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'Photographic Collection & Other Archival Material'  from Lorraine KRAMM & John MUELLER

2nd son's, 1st child.

Johann Gottlieb LIEBELT   &   Johanne Caroline LUBASCH



Where did their 10 children live after marriage?


To return to:  STEINBORN & LIEBELT 


This article explores the land and homes that the children of LIEBELT & LUBASCH moved to after they were married.  Their parents home still remains & is off of the Echunga Road, and many of their children moved very little distance when they took up their own farming properties.  17 historic photographs are accompanied by maps, sections & current day photographs.  For more information:  Liebelt & Lubasch home

Colour & enhancements provided by Elizabeth BARNES, genealogist and historian, with permission of the Liebelt Family Reunion Committee.  Permission must be sought for duplication of all enhanced photographs. Contact Elizabeth on [email protected]


The family names that are mentioned in this article:


Liebelt Family History page 46-75


Table of Contents

  1. Johann Gottlieb LIEBELT & Johanna Caroline LUBASCH & their family home





LIEBELT Family History book page 46

1.   Johann Gottlieb LIEBELT, Johanna Caroline LUBASCH & their family home



LFH page 46LFH by E.A. WITTWER & F. LIEBELT'Johann Gottlieb was born 28 December 1823, probably in Nickern, Brandenburg, Prussia.  On arrival  on the 'Zebra' as a 14 year old he lived in Hahndorf with his parents at 106 Main Road, Hahndorf. It seems likely he was employed as a shepherd in the early days.  

Gottlieb and Caroline were married 9 September 1847 by Pastor A.L.C. Kavel in the schoolroom at Hahndorf.  

The witnesses were Gottlieb KUCHEL and Christian ZILM.  Caroline was the second daughter of Anna Dorothea GREISER, (1799-1864) the second wife of Gottfried LUBASCH (1790-1856)."


Witnesses at their wedding:  KUCHEL & ZILM

Authors Note: The marriage witnesses: 'Gottlieb KUCHEL' was possibly Johann Gottlieb KUCHEL b1821 from Langmeil, Brandenburg, who the following year [1848] married Maria Elizabeth BARTEL in the same school room.  Gottlieb KUCHEL was a 1C1R to Gottlieb LIEBELT & was 17 year old  & a labourer on the 'Prince George'.  Gottlieb KUCHEL was 26 years of age at this wedding.

LFH page 47The second witness 'Christian ZILM' was possibly Johann Christian ZILM who was a 39 year old day labourer on the 'Bengalee' with his wife  Anna Dorothea MATTISKE 28 years and two sons age 10 and 7 years. They had come from Goltzen, Brandenburg, Prussia [now known as Kolesin, Gmina Babimost, Lubusz Voivodeship, Poland]  where in 1826 Pastor KAVEL was a preacher.  Goltzen is only 4kms NE of Klemzig. Christian's brother Johann Gottlob ZILM & their sister Anna Dorothea ZILM were both on the 'Prince George' with Gottlieb LIEBELT's uncle, cousins and grandparents.  Christian ZILM would have been 48 years of age  when he attended the wedding in the schoolroom. The previous year Christian had remarried [after his 1st wife's Anna Dorothea MATTISKE's death in 1839] in the same school room to Christiane Caroline Louise KRÜGER.  [David Schubert 'Kavel's People']




Wikipedia 2023

"Johann Friedrich Wilhelm PAECH had bought thirteen 80 acre sections, named ‘Friedrichstadt’, with the name particularly applied to a sub division of section 3913, Hundred of Kuitpo.  The name Friedrichstadt was replaced by Tangari in 1918 as part of renaming many places with German-origin names.  ‘Paechtown’,  is named for another early landowner, Christian PAECH.....subdivision of sections 3916 and  3917, Hundred of Kuitpo. "


LIEBELT Family History book page 141

"J.F.W. PAECH, of Friedrichstadt, farmer, made sales of former South Australian Cattle Company land in the Hundred of Kuitpo, to the following men, all farmers of Friedrichstadt, between 1850-1855."

