Safe Rides

 336.278.RIDE (7433)

Safe Rides is a Designated Driver program at Elon university. This program helps prevent Elon's students from walking alone late at night by providing free rides within a one mile radius of campus. Safe Rides is a student led and operated organization where students volunteer as drivers, navigators or dispatchers. These volunteers give rides to students who are too intoxicated to operate a vehicle themselves or too intoxicated to walk home safely. 


The EV! (Elon Volunteers) organization is the head of the Safe Rides program. In order to volunteer for Safe Rides, students must sign up through EV!. The EV! office is in the Mosley Center at Elon University in room 203. To get involved, go to

History of Safe Rides

Safe Rides was founded in 1992 when Elon football player, Chad Macy, was killed in a car accident as a result of driving under the influence. Since this tragedy, students have donated money and volunteered for Safe Rides to support the "Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk" campaign. 

Safe Rides Hours of Operation

 Safe rides operates on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights from 10 pm to 2:30 am when school is in session.

Contact Safe Rides

Safe Rides services can be reached during operating hours by calling 336.278.RIDE (7433).

To volunteer: contact [email protected] 

Safe Rides at Elon University has a Facebook Page, and a Twitter account.