LIDDLE, Thomas (//-//)
1860-1864 Totness Inn, Mount Pleasant
LIDDY, Donald (8/9/1912-//)
Born Wallaroo SA.
1939-1954 Old Spot Hotel Gawler
Parents – publicans John Liddy and Gertrude nee Costello
LIDDY, Herbert Andrew (22/3/1896-19/7/1969)
Born Wallaroo SA. Died Hackney SA (of Broadview).
1920-1925 Globe Hotel Wallaroo with Terence Lancelot Liddy his brother
1933-1947 Snowtown Hotel Snowtown
1951-1956 Pinnaroo Hotel Pinnaroo
Parents – publicans John Liddy and Gertrude nee Costello
LIDDY, John the Elder (//c1867-12/2/1934)
Died Wallaroo SA.
1903-1905 Wallaroo Inn Wallaroo
1906-1907 Railway Hotel Solomontown Pt Pirie
1907-1916 Bay View Hotel Wallaroo
1916-1920 Globe Hotel Wallaroo
1921-1928 Railway Hotel Paskeville
1928-1929 Mallala Hotel Mallala
1933-1934 Bay View Hotel Wallaroo
Parents – Michael Liddy & likely Catharine nee Daly
Likely brother to publican Michael Liddy.
m (1) 1/6/1895 Sacred Heart School Kadina, publican Gertrude nee Costello
m (2) 4/2/1920 RC Church Kadina, publican Cecilia Anastasia nee O’Neill
LIDDY, Mrs John nee Gertrude COSTELLO (//c1874-24/1/1919)
Died Wallaroo SA.
1907-1907 Ship Inn Wallaroo
Parents – Philip Costello &
LIDDY, Mrs John nee Cecilia Anastasia O’NEILL (7/11/1893-//)
Born Petersburg SA.
1934-1934 Bay View Hotel Wallaroo
1940-1945 Railway Hotel Paskeville
Parents - Thomas Matthew O’Neill & Ellen Rose nee LYNCH
LIDDY, John the Younger (27/5/1901-//)
Born Wallaroo SA.
1928-1935 Railway Hotel Paskeville
1937-1953 Naracoorte Hotel Naracoorte
1953-1954 Naracoorte Hotel Naracoorte with Edna May Liddy his wife
Parents – publicans John Liddy and Gertrude nee Costello
m 30/10/1929 Ss Peter & Paul Church Gawler, publican Edna May nee Graham.
LIDDY, Mrs John nee Edna May GRAHAM (1/4/1907-//)
Born Prospect SA.
1953-1954 Naracoorte Hotel Naracoorte with John Liddy her husband
Parents – Henry James Graham & Ellenor May nee HILL
LIDDY, Lancelot Michael (7/1/1917-//)
Born Wallaroo SA.
1940-1942 Wombat Hotel Kadina
1945-1952 Wombat Hotel Kadina
Parents – publicans Michael Thomas Liddy & Ellen nee Conaghty
LIDDY, Michael perhaps Michael Thomas –Thomas not on birth certificate (10/10/1873-26/7/1957)
Born Wallaroo SA. Died Kadina SA.
1910-1918 Railway Hotel Paskeville
1918-1940 Wombat Hotel Kadina
1942-1942 Wombat Hotel Kadina
1945-1945 Wombat Hotel Kadina
Parents – Michael Liddy & Catharine nee DALY
Likely brother to publican John Liddy.
m 25/11/1914 Sacred Heart Church Kadina, Ellen nee CONAGHTY (//c1883-2/2/1923) Died Kadina SA. Parents – John Conaghty &
LIDDY, Michael John (//-//)
1920-1920 Central Hotel Kadina
LIDDY, Terence Lancelot (10/3/1898-16/11/1970)
Born Wallaroo SA. Died Cowandilla SA.
1920-1925 Globe Hotel Wallaroo with Herbert Andrew Liddy his brother
1925-1942 Globe Hotel Wallaroo
1948-1954 Royal Family Hotel Pt Elliot
Parents – publicans John Liddy and Gertrude nee Costello
m Jane Cunningham nee ? (//c1913-9/9/1956) Died North Adelaide SA (of Cowandilla).
LIDDY, Vincent John (//-//)
1956-1959 Railway Hotel Paskeville
LIDDY, Wilfred (14/9/1909-//)
Born Wallaroo SA.
1935-1940 Railway Hotel Paskeville
1945-1956 Railway Hotel Paskeville
1959-1976 Railway Hotel Paskeville
Parents – publicans John Liddy and Gertrude nee Costello
LIEBEKNECHT, Carl Wilhelm (8/3/1881-//) Born Kapunda District SA.
1920-1921 Mt Mary Hotel Mt Mary
1921-1923 Lake View Hotel Lochiel Hummocks
1923-1946 Mt Mary Hotel Mt Mary
Parents – Wilhelm Liebeknecht & Marie Mary nee SCHMIDT
LIEBING, Frederick (//-//)
1938-1940 Bridgewater Hotel Bridgewater
LIERSCH, Walter A (//-//)
1922-1923 St Kilda Hotel St Kilda Beach with Mrs Adelaide R Lightbody
LIGHTBODY, Mrs George nee Adelaide Russell CALDWELL (28/3/1872-//)
Born Broughton Area Yorke Peninsula SA.
1922-1923 St Kilda Hotel St Kilda Beach with Walter A Liersch
1923-1928 St Kilda Hotel St Kilda Beach
Parents – James Caldwell & Adelaide Russell nee PLAYFAIR
LIGHTON, Harold T (//-//)
1928-1928 Largs Pier Hotel Largs Bay with Robert E and Florence Welchman
LIHOU, Cyril Drew (11/9/1894-//)
Born Kent Town SA.
1930-1931 Auburn Hotel Auburn
1932-1933 Dublin Hotel Hamley Bridge
1933-1936 Hannahville Hotel Hannahville Pt Augusta
1937-1937 Commercial Hotel Tynte St
1938-1945 Port Germein Hotel Pt Germein
1946-1954 Forresters & Squatters Arms Hotel Thebarton
Parents – Harper Lihou & Mary Jane nee DANIELS
LIHOU, Cyril Gordon (//-//)
1939-1939 Joiners Arms Hotel Hindmarsh
1944-1944 Joiners Arms Hotel Hindmarsh with Ernest Leslie Lihou
1946-1946 Joiners Arms Hotel Hindmarsh with Ernest Leslie Lihou
LIHOU, Ernest Harper William (26/1/1892-20/6/1947)
Born Hindmarsh SA. Died Langhorne Creek SA.
1924-1925 Talunga Hotel Mount Pleasant with Aubrey Philp
1925-1927 Talunga Hotel Mount Pleasant
1927-1930 Aldgate Pump Hotel Aldgate
1931-1940 Globe Hotel Bowden
1940-1947 Bridge Hotel Langhorne Creek
4th son of the late Harper Adolphus Lihou & Mary Jane Daniels of Croydon. Born in Clark St, Exeter, where his father was an upholsterer. Later, his father was a storekeeper in William St, Croydon.