Date Purchaser & Ship Section Size in acres
          1850  January 21 Gottlob JAENSCH.         3898 80
December 12 Johann Friedrich THIELE 3899 30
  Johann August THIELE   10
  Johann Christian THIELE   20
  Johann Gottfried WUNDKE 3900 27
  Samuel JANTKE   27  1/4
  Samuel BARTSCH   27
  Johann Christoph LIEBELT   27  1/4
  Gottlob BARTEL 3901 44 1/2
  Johann Gottlob HARTMANN  


  Johann Gottlob PAECH 3911 west part



Extracts from LIEBELT Family History page 46.

Four Photos  from 'John MULLER photo collection', coloured & enhanced by Elizabeth BARNES

 'Gottlieb and his wife were among the earliest settlers at Friedrichstadt but as his nick-name was "Squatter" it seems likely that he "squatted" on his selection before he formally took up the land.  On December 5, 1850, he became the registered owner of Section 3903 of the Hundred of Kuitpo.  This 80 acre section was purchased from Johan Friedrich PAECH of Grünthal for 80 pound.  Access was allowed to other settlers to the water pools on this property.  On this section Gottlieb built his first home of mud, straw and slabs.  

This home stood until 1912 when it was destroyed in a disastrous bushfire.  The home had been replaced earlier by an all brick home - one of the first in the Hahndorf area to be built entirely of brick.  This home still stands on the property.  Over the years Gottlieb purchased and leased additional properties.  In February 1856 he p his selection before he formally took up the land.  On December 5, 1850, he became the registered owner of Section 3903 of the Hundred of Kuitpo.  This 80 acre section was purchased from Johan Friedrich PAECH of Grünthal for 80 pound.  Access was allowed to other settlers to the water pools on this property.  


Over the years Gottlieb purchased and leased additional properties.  In February 1856 he paid 300 pound for 30 acres, part of section 3899.  


JBH 1866 Leased sections 3897, 3895, 3884, 3896.

On October 16, 1866, he took over the lease of sections 3897, 3895 and 3884 and part of section 3896 in the Hundred of Kuitpo from Gottlob SCHULZ.  SCHULZ had leased this land in 1865 for 12 years from John HAGEN formerly of Echunga but then of overseas [sic] on the following conditions:  

1. to erect substantial post and rail fences along certain boundaries, to keep the buildings in good order and to fallow 1/4 of the land which has been cultivated.  

2. to cultivate land in the proper manner.  

3.  to cart onto the said land a quantity of good manure equal in value to any straw which may have been removed therefrom.  

4. not to take two successive crops of corn, grain or pulse of any kind from any part of the land.  

5. to grub up by the roots all such trees as shall be required for fencing in or using on the said land.  6. not to cut down, grub up or destroy saving for fencing or using as aforesaid any gum or stringy bark or other timber or timberline trees without the previous consent in writing of the said J. HAGEN.   



In 1872, Gottlieb leased from the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, sections 3696, 3733, 5007 and parts of sections 3732 and 3698 in the Hundred of Macclesfield.  The annual rent was 20 pound per year plus 1/- per acre which was cultivated.  The land had to be cultivated within 4 years.   Gottlieb was a farmer; it appears likely that he also did some shearing.'




Photo from the 'Lorraine KRAMM Photographic Collection' 2023.  Dated 1909c by author.   Reverse: 'Bertha & Reinold [sic] Kramm, Ben, Ida, Elsa & Heinrich.   
Photo taken by Edmund DIEDERICH.

This home on the left, off of the Echunga Rd was the second home built by this couple, the first is described above as being built of 'mud, straw and slabs.' and in 1812 destroyed by a fire.  


The couple above are the parents of Anna Bertha LIEBELT born in 1867 in the home they built, on the left.  

Bertha  married in 1895 to husband Carl Reinhold KRAMM, b1866 from Schwiebus, Brandenburg, Prussia.  

Their 4 children:   Johann Heinrich KRAMM b1896,

                                Alfred Elsa b1898

                                Emilie Ida KRAMM b1901

                               Hermann Bernhardt KRAMM b1903, were all also born in this home on the left.


Photo 1909c.  Bertha was the 11th & youngest child of Johann Gottlieb LIEBELT & Johanna Caroline LUBASCH.


