Unrelated to Circle K (organization)
Convenience store and gas station. Located at Packard Street at Stadium Boulevard.
1420 East Stadium Boulevard Ann Arbor, MI 48104-4410
Open 24 hours.
Alleged to carry donuts from Dexter Bakery (unconfirmed).
Corporate home site: http://www.circlek.com/
Neighborhood web site: https://sites.google.com/site/a2circlekconcernedneighbors/
Plans for redevelopment
The developers of the Circle K Gas Station project at 1420 East Stadium have scheduled a citizen participation meeting for Tuesday, March 4, 2014 from 6-8 pm in the Pittsfield branch of the Ann Arbor District Library (2359 Oak Valley Drive). Preliminary plans for the Circle K project involve demolition of the existing gas station and construction of a new gas station/convenience store. The project will also involve rezoning a part of the parcel from P(Parking) to C3 (Fringe Commercial). (from the Citizen Participation postcard)
As of 28 February 2016, the current proposed site plan filed with the City of Ann Arbor Planning Department, via etrakit.
On June 19, 2017, the Ann Arbor City Council considered the Circle K Site Plan after approval by the City Planning Commission.