Wife, the late Jessie. Aged 56.
LIHOU, Ernest Leslie (4/2/1883-//)
Born Redruth SA.
1922-1923 Lion Hotel Jerningham St North Adelaide
1923-1924 Royal Admiral Hotel Hindley St
1924-1939 Joiners Arms Hotel Hindmarsh
1939-1944 Joiners Arms Hotel Hindmarsh
1944-1944 Joiners Arms Hotel Hindmarsh with Cyril Gordon Lihou
1944-1946 Joiners Arms Hotel Hindmarsh
1946-1946 Joiners Arms Hotel Hindmarsh with Cyril Gordon Lihou
1946-1948 Joiners Arms Hotel Hindmarsh
1948-1963 Joiners Arms Hotel Hindmarsh with Hilda Gertrude Lihou
Parents – Stephen Martin Lihou & Margaret nee HARRY
LIHOU, Mrs EL nee Hilda Gertrude ? (//-//)
1948-1963 Joiners Arms Hotel Hindmarsh with Ernest Leslie Lihou
LIHOU, Margaret May(//-//)
1919-1921 Old Queens Arms Hotel Wright St
Perhaps Mrs Stephen Martin Lihou nee Margaret Harry
LILL, Mrs Agnes C (//-//)
1923-1926 Kentish Arms Hotel Stanley St North Adelaide
LILL, E (//-//)
1921-1922 Scenic Hotel Norton Summit
LILL, Mrs Charles Frederick nee Georgina Rose POORE (//-//)
1919-1920 Queen’s Head Hotel Kermode St
1920-1921 Bucks Head Hotel North Tce with William A Waples
1921-1922 Flagstaff Hotel The Sturt [Darlington] with William A Waples
LILLEY, Rupert M (//-//)
1900-1901 Launceston Hotel Waymouth St
LILLIE, Frederick Thomas (//-//)
1884-1886 Windmill Hotel Main North Road [Prospect]
1886-1886 Lake Hotel Milang
1886-1887 Windmill Hotel Main North Road [Prospect] with Edward McDonald
1887-1887 Windmill Hotel Main North Road [Prospect]
LILLINGSTON, Andrew Robert (//-//)
1888-1888 Brecknock Hotel King William St South
Lived; Kent Town, Adelaide
m Marion/Marian nee INNES
LILLYWHITE, John (//-//)
1891-1892 Pass Hotel Swinden Town near Horrocks Pass Hotel closer
LILLYWHITE, Thomas (//-//)
1858-1860 Cross Keys Inn Dry Creek
1860-1866 Cross Keys Inn Dry Creek
1866-1866 Kentish Arms Inn Kent Town
1868-1872 Northern Hotel Enfield
Lived; North Adelaide, ‘on the North Road’, Dry Creek
m Frances Fanny nee ELLIOTT
LINDNER, Carl (//-//)
1884-1885 Pt Vincent Hotel Pt Vincent
LINDNER, G (//-//)
1980-1980 Palmer Hotel Palmer
LINDRUM, Frederick William (//-//)
1856-1857 Freemasons Tavern Pirie St
1871-1878 Clarence Hotel King William St
1879-1880 Crown Hotel Victor Harbor
Lived; Norwood, Adelaide late 1860s-early 1870s.
LINDRUM, Mrs FW nee Clara WOLFF (//-//)
1880-1880 Crown Hotel Victor Harbor
1880-1880 Commercial Hotel Grenfell St
1881-1881 Royal Hotel Ardrossan
LINDSAY, Francis (//-//)
1880-1881 Burton Hotel Manoora
m Christina nee BALD/BALDE
LINEHAN, Joseph Dixon (//c1868-27/11/1940)
Died North Adelaide SA.
1923-1924 Hotel Ambleside Ambleside [Hahndorf]
1925-1926 Maylands Hotel Maylands
At Mile End in the early 1900s
m Florence Adelaide Coombs (//-//after 1970).
LINES, David Thomas (//-//)
1949-1951 Mt Remarkable Hotel Melrose
1951-1953 Railway Hotel Kapunda
LINES, George (//-//)
1907-1910 Old Spot Hotel Gawler
1911-1919 Old Spot Hotel Gawler
LINES, Oscar (//-//)
18/12/1837-1838 Turf Hotel Franklin St with Clement Crispe
1838-1839 Turf Hotel Franklin St
LINES, Oscar John (//-//)
1840-1846 Coach and Horses Inn Port Road York [Beverley]
Already operating by April 1840 as the Halfway House Hotel.Was that this hotel or the Old Halfway House Hotel at Tenterden? Did Lines move from Tenterden to York?
The York township business became the well-known Halfway House Hotel in 1848, or again in 1848, when Mary Ann Grey took over from her husband Edward John Grey, who still .
LINFOOT, William (//-//)
1866-1867 Cross Keys Inn Bagot Gap near Fords Hotel founder
LING, George (//-//)
1912-1914 Salisbury Hotel Salisbury
LINKE, Carl Ferdinand (//c1886-19/8/1933)
1929-Died 1933 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha
LINKE, Mrs CF nee Ida Agnes VOGT (//c1892-//)
1933-1934 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha
1934-1944 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha as Mrs SCHUBERT
Parents - Rudolf Albert Wilhelm Vogt
m (2) 29/9/1937 St Stephen Lutheran Church Adelaide, Herbert Alfred Schubert (//c1893-//)
LINKE, Johann Christian (//c1854-12/7/1929)
Died Adelaide SA (of York).
1901-1902 White Conduit House Hotel North St
1902-1903 Governor Hindmarsh Hotel Bowden
m Caroline Auguste nee ? (//c1854-1/6/1939) Died Adelaide SA (of York).
LINKE, Johann E (//-//)
1913-1915 Travellers Rest Hotel Lyndoch
LINKE, Walter (//-//)
1933-1934 Kenton Inn Hotel Gumeracha
LINN, George Joseph (//c1835-29/9/1888)
Born perhaps Arundel, Sussex, England. Died Hindmarsh SA.
1884-1889 Lady Daly Hotel Hindmarsh with Robert Linn the Younger his brother
To SA 1840 Morley with his parents.
Brother to publican Robert Linn the Younger
Parents - Robert Linn the Elder and publican Eliza nee Leggett
Likely Grocer; McCarron St Carrondown then Publican; Hindmarsh etc.
m (1) 20/7/1871 not recorded North Adelaide, Mary nee RYAN (//c1851-28/4/1876) Died Hindmarsh SA. Father; Edward Ryan
m (2) 10/4/1882 Bride father William Bott residence Hindmarsh, Maria Mary nee BOTT (//c1842-//) Where did she get to? – apparently did not remarry.
LINN, Matthew the Younger (c1831-7/1/1906)
Born Kirliston, Co West Lothian, Scotland. Died Edwardstown SA.