Same home as above, coloured and enhanced by Elizabeth Barnes c1909.                               Photo from the 'Lorraine KRAMM Photographic Collection'.  Date unknown 1970ca.                                            Painting from the 'Lorraine KRAMM Collection', her husband Trevor grew up on this farm land and remembers his grandparents Anna Bertha LIEBELT  & Karl Reinhold KRAMM  living in this home which Anna's parents  Gottlieb LIEBELT & Karoline LUBASCH built. 



December 1850, Hundred of Kuitpo, Section 3903, 80 acres

February 1856, Hd of Kuitpo, part Section 3899, 30 acres

October 1866, Hd of Kuitpo, leased Sections 3897, 3895, 3884.


SAGHS Death Register 20 October 2022  District Nairne Deaths Book 4  1893-1899, No 32  

Johann Gottlieb LIEBELT, 11 May, 1893, aged 69 years, profession 'farmer' of Friedrichstadt,  usual residence was Friedrichstadt, cause of death ? albinuria and heart disease, place of death Friedrichstadt, informant W EY, teacher, Hahndorf.

Author Note: The informant Friedrich Wilhelm Julius EY b1839 Prussia, teacher at St Michael's School Hahndorf, married Johanne Mathilda Caroline MULLER and their son Wilhelm Albert EY b1883 Hahndorf, married Gottlieb's granddaughter in 1912, Maria Emma KUCHEL b1881.


SAGHS Death Register 20 October 2022  District Nairne Deaths Book 5  1900-1910, No 139  

Johanne Caroline LIEBELT, May 30, 1902, aged 75 years, profession 'widow of the late Johann Gottlieb LIEBELT' usual residence Friedrichstadt, cause of death senile debility and bronchopneumonia, place of death Friedrichstadt, informant Charles Reinhold KRAMM son in law, Friedrichstadt.

Authors Note: 'Charles Reinhold KRAMM' is her youngest daughters husband Carl Reinhold KRAMM who continued to farm this property after his marriage in 1895 to Anna Bertha LIEBELT. Their grandson Trevor married Lorraine KRAMM [the custodian of a historic photographic collection] in 1928.



2nd son, 1st child, 1st child: Johanne Louise LIEBELT 

Johanne Louise LIEBELT (1848-1940) married 4 May 1871 to Johann Gottlieb KUCHEL (1846-1923)

LIEBELT Family History page 49LIEBELT Family History page 49, '  Johanne Louise was born on June 15, 1848.  As a young woman Johanne worked as a domestic servant in various households.  She married Johann Gottlieb KUCHEL in St Michael's Church on May 4, 1871, Pastor STREMPEL officiating.  Gottlieb was born at Kirchenbergen near Hahndorf on April 21, 1846.  His parents were Johann Gottfried Erdmann KUCHEL and Johanne Dorothea Elisabeth born KUCHEL, who had emigrated the previous year from the German village of Lochow.  Immediately after their marriage Johanne and Gottlieb lived at Friedrichstadt on the Mount Barker Rd., then in Hahndorf in English St.  

They then moved, in about 1878, to part of Section 3913, in the Hundred of Kuitpo which Johanne's father had purchased.  Here Gottlieb built a home of slabs, straw and mud.  The home was demolished several years ago, the site now being marked by a few old trees.  Gottlieb was a carpenter, making rakes and other tools as well as hurdles for the Oakbank races.  Gottlieb died on October 31, 1923; Johanne reached the high age of 91 years passing away on March 29, 1940.  Both are buried in the Hahndorf cemetery where their grave is marked by a tombstone.  Their old homestead property is now owned and farmed by Mr K LIEBELT, a grandson of Johanne's brother August.


Photo from 'John Mueller Collection'

SAGHS Death Register 20 October 2022  District Nairne Deaths Book 7&8,  1920-1928, No 235  

Johann Gottlieb KUCHEL, January 31, 1923, aged 76 years, profession farmer Ambleside, birthplace Ambleside, Australian born 76 years, age at marriage 25, 4 boys and 4 girls living and 2 girls deceased, 
cause of death heart disease longstanding, cerebral apoplexy (sudden), place of death Ambleside SA, informant W KUCHEL, labourer Ambleside. 
Author: Informant 'W KUCHEL' is probably his youngest child, son Johann Friedrich Wilhelm KUCHEL, known a 'Bill' who remained unmarried.  In 1823 he was 32 years of age and he may have remained living with his mother until her death in 1940 when he would have been 49 years of age. He lived another 20 years and is in many of the photos in the 'John MUELLER Photographic Collection'.



