SRT Solutions -- download vcard

SRT Solutions provides software mentoring, consulting, and development. We build software for mobile, web and desktop applications for a variety of industries. With technology expertise ranging from iOS to Android, .NET to JVM, and Python/Django to Ruby on Rails, we choose technology based on what fits best in our customers' environments.

Phone: (734) 929-3211
Address: 206 S. Fifth Ave, Suite 200
Handicap access:
Owner: Dianne Marsh & Bill Wagner
Established: 1999

SRT hosts several user group meetings, free meetings open to the public with a range of speakers, to support continuous learning, including:

Ann Arbor Computer Society - 1st Wednesday of each month at 6 pm

Ann Arbor .NET Developer Group - 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6 pm

Ann Arbor Scala Enthusiasts - 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6 pm

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