Linda Diane Feldt (1959 - ) is a teacher, holistic health practitioner, writer, Huron River advocate, and a graduate of Community High School.
Web site with articles on herbology, cranialsacral therapy, polarity therapy, alternative health care
Twitter feed on wildcrafting, foraging, local plants, wild food and medicine, herbology
Former blogger for search under wildcrafting or Linda Diane Feldt
Teaches free herbal wisdom classes for the People's Food Co-op usually the third Tuesday of the month, (check Co-op for Nov. and Dec. classes holiday scheduling).
- TT with HD: Linda Diane Feldt, Teeter Talk, June 2008
News references
- Linda Diane Feldt stories on
- Linda Diane Feldt stories on Ann Arbor Chronicle
- Linda Diane Feldt stories in Heritage Media newspapers
- Linda Diane Feldt stories in the Google News archives