Author's Note:  Anecdotally via KUCHEL descendants, Kirchenbergen is in the area of Leonard Road, Hahndorf.
                            'Lochow' was in Brandenburg, Prussia and is now known as in ........Poland 
                           'Mr K LIEBELT' is Kevin Ross LIEBELT who married Marion Jean BRAENDLER, both are on the LIEBELT Family Reunion Committee as of 2022.



2nd son, 1st child, 2nd child: Johann Friedrich Wilhelm  LIEBELT

Johann Friedrich Wilhelm LIEBELT (1851-1925) married 20 April 1876 to Johanne Wilhelmine KLAEBSCH

Liebelt Family History page 56.  'Johann Friedrich Wilhelm was born at Friedrichstadt 10 October 1851. He was married in St Michael's Church by Pastor Strempel and Wilhelmine's parents were Johann Wilhelm KLAEBSCH nd Johanne Friedericke BÜTTNER who came from Bentnitz, Brandenburg, Prussia.  Wilhelm and Wilhelmine settled on parts of Section 3901 and 3902, Hd of Kuitpo, he later purchased Section 410.'  

Photo from the 'John MUELLER Photo Collection'. In 1975 it was described by Alan Wittwer in the Liebelt Family History book as 'the original home of timber frame construction still stands and is in good condition.' 

This half timbered home was dismantled on the 'Jurlique Farm' property about 2015c, it could not be seen from the dirt Liebelt Road, at Biggs Flat.,    


These photos above and the floor plans below were used to advertise this property for sale, 'Land held in the LIEBELT family for over 130 years, since 1874 - it is the end of an era'



Construction details of their home

On page 77 of the Hahndorf Survey, Volume 1 you will find the comparative frame of Fachwerk homes of Hahndorf and the frame work   on the right is from the 'Liebelt House', above..


The 82 acre is Certificate of Title Vol 5353 Folio 77, and 71 acres is Certificate of Title Vol. 5602 Folio 121, parts of the original Sections 3901 and 3902.

The horizontal pink road is Kangaroo Reef Road and where it becomes vertical it is Snelling Road. The bottom road near the 'Not for Sale' is Liebelt Road.

Where is it?

This ' Liebelt House' was located in the former 'Friedrichstadt', and the current Biggs Flat, and the property is now known as ‘Jurlique Farm'    The main entrance is off Liebelt Road, and it also abuts Kangaroo Reef and Snelling Road.  The property is 4 kms from Mylor and 6.5kms from Hahndorf.  It was recorded in the 1974/75  'Hahndorf Survey' and is now demolished.


Construction method by Lothar Brasse,  B.Architecture & Heritage Consultant, September 2022.

Dimensions. The footprint of this simple cottage was  10.85m x 5.36m that is, almost exactly 2 squares next to each other measuring 5.36m x 5.36 each suggesting that its builder knew about good design principles and geometric proportions.  A 1 m wide door was located slightly off centre leading to the central brick-paved hall and kitchen ahead. This was a common German House plan with slight variations to those built at other Friedrichstadt locations, as well as all four of the 'Paechtown houses' and 'Wieth'’s house (also known as the 'Hoffmann house') on what is now the Beerenberg property.  

Walls  Wall construction was Fachwerk where every (approx. 150 x 150) square piece of redgum was identified using carved Roman numerals. Thus, every post, nogging and brace had an identification number to assist with on-site assembly. All timber connections were achieved using master-crafted joints which were then tightened by Stringy Bark dowels.

Braces were unique This 'Liebelt House' had the most exuberant timber display in Australia. Although a relatively small house, it has 4 braces on the principal façade. The less than 1m2 spaces between the timbers were filled with brick on the gable ends and lime washed mud on the long elevations. The plaster was applied to straw woven between sharpened timber staves which in turn were wedged between the lower groove and upper chiselled or augered holes.   Roof consisted of a series of trusses spaced approx. 600 (2 feet) apart securely braced and battened to take timber shingles. The corrugated iron was a later addition.

