The November 2012 General Election had a myriad of races, all the way from President of the United States on down.

List of candidates and proposals

The Washtenaw County Clerk and Register of Deeds maintains a list of all proposals and candidates for each office.

Election results

When results are in, the Washtenaw County election results page will have them. The site also has statewide results back to 1980 and countywide results back to 1999.

Sample ballots

Your ballot will likely look different from any one of these samples, unless you happen to live precisely where the sample comes from.

In some cases, an individual precinct will have multiple ballots assigned to it, where precinct lines do not line up with other election boundaries.

Ann Arbor District Library board

Five candidates are on the roster, and the four of them that were incumbents were re-elected.

In the news: interviews with prospective board members (Ann Arbor Journal)

Sylvan Township Board

In the news: Chelsea Standard, 16 Oct 2012: ELECTION PREVIEW: Newcomers seek board seats in Sylvan Township; incumbent supervisor, trustee square off