Bird Hills Nature Area is on the north west side of Ann Arbor, north of M-14, east of Newport Road, south of Bird Road, and south-east of Huron River Drive. It is accessible from a small parking lot off of Newport Road, just north of M-14. There is also access from Beechwood Drive, just after Beechwood Drive crosses under M-14.
The nature area is lightly "improved" with paths, wood-chip trails, a few benches, and small bridges. It is not handicapped accessible.
Bird Hills Nature Area is closed to bicycles due to issues of erosion.
In the winter of 2016, Bird Hills was closed from late afternoon to morning on weekdays for a municipal deer cull.
Government Information
- Ann Arbor Department of Parks and Recreation - Bird Hills Nature Area
- Michigan State Government Department of Natural Resources - Bird Hills Nature Area
Other references
- Newport Road - parking available
- Beechwood Drive - small parking lot available
- Bird Road
- Down Up Circle
According to the city, there is a trail from the Barton Nature Area where parking is available.
Pedestrian Access
Pedestrian Access is available from Newport Road, where there should be a nearby AATA Route 13 bus stop. However, the bridge carrying Newport Road over M-14 isn't very wide and not pedestrian friendly.
Pedestrian access is also available from Beechwood Drive, although it's a long hike from any nearby AATA bus routes. AATA Route 13 at Sunset Road and Brooks Street is probably the closest to this.