Lehmwickel  Boards wrapped in straw and clay (known as Lehmwickel literally mud-wraps) were wedged between the bottom chords of the roof trusses and once the final layer of chaff/mud mix was applied over the whole area formed a sturdy attic floor. The attic was an extension of the floor plan where goods were stored, cottage industries were carried out and ‘that’s where the boys slept’. Access to the attic was via an internal steep stair next to the entry door.  In other similar houses an external gable stair was also used. A return verandah seemed to have been part of the original construction.  Windows and doors were expertly made by a local joiner.  Hearths and chimneys were soft-fired clay bricks. A later lean-to addition at the back incorporated a large stone fireplace for the kitchen and dining areas as well as a step-down cellar.

Family information

Anecdotally in the sales information it was stated that this home was built in 1874.  Johann Friedrich Wilhelm was the eldest son, his older sister had married in 1871 and he would have needed to have supplied his bride with a home, so it is possible that it was built before he married in Autumn of 1876 when he was 25 years of age.   From his new home he could look over the hills and see the home he was born in, which I call the 'LIEBELT/LUBASCH family home, just over a kilometre away, a photo of which is in the top right hand corner of this article.







2nd son, 1st child, 3rd child: Johann Gottlieb LIEBELT

Johann Gottlieb LIEBELT [1853-1938] married on 1 May, 1879 to Johanne Dorathea SAWADE [1858-1937]

LFH page 59

Liebelt Family History page 59.   'On February 26,1853, Johann Gottlieb was born at Friedrichstadt.  In his youth he went sheep-shearing, going as far afield as Yorke Peninsula and Port Lincoln. Some of his brothers as well as many of the men of the neighbourhood also went. On May 1, 1879, he married Johanne Dorathea Sawade in St Michael's Church, Hahndorf, Pastor STREMPEL officiating.  Dorathea was born at Glembach, Germany, on October 28, 1858; her parents were Christian SAWADE and Johanne Dorothea born KLAEBSCH.  

The SAWADE family left Hamburg on May 1, 1877, and arrived at Port Adelaide on August 1, of the same year.  They settled at Salem but Dorothea went into service the neighbourhood of Hahndorf.  Gotllieb farmed various sections of land between Friedrichstadt and Mt Barker, taking up a number of the sections which his father had either bought or leased  [nos. 3884, 3895 and the land from the Society of the Propagation of the gospel.]. Much of this land is still farmed by descendants.  Gottlieb survived his wife by only six months - Dorothea died on December 8, 1937, and Gottlieb on June 14, 1938. Both are buried in the Hahndorf Public Cemetery where a tombstone marks their grave'.

Photo from 'John MUELLER photo collection'.  Photographer HAEHNEL & Co. 

    Reverse: 'Gottlieb LIEBELT & wife'                             Reverse: 'Gottlieb LIEBELT Golden Wedding'   1929

Photos from 'John MUELLER photo collection'. Same photographer for both photos: C NIESCHE, 97 Rundle St, Adelaide.

 'Gottlieb LIEBELT'             

I believe that these photographs strongly resemble the couple with the 2 children above & are Johann Gottlieb LIEBELT & wife Johanne Dorathea SAWADE




2nd son, 1st child, 4th child: Maria Elisabeth LIEBELT

Maria Elisabeth LIEBELT 1855-1923  married Friedrich Wilhelm ALTMANN 1856-1940

LFH page 63

<div style="text-align: center;"> Liebelt Family History page 63.  'Maria Elisabeth was born at Friedrichstadt on February 4, 1855.  She was married to Friedrich Wilhelm ALTMANN on July 3, 1879, by Pastor STREMPEL in St Michael's Church, Hahndorf.  Wilhelm was the eldest son of Johann Carl Joseph ALTMANN and his wife Johanne Louise born LIEBELT.  Maria Elisabeth and Wilhelm went to live at Monarto South where they lived in homes on the main Murray Bridge Road.  A large land holding was built up over the years; this was worked by members of the family until acquired by the government for the Monarto growth centre.  Maria Elisabeth underwent a severe operation in 1923.  After returning home from hospital she was drowned in a dam near the homestead, her death taking place on October 24, 1923.  She was buried in the Monarto Cemetery; her grave is marked by a tombstone.' </div>

Author's note:  Maria and Friedrich were 2nd cousins.