1855-1865 Macclesfield Hotel Macclesfield Hotel founder
1865-1866 Commercial Inn Strathalbyn Hotel founder
1868-1868 Meningie Hotel Meningie
Parents – Matthew Linn the Elder & Susan
To SA 1839 Asia with his parents and siblings.
Lived; Mt Barker by 1855 Macclesfield by 1858 Lake Albert near Meningie by 1872 Meningie by 1874 – therefore Perhaps Farmer; Mt Barker then Publican; Macclesfield then Farmer; Lake Albert near Meningie then Publican; Meningie
then Lightkeeper [lighthouse keeper?]; Meningie by 1882 then JP, General agent and jetty-keeper Meningie by 1898.
m (1) 8/12/1854 Bride father Edward Bartlett residence Bugle Ranges near Macclesfield, Elizabeth nee Bartlett (c1837-8/8/1866) Born England, poss Co Worcester. Died Strathalbyn SA, at her residence The Commercial Hotel, ‘after a long and painful illness borne with perfect resignation’.
m (2) 18/4/1867 Wesleyan Chapel Strathalbyn, his sister-in-law Susan nee Bartlett (//c1840-//) The sisters arrived SA 1849 Harry Lorrequer with their Parents – Edward Bartlett & Susan nee ?
Apparently a son, James Linn with birth unregistered (//c1861-1/4/1932) Born prob Macclesfield SA. Died Mt Gambier SA. who m 10/9/1889 Bride father Thomas Hodge residence Joanna, Angelina Trizar nee HODGE (4/2/1871-13/12/1939) Born Penola Station SA. Died Mt Gambier SA. Parents – Thomas Hodge & Harriet nee IVEY. This James Linn family spent much time in the South-East with the family of his uncle James Linn, an elder brother to Matthew Linn the Younger
HODGE, Thomas (//c1838-29/1/1909)
Died Penola SA. Parents – William Hodge & Settled; Coromandel Valley, Cave Town, Tarpeena, Penola Station, Penola. m 26/6/1862 St John Adelaide, Harriet nee IVEY (//c1840-24/1/1899) Died Penola SA (of Joanna). Parents – Richard Ivey & Mary nee ?
LINN, James (//c1830-13/5/1902)
Born Kirliston, Co West Lothian, Scotland. Died Parkside SA (of Mt Gambier).
1869-1872 Victoria Hotel Pt MacDonnell
Parents - Matthew Linn the Elder and Margaret nee Dick.
To SA 1839 Asia with his parents and siblings.
Lived; Pt MacDonnell by 1869 Nelson by 1876 Pt MacDonnell by 1886
Apparently marriage not registered in SA
m by 1869 Marion nee BROWN (//-//) Where did she get to? – apparently did not remarry. Did Mrs Linn go interstate with her son, publican Matthew Linn?
LINN, Matthew (24/1/1869-//)
Born Pt MacDonnell SA.
1907-1908 Victoria Hotel Pt MacDonnell
1908-1909 Wye Hotel Allendale East The only publican
Parents – publican James Linn & Marion nee Brown.
m 17/12/1896 Deanery Mt Gambier, Nellie nee ROCHE (//c1863-//) Parents – Michael Roche &
No family births registered in SA.
LINN, Mrs Robert nee Eliza LEGGETT (//c1809-4/12/1884)
Died Hindmarsh SA, at her residence the Lady Daly Hotel.
1864-1884 Lady Daly Hotel Hindmarsh Hotel founder
Widow of Robert Linn the Elder
To SA 1840 Morley with her husband and eldest son publican George Joseph Linn. Robert Linn the Elder was a labourer from Arundel, Sussex, England.
LINN, Robert the Younger (25/5/1841-8/9/1893)
Born Hindmarsh SA. Died Hindmarsh SA.
1884-1889 Lady Daly Hotel Hindmarsh with George Joseph Linn
1889-1891 Lady Daly Hotel Hindmarsh
Parents - Robert Linn the Elder and publican Eliza nee Leggett
Brother to publican George Joseph Linn
Farmer; Port Road Hiindmarsh by 1882 then Publican; Hindmarsh
m 31/10/1879 Wesleyan Parsonage Adelaide, Ellen nee RANGER (//c1857-25/1/1917) Died North Adelaide SA (of New Hindmarsh).
Parents – James Ranger &
LINNANE, Hugh (//-//)
1900-1901 Wheelwrights Arms Hotel Roper St
1902-1902 White Conduit House Hotel North St
m Nellie nee FORD (//-//)
LINNETT, Arthur Scott (13/11/1892-//)
Born Norwood SA.
1927-1929 District Hotel Nairne
Parents - John Linnett and Catherine nee CAMPBELL
LINSCHMIDT, Johann Hermann Heinrich (//-//)
1859-1860 Duke of Brunswick Hotel Gilbert St
A bachelor who bought the hotel from the hotel builder, Anton Reese, who attended to the hotel business whenever Linschmidt was absent, and Mrs Reese managed the house permanently for the publican. The Reeses lived at the hotel. 0 Linschmidt was absent at a ball at Pt Adelaide when a fire broke out at the hotel and gutted the interior 25/8/1859 Account and inquest Observer 27/8/1859 p340e.
LITHGOW, David (//c1823-11/8/1889)
Born perhaps NSW, where his very wealthy father, William Lithgow, gave his name to Lithgow. Died Adelaide SA, at his residence Angas St.
Barman; Black Bull Hindley St
Publican; Adelaide then Agent; Northern Territory – lost a lot of money. then Farmer; Redhill Obit Observer 17/8/1889 p326a.
Links with the Rob Roy Inn, Halifax St.
1863-1865 Black Bull Hotel Hindley St
1868-1872 Sturt Hotel Grenfell St
1879-1880 Saltia Hotel Saltia Creek
m 1/1/1862 St Andrew Adelaide, his boss publican Mrs Peter Smith nee Charlotte Davidson whose husband had been the previous publican of the Black Bull. Mrs Lithgow died before her husband. Father of one son.
Executor and trustee for the will of William Warwick sheep farmer, formerly of Hollowellina, but then of Campbelltown. Lithgow was the publican of the Black Bull Inn, Leigh St, at the time 1864. Warwick’s wife called Janet. The other trustee was Warwick’s son called John Warwick; other younger Warwick children. Janet Warwick to be the guardian of Warwick’s infant children. Lithgow (publican Sturt Hotel, Grenfell St) was also the executor 1870 for Mary Hollingworth’s will, wife of Lewis Hollingworth of Currie St. Allotments of land in Sussex St, North Adelaide. Property to her children, Marshal Cocker Hollingworth and Isabella Anna Hollingworth. Also executor with David Possingham butcher Houghton and Joseph Downing gent Brighton, for will of William Reeds landholder Brighton. Reeds’ wife called Susan. A farmer of Redhill when called upon to be executor for Peter Rowland farmer Redhill, who died 31/1/1890. Rowland’s daughters, Elizabeth Martha, wife of Alfred Augustus Claridge storekeeper Redhill (the other executor), and Annie Jane Rowland to get annuities. His sons Henry Goulburn Rowland and William Crawford Rowland to get farms. The sons had to pay their mother, Elizabeth Rowland, an annuity of £100 for life. The daughters to get £40 each for ten years. David Lithgow also had land at Houghton, Unley and Norwood. Probably related to John and Elizabeth Lithgow, formerly Peachey nee Williams (she died 2/7/1897) She had sons called Arthur and Richard Peachey by her 1st husband.
