Bel Mark Lanes bowling alley was located at 3530 Jackson Rd. The property was sold in 2022 and building was torn down and replaced with a Tesla dealership
The Tuesday cheap bowling ended 9/1/09. There will be all you can bowl on Monday and Friday from 10pm until 2 am. $6.95 per person + shoe rental. KS
Kids can bowl free; check the coupon signup on .
In the news
Bob Smoltz said his sons Marc and Craig will operate the alley. The family has owned and operated Ford Lanes in Dearborn Heights for five decades and over three generations.
- Bel-Mark Lanes owner seeks potential buyer: Bowling alley site prime location for big retailer, Ann Arbor Business Review, November 2008
In the meantime, co-owner Ron Cockfield emphasized the bowling alley will continue business as usual, including bowling leagues. Bel-Mark also offers charity poker seven nights a week.