2nd son, 1st child, 5th child: Johann Friedrich LIEBELT

Johann Friedrich LIEBELT 1857-1935 married Marie Louise Emilie MINKWITZ 1864-1951

Liebelt Family History page 64. 'Johann Friedrich was born at Friedrichstadt on May 1, 1857.  He married Marie Louise Emilie MINKWITZ on April 26, 1883, in St Michael's Church, Hahndorf, Pastor STREMPEL officiating.  Emilie was the daughter of Johann Gottfried MINKWITZ and his wife Karoline Wilhelmine born NAUCK.  

The MINKWITZ family emigrated from Germany arriving at Port Adelaide on Emilie's 18th birthday.  She was born on February 22, 1864, at Luckenwalde near Berlin.   Friedrich farmed part of section 3902 in the Hundred of Kuitpo; his son Bernhard took over the property on Friedrich's retirement.  

For several years Friedrich farmed section 3895 in the Hundred of Kuitpo on which property he built a home.  This was later bought by Mr. E.E. LIEBELT, but has since been sold.  Friedrich and Emilie then went to live in a cottage in the Main Street of Hahndorf [no 7].  

Friedrich died on May 24, 1935.  Emilie then went to Iive with her son at Echunga where she passed away on April 19, 1951.  Both are buried in Hahndorf cemetery where their last resting places are marked by a tombstone.'

Authors Note:  'Bernhardt',  was Gustav Bernhardt LIEBELT b1884,

1st child of Friedrich LIEBELT and Marie MINKWITZ and married Mary Therese LOESER b1883.

                                          'Mr. E.E. LIEBELT',  was Emil Edwin LIEBELT b1893, 6th child and 6th son of Friedrich LIEBELT and Marie MINKWITZ


2nd son, 1st child, 6th child: Caroline Auguste LIEBELT

Caroline Auguste LIEBELT (1858-1945) married 11 August 1881 to Gustav Adolph MARTIN (1854-1932)

Liebelt Family History page 67.  "Caroline Auguste was born at Friedrichstadt on September 24, 1858.  At the age of 22 years on August 11, 1881, she married Gustav Adolph MARTIN in St Michael's Church, Hahndorf, Pastor STREMPEL conducting the service.  Gustave was a son of the blacksmith and wheelwright Heinrich Siegismund MARTIN and his wife Anna Dorothea born PANJAS.  Gustave was born on January 9, 1854.  Caroline and Gustav lived on a farm [section 3831 and part of 3833 of the Hundred of Onkaparinga] near Caroline's brother Gustav on the Hahndorf-Balhannah Road to the east of Hahndorf.  The old farmhouse was later demolished and replaced by a new building.  Gustave also operated the horse drawn coach which ran between Hahndorf, Grünthal and the Ambleside Railway Station.  

In 1913, he purchased four blocks of land in Lameroo in the Mallee where he established a wheel-wright and blacksmith business.  This land was sold in 1926 - part of the Lameroo shopping centre now stands on this land.  Gustav was also a councillor for a number of years.  After Gustav's death on April 30, 1932, Caroline retired to a house at Number 46, Church St, Hahndorf, where she lived until her death on August 10, 1945.  Both are buried in the Hahndorf Cemetery where their graves are marked by a tombstone."



Reverse: 'Mrs Gustav MARTIN'          Reverse:  Mr & Mrs Gustav MARTIN'           




2nd son, 1st child, 7th child: Johann August LIEBELT

Johann August LIEBELT 1860-1944 married 17 February 1888 to Ottilie Clara ALTMANN 1866-1939.

LFH page 70Liebelt Family History page 70.  'On November 30, 1860, Johann August was born at Friedrichstadt.  He married Ottilie Clara ALTMANN in St Michael's Church on February 17, 1886, Pastor STREMPEL conducted the service.   Ottilie Clara was a daughter of Johann Carl Joseph ALTMANN and his wife Johanne Louise born LIEBELT.  Johann August purchased part of section 3899 of the Hundred of Kuitpo from his cousin also Johann August LIEBELT [then of Parkside] in 1897.  The old homestead was added to in 1914.  The farm is now worked by August's son and grandson.  August died on October 4, 1944, and was buried alongside his wife, who died in 1939, in the Hahndorf Cemetery where a tombstone marks their grave.'





