The Cottage at Blakey Hall    


     The Cottage at Blakey Hall is a residence that offers families the opportunity to provide their sick loved-ones with the proper care they may no longer be capable of providing. For many families, the stress and sorrow over not being able to effectively care for their elderly loved ones can be washed away upon walking through The Cottage doors. That is because The Cottage was developed to be a safe and comfortable sanctuary for its many residence suffering from varying degrees of Alzheimer’s. This disease entails a loss of memory that is so severe that it affects the daily life of the individual suffering from it. Patients and their families can feel a great sense of comfort and relief upon their arrival, knowing that because each individual living there has some form of this specific disease the expert caretakers working there fully understand how to care for and work with them.

     Daily life for a resident at The Cottage is very secure and supportive. On the front porch, rocking chairs are provided so residents can observe life in their surrounding area, there is also a pet cat, several small ponies, and goats that can all be easily accessed with proper help from an aid at a stable in the backyard of the building. On occasion, local elementary school children will stop by to pay the residents a visit as well. Many students from Elon University also volunteer at the Cottage frequently. Moving into the Cottage at Blakey Hall would provide sick and elderly loved ones a safe and very happy place to live.

501 Manning Avenue

Elon, NC 27244

(336) 506-2300