Nelson Meade County Farm Park is a park run by the Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Department. It is located at the corner of Washtenaw Avenue and Platt Road.
Car parking is available from the main entrance off of Platt Rd., as well as a small lot off of Medford Rd. just south of Manchester Rd. There is also a non-motorized entrance from the multi-use path on Washtenaw Avenue, and one at Dorchester Rd and Towner Blvd., near Allen Elementary School. On AATA Route 4.
Trails on the site include Parcour exercises.
Project Grow uses the land for gardening.
Two Pavilion/Shelters available on a first-come, first-serve basis and may not be reserved. The Pavilion also has restrooms available during the non-winter months.
There are dog waste stations at each of the parking areas, though the supply of bags is sometimes exhausted.
Rather large play structure, with some smaller out buildings, and a rope climber. Swings, accessible swing and infant swing; there is also a small sandbox at the far end of the play structure near the swing set. Playground is close to Pavilion restrooms.
main structure 2014-02-09 Photo: Ryan Burns
small structures 2014-01-12 Photo: Ryan Burns
List of Playgrounds | To report maintenance needs, email [email protected]
Urban Edibles
There are various edible nuts and berries throughout the park. The park's website states: "Edible nuts and berries may be sampled, but may not be collected in bulk and removed from the park."
This 141 acres of county land was bought from Claudius Britton in 1836 for $1200. A poor house and insane asylum was built in 1837 and used until 1917 when a brick hospital was constructed and named the Washtenaw Infirmary. The infirmary stood until 1967 when it was ordered to be closed or modernized. In 1972, the infirmary was vacated (and eventually razed) and Project Grow began using 8 acres of land for their gardens. The Parcour exercise trail was constructed in 1976 (the fitness equipment was replaced in 2000). In 1991, the Meri Lou Murray Recreation Center opened in the northeastern corner of County Farm Park, where the infirmary stood years ago.
The park was named after Nelson K. Meade, who had served on the county Parks Commission for more than 40 years.
- Wikipedia: County Farm Park