Peninsular Apartments is a 186-unit, 481-bedroom apartment complex on the site of the former Peninsular Paper factory on the northwest side of Ypsilanti. The privately-owned student-oriented housing faces Huron River Drive and the Norfolk-Southern railroad tracks to the south, and the Huron River to the north; Leforge Road divides the apartments' two quads.

The complex was built in 2004-2005 and occupied in September of 2005. The project was initially granted approximately 1.5 million dollars in tax increment financing incentives, spread over several years, to assist in the clean-up and reuse of the brownfield property. In March of 2006, after the project was completed and occupied, Edwards Communities, the developer of the Peninsular Apartments, came before Ypsilanti City Council to seek an additional half million dollars in tax abatements. The City denied this request.

Peninsular Place Apartments, as viewed across Huron River Drive. The preserved paper plant smokestack is visible in the middle of the western quad. Also, time-traveling cars.


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