LITHGOW, William Thomas (//-//)
1898-1899 Aldinga Hotel Aldinga
1900-1902 Avoca Hotel Clarence Gardens
1902-1903 Aldinga Hotel Aldinga
LITHGOW, Mrs WT nee Margaret Jane YOUNG (//-//)
1903-1906 Aldinga Hotel Aldinga
LITTLE, William (//-//)
1840-1844 Captain Fell Hotel Goodwood
The only publican. Was he a passenger/seaman on the Katherine Stewart Forbes whose captain was Alfred Fell ?
LITTLEFIELD, Moses (//c1844-5/11/1896)
Died Adelaide SA.
1890-1896 Lord Raglan Hotel Waymouth St
m 18/12/1889 St George Woodforde, publican Fanny nee Warland.
LITTLEFIELD, Mrs Moses nee Fanny WARLAND (13/5/1859-29/10/1911)
Born Burnside SA. Died Eastwood SA (of Hawthorn).
1896-1898 Lord Raglan Hotel Waymouth St
Parents – publican Henry Warland & Ann nee Davis
m (2) 15/8/1898 St John Adelaide, publican Albert Hanns.
LIVESEY, Mrs Zillah H (//-//)
1900-1901 Lord Melbourne Melbourne St
LIVICK, Mrs Olive Blanche (//-//)
1913-1916 Waverley Hotel Parkside
1916-1917 Waverley Hotel Parkside with Louisa Chaston
1921-1921 Astor Commercial Gawler Place
Terminus to Strathmore 1944.
1944-1945 Strathmore North Tce .
1949-1950 South Australian Hotel North Tce
1864-1865 Globe Inn Mt Gambier Hotel founder
LIVINGSTONE, Norman Rupert (//-//)
1926-1929 Kent Hotel Pt Adelaide with Aileen Mary Livingstone
LIVINGSTONE, Mrs NR nee Aileen Mary ? (//-//)
1926-1929 Kent Hotel Pt Adelaide with Norman Rupert Livingstone
LLOYD, Charles (//-//)
1929-1933 Minnipa Hotel Minnipa with James Albert Crabb
1934-1935 Hotel Commonwealth Pt Augusta
1935-1935 Hotel Commonwealth Pt Augusta with Edith Mary Cowan
LLOYD, Edward (//-//)
1880-1884 Australian Clubhouse Hotel Pt Adelaide
1887-1888 Britannia Hotel Pt Adelaide
LLOYD, Mrs Edward formerly perhaps Mrs Henry BURGESS nee Margaret perhaps Letitia FITZHERBERT (//-//)
1884-1887 Australian Clubhouse Hotel Pt Adelaide
1888-1888 Britannia Hotel Pt Adelaide
1888-1898 Wellington Hotel Wellington/Murray
LLOYD, Mrs Emily Mary (//-//)
1943-1946 Jamestown Hotel Jamestown
LLOYD, Isaac (//-//)
1855-1857 Glynde Inn Glynde Hotel founder
LLOYD, Samuel (//-//)
1844-1845 Woodforde Arms Inn Magill
LOADER, Alfred G (//-//)
1899-1900 North Star Hotel Templers
LOCK, Jack (//-//)
1946-1952 Cumberland Hotel Glanville with William Donald Lock and William Richard Lock
LOCK, William Donald (//-//)
1941-1946 Cumberland Hotel Glanville with William Richard Lock
1946-1952 Cumberland Hotel Glanville with William Richard Lock and Jack Lock
LOCK, William Richard (5/2/1886-//)
Born Terowie SA.
1922-1926 Park View Hotel Bowden
1927-1941 Cumberland Hotel Glanville
1941-1946 Cumberland Hotel Glanville with William Donald Lock
1946-1952 Cumberland Hotel Glanville with William Donald Lock and Jack Lock
LOCKE, John (//c1826-25/2/1907)
Died Pt MacDonnell SA.
1861-1868 MacDonnell Bay Hotel Pt MacDonnell
1869-1874 MacDonnell Bay Hotel Pt MacDonnell
1882-1884 MacDonnell Bay Hotel Pt MacDonnell
1885-1899 MacDonnell Bay Hotel Pt MacDonnell
LOCKIE, Mrs nee Lillian BOAG (//-//)
1938-1939 Sevenhill Hotel Sevenhill
LOCKWOOD, Angas Moore (//-//)
1943-1951 Prince Albert Hotel Wright St
LOCKYER, Edward (//-//)
1860-1860 Railway Hotel Pt Adelaide
LOCKYER, Edward C (//-//)
1881-1882 Junction Hotel Petersburg Hotel founders
1884-1885 Kooringa Hotel Kooringa Hotel founder
1897-1897 Dublin Hotel Hamley Bridge
LOCKYER, Edward Catchlove (//-//)
1863-1865 Springs then Bakers Springs Hotel Rhynie
1865-1868 Sturt Hotel Grenfell St
1871-1878 Criterion Hotel King William St with his mother Mrs Charles Forbes formerly Lockyer nee Harriet Catchlove
will 3/5/1900 Executors William Pitt Barker sheep farmer Baldina and John Melrose sheep farmer Ulooloo. To keep the brewery at Kooringa for no more than 5 years after EC Lockyer’s death. The other property to be sold soon after EC Lockyer’s death. Money to be invested at not less than 5% and interest to be paid in equal shares to Lockyer’s two children, Harriett Rebecca Lockyer and William George Lockyer, during their lifetimes. After both have died, the principle to be divided equally absolutely in remainder expectant amongst the children of these two people. If Harriet and William Lockyer died without issue, the money to be divided equally amongst EC Lockyer’s other children absolutely in remainder expectant. Trustees to receive 2.5% of the income each year for administration costs. His sons, Edward Francis Lockyer, Henry Catchlove Lockyer and George Howard Lockyer traded as EC Lockyer & Co.
LOCKYER, Edward Francis (7/8/1864-//)
Born Rhynie SA.
1901-1901 Commercial Hotel Whyte-Yarcowie
Parents – Edward Catchlove Lockyer & Margaret Jane nee KEARNS
LOCKYER, Henry Catchlove (14/11/1866-//)
Born Adelaide SA.
