What do you know about 2250 Ann Arbor-Saline Road?
Parcel information from Loveland: https://makeloveland.com/us/mi/washtenaw/35041
The owner of the property in 2015 is Mirafzali Family LLC. Brad Moore of J Bradley Moore & Associates Architects is the architect of the proposed process.
5 December 2016. Ann Arbor City Council considers conditional rezoning from TWP to R4B (Multiple-Family Dwelling District). in item 16-0644, ORD-16-19, and item 16-1547, site plan.
9 September 2015. Item 15-1115. The Ann Arbor City Planning Commission hosts a public hearing on the development plan for this parcel. A proposal to annex this vacant 5.34 acre parcel from Pittsfield Township, zone it R4B (Multiple-Family Dwelling District) and construct one building containing 75 dwelling units, exercise room, community room and indoor pool. Footing drain disconnects, flooding, sump pumps, and (of course) traffic and football traffic concerns are topics of the discussion.
18 August 2015. City to annex condo development site on Ann Arbor-Saline Road, MLive.
17 August 2015. Item 15-0875. Ann Arbor City Council approves the annexation of this parcel into the city, but does not address the site plan.
21 July 2015. Item 15-0920. The Ann Arbor City Planning Commission takes up the question of development on this parcel. One of the questions under consideration is connectivity to the parcel via Lambeth Drive in the Lansdowne neighborhood for emergency access.
2 December 2014. Item 14-1708. 2250 Ann Arbor-Saline Road Annexation, Zoning and Site Plan at City Planning Commission.