2nd son, 1st child, 8th child: Maria Louise LIEBELT

Maria Louise LIEBELT [1862-1937] married 27 April 1900 to Hermann August Edmund THIELE [1862-1941]

Photo from 'John MUELLER photo collection.'  27 April 1900, wedding day    Photo taken by Edmund DIEDERICH.       LFH page 71    Photo from 'John MUELLER photo collection.'  Reverse: 'Mr & Mrs Hermann THIELE, Venie & Huldie'  

Liebelt Family History page 71.  'Maria was born on April 26, 1862, at Friedrichstadt.  Here she grew up and received from her father part of section 3899, Hundred of Kuitpo.  The home built on the property still stands, the property is still owned by her elder daughter. Louise was married in St. Michael's Church at Hahndorf by Pastor STREMPEL on April 27, 1900.  Her husband was Hermann August Edmund THIELE, a son of Johann August THIELE and his wife Johanne Louise born THIELE.  August THIELE had emigrated on the 'Prince George'.  Hermann was born in Hahndorf on October 9, 1862.  Louise died suddenly on May 26, 1937, and was buried in the cemetery at Hahndorf.  Hermann passed away in the Royal Adelaide Hospital on July 11, 1941, and was buried next to his wife; their grave is marked by a tombstone.'

Photo from 'John MUELLER photo collection.'  Reverse: 'Venie & Hulda THIELE'.Photo was taken by Edmund DIEDERICH ca 1908.  .                                              Photo from 'John MUELLER photo collection'  Alwine Martha THIELE b1901.                    

Authors Note: They had two daughters, Alwine Martha known as 'Venie' and Hulda Maria who married Edwin Julius RODERT whose parents were Alfred Robert Julius RODERT and Emilie Selma BRAENDLER, and Emilie BRAENDLERS parents were Paul BRAENDLER [1850-1937] and Martha PAECH [1854-1939] from the 'Paechtown PAECH's.  Edwin's grandparents were Heinrich Julius RODERT [1840-1906] and Helene WILLEMER [1848-1921].

Part Section 3899, Hd of Kuitpo, house & bake oven visible from Liebelt Road, Echunga.

Photos by J Haynes, 2022



2nd son, 1st child, 9th child: Hermann Gustav LIEBELT

Hermann Gustav LIEBELT 1864-1951 married 6 February 1890 to Ilje Louise van der MOLEN 1865-1961

'Liebelt Family History Committee Collection'Liebelt Family History page 71.  'Hermann Gust LIEBELT was born on August 9, 1864, on the farm at Friedrichstadt.  He married Ilje Louise van der MOLEN in Adelaide, on February 6, 1890; the Rev. PLUNKETT officiated at the ceremony.  Louise was a daughter of Reinder Eppes van der MOLEN and Anna Dorothea born LIEBELT.  Gustav purchased parts of sections 3830 and 3828 of the Hundred of Onkaparinga in 1895 and he and Louise lived there for most of their married lives.  The old homestead has long since been demolished.  In later years they went to live in a house [now demolished] on the Princess Highway near the River Road at Hahndorf.  Gustave worked as a labourer in the Hahndorf district all his life.  Gustave passed away at Hahndorf on June 4, 1951; he and his wife are buried in the Hahndorf Cemetery where a tombstone marks their graves'. 






2nd son, 1st child, 10th child: Anna Bertha LIEBELT





Anna Bertha LIEBELT 1867-1944 & Carl Reinhold KRAMM 1866-1944. Their four children were no 1 Johann Heinrich KRAMM b1896, no 2 Alfida Elsa KRAMM b1898 married Otto SCHMEISS in 1925,  no 3 Emilie Ida KRAMM b1901 married Albert Ewald LIEBELT b1899 in 1929, they were 1st cousins,  no 4 Hermann Bernhardt KRAMM b1903 married Alwine Flora HENNIG in 1928.