Eastern Highlands Apartments is an apartment complex in Ypsilanti Township at 1266 LeForge Road, Ypsilanti, MI​.

In the news


Jailed Ypsilanti landlord David Kircher’s largest property has a new owner after the sale closed last week.

court appointed bankruptcy agent sold the multi-family apartment complex known as Eastern Highlands for $1.21 million to Capital Investment Company, LLC of Ann Arbor. The sale closed Wednesday.


            An investigation conducted by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality's Office of Criminal Investigations, the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Criminal Investigation Division, Ypsilanti Township officials, and the Ypsilanti Township Police Department determined that from October 12-14, 2004, Kircher, the owner of Eastern Highlands Apartments in Ypsilanti, instructed his employees to pump between 75,000-100,000 gallons of untreated sewage from a sewer line into a storm drain that ultimately discharged into the Huron River.  Those providing testimony in the case included Ypsilanti Township employees, an E. coli expert from Michigan State University, and two young boys who became violently ill after unwittingly ingesting the sewer water.