1906-1907 Woodville Hotel Woodville
Parents – Edward Catchlove Lockyer & Margaret Jane nee KEARNS
LODGE, Frederick Melvyn (//-//)
1947-1974 Commercial Hotel Tumby Bay
LOEWE/LOWE/LÖWE, Carl George Theodor (//-//)
1877-1878 Green Dragon Hotel South Tce
LOFTES, John Henry (//-//)
1875-1877 Old Spot Inn Little Para
1877-1878 Prince Albert Hotel Gawler
Lived – Little Para, Gawler, One Tree Hill
m Mary Ann nee COCKER (//-//)
LOFTES, William (//c1811-4/10/1861)
Died South Para SA (of One Tree Hill).
1851-1855 One Tree Hill Inn One Tree Hill Munno Para
1857-1860 One Tree Hill Inn One Tree Hill Munno Para
Hotel opener and closer
Lived; One Tree Hill
m Martha nee DURHAM (//-//)
LOGAN, James (//-//)
1869-1877 Wheatsheaf Inn Thebarton
LOGAN, James (//-//)
1884-1889 Land of Promise Inn Hindmarsh
LOGAN, James (//-//)
1892-1893 Oxford Hotel O’Connell St
1894-1895 Marryatville Hotel Marryatville
1895-1897 Rising Sun Hotel Kensington
LOGAN, Mrs Sarah (//-//)
1897-1899 Walkers Arms Hotel Walkerville
1899-1902 Foundry Hotel Hindley St
Perhaps Mrs James Logan nee Sarah KELLY (//c1870-//)
Parents – James Kelly &
m 9/1/1892 Unitarian Christian Church Adelaide, James Logan (//c1852-//) Parents – John Logan &
LOGAN, James Michael (//c1884-//) perhaps William Patrick (9/1/1884-//)
Born Crafers SA. Check for James Michael/James Patrick
1918-1918 Globe Hotel Bowden
1919-1919 British Hotel Finniss St North Adelaide
1919-1920 Gasworks Hotel Brompton
Parents – William Logan &
m 20/4/1911 St Francis Xavier Cathedral Adelaide, Amelia Mary nee GREY (20/11/1886-//) Born Adelaide SA. Parents – William Grey & Mary nee RIDGE
LOGAN, John Richard (//c1841-28/3/1911)
Died Adelaide SA (of Crafers).
1889-1899 Macclesfield Hotel Macclesfield with Emily Logan his wife.
1899-1903 Macclesfield Hotel Macclesfield
1905-1910 Crafers Hotel Crafers
Parents – perhaps publican William Logan &
Lived; Stepney, Macclesfield
m (1) 6/5/1869 Manresa Houose Norwood, Emily nee Ware
m (2) 5/5/1900 RC Presbytery Mt Barker, Mrs LAW nee Selina Jane HOLLETT (//c1862-//) Parents – William Hollett &
LOGAN, Mrs JR nee Emily WARE (//c1847-17/10/1899)
Died Macclesfield SA.
1889-1899 Macclesfield Hotel Macclesfield with John Logan her husband.
Parents – John Ware &
LOGAN, John Richard (//-//)
1872-1877 Prince Albert Hotel Victoria Township Kapunda
1877-1877 Prince Alfred Inn Kapunda Hotel closed.
LOGAN, John Richard (//-//)
1904-1906 Oakfield Hotel Flinders St .
LOGAN, William (//c1798-13/9/1872)
Died Clarendon SA.
1867-1868 Vintage Shades Inn Norwood
1868-1870 Alma Inn Norwood
1871-1872 Clarendon Hotel Clarendon
Became a bankrupt
LOGAN, William the Younger (//-//)
1870-1870 Devon Arms Inn Hanson St
LOGAN, William P (//-//)
1878-1879 Sliding Rock Hotel Sliding Rock
LOGAN, William Patrick (//c1845-//)
1873-1877 Crafers Inn Crafers
Lived; Crafers, Park St Unley
m 27/11/1879 St Ignatius Norwood, publican Mrs Hastie/Hostie nee Catherine Brannack
LOGAN, Mrs WP formerly HASTIE/HOSTIE nee Catherine Kate Brannack (//c1850-//)
1891-1893 Crafers Hotel Crafers
1904-1905 Crafers Hotel Crafers
Parents – William Brannack &
LOGIE, John (//-//)
1884-1885 Shakespeare Hotel Waymouth St
LOGUE, George Edward (//c1855-17/11/1902)
Died Adelaide SA.
1888-1891 Burnside Hotel Burnside
1893-1895 Elephant & Castle Hotel West Tce
LOLLER, Thomas (//-//)
1882-1883 Seven Stars Hotel Redbanks Hundred of Grace
LONERGAN, Stanislaus and Doris Elizabeth (//-//)
1950-1958 Scenic Norton Summit
LONG, Albert Edward (13/2/1863-//)
Born Bangor SA.
1907-1907 Governor MacDonnell Hotel Salisbury
1908-1908 North Star Hotel Templers
1908-1912 Alma Hotel Lobethal
1913-1913 Glynde Hotel Glynde
1913-1916 Angas Park Hotel Nuriootpa
1916-1919 Criterion Hotel Bassett Town
1920-1920 Globe Hotel Wilmington
1921-1921 Commercial Hotel Morgan
1921-1921 Globe Hotel Yongala with Albert Scott
Parents – William Long & Ann nee BAKER
LONG, Francis (//-//)
1934-1935 National Hotel Pirie St
LONG, Mrs Leah Pierpoint (//-//)
1931-1940 National Hotel Pirie St
LONG, George (//-//)
1872-1875 Corio Hotel Goolwa
LONG, Mrs George Patrick nee Honora ? (//-//)
1875-1878 Launceston Hotel Waymouth St
1878-1879 Gray’s Inn Mt Barker
1879-1880 Supreme Court Hotel Gouger St
LONG, Mrs Honora widow (//-//)
1879-1880 Supreme Court Hotel Gouger St
1881-1882 Devonshire Arms Hotel Mintaro
LONG, Helena Margaret (//-//)
1886-1887 Governor Hindmarsh Hotel Bowden
LONG, John Joseph (//-//)
1936-1949 Tattersalls Hotel Hindley St
1949-1955 Tattersalls Hotel Hindley St
LONG, Robert (//c1820-28/11/1869)
Died Mt Gambier SA.
1860-1869 South Australian Hotel Mt Gambier Hotel founder
Amateur geologist who turned publican and owned and operated the hotel. Many prominent local citizens used to frequent the place.
His hotel was the scene of great drama in 1861 when Scottish showman Thomas Craig stayed there with the body of a calicified Aborigine taken from one of the caves near Naracoorte where he had fled and died following his involvement in the murder of William Brown in 1845. Brown was one of three pioneer stockholders from Victoria who had taken up pastoral land at Dine Dine Swamp near the Mosquito Plains. Russell Smith Curious tales of SA pp86-95
LONG, Mrs Robert nee Jane ? (//c1830-26/11/1874)
Died Mt Gambier SA.
1869-1872 South Australian Hotel Mt Gambier
The hotel was sold in the settlement of her estate.
LONG, Robert Fitzallan (//c1845-25/10/1894)
Died Adelaide SA.
1878-1878 Gasworks Hotel Brompton
1878-1879 Hope Inn Hindmarsh
1879-1879 Galatea Hotel Hindley St
1879-1879 Woodville Hotel Woodville
1879-1879 Galatea Hotel Hindley St
1880-1881 Galatea Hotel Hindley St
1881-1882 London Inn Flinders St
1883-1884 British Hotel Pt Adelaide
1884-1885 Bedford Hotel Currie St
LONG, Mrs RF nee Helena Margaret ? (//-//)
1888-1891 Galatea Hotel Hindley St
Was she a Smith before her marriage? Husband’s age way out in a marriage duriing the early 1870s. No record of her remarriage or death following her husband’s death.
/6/1854-1855 Bricklayers Arms Gover St Hotel founder.
1855-1856 Bricklayers Arms Gover St
LONG, William (//-//)
1872-1875 Northbrook Hotel Stockport Hotel founder
LONGDEN, Emanuel (//-//)
1866-1866 Hampshire Hotel White Valley Aldinga [later Willunga]
LONGDEN/LONGDIN, James (//-//)
1867-1870 Aldinga Hotel Aldinga
Lost licence due to drunkenness
LONGHURST, J (//-//)
1873-1876 Royal Exchange Hotel Melrose
LONGMORE, Hiram (//-//)
1863-1871 Travellers Home Inn Lochiel Hummocks Hotel founder
LONGMUIR, James (//-//)
1917-1920 Totness Inn, Mount Pleasant
LONGMUIR, Margaret (//-//)
1900-1900 Blanchetown Hotel Blanchetown
LONSDALE, George (//-//)
1926-1927 Flinders Family Hotel Pt Augusta
1927-1927 Exchange Hotel Pt Augusta with Mary Ann Armour
1934-1941 Ramsgate Hotel Henley Beach
1941-1944 Ramsgate Hotel Henley Beach
LONSDALE, Mrs George nee Pearl Eileen Flower ? (//-//)
1925-1926 Flinders Family Hotel Pt Augusta
1927-1929 Flinders Family Hotel Pt Augusta
1929-1929 Flinders Family Hotel Pt Augusta with Mary Ann Armour
1931-1931 Central Hotel Pt Adelaide with Elizabeth Knapman
1931-1932 Central Hotel Pt Adelaide
1944-1948 Ramsgate Hotel Henley Beach with Hazel Constance Flower Pritchard
LORD, Cecil Clyde (29/7/1886-//)
Born Moonta Mines SA.
1920-1921 Burra Hotel Kooringa with William Arnold Lord and Stella M Humphries
Parents – publican George Lord & Caroline nee Phillips
Brother to publicans Harry Hilton Lord, William Arnold Lord and Mrs CH Humphries nee Stella Marion Lord
LORD, George (//-//)
1852-1855 White Horse Cellar Robe Hotel founder
1866-1868 Criterion Hotel Robe
m Elizabeth Ann nee HAYES (//-//)
LORD, George (//-//)
1885-1886 Wonoka Hotel Hawker
LORD, George (//-//)
1901-1906 Browns Hotel Pt Germein
1907-1918 Burra Hotel Kooringa
m Caroline nee PHILLIPS
LORD, Harry Hilton (6/9/1876-//)
Born Moonta Mines SA.
1918-1920 Burra Hotel Kooringa with William Arnold Lord his brother and Clarence Houston Humphries his brother-in-law
Parents – publican George Lord & Caroline nee Phillips
LORD, John (//c1851-//)
Born Devon, England,
1879-1884 Prince of Wales Hotel Moonta
1885-1890 Grand Junction Hotel Quorn
1890-1893 Theatre Royal Hotel Hindley St
1897-1908 Imperial Hotel King William St
1909-1911 Langham Hotel Gouger St
Biog Observer 1/11/1890 p846a. Racehorse breeder. Mayor of Quorn.
LORD, William Arnold (26/4/1880-//)
Born Moonta Mines SA.
1918-1918 Burra Hotel Kooringa
1918-1920 Burra Hotel Kooringa with William Arnold Lord and Clarence Houston Humphries
1920-1921 Burra Hotel Kooringa with Cecil Clyde Lord his brother and Stella M Humphries his sister
1922-1922 Sir James Fergusson Hotel Tarlee
Parents – publican George Lord & Caroline nee Phillips
Brother to publicans Cecil Clyde Lord, Harry Hilton Lord and Mrs CH Humphries nee Stella Marion Lord
LOVE, Hugh Montgomery Paul (25/7/1880-//)
Born Alberton SA.
1926-1934 Black Lion Hotel Hindmarsh
Parents – James Love & Margaret nee HAGGERTY
LOVEDAY, Richard John (//c1818-//)
1865-1866 Globe Inn Bowden
m 5/5/1853 Turf Hotel Adelaide [Parkside?], Susannah S Sadgrove (//c1833-//), prob daughter of publicans John Henry Sadgrove & Susannah nee ? 1st registered marriage in a hotel in SA.
LOVEGROVE, Leonard (//-//)
1855-1860 Drovers Arms Inn near Wellington/Murray
The only publican
LOVELL, Walter Ernest (//-//)
1912-1913 Bremen Hotel Hope Valley
1931-1932 Commercial Hotel Two Wells
LOVETT, Mrs Alice (//-//)
1891-1892 Modbury Hotel Modbury
LOVELOCK, Daniel (//-//)
1845-1846 Queens Arms Tavern Bowden
1846-1848 Queens Arms Tavern Bowden Hotel closer
1848-1848 Miners Arms Hotel Light River crossing near Kapunda
1848-1848 Black Bull Hotel Hindley St
1851-1852 Temple Tavern Gilles Arcade
LOVELOCK, George (//-//)
1848-1849 Miners Arms Hotel Light River crossing near Kapunda
LOVELOCK, Levi (//-//)
1855-1856 Normanville Hotel Normanville
LOVELOCK, Thomas Glass (//-//)
1874-1875 Lake Hotel Milang
LOVIS, William (//-//)
1891-1897 White Lion Hotel Kadina
LOVIS, Mrs William nee Susan ? (//-//)
1897-1906 White Lion Hotel Kadina
Hotel robbery Observer 25/7/1903 p666c.
LOW, Alexander Stewart (//c1832-26/5/1902)
1858-1858 Lows Inn Mt Barker
1858-1859 Crown Hotel Mt Barker
1861-1863 Crown Hotel Mt Barker
1865-1866 St Leonards Hotel St Leonards
1868-1869 Corio Hotel Goolwa
Publican North Adelaide in 1863. He married Elizabeth Gloag, daughter of John Gloag, the founder of the Crown Inn. St Leonard’s Inn, St Leonards 1865; Corio Hotel Goolwa 1868-1869, Cremorne Hotel Unley 1873-1874; later a contractor in Gilles St, Adelaide??. Also had a general store opposite the hotel in the 1850s, on what had formerly been some of his father’s land in Mt Barker. He extensively rebuilt the Crown Hotel in late 1858.
LOW, Charles (c1802-1/11/1862)
Died Mt Barker SA, at his residence (late of Lows Inn).
1843-1844 Royal Admiral Hotel Hindley St
1846-1858 Lows Inn Mt Barker
1859-1859 Lows Inn Mt Barker
1861-1862 Lows Inn Mt Barker
Lived in Co Fife, Scotland, for at least some time before emigration. A bootmaker in Rosina/Hindley St 1841-1846, and publican Royal Admiral Hotel 1843-1844 Hindley St. Then publican Low’s Inn c1846-1858 at Mt Barker. Died 1/11/1862, aged 60. He called it the Scotch Thistle for two years-perhaps. Later became known as the Mt Barker Hotel and then the Hotel Barker. The second publican to begin business in Mt Barker. Husband of Helen Stewart Low. At least two sons - Alexander and Robert.
1840 William Dutton Senr Esquire Adelaide * Land grant.
1840 Trustees Richard Newland and Edward Gwynne Adelaide
1849 Charles Low licensed victualler Mt Barker
12/2/1851 Mortgaged Lot to George MacLean and then others all the time Low had the property. This must have been the hotel.
16/12/1862 Will of Charles Low. All estate to Helen Stewart Low.
29/7/1863 HS Low to Alfred Bonnin, the mortgagee. Together with lots 78, 79, 80, 81.
Bonnin sub-divided the land.
Marriage at Lows Inn during his time as publican Nathaniel Simpson HAILES m 19/2/1851 Lows Inn Mt Barker, Jennet nee LOW (//c1831-//)
LOW, Mrs Charles nee Helen Stewart ? (//-//)
1865-1866 Fountain Inn Millbrook [Parkside]
1866-1868 Leasingham Hotel Leasingham
LOW, Mrs David nee Helen Fyffe MALCOLM (//-//)
1863-1863 Thistle Inn Waymouth St
LOW, James (//-//)
1846-1849 Gate Inn Goodwood Hotel founder
LOW, Robert Stuart (//-//)
1865-1866 Hindmarsh Hotel Pirie St
1871-1872 Robe Hotel Robe
1875-1875 Cremorne Inn New Parkside
1884-1885 Napoleon Bonaparte Hotel King William St .
LOWE, Alexander (//-//)
1867-1869 Myponga Hotel Myponga
LOWE, Alexander (//-//)
1874-1874 Cremorne Inn New Parkside
LOWE, Charles (//-//)
1878-1882 Smithfield Hotel Smithfield
LOWE, George Richard (//-//)
1860-1863 White Hart Inn Aberdeen
1863-1863 Aberdeen Hotel Aberdeen
1869-1870 Imperial Hotel Barossa Goldfields
LOWE, Mark Edward (//c1818-1/5/1886)
Died Edwardstown SA.
1861-1868 Talunga Hotel Mount Pleasant
1868-1886 Maid of Auckland Hotel Edwardstown
Son of Thomas Lowe.
m 17/8/1868 Christ Church O’Halloran Hill, Mrs CD Johnson nee Amelia Wheeler.
LOWE, Mrs ME formerly publican Mrs CD Johnson nee Amelia WHEELER (//c1826-26/6/1911)
Died St Marys SA.
1886-1892 Maid of Auckland Hotel Edwardstown
Parents - George Wheeler.
LOWEN, Edwin Waybrett (//c1854-21/10/1913)
Died Murray Bridge SA, ‘suddenly of heart disease’.
1910-1914 Bridgeport Hotel Murray Bridge
Hotel at Pt Adelaide
1884-1910 Woodside Hotel Woodside
Bridgeport Hotel Murray Bridge.
Register correspondent for Woodside for many years.
Last surviving of the old honorary members of the Onkaparinga Racing Club.
Active interest in sport.
Obit Observer 25/10/1913 p437a.
LOWER, Frederick William (//-//)
1868-1868 White Horse Inn Currie St
LOWER, Matthew (//-//)
1870-1877 Wallaroo Inn Wallaroo
LOWSON, George (//-//)
1884-1885 Railway Hotel Freeling
LOWSON, George Courtney (//c1831-26/3/1885)
Died Adelaide SA, at his residence Halifax St, of cirrhosis of the liver.
1877-1881 Collinsfield Hotel Collinsfield
1882-1883 Family Hotel Mallala
1883-1884 Oaklands Hotel Oaklands
Son of George Lowson
m 27/1/1875 Bride father Henry Bowley residence Donnybrook near Clare, Mary Ann nee Bowley
Name misspelt as Lawson on his marriage certificate.
LOWSON, Mrs GC nee Mary Ann BOWLEY (//c1847-//)
Born SA.
1885-1886 Duke of Edinburgh Hotel Hindley St . Last publican.
Licence transferred to the Earl of Leicester Parkside.
1886-1886 Prince Alfred Hotel Pt Adelaide
Daughter of Henry Bowley of Donnybrook near Clare. Contradiction – father given as Henry Bowley at her first marriage and as John Henry Bowley at her second marriage.
m (2) 26/6/1886 St Paul Pt Adelaide, William George Herbert CUMMINS 39 son of William George Herbert Cummins the Elder
LOXTON, Percival (//-//)
1945-1952 Talunga Hotel Mount Pleasant
LUBASCH, Gottfried (//-//)
1839-1849 German Arms Hotel Hahndorf Hotel founder
LUCAS, Arthur John & Ella Grace (//-//)
1961-1962 Springton Hotel Springton
LUCAS, Charles John Matthias (//-//)
1916-1923 Junction Hotel Roseworthy
1925-1926 Dublin Hotel Hamley Bridge
LUCAS, Christian James (//-//)
1881-1884 Gawler Belt Inn Gawler Belt [Willaston]
1885-1901 Exchange Hotel Gawler
1901-1902 Golden Rule Hotel Pirie St
LUCAS, Claude Kenneth (//-//)
1947-1969 Arab Steed Hotel Hutt St
LUCAS, Harold Chapman James (//-//)
1898-1899 St Kilda Hotel St Kilda Beach Hotel founder
LUCAS, Harold Chapman James (//-//)
1940-1941 Exeter Hotel Rundle St
1941-1962 The Avenues Hotel Stepney
LUCAS, John CM (//-//)
1911-1914 Governor MacDonnell Hotel Salisbury
LUCAS, Matthew (//-//)
1890-1890 Gawler Belt Hotel Gawler Belt [Willaston]
LUCAS, Maynard John (//-//)
1908-1920 Junction Hotel Brinkworth
1920-1922 Central Hotel Kadina
1922-1929 Arab Steed Hotel Hutt St
1929-1933 Arab Steed Hotel Hutt St with Claude Kenneth Lucas and Harold CJ Lucas
1933-1944 Arab Steed Hotel Hutt St
1944-1947 Arab Steed Hotel Hutt St with Frederick Arthur Frank
LUCAS, Mittis (//-//)
1937-1940 Rosewater Hotel Rosewater
LUCE, Daniel Blyont (//-//)
1878-1879 Coobowie Hotel Coobowie
LUCIEER, Marinus Michael (//-//)
1942-1956 Saracens Head Hotel Carrington St
LUCK, Charles (//-//)
1889-1890 Jetty Hotel LeFevre Peninsula [Semaphore] with Elizabeth Luck
LUCK, Mrs Charles nee Elizabeth ? (//-//)
1889-1889 Jetty Hotel LeFevre Peninsula [Semaphore]
1889-1890 Jetty Hotel LeFevre Peninsula [Semaphore] with Charles Luck
1890-1890 Jetty Hotel LeFevre Peninsula [Semaphore]
1890-1893 Forest Inn Black Forest
1893-1893 Australasian Clubhouse Hotel Pt Adelaide
LUCKWALD, Otto Julius (//-//)
1948-1954 Hamley Bridge Hotel Hamley Bridge
LUETZE, Heinrich Christian Julius (//-//)
1865-1865 Sheaoak Log Hotel Sheaoak Log
LUETZOW/LUTZOW/LÜTZOW, Johann Ferdinand (//-//)
1876-1887 Springton Hotel Springton
1893-1895 Springton Hotel Springton
LUKE, Mrs Ellen (//-//)
1891-1921 Pastoral Hotel Pt Augusta
1924-1925 Bush Inn Willunga
LUKE, Robert (//-//)
1875-1877 Watervale Hotel Watervale
1879-1880 Globe Hotel Pt Augusta
1880-1882 Railway Hotel Pt Augusta
1884-1886 Gillick Arms Hotel Wilsonnear Hawker
LUKE, Robert (//-//)
1876-1878 Globe Hotel Clare
LUMB, Lindley Hurst (//-//)
1880-1881 Paris Hotel Portland Place Pt Adelaide Hotel Founder
LUMBERS, Christmas (//-//)
1882-1883 Mill Inn Gawler South
LUMMER, Hermann (//-//)
1869-1870 Black Eagle Hotel Sevenhill
LUND, Mrs Christina (//-//)
1899-1901 Salisbury Hotel Salisbury
LUND, Jacob (//-//)
1889-1893 Sussex Hotel Pt Adelaide
1894-1894 Edinburgh Castle Hotel Currie St
1894-1894 Barossa Inn Lyndoch
LUND, Mrs Jacob nee Christina RUDEBECK (//-//)
1894-1899 Barossa Inn Lyndoch
LUNDIE, James (//-//)
1878-1879 Governor MacDonnell Hotel Salisbury
LUSH, George (//-//)
1863-1864 Lewis Arms Inn Pt Willunga
s1871-1872 Currency Creek Inn Currency Creek
1874-1876 Currency Creek Inn Currency Creek Hotel closer
LUSH, Joseph William (//c1800-10/11/1865)
Died Pt Elliot SA, at his residence Pt Elliot [late of the Pt Elliot Hotel], ‘after a long and painful illness’.
1855-1860 Square Waterhole Hotel Mt Compass The only publican
1861-1865 Port Elliot Hotel Pt Elliot
LUSH, Lydia (//-//)
1890-1891 Royal Family Hotel Pt Elliot
LUXMOORE, Frederick William (//c1858-//)
Born Adelaide SA, at his parents residence Rundle St.
1888-1893 Pt Vincent Hotel Pt Vincent
LUXMOORE, Mrs FW nee Nellie ? (//-//)
1894-1910 Pt Vincent Hotel Pt Vincent
LYFORD, Edgar Clement (3/1/1880-//)
Born Blyth SA.
1924-1925 Pier Hotel Milang
1925-1928 Royal Hotel Hawker
1928-1930 Britannia Hotel Pt Adelaide
1929-1930 Wonoka Hotel Hawker
1929-1931 Blinman Hotel Blinman North with Vera Matilda Margaret Lyford his wife Date clash
1931-1932 Eureka Hotel Carrieton
Parents - William Lyford and Jemima Louisa nee CRETTENDEN.
LYFORD, Mrs EC nee Vera Matilda Margaret ? (//-//)
1927-1928 Eureka Hotel Carrieton
1929-1931 Blinman Hotel Blinman North with Edgar C Lyford her husband
1932-1934 Eureka Hotel Carrieton
1936-1938 Eureka Hotel Carrieton
1939-1946 North Blinman Hotel Blinman North
1951-1951 North Blinman Hotel Blinman North
LYFORD, Maxwell Clement (//-//)
1959-1963 North Blinman Hotel Blinman North
LYMBURNER, Adam L (//-//)
1854-1856 Lass O’Gowrie Salisbury District
Hotel Closer
LYNCH, Jack (//-//)
1914-1917 Gilles Arms Hotel Gilles St with Carl August
LYNCH, John (//-//)
1885-1885 Areas Hotel Georgetown
LYNCH, John Richard (//-//)
1940-1940 Seven Stars Hotel Angas St
1940-1942 Exmouth Hotel Saddleworth
LYNCH, Mrs JR nee Adelaide/Adeline Elizabeth ? (//-//)
1939-1940 Seven Stars Hotel Angas St
1942-1946 Exmouth Hotel Saddleworth
LYNCH, Richard Andrew (//-11/5/1936)
1916-1920 Royal Admiral Hotel Hindley St
1921-1924 Pinnaroo Hotel Pinnaroo
1924-1925 Kimba Hotel Kimba
1925-1936 Commercial Hotel Kooringa
LYNCH, Mrs RA nee Adeline Elizabeth ? (//-//)
Wrong husband?
1936-1938 Commercial Hotel Kooringa
LYNCH, Timothy (//-//)
1864-1865 Princess Royal Hotel O’Connell St
LYNCH, Thomas James (//-//)
1919-1919 Bucks Head Hotel North Tce
LYON, William Walker (//-//)
1905-1906 Bay View Hotel Beachport
1906-1906 Wheatsheaf Hotel Thebarton
LYONS, Mrs Annie M (//-//)
1917-1918 Plough & Harrow Hotel Rundle St
1921-1926 Pruducers Club Hotel Grenfell St
1926-1929 Aurora Hotel Pirie St
1928-1931 Carlton Hotel Sturt St . Date clash
LYONS, Joel (//-//)
1869-1870 Post Office Hotel Yatta Creek Barossa Goldfields
The only publican
LYONS, Joseph Douglas (//-21/7/1974)
1946-1959 Globe Hotel Gawler with Aloysius Vincent O’Halloran
1959-1972 Kingsford Hotel Gawler with Dorothy Alice Lyons
1972-1974 Kingsford Hotel Gawler
LYONS, Mary (//-//)
1942-1946 Freemasons Hotel Pirie St
LYONS, Morris John (23/1/1901-//)
Born Rose Park SA.
1923-1923 Pruducers Club Hotel Grenfell St
1923-1924 Pruducers Club Hotel Grenfell St with Mrs Jessie Moore
1932-1932 Globe Hotel Wilmington with Harry Moore
Parents – John James Lyons & Annie